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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 iii 1? EVALIIATION OF SOVIET BESEA8C8 IN,TBE FIELDS OF PABAN08MAL BE8AVI08 AND UNCONVENTIONAL HIINAN BIOPHYSICS. FINAL BEPOST , MABCB, 1975 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) lp)l~~ ) (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 'G' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) I. C08T8AC?ED OBJECTIVES II. GEHEBAL COHSIDEBATIOHS III. METHODOLOGY APPLI$D I9. TINBTABLE OF flP88ATI0HS 9. IHTSBVIEW SY80PSSS VI. II.S. STATE-OF-THE-A8T VII. SOVIBT STATE-OF-T88-AST VIII. DISCIISSIOH AND I~SPLICATIOHS Ia. BIBLIOG8AP8Y A8D 88FESEHCES (b)(1) , (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) I. C08TBdCTBD OSJBCTIVBS (b)(1) (b)(3) . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 ( As stated is Contractor's proposal dated May 23,1974} The purpose of the contract was to determine the true extent of Soviet research is the fields of parapsychology and paraphysics. A special emphasis was made oa the possibility to identify that research which is directly supported by the Soviet government. (b)(1) (b)(3) The project was eupected to yield a list of laboratories, scientists and personnel associated with such research in the Soviet IIaion sad, if possible, is some of the countries of Easters Euroge. It :vas also specified that as attempt will be made to outline the, managerial lines of authority including the ez.teat of caordinaL-ioa between laboratories or scientists and governmental agencies. A parallel goal within the lama framework wasp contracted as sa analytical and evaluative description of the research befag con- ducted at the above ideatifiad laboratories. Specifically, that part had to be concentrated oa Soviet, official definition of the research areas; Levels of priority and personnel related to the project; Ezteat of material support sad the qualitg of research iavolvad is each project; Raowa target dates far completitoa of progrsms. The following areas of research were to be iaclnded is the evaluative sad analytical part of the project Human-hoses commuaicatioas achieved by other than normal sensory mechanisms. That included research on ezperimeatal paradigms that use preternatural seas~ory modalities with subjects able to communicate by mesas of heightened normal sensitivities; Aegaisitioa of information by gifted subjects from nonhuman (e.g. graphic) targets or printed materials; Training of the two abilities (above} is *~oagifted or slightly gifted subjects; Laboratory techniques developed to gursue such training. Specificallp,possible use of operant coedit{oning, bio- feedback, electro-sleep and SEF moaitioriag; Testing iastr umeats (psychological,psychiatric,psychomotor, psychophysiological,dermatoglyphic,ete} befag considered or used to cull from large oooulations potertis~l subjects. (b)(1) .. ~. ~:.:; :: ~ l~R~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 II. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 ~~FI5~1{T~L ( Parts of the following material have bees stated is Contractor's proposal aad is the Interim Reports) (b)(1) (b)(3) While a considerable iaterest is parapsychological research has been consistea~~.y reported is relation to Soviet IIaioa (Eboa,l9!]., Srippaer ~ Davidsoa,l972, $zippaer b Sickmaa,1974,_McGarey,1977.., Boss, 1971,1974, Ostrander b Schroader;1971,1974, Tiller;1972 ), the si.tua- tion there is this respect is quite complicated. The Soviet governmental system is usually identified with as eztremely sober aad realistic approach toward nay scientific endeavor. The Soviet political system also demands froae everybody a strict coor- diaatioa of ideological or scientific thinking with party palicg. Oa the other hand, parapsychology is as area of scientific invcstigatioa where as uauaual amount of open-mindedness aad of veatsresome thinking is required per se. Therefore, as upsurge of popular andlor scientific iaterest in parapsychological research is Soviet IIaion could mesa many things. It may,of course, rnpreseat a tolerant attitude of as evolutiaL communist elite is eoatemporary Soviet society. Yet this gossibility conflicts vith quite a few official declarations of pgl.icy directed at Soviet scientists, (official reviews of Saass1,197 ; A. Saexhasvsky's introduction to Prokop,l971;~ etc). 1 It may also be rooted is a strategic need to integrate sFaataaeoe:s research of bold scientists and eves laymen into the ideological. comp lex of the communist society, (&hokhlov,19G8).~' It may as well be nothing else but a skillful operation eaf KIIR to entrap sad monitor potentially dissident scientists who are srar- chiag foz as alternative to the official ideology. But it may also be a complez strategy of misinformation directed at the Western world, while the inner resources of selected laborato- ries sad highly qualified scientists would be coordinated sad carpe~lsed is an intensive pursuit of concrete apglicatians of paraps~rchnlogicsl phenomena to the military, intelligence or d3verRioaary goals and parA- digms. It is the latter possibility that has :regua lately to emerge with an alarming degree of reality. At the same time, the coaveatioaal aveanes to verify the actual state of these affairs, like e.g. as evaluative: studg by s panel of qualified Western eeelentists is simply not agpilcab+e here. First of all, the control of sensitive scientific iaformat3on was always very high is the 'Soviet IIaion. As a mattex of fact re~e:rd , the dissipation of a~ scientific iaformatica in such a way th.^t it would reach the i~esi:Ara world is punishable by Criminal Coda. +:s s result not Daly most of tze Soviet scientific reportn are quite difficult to evaluate or replicate is the West, but even so-called "professional" .;ontacts with Soviet scientists era for all practical purposes ut~reliab].a (b)(1) (b)(3) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) Thus, scientific reports and data from Soviet Uaioa that have reached Western world are either the result of a careful screening, editing and a subsequent release by trusted Soviet ceaaars, or are artifacts manufactured for Western consumption by highly-trained "operatives" from the Department of Scientific Intelligence within F G8 . All that is especially valid for the material is thQ field of parapsychology or paraphysica. As a coasequeace, the reports available is the West are diffuse, uadetailed, data are presented is very general terms, barely enough for a summary that lacks precise references to the methodology,dasiga, analyses or evea? type of subjects. Specif.icallg, the amount of information related to research groups, project topics or financial support is virtually aoa-existent. Aad that has aggravate d is the recent years, when as obvious veil of secrecy has been put around the official attitude of Soviet scientific community toward the research of paranormal. At the same time, oa this side of Iron Curtain, a wave of popular superstitions has risea,oa the crest of which so many "experts? is parapsychology succeeded to rids and profit. A few of them. had some relationship with psychologg,medical,cliaical or evea social, bat parallel with their efforts, a tremendous development of large scale commerciali~aatioa of "pay phenomena "ia form of pamphlets,aatholo- gies, anti-scientific periodicals; do-it-yourself manuals, courses at the community colleges taught by professional practitioners, semi- nars oa exorcism, etc, has subataatially obscured the field. Generally speaking, is the fields of parapsychology and pars-- physics, =he traditional Western distinction between the approach of a common ~aa and that of a trained acieatis~ is being largely lost upon la~ea and self-styled researchers that are operating as ?sciea- tists" iz that still controversial area of scientific investigation. Ia view of all that, our opinion was that s straightforward scholarly assessment of Soviet research is parapsychology and garaphysics oa the basis of traditional academic comparison with reports sad data available elsewhere, world be quite difficult sad probably inconclusive. A different strategy was therefore selected for the project. (b)(1) (b)(3) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 -~A@~F{~E~FTtA~ (b)(1) (b)(3) t-, ' ~ ~~- '~ ;: 's: e (b)(1) .. ~b)~3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 ~F#Ttlt' (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) ( Parts of the materia state be ow were outlined is Con~ractor's proposal and is the Interim Reports ) The selected strategy and related methodology were based upon. the following operational considerations To determine the true ezteat of Soviet research is the fields of parapsychology and paraphysics, the project had to be regarded as a complez of intelligence operations rather thaw simple scientific iaquirp. From that point of view, it appeared that wader existing circumstances the most reliable information pertaining to the objectives of the pro- je~t could and should be obtained directly from the individuals who are involved or have been engaged is the Soviet research wader iavesti- gatioa. . But to imglemeat those operational goals, i.e. to establish a working contact with both groups, sad then to evalsate collected data, the iaveatigstors had to be equipped with as intimate knowledge of Soviet society specifically of the =e:tality and psychology prevailing is a semi-dissident scientific community; a professional traiaiag is ezperimeatal psychology, especially is analytic methodology, is design and control of complex experiaeats; a aubstaatial traiaiag is ezperimeatal parapsycholopr4, that is, is controls, definitions, coacep*_s, problems and paradigms specific for that field; traiaiag and ezperieace is establishing confidential contacts with foreign nationals, especially with those who are living fa a politically or oparatioaally sensitive situation; a background and ezperieace is obs~rviag the basic rules of security and confidentiality to protect personnel, is=ormatioa and the sutborities involved; multilingual abilities for a direct collecrioa sad evaluat3oa of data, as well as for the analyses of original material. It was possible to adopt the outlined strategy because the combination of abilities described above vas to as adequate extent represented is the personnel selected for the project. (b)(1) . (b)(3) . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) At the first, immediate aad realistic stage of the project iaformatioa had to be collected from former Soviet citizens who is one way or other had bees involved or had been is contact with the research fields is question. After a brief prelimiaar stud oteatial sources of that (b)(1) type have bees detected (b)(1) (b)(3) It has also become evident that oa the path to detect potential (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) eoatarts within the Soviet IIaioa, there may be some operational gala to establish direct and personal communication with some of the T~iest European research groups that have bees engaged is a professional liasoa with Soviet scientists. To obtain auxiliary guidelines for prospective interviews, documents sad literature fa v:rious languages, published sad uapuh- lished, aad related to the fields of investigation were scanned is search of names aad addresses of persoaael aad/or laboratories. This iaformatioa was also planned to be as aid for the initial double-check of the data to be collected. ue to the voluminosity of the material, computerized files (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) ad to be created aad the input routines programmed by the Contractor specificall for the ro act. The rofessionsl staadia of the Coa-~ tractor allowed for a coaplete control an a cos i eatia has ing o as eventually massive slots a of data fa form of Contractor's rivate files oa disc All these arras emeats were made with) (without involving is any way is the rationale of the research project as a iae y t e contract. All provisions for the recording, iadeaiag or analysis of data obtained solely on grounds of Contractor's position with the were toeally unrelated to the contracted activity. (b)(1) would be subsequently satiated is the project. B u i the summer (b)(3) Most have as established rocedure for approval of great propose s. Tha procedures at is questic involved at lease 7 departments aad a substantial sum er o persoaael It was decided that the field part of the project will be carried out aad completed during the summer moathR of 1974. The decision was based on the following months for the field part, the project was kept (b)(1) suthorit the "overhead" exgeases sad a technics coatro o t e (b)(3) project were eliminated. The activity of the team $f ter October lst, however, was limited to week-ends or after-officehours aad that has greatly stowed down the ~pac~ of the analytical work. (b)(1) (b)(3) . _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 T?.AIIdi.JG PROvRA:'JS TESTS OF PSY A3ILIT:35 SUBJzCTS ? SrZsCTI OAi rJOT S'.CRET A-1iD 0P31T TO u'c-`J~1L PU3LI C is a a . ~. .. .. RtT'r':OC73:iITI01T ~ T=...['.r'?A:~`Y/:'RA1TS:4ISSI?~J OF '::-iDL*C'cIT PP,EC03'Ji T IV?, CLAIRVCYAVCE~ RE AT= '~JDI~=CZY -0 fl'" ~ESA~CFi PHILOSC?:;Y OF PSY/ PSY APPLICATIO!1TS ~~ PSY ACCL^.4L'I.ATORS PSYC:i0:4ETRY PSYCH OiGI:J~ I S PAE000::I :'I ON /~ PR:.C03:::TIVE T1.~AT:iY A"JI ti1AL PSY ~- ACUPLfiJCTTJ'.E ANTI GRA~'I'"`! ASTR03IOLOGY 9I OPLASiZA 9P.AI!1i AND PSY CLAIRVOYANCE-- Dz?"'JATCGLYPYI CS DO'S I y3 DRUGS ANU PSY EEG AVD PSY ^:T?.AS'r.~JSORY PROJECTIO:J G~1TE'.AL T~E03Y OF PSY ~ H0:*ING HYPNOSIS APJD PSY KIRI.IA?J T~C:i:ITIOVE ~ :'lEDI L*SS'd I P ~' METHODOLOGY OF PSY .?.EScARC.?i :JIND-i4ATTr~"-i DIC80T0.'~!Y NON-VISUAL LI G:~T PERC~T*_ 0:1T (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 43 s~ 55 6E caL*TI ~;J CC1i T L^.JT RcZATES TO G0+7ar?*J:Ss-~TTAL CO:JT3CL :iAS A :{G3 OR 'IILITA?Y 3A:~ie{ Ai,J'OC~JIC TRAS:JIiJG (b)(1) (b)(3) _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) SO'.J:?CES R~ ~ ~1TCEa I~) TriE LISTIt~dGS 3V?' tJOT D'SCRISir*J LTt1DER THA: SPECIFIC CODE IY DATA SETS * L- t YALMOV, ;..K. A:dD VIL&1i5:{AYA, L. V. 1970 :dOSCO'+f SV SOVIET 8I3LIOGRAPi~Y ON PSYCsI0r.1t1riGETI CS, VSfJP:?S 5555?, 3/28 /T2, :J?I S, VA. A FEyT ,VAF4F5 RrZATED TO I NTtr-'.VI ir~TS * L-2 JOL~lNAL OF PARAPNYSICS DII'~dTOY ~7GLAhD EDS.:9.itE'.H~T,Z.BFJDAK,V.G.ADA.rI~T.?CO ET AL,'riu^c:PAP.APHYSICA:. LA30RATOQY "RVSSIA:i JO[.*~,yAL IN TrIE WEST' * L-4 ZI!~iC:;3h1K0,LE0NTIEV,LO:~lOV,LUP.IA 19T3 :tOSCOW SV GVIDE-LETT~ P.'~RAPS'C~tOLOGY:rICTION 03 R~ITY,PR03L~~35 OF P:~ILOSOPrFY 1973 I*JDICATIOY OF TRE:7D (b)(1) (b)(3) V'v.ii ;~~? ?~y (b)(1) (b)(3) . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) C0:4P*JTE''. F I:.~S CREATED A:?JD FROG?A`3:4ED F0?. TH.. . OSECT FILE PS?3EC0?.D ti FACILITIES INT~VIzaS P ~S ONNEL .?.;..L.CODE.S LI 7103ATL':'.~E 3I 9LI 0 SOL'3CES ORGANI tATI G:1?S I1T FACILI TI .S D~CRI3E. FILE NAB:=: ?SYRECORD 3=COED 2 DATA RAS=: .'.sCI?.ITI~ C?.=ATED: DECD 3~ 23, 1974 12:36 ?.i4. LAST L'PDA- r': :1ARCa 3, 19TS 7:31 P.I. CO:JTAINS: 22 ?03-C::A.=.ACT~~.J'iRI S (b)(1) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 ~~ ~L1~ l ii~L FILE i1TA:4?: PSY3:CORD E=CO?D 3 DATA 3ASE: I*1T~V2.:'S CREATED: :?IA?C3 3, 1975 b:4ra P.M. LAST L*PDATED: :2ARCli 3, 1975 6:41 P.:I. COIJTAIi75: 23 2Q'8-CiIA.?ACT~ .^.~1TRI L5 FIELD :NAME wI DTd MODE ------------------------------- 1: COUNTRY 7 CHARACT'r~. 2: DATE 11 CI:ARACT~ 3: PLACE I1 CHA?ACTE? 4: CODE 4 CHAP.ACT~ 5: NA'IEDATA 31 CHAP.ACTE3 6s AL.?:~ADATA 72 CrIARACTER 7: RELCODES 36 CI;ARACT~ 8: CO:L~:_"'a.ITS 36 CHAp.ACT= EITTRI ES A?F.:dOT SORTED IN PERSOi4^1.'3. (b)(1) (b)(3) DESCRIBE ' FILE NA:4E: ?:YRECO.?.D ~EC~~D 4 DATA aASE: ?~ SO:J~t::. CREATED: :~?C3 3, 1975 I:13 P.:~I. LAST UPDATE: * 3, 1x75 3:54 P.:I. CO:JTAINS: 113 2Z3-CiiA.~AC':EE ~iT3IS 1 : FIELD ?i.:`:E aID: i COL':d"Y 7 's40DE C::AP.ACT 3 2 : CITY 9 C:-IA?AC T 3: SOL~C 5 CfiARACT= 4: CODE 4 Cu-A?ACTE3 5: NA."lEDa':"A 39 GriA.RACT~ 6: ALP:3ADi.TA T2 C:;A.gAC i 7s RrZC07ES 35 C.LIARACTE?. $: CO-~l:1_7TS 35 CrIA?AC:'~^~ L 1T3I ES A': MOT 50.RTED ter- -._ __ (b)(1) (b)(3) ' _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 FILE :tA:Ir.: PSYRECORD RECORD 5 DA'"A SASE: ?3.CODES C:?EaTED: DEC~13E.? 23, 1974 3:28 P.2d. LAST UPDATED: :lARCrt 2, 1975 3:52 P.:?i. C0~1TAI:JS: 4? 64-CdAr~ACTER ~'1TT?I'cS FIELD 11Ayl E 4TI DT.i :LODE ------------------------------- ls CODE 3 INTEGER 2: ALPHADATA 61 CHARACT~ (b)(1) (b)(3) FIL:: *~lA:r1E: ?SYFIFCORD RECOflD 6 DATA 8A5 E: LIT=.ATUP.E CP~3ATED: :.Er~13~ 28, ~ 1974 8:23 P.s. LAST U?DAT=]: DEC~'13~ 3z, 19Ta 5:29 P.:4. co~rTAir;s: T1 223-C:iA?.ACT:? ~tTRiES FI 3.D ::A.'4E tlI DT:z yIODE ------------------------------- 1: COL~:?1'f3? 7 CHARACTs'? 2: CITY 9 C:3AP.ACT~ 3: TYPE T CHAP.ACT~? a: CODE 4 CciArZAC:' 5: NA:I~TA 3? CiiARACT 5: AL?:~+.ji;TA ?2 C'dAr~ACT~ 7: 8: r~.Ei.COD.=S 36 ~.AiRACT~~R C0~"d`s^tTS 36 C~IAPACT~ EgTRi r5 ASE *IOT SO?TED I :J LITERATURE DESCRI3E (b)(1) (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) FILE ;JAM PSY:?EC08D ~ECOR~ ? /ATA SASE: 3I3LI0 Ct'.~A,TED: :~ARC:3 2, 1975 2:3a P.M. LAST VPDATEO: :KAI?C+Y 2, 1975 3:17 P.:4. CONTAI~fS: 167 235-C:iA~ACT~ c:1fTQIES FI 2D NA:^!S WI DTrE t~20DE ! s AUZ':~iO~S T2 C.*;Af3ACTER? 2: TITLE T2 ~iARACTER 3: ALPHAJATA 72 CiIARACT~ 4: CITY 9 CHARACT~ 5: Y.sA.?. 4 ~iARACT~ 6: 3II.COD:S 59 C:sARACTI~ ~TT'.IES A?E NOT S0?.Tr~ I*1 SOL*?C=a DESC3ISE BATA 3ASE: SO[J~CES C?~LTr."7s : -~.?.L~A?Y 2S, 1975 6:55 P.:I. LAST LTPCATE]: Fx.~' 3UA?Y ?3, 1975 5:55 P.:1. C0:7: AI iJS : 34 21 1-C:iA.?A.~.T~ &1T?~1I r.S i : NA`':E~ATA T2 C:;A?ACT'~? 2: ALP~:A:rsTA T2 C:IA.3ACT~.RR 3: CI :?: 9 CRA?ACT~t 4: Ar'~..CO~ES SS C:-iF1RACTE3 (b)(1) (b)(3) - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) IN ORGAtJI~ATIOVS DATA 8A5~: ORGA'1iI.:ATI09iS C?.~T~: FE3RVARY 28, 1975 6:48 P.?s. L.1ST VPDAT,:,D: M.A.~C.`I 1, 1975 8:29 P.:~I. CONTAINS: 24 211-CFiA.~ACT~T E1iTRIES FI 3.D NAME LaI DTY MO DE ------------------------------- 1: NA`i"7ATA ~ 72 CeIA RACT 2: ALP'r1ADATA 72 CsiA RACT~ 3: CITY 9 C'e~tA RACT~r:~. 4: RrZCOD'sS 58 CHA RACT~ (b)(1) (b)(3) ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 I9. TIMSTABLB OF OF88,ATIONS ~...,.,.a,?- . ~?'a? (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) ( Parts of the material stated below were outlined is the Interim Reports ) Timetable of operations, Juae 28-July 29, 1974 (b)(1) (b)(3) Flight plan finalized and seats reserved. Arrcagemsata to secure a normal functioning of home and family affairs during the 45 days period of overseas operations have been worked out and eventually met. personnel and laboratories started. (b)(1) Computer files created and stored oa disc. (b)(3) Ia a.meetiag with Project officers, the technical details of planned overseas operations were coordinated and approved. . (b)(1) (b)(3) Trav=? schedule and timetable of interviews July 29 - September 12, 1974 (b)(1) (b)(3) _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 i(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(3) ~!~A t'r ' ~ii~ ~ ~ (b)(1) (b)(3) Over 25 hours of auditory tapes with recorded iaterviews were the result of overseas operations. The primary data is form of 24 taped iaterviews aad 2 summaries of aoa-recorded conferences, were audited aad transcribed in the original language by the Contractor is order to be used is the evaluatiaa process. From these transcripts, synopses were created for al-1 relevant iaterviews. The craatioa aad reporting of these synopses was not sgeci- fied is the contract, but is the opinion of the Contractor, tha iafor- matioa contained is the synopses might serve a useful purpose dufiag that per=cd of time when the primary data will undergo the grocess of traascri~~ioa aad translation by the Contracting Agency. Tha complete aad unedited primary data were copied oa 4-track tape, interspersed with auditory signals indicating the sequence of iaterviews aad ?aith brief introductory comments oa each recording. The resulting reels of tape were seat to tha Project Officers by certified mail oa December 28, 1974. Data from traasnri~ts were then used to load the files at the as private iafarmatioa storages of the (b)(1) oatractor. (b)(3) Partial outputs fro.:. tha file "Interviews" are iaeluded in this section of the $eport. (b)(1) (b)(3) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 ~~(3~ Next 8 Page(s) In Document Denied Q Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) Within the scope cf thin project, there is relatively little tkas should aad could ae aaiZ coaceraiag research i:: parapsychology on tha territory o~ tae Uaite3 States. And that is becausa the rarapsschological rrsEarr_h is this .:o?:a=ry is so insignificant is the volume aad so prir:itive is the pro- fessional techniques apglied. The main body of Americaa researchers has bees reared in philoso- phical and methodological traditions completely alien to aad fully incompatible with tha theory and practice of pazapoychc+logy. While thera has 3cea Iateiy as ups:trge of popular iaterest is parapsychology aad even score semblance of its acceptaace'by a few scieati.fic societies, t:~e surface of the challenge was 3arely scratched. And the relative tolerance of parapsychology as a can- didate for tha +roatier area of psychology is indeed a very anti phenomenon. A density pattern of Americaa pablications ia~~tha area of parapsg- chology is included is this $ectioa. Tha choi..e of literatura was mainly deteraiaed ~y the goal of this project aad is centered around publications related to research logics is ezperiaeatal para~-spcho- logy or to the ?hilasophy of Parapsychology as a ae:r area of sc=es- tific eadaavor. Yet the sample nevertheless seems to ba characteris- tic for the fiald as 4 whole. *he suggestion yielded by the density pattern that the apswing of iaterest is parapsychology has ~~Evua with the end of sixties is indirectly supported also by other sources (Chance,I373; Harvilik,l973; grippaer o E~ckmaa,l9?4; Krippaer 4 Rabia,1S74; :~ass,l9?~-; Astraader b Schroeder,1S74,ecr_). As a matter of tact, 3s recent as mid-sixties, the overhelrs~!ag atcitnde of II& scientific media coaceraiag parapsychology wse openly stated is 1=adiao gublicatioas as .: firm conviction that the whole field i3 aothizb alse but a comr~erciali.zed, skilfully staged hoax (fisssei, 1965/LS version/ aad 197Q!Soviet pi:blicatica/). di..^,traught rsrer.t3 of functionalist origin, raised by pgotistial personality of i7atson oa sire skimmed mil;c of beh$vioral manifesto, . J two important fac*_ors rendered this bias practically iae?sitable~? - tha roots of der?caa eaperiseatal psychology aad the rootR of American axperimeatcl parapsychology. American experiaeat~:1 Fs9chology, a aeurozic :hild,bora is C'sicsgo ;`1r~ anything alse :ar *,erar;;ychology but a greet deal of aaxiaty. J ~ .. Gr, iu wcrrle~ o:. Car]. Rogers (Rice Symposi*sm,195=~) :"(~,~...~ricsa psychologists) rs??: germi.tted the world of psychologica:~ sc=area to be aazrowed t^ '~ehavior observed, sosads emit*_ed, aar.~ta scratched on t~ba ti.per, sad t?~e like....". ?srap.yc;z~~l..,;_a7. phenomena wool:: =..r?:iy f. t? into these categori:s. (b)(1) rhea trained os nuitirl_ sc:~eaules of reiaroscpmeat fa a social ~~ atmosphere tormznted by tec::aologi.:al progress, - could r_~,or gave _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 US STATE-OF-TAE-98T (coatiaued) (b)(1) (b)(3) On the other head, Americas eaperimeatal parapsychology sever succeded to free itself from the stigma of "research oa survival" with which it came into being is this country,(Rhia~,1934,e) or from the aura of spiritualism aad methaphysical eadesvvrs to which it was eoasisteatly licked by popular ~piaioa (Rhiae,l934,b). The only professional group of researchers is parapsychology is some way affiliated with s IIaiversity was Shine's laboratory is Durham. But the relationship was always very complex, led to as estraagameat of Rhine's group oa the West Campus aad h:.s ceded is early sizities is mutual bitterness sad total rupture. The list of parapsychological organ:zatioas is the w'+sstera hemi- sphere,which is included is this sactiea, yields 19 groups residing is US. No one of these associations ~s directly or evc:a closely related to say serious scientific institution or university. The high-souadiag titles of "academies? or "institutes" do sot chaa~;~ much,siace the fact remains that the personnel lists v~ +theso gro?~~s do not contain one siagla nama~of.a highly reputable sc=c~atist, with credentials widely acceptable to.Americaa scientific media. US periodicals related to the field of parapsychological research. {list is included is this section), cr+~saat the s~ situation. Out of 24 main periodicals is that field is US, na =ne is a fully recognized journal of any scientific stature. At the same time, the stream of receaL publications is tLa field of parapsychology is mainly supported by popularized wirte-?sps by semi-professionals. Among the Americas authors of pablieatioas related to the field uadar iavestigatioa,(list is ?acludad is this sectiaa),very f era are researchers per se. Basically, they are either. iou;aalists, 'zploitiag a fad is the popular mood,CEbo:~,1971;Haasel, 1970; Boy,1965; *_sccarey,l972; Ostrander sad Schroeder, 1971,a;1971, b; 1974,a;1974,b; etc), or self-style3 investigators :eportiag some minimal a=hievemaats is iastrumeatatioa-or is statisit:cal~iaterpre- tation,GDaviae,i970; Honortoa,1970; 8y:1,1966;etc), or,in the last few years, part-timers ia'parapsychology s:ho teach or research is soma "boaafide" a.ea of science aad oa a parallel, s~emf-official , track are iaveati;atiag parapsychological pheaamaas,(8ilner,1965: Srippaer S Fersh,1971; Srippaer S Bubia,la73; Morris,I9?3; Z:oss, 1974; Moss A Johasoa,1972;Schmeidler,l9o5,1973; ScL.meidler ~ Craig, 1972; Schwarx,1972; Tart,1969;Ullmaa s 7:rippaer,19r0;7i1mSL,Krfp- paer sad Vaughaa,l973; Vas de Castle,1974; Worral et +tl, 13i0 }. The background sect fields of research of a very fek? ?r,sfzsstoaat parapsychologists is the United Stet's era available from almoRt am sizeable Uaiverstty Library. The following aumbera is rile list of Americas authors is thiasection will indicate researa':ers whose coatributioa to Sze field of experimea*_al parapsych~logy,or to fire general t:ieory ut parapsychological i7heacrsaaa eauld aeri+ a ;.lasEr , atteatioa ~7; ~ 11; # 12; # 23; # ~i; ~ 53; ~ 68; ~ 74; '~ 75; ~ 78; ~ 113; 9 115; f 134; ~ 135; ~'s3a; :~ 152; ~ 155; ~ .58. (b)(1) (b)(3) . - ... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 V.S. STATE-OF-Trl -ART 0.?.GA:dIZATI QEdS I:+f '*riE MTEST~N H=~tI SP:-ICE R=_L' .ATED TO T:3E FI ~.D L*11DE3 I:?JV STI GATT Obi ACADE:+IY OF PA?.APSYC:iOLOGY AND `t.7ICIYE 314 SECOND STREET, CALIFOR.~iIA 94022 LOS ALTOS L'S ACADE:~!`! OF PSYCHICAL RESEARCH Ai1D .?.ELIGIO'ii 800 CVST~ AVE,*JU=, STATE OF ILLINOIS, 60222 .z,VAiiST01T VS AtiiERICAN SOCIETY FOA PSYCHICAL ~t:.SrA?CH 5 VEST 73D STR., BdEW YORK STATE, 10023 NE'd YORJ{ US ASSOCIATION FOH RESEAP.CIi A:JD ~:LI GiTElltic iT EDGAR CAYCE G.?.OG'P, ?O8 59 5, *JIR3I:~IA STATE+ 23451 VIR.BEACH US CALIFOR'.ti1IA ?A?.APSYC:iOLOGY FO'J:d'~ATI03J 3580, ADAyS A'J=.."1TVE, CALIF. 92116 SAN D I EG 0 US COLLEGE OF PS`: CHI C STL*DI ES "IEMB.~'~.SHI? SOCIrT'!,IiVIT.aS LECTU3ERS, 16 QUE~iS3~ ~Y PL? :?::?..ti5's~:3?O.J LONDON 3R1. 1 CZECHOSLOVA:{ COORDINATION C0:l.*ZITTEF. FOR RESEARCH I:,T PSYC:iO:'30:JIC5 V.CHALOVPKOC'rI, 59, PRAGUE, 9,HLOL'9ETIN PRAGUE CZ NCH. FO'JITDATIO:i FOR PARAS~JSOr~Y INVESTIGATION DI STRI3LTTF.S PRIVATE FUNDS FOR 3ES EARCH A\fD :4EETI NGS, 1 VEST 31 ST. :JEW YOP.K US FOWDATI0:1T FOR RESFAP.CH O:i riE :JATUP.E OF "lA:J P.0.80X 6347, COLLEGE STATI011, "JO?TH CAP.OL2ITA STATE.2T7~'8 DUPJiA.M US FP.OtdTI~ OF SCI's"iCE ASSOCIATIO:-i :4.?.. U., 1325 1 /2, ail SCOWSI;1 AVE., :i~~;, D. C. 20000T '+'ASI~.D.C. US HL^4A:1 DI1".E*JSIOvS INSTITUTE 4380 }:AIN STREET, NE's Y2Ri{ STATr, 14226 3L'FFAL 0 JS INSTITUTE OF !~'OETIC SCI&YCE 5T5 "SIDDLt...F'Ir7..D flD,CALIF.94321 ?ALO ALTO L'S (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 LT.S STATE-OF-TfiE-A.~ "~ ~:~ ~~~=`:: ~: L"tTs..:'.\iATIONAL COOP~?ATIO~T COU:ITCIL ORGA:tIZES t~'ORL,'dIDE =.J'CPLOFATIOII Sr 4IITAPS, IT319 305075 5LV7. tJ03THRi ~7G US JAPA"7FSE SOLI=TY FOR ?ARAPS?C:;OLOGY SIlJCE 1963, PL'3LISHES PARPSYC:;OLOGY ~1~wS CJAP. ), 2b-1 a C~7'J :~ idAiCiii40 TOKYO JAPA1i NEST HOP.IZONS RESEA.=1CH FOU'JDATIOa1 P.0.9. x27, STATI ON F, ORs 10 *1. SHE.R30URiJE STREET, TORG:7 i 7, 5 TORONTO CAiJ. PARAP'rIYSICS, INC. 15636 CALNEVA DRIVE,CALIF.91315 C:CE:JDALL JOH*750:~ G?.0'J?) ~JCI iJ0 US PARAPSYC:iOLOGY FOUNDATION 29 VEST 57TH STR ET., :iE'~T YOR3C STATE, 19019 NE*a YORX US ?SI COMMUNICATION PROJECT SUITE 501 t+T.,NE4TAR.K COLLEGE OF E:ITGINEE'.I:7G, 323 :;I G:~i ST.7cJ J~SEY S?. NE'+TA.~sC L*S PSYCHICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION I1iDEPE1TDr'1VT GROUP C1960),PRIVATE FL':1DSCC?OZAi1\Tt,),'.~V:{'s U?~~~T CA:'lPUS SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH ADA:~1 AND EVE MELTS, W8 ? LOND01i 3RI . SOCIETY FOR THE INVESTIGATIOPJ OF 'idE Ltb~Tr7CPLAI:IED I:~JTE'.NATIONAL AI?~tS, COLLECTI:iG REP03TS ON UFO, ETC. VEwJ J~Sr'Y, 07832 C OLU:rL9I A US SOUT:iF13'.1? CALIFORNIA SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEAr'tC:i Ci0 CAROLY:IT JOVES, x325 EAST 8s0ADL*AY, CALIFORNIA, 9?3e3 L.BEAC:i US SOL*'1:~.~N CALIFORNIA SOCIETY FOR PSYC:IIC~'.L. ?=SEARC:i 370 SOL^.'~i BEVERLY *~RIVE,rZ00i4 3t a,CALiF.90212 3EV.HILLS VS ? SPIRITILAL FRONTI~ FELLOT~.'S3IP 802, CiJST .? AVi11VE, ILLINOIS STATE, 6x292 S'VANSTO*J VS (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) LIST OF PSI ODI CALS 3ELATED TO TdE FIELD ViJD~? I:JVESTI ^sATI ON A:rlE:3I CAN DO~JSER PE.?ORTS O*J DO'*SIYG, SCIt:ITIFI C A:dD P~iSOJ1AL, Q;,~A.?.T~LY, V~ ::OUT STATE DA:7VILLz JS ASPR Nz:.'SLsTT~ PJ03I ODI CAL IITFORMATI OV FP.O*'1 A:dtir"~.I CA1J SOCIETY FOR ?SYC:iI CAL R:S EA.~C:i NEW YOR.i{ VS A.R.E.JOL'RNAL 8S:"ION'*:ILY, z. CAYCE' S ASSOCIATI0:1T FOR RESEA.?.C.LI A_R7D ~'JLI w?T:::JT BEYOND RFAL.I T'.': LATEST DI SCO'J~I ES IN ESP OCCULT A.~TD PS'YCriIC PHE110"I~JA 3I:d0:JTr1LY, 303 utEST a2 ST?.B NELT YORK US FR:`JM SULLrl'I N QUARTERI.Y,J.3.R.'~IINE'S FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH ON vAT'JR:. OF :4AV ~' DUP.HAM VS H'JMA:d DIME'`75IONS CUART~I.Y,e1L?'~IA.~J DI~l._''15IOVS IJdSTITL'TE, NEk~S,A.?'ICL~ ~ PA?= :,:Ii.Y.STATE BUFFALO US I3tS I G.tIT PSYCRIC RESEARCH )IACAZINE, 118 4'INUHAirJ RD, SP3IE1G30UP.NE,30'~ :~:~40UT.3 'ANTS BRI. I1JT~'dATIONAL JOVRIIJAL OF PARAPSYCHOLOGY `+ir,1iT~ OUT OF 3USINESS, C 1959-1963), PA?APSYC:30LOGY FOL~iDATI0:1. ~T.Y.STATE JdE'IrJ YOR*~ US I~JTF.?NATIO:JAL JOURNAL OF PSYC:iOr'VriGETIC SYST,~"!S aVART~yY, GORDON A.'tTD 3REAC:~ SCI .''-dTIFI C PV9LI Sii~ S, NEW YORK STATE *JE'.i Y03X US JOt1:~PJAL OF PA?APHYSICS 9I":ONT.3LY, TRANSLATIONS OF PSI -R ~,.ATED w ORK, PAP.A:iYSI CAL LA30?ATOR I aorr~TOV 3~s . JOUR! :L OF PAP.APSY~iOLOGY QVART'~.LY,J.3. P~iINE'S FOL'NDATIO`J FOR RESEA.~C:~ O*J ?NATL'R= OF ~tA:IJ DU?~tA~l 'JS JOL*,4*1AL OF TdE A:4ERICA:J SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL R~SFARCH PUBLISHe,D 9Y T:~;: SOCI=TY '~.rl :':^[ THE SAM:. NA"~JE I:?J :,i~a `: 0?{ STATE (b)(1) (b)(3) ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 " '(b)(1) (b)(3) JOLi'.i1TAL OF TdE SOCI r7Y FOR PSYCHICAL RES=ARC:~3 OLTA.~T~.LY, PL3LI SHED 3Y TrI= OLDEST PSYCsII CAL SOCI 3T`:, C 1832) LO:JDON 3RI. JCrURNAL OF Td3 S?IRIT*JAL F?OT.?JTIL'~S F3L04'S'silP aL*ART~.LY, GROUP CF CL~.GY A:JD LAY PEOPLE,'cI~..A1.I:?:3,:dYSTICAL ~P~I=:JCES EVAi1TST0:J VS JOURNAL OF TRA.'1TSP~SOiJAL PSYC:iOLOGY QVARTr.LY,R~ORTS ON PSI,CO~::IC COiJSCIOi:SNES5,3.~~.ATF~ A=':'ICL S STANFORD US :4AlJrCI?`JD 3sSr.A..?.CH UNLI:~lITF.J JOtJ''.:JAL 61UA.~T~LY, I'.'JTERNATI O1VAL COVS?.AGE OF PA?APSY Ati7D PA?1~SCI =a'~3C.`i&:Jr':S k'AS3 . D. C. US NE-.T 80.?.I Z 0`i OCCASIONALLY PL3LISriED 9Y TORO:JTO SOCIs":Y FO? ?SYC:?ICAL =ES~:~CH TORONTO CAN. +JE~.*SLs'~"T= OF T:i:, I:~ISTIT'J'* E OF VOr.TIC SC?~dCE EDGAR `SI TC:-iSL.L'S 03GANIZATZOU, CAVAILA3L TO *?=fB~S O~~1LY), CALiFOR:,ii:i ?PALO ALTO L*S JOUS L.'i'T~ S~4I-A'.1*:dUAL,A3TICLFS RST.ATED TO ~tOE.'TICS, 924 GARDJ STREET S.3A~3ARA VS PA.aAPSYC:-IOLOGICAL *lONOG?.AP?:S S.~I .S OF STJDI F.S P'JSLI SiiED SY PARAPSYCHOLOGY FOL^JDATI Ow C E, rA.~3ET': ) aJE'~' YOP~ US FARAPS`.'~iOLOGY PERIODICAL ?*,,'3Li S:iED aY CALIF03*JIA PA?APSYC:30LOGY F OUNDATI Oti, C I3?=G~'LA3) 5A.*J DI3G0 VS ?ARAPSYC'rIOLOGY REVI 3I~'iOIsT:3LY, PA.zIA.PSY[~30LOC'Y F OL"NDATI 03 C E . GA3RETT) I :JT~ NATI OaJr1L FBRL':~ NE',J YORiS US ?ROCEEDI ~JGS OF TrIS PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL I PJSTI TL'TE STATE L'IJIV~SITY OF JTRECBT, ?.ii.C. TfiJ~iA.-"r F,~ITOR fJT3 ECH T ii OLLAtJD ' PROCE_DI:3GS, +CAD~T: OF PA?APSYGHOLOGY A:1D ~ir.Ll CI:~Jz IPRBGi7LAR R~'03TS O:J CO:JF~ ~JCES, PRIVATE ORGAIJIZ~+TIO:J IN C_~I,.IF^rR:i*_A LOS AL'!'OS JS (b)(1) (b)(3) ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) PSI Nz:'SLETTE~ 3.~IEF ACCOU"JTS OF RELATED ?ESsARCH IN IlDIA,~`udDHRA iJ1TIV~SITY 4iALTAIR Ii~JDIA PSYCHIC 8I.'?tONTHLY? PL~..LI SHED SY THz SOLEMN COMPA:dY ltd SAN F?.A1TCI SCO? CA S. FRANC. *JS PSYCHIC DI:~ETdSI0N5 9I:40NTHLY MAGAZINE. CHARTON PURL. INC. DI VI SI 0~? ST?EET, COcJ:,: CTI CUT D~BY 'JS ' PSYCHIC NrVS GtE~~I.Y NE'a?S-PAP~l,PUBL.PSYC:3IC P?.::SS LTD.23 GREAT '~*JE~~T sT3.F7C29 598 LONDON 2RI. . PSYCHIC 08SE'.V~ Al1TD ~:IK=S !rlONTHLYs FSPRESS:INC.,90X 5606+ SatilALL A:dD 035CtT.'.E WAS'd.D.C. L*g .. P.EVtJE "lETA.~SYCXI QUE PA.RAPSY~*OLOGI E IR.?.R'GULAA ?U3LICATION SY I:~iSTITUTE :+IETA?SYCHIaUE I:7T'L, i,::..w'AG.~A."I PA.RI S F?.A. T.hETA QUA.~T?.LY BULLETIN PUBLISHED 8Y PP.F, DUeC V.:~IHCiiLI GHTS ..?..C ?dT 3:;5?A?C:d DLt3HAM US TO`'!0?ROGT ONC;. AN INFLL'E?11TIAL MAGAZINE. DI SCO:ITTIPJU=D AT PRESEIT'i'. GARAT T P*.T~LI S'si~5 NE'r1 YOR'{ US MO:dTHLY MAGArI1tE IN PAP.A:JO?.:"lAL+PSYCHIC PRESS LTD?23 GREAT :~UE~ S'.".3. LO~JDOV 3Ri . Z ITSCJiRIFT FUEL PA?.APSYCHOLOGIE U:1TD G=:~?JZ,rar3IETE DE? PSYCHOLOGZE PL'2LISHED BY UITIVE?ISITY INSTITUTE OF .~ IHu~G,i3.8EPJDER, EDITOR F REI9URG G~'+1. (b)(1) (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 ? F ~ AL~*:-~e?s ~: A:9ER?I CA"1 ?L~LI CATI O~JS 50 KILN~,t~*?J. 61 KONSTANTIPJI D~S, K. 62 K?IFFY="'?, S., DAVIDSO?J,R. 63-~I~PPNER, S.,Fe"RSH, D. 6 a i{F I ?P:B E.?, S., H I C'eC*.RAiJ, J. 65 K.?IP?NE.4,S.,RIT~IN,D. 66-K:4iPPN~?, S..R'JBirJ, D. 6T LEA{, SY92L ? 69 MCGAP.rY, W.A. Ta-MOP-RIS,R. 75 MOSS,TrItI.:lAA T5-MOSS, Td?EL."lA 77 MOSS+THELMA 78-MOSS, T., JOHNSOV, eC., ET AL 8 0 MUBP:iYi G . S 1 MURP:iY, G 93 NICOL,J.F. 96 OSTRA?iDE~., S., SCHROEDrR,L. 97 OSTPAND. ?, S., SCH30ED~?, L: 98 OSTRA'11DEK?+S.,SCi~RCEDr'.~r,L: 99 OSTHANDER,S.,SCii30EDER,t: 12 -CAYC :. h UCh LY1;:~ 13 C:~ANC=, P. 1 a COX, ;~. 15 DEAN, E.D. 16 DEAN, ~? D. 1T DEi+IVE,?R.E. 19 E30N,'.4. 20 EISEM1T3UD,J? 21 ESTA3ROOi{S, C.ii. 2 3 -GA.R.?.'sTT, EI L Ec J 35 HA?VIL.I{~Z.'J. 36 HON03TON, C. 3T HOY, D. aT-KAZHI NSeCY, 9.3. a9 1L~IOK:iLOV,:J. ' 10H ??.ATT,J.G. 101 P?ATT, J . G . 1 @ a PL~IAr'sI C3, 41. 138 RHINFrJ.2. d G9 B.~IINE, J?9. 1 10~ HHIYE, J.3. 111 RHIb~TE,J.3.,Fs'rtI~,P.. 112 WaIN=,J.3., ET AL 113-:~;IYE,J?3.,FFI~THE?, S.R. t la RHi:~tE,J?8.,?~3i"7E,L.E. 115-RiiIN +LOUISA 131 ROMEN,A.S.,IN`:USHIN,V.yI. 13? RYZL, M. ? 133 ~YZL,:4. 13a-SCH:4EIDL~, G. 135-SC'rI:iEIDL~*t, G. 136-SC9:2:I DLr?, G.?., C?.aI G, J. G. 137 SCH VA.?Z, J. .' 152-TA?T, C. 15a T:iOULF.SS,?.:i. 155 TILLt.?, ~~. 155 ''.tL.L:4ALJ, :1., ~~ I ??:dEtt, S . 157 L'LL'.KA:1T,M.,'{RI?F:+fL,.'?,S.,'JAL'GkAV,A. 156-vaN DE CASTL~3. 161 ?JASILI iA,L.L. "" Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) ' (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 VA32A8LE COL*n'1"i? 1 ' ~:I:7IM[M 03SE~VA T Z 0:J 1927.0000 Y.AXZ:i'.':'1 .^.35~ VA':'Z O:d 19T4.0Z0fl LO*a*ER,,U?P~ LZ:4IT, A."7a INT~?JAL.S? 1954, 1974,20 T OTA:. A7E?.AG E STA:1*~AE9 iE'JIATIO:'+T ::OS E? *70 1060x6.00@fl 3953.81x3 1x.2393 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) - - - - - - ~ ~b)~3) - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) VII. SOVIET STATE-OF-THE-A8T (b)(1) (b)(3) _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) ?, . ( Soma of tee ma*_Er3 31 presN :Cad below Na.s autliaed ir. the IsteTim ~epnrt3 ). (b)(1) (b)(3) the maid 61ock o. data on which the aaa3y:aAs of the So~:?tat statP- ~~t-tr~P-art arP oased,s=tms from reecxdad =rtarviaws. At the r.3.~:s, clout evideace of :Iota validity ~rss obtained through a coraa?risaa of ixt?ermatloa from iataT~-_aws x~ith tlxa agmeG +~3d loc:atioas a~?::{ labla 'Fxo:~ n+3b ].3;:hed aources,bAth is the :vest aad is the Soviet? raiea.llot always Lhat p~3deace was baaed oZ coasiateat coiacic:eacas bet~ceea t~.= iasi de xafor.aatian o:~ perao:i:.e: aad facilities ca ode x+aad aad tii= p-.blis::ed material from which 3: xras possible to eztsact the cross-valiaatiag ra- latiorships, oa the other. Quire cftea, it ti*as the detected cons's:eac.~ in tlxe dis~xenanc.e$ bola*eaa *_: a isfar3atian oc,aie6 out o? the Soviet tlaiou atoag officie~l ckaaLels xnd the ciar.3 yielded b3 i:.t=:t;iawa tlnsL? .floe ie3 to a clearer ust2erstaadiae of tee gc..sibla ratioaal~ bshiad Soviet shiFtiag edicts ~a the field ua.9cr iaccsstigaticrs. ~lasic reedits o: the data analyses a.e :epresex:ta,: is :his seczia nit tho report by ccm?uieY-pr.odu=ed lis;.s o? {ae+?.; ties a_d per~o:.ael aifiliatAd *slth th?_ res.:$z?cii area within the a__pp of tae 'i~vsst+gati3a. fet tiluele print-oats, maa3garie.l Iiaes of authority era outli3e3 Po: sc_za ek t:hc listed persoaas?, as ere a ?a:~ of zeportad ralat:.oashypa F,e=:?r~a Ja+cioas sacilities, model of Gcoperatiaa '+et*!ee~ rasearcix gaGLSpe, aa3 ~:l:e c?: ideaca or the de: rse of da+rerasenta]. .vnt_ol ty spec{ riL a3sscaF 3 . The list of fa?il:~=ips r~la:e+i to th~_ Lfbid uada_ _a-rest{~atiea co:ita{ns reduadaat i:titrrat{oa, sl*LCS acWs of th= fscii{ties w~rP 3es- c.eib;:d by variuua seuxca3 i:t g+~i.te di:Ef~areat wtys. The d+scrs_ aLCi_s der,:. couJ.d be partially r.t'_::_+~3 to tht variety :.f +'co~?ers+' azilitad by ;vS to camonf3.aCe tts srczsL :n8tailat+oa~ sad re~searc'x $ro+_ps. . da alphabetical list of ietccred jFrscaael prcced+~s t+ss _i?e :r?Ltf; iaFormaticnrclat::d ro tI:?,ee i.:xci4=+lua3:s. ':ot all of t1:s i:ames fannd la the iatPrvie:x::. -sera t:~aei fir tl.e i__ca. Whew the '.;:aasiS;l~;; iafo~at3oa was eith~=r iacempl~te o: =solstei! aS compared ? otaes aJ+17.?rl::7, ao~P +xF th,~ ae~rxe~. were dot ir..ludcd iu t`e print-csta. :. ~s~t of peri.oaaal i , 3rrsuga+? =i.~habatita :l? w{ *_'r_ the : ourcr aadiestcA at t~t?,: righ*. asxgia of :~?~ ix:st case. kai..adts, x:here detECtable, ar+ :si~o inLluded in i::e praxat-cat. DUe t0 f: %:3 97i1~? C~ calict tso ir.f. ct_St3 ca ~ ~Ci tG i}'a _.:l'.+. ~ At+.t7 of ca:ttcac~ed ti~as, s d_taia.e3 :is;:::ds3.rv n; ?e :l.litiea sac rsrr:on_el {.s sot Qussibte~ bagoa~j tat ~..s~tarisl selected fur ur?itit-ou~a . 3-;ct aet__ls an~.i d+nseript.tans Kr. caa~:~iaad f.~s th+ primary data which ha;: been r+:b- ~itt.:1 to thP? P~:ojett ~w?ficera. .!la an axaatple ?~1 ~::. ~?Q1eC::;;a 'listi:~e; is?ts 3ror3 is `:.e =iZa '''~rr.3a*;asl" wer9 3D.Zei'. 4t:t {+:' t :e .:ems@8r'~:lEa:s ::+++ iogad G~ by ~overamear, al apeac'=:*y. Tseo deaslt~+ p:~_t-:~ of Sc~~:i~_ s,:~blica*__;~*.:s ;:elated tc the field ~b)~3) . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 1~1~~ (b)(3) wader iavesrivatian were created - from the bibliogrsph=cal list generated +ar this project and frog the bibliography puvlishzd by Joint put~licatioas $esearch Service is Arlington, pa. ?snder this names of E.Aiaumov and L. Vileaskaya, 1971. Both density patterns show a striking similarity, aa3ely t:~at the peak of related psblicatioag is tha Soviet union falls o: tha ;,ears 1967 - 1.968 aad the number of literature allowed to appear,dramatically des=i- 1es immediately after those years.This finding is rather sigaifi.cs:rt as as indirect support of the regarts,detected is the interviews,that is the year 1968 the states of parapsychological research is the Soviet IIaioa aad, specifically, the Qtate of the cbaa=~lz to tha~ research open to ~Testeraers,have bees drastically altered by the Soviet Gcveraar~a': 'L'he listing of Soviet pnbli=ations as related to r'~e year of the,. agpe.araac^ aad the city shows :lso the alternate ~:t+liastioa of a +ew research groups in the Soviet Uaioa according to to .y_ategical d,~msads of +~ aerts:.a political sitnatioa dominating t::e period. T.he lama cluster of data is profiled is the fol_os:ing listia ;c w.'_t:-. respect to a few cities ,where important research gros,f ;sere or ar.: located. yrum .rose-comparisons o.f 3ata,aa obvious rsttEra ::as :mergee St is qui*_e clear that in the Soviet IIaioa thera see t~aa basic catego- ries of ar_t:-~-ity rei.ated to research is parapsycholo~~ ~r paraphgsics, C.~te~,nr?y A,- sami-overt, psaudo-scieatifi_ "rcgaa:ch gioeps? creates by the government ?or the purpose of u ~:orking contact with ::cetera scientific media. Those groups hRVe been iai=fated aad oramoted by a specis~. section of gGB is mid-5fxtirs. Simui- ~tanr_oLSly with the begiaair:g cf that action, t::z gatat for a wi=: pu'u].~ration or garapsych~Iogical materials *aar.= officially opEnal, as a~u integral part of ~'.e same action. The aaterial coming from.!~hese chsaaels is well coat+olled by KGB specialists aad reu; ~~seats a multitude of artifacts maaufsc- tursd by high'_y trained o_:?ratives is KGb'a sec=foes of scientific inr.Qliigeace. Most of ti,e "scientists" sgpearia; oa thR stag3 cf this eaterpriee arA is fact iCGS staff af:icars, as it .'s _a- ?rtad by reliable aourc~s aad iadicatad is ~r_hr lists of persoaLe ~.. ~e n?culiar aspects of ~.hls wall orchestrated RvB operscioa erT~:` j t:z:: iafsatile aai?rete of Wasters scieatist3 a. *,~nam the operzti:zl is t.ieed, have led ::s to Zabel category ,L as a new "TT~UST" of i Soviet Iate~lligeare ser-ri.=e, as aaslogy to the cp=ration the sama'; ~SerRice has sv brilliant:? carried out is mic!-t`~irtias with a ~. ~~ ghtly different operative goal. Yar the information obtai*.ted from iatervi.ems u:.ns_si::atly =oi::ts oast to the eaiateace of ~acoa3 group - Cat~or4 B, highly sacrF:t,oompletely closzd {::.s*itutions :nd r~se- a?:.:h seaters is the Sevi~t IInioa, eaga,gpd i?~ ::n f a: er_se yursui: ^: practical applicatioa3 0` ?arapsychclogical v.~_LOmaaa for tie exact 3efiaed goals of lstPlligeace, `~~}rte ~ ~_ s,,.,,Ang/and zP.w methons of uacoaveati+~aal ?aarfare. Those gra~ip3 ar?a working oa huge budgets, are sta_ftsci with e:.tremely nail tiz1_^ec Rc3aatistr aad are functioning under a~ispices either of riG? ~r Ministry of De`.:ase. Ia tfioae institutes aad researta ceatzra the sci~nri~b~~~~ ... - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) community is wor~iag on rsal empirical paradigms a:d is supported by most modera,sophisticated equipment. Ia those iasitstes, 'the resewrchers are also enjoying immense privileges of ~: broup favoxar. by .the government wad all of them have gone tsroueh the tedios process of secret clearances. Ia this cates~ory, there is also a ~orious attempt to grasp new emnrgiag aspects os :ae rursical .ea p t? and incorporate it is as uncoaveatioaal modal of hsuaa nature Knd the possibility of its external control. The distiaatioa bet*aesa the type of fafarmatioa relatad to owe catsgorg or to the other is quite Qisible is the data. ~o, for =~staace, thz names of personnel is category A rarely, if at all, aprcar is the da:c that comes from category B, sad vice-versa. That distiarti~a sta3ds, is spite of the fact that a few games still may a3gaar at *_he "j +:act=nr point" ba*_weea two formations. ?et the xey figures and the fear labora- tories is both basic groups waver appear ( at Least ao? Lrd~r the same name) is aaS? reliable source of iaformat+on. The relcodes is the iaforaatioa describing personaai =adie.:te autame=3- caily whether the person belongs to the category ~ cr to the category B.Brief descriptions of afFi3.iatioa with aGa or Miaistr; of defense, sometimes iacladed is t!:e print-outs,shoaid 'yelp c lairify thct point. It is also gaits possible that the vary purpose of ~th~s c::tager? A is to retract atteat3oa from the activities o* category B. (b)(1) (b)(3) , _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 LIST OF T:;E FACILITI::S RELATED TO THE FIELD U11DE.4 I"JVESTIGA:'ION F-1 PHYSIOLOGY LAB OF PSYCHIAT?.IC INST. :KOSCO'+T I-01 ADRt 80LSHAYA KO:rL~1UNI STI CHESKAYA, 13, AFFILIATED WITH ACADEfi' OF :4ED SCI TEL.: C 1963, i-2a) - ZH-3-0 i -02. i -2a, R-35, R-38, R-31, R-33 F-2 iySTiTUTE OF RESEAR~i IN COMMUNICATION :KOSCOW I-2a BRANC:1 OF IPPI C F-a) I S LOCATE? THERE.ADRsAVi Oi30T0.?.NAYA, 8-A, 3LDG .2, GT.1 TEL.:01963) LH-a-0a-0i,15T FLOOR L-6a,R-35,R-38,R-23 F-3 INSTITUTE OF PROBLEMS OF INFO.TRANSMIS. :IOSCOW L-ba RUSSIANS IPPI . ADRs E-2a,AVIAIKOTOR.'11AYA UL.B, SLDG.2,AC.OF SCI .AFFILIATED SMIRNOV VSI1Si ON OF IPPI LOCATION I-2a, R-a8, R-35, R-38, R-23 F-a iNSTiTVTE OF PR08LE;K5 OF iNFO.TRANS:CiS. :KOSCOW i-2a RUSSIANtIPPI. ADRi PA.QTIZANSeCAYA UL.,2T.IN THE AREA OF VOROSJEVY GORY TEL: C 1963) G-976-35, 8 STORE BLDG L-6a, R-37, R-38, R-39, R-2 i, 3-3 i F-5 CENTR.SCi.RESEARCH LA8 OF ACAD.SCi. :MOSCOW i-2a ADRs ZH-383,SHOSSEYNAYA LTL.,92. RET.ADR.ON yIRZA LETT~S 01959-62) !KAY BE AN EARLY LOCATION OF LAB. R-a0 F-6 UKHTOMSiCY RESEARCH INSTITUTE LENIYGRAD I-23 BRANCH OF DEPT.OF BIOLOGY,LGU. ADRtKOMMVNNISTICHzSKAYA NAB~EJ:YAYA,7 1 BLDG.I*JNERR COURT.REST DISPERSED 3-39,R-38,P.-35,R-21 F-7 PA.RAPSY LA8 CVASILJEV?S) LENI:JGRAD i-23 FORM.VASILJEV'S WORKSHOP. ADRseCO:KMUNISTICiiESKAYA NABE?EJNAYA,7;LG'J LOCATED 3-D FLOOR,SIO/GEO BLDG. R-36,R-38 F-8 ?+TEIZ:4ANN INSTITUTE OF SCIE1tCE Rir10VOT I-01 RESEARCH GROUP OF SELECTED SCI E'1TTI STS. RE:iOVOT, POB 26. S~lI-SECRET. FIELDS MOSTLY CLASSIFIED i-2a,R-50,3-35 F-9 DEF'r'tiTSE PSYCHOLOGICAL LAB. MOSCOW I-17 LOCATED IV DEFE'ITSz BLDG,A.RBAT PLAZA, Nr7CT TO :METRO STA. ENTR.2, FLOOR 5 EKTRE"IELY WELL F~JNDED3EaVIPPED R-39,P.-37,R-21 F-l0 PARAPHYSICAL LABORATORY DO?NTON I-26 LABORATORY y0N-EKISTANT.COVER FOR HQ OF A JOL'R.NAL *JS:.D wOW FOR SU I:JF7 EDITOR 3.HE.RBr'RT, PROBAB. SU DUPE F-11 NAVY PSYCHOLOGICAL LAB ZY'rCH I-17 LOCATED IN VAW. SCHOOL CYAKIR), CeiI EF LT.COLONEL :4A.NGELOV OR :'lANSUROV I:4PORTANT I11F'0? IN I-08,1-17 R-37,R-30,3-38,R-21 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 ~ er ~~ ?? ? y f l ri LIST OF FACILITIES C CONTI iJUED) F-12 OSOBAJA PSY~IOL.LAB MOSCOW I-17 UNDER SU ACADEMY OF SCI. ADRs 90LSH.KOMMUNISTICHESs'CAYA, 13, SAME AS F-I IDENTICAL WITH F-1,9UT AFFIL-N I-01,I-2a,R-35 F- 13 RESEARCH INSTIT*JTE OF PARAPSY~iOLOGY AL:lA ATA I - I T A SEPARATE, SECRET I:ITSTI TUTFr WITH DEPTS AND FACULTY, MILL TARY POH ADDR. STAFF i11CL. iNYVSHiN,ROMEN,KiRI.iAN i-2a,3-36,R-1a,3-8,R-a,R-33.R-38 F-Ia PSY~.SECT. OF PHIL.INST. MOSCOW I-17 PSYCHOLOGY LAB WIT?i PHILOSOPI~IY INSTITUTE. VOLK:iONKA, I a,AC.OF SCI . FUNCTIONS IN CONTACT W. F-9 R-2I,R-32 F-15 ?AT.-IOLOGY OF CRIME LA8 MOSCOW i-17 WITH INSTITUTE OF LAW, EMPLOES R-6 AS EKP.yETHOD.FILES ON F-6 SUBSTANTIAL FILE ON CLAIRVOYANTS R-6,R-28,R-50 F-16 RESEARCH INST.OF PARAPSY ALMA ATA I-I9 PROBABLY IDENTICAL WITH F-I3. REPORTED AS SECRET, WITH MIITARY P08 EKTRE"I.WELL FUITDED i EQUIPPED R-36, P.- I a, R-30, R-a F-17 SPEC.RESEARCH GROUP NOVO?SIBIRSK I-23 PA.~APSY LA8 WITH DEPT OF ZOOLOGY, LOCATED IN ACADE"SGORODOK,UNIV. CLOSE CONTACT WWITH F-7 LA8 R-35,R-30,R-39 F-18 SPEC.LAB *~tITIt yGU MOSCOW I-21 LEONTYEV' S SECRET WORKSHOP. PVSHKIN PROBABLE CHIEF. IN OLD tilGU BLDG LOMOV ALSO WOR.~{S THERE R-38,R-50,3-36 F-19 LAB.-PHYSIOLOGY OF LABOR LENIITG?AD I-23 LGV DEPT OF PHYSIOLOGY.ARAPETYIANTS-CHIEF,PAVLOVA WORKS WITrt PARAPSY PAVLOVA INTERACTS W. SERGEYEV R-28 F-20 NEST MIRZA'S LAB ~ MOSCOt~1 I-2a SECRET LAB. GIVEN TO ~IIRZA IN 69-70 FOR CLASIFIED RESEARCH IN PARAPSY CENTERED ON SORCERY i REI..SUBJECTS R-37,R-38,R-23 F=2I CLINiEKP.MED. INSTITUTE NOVOSI3IRSK L-2 '+~.SIHERIAN SECT. OF SV ACADE:lY OF SCI.i INST.OF.AUTOMAT.iTELE~lETRY NEW :~EA-VS OF BIOINFO RESEARCH R-30,R-35,3-a0 (b)(1) (b)(3) F-22 DEPARTMENT 8 NOVOSI9I3SK I-28 W. INST. OF AUTOMATICS i EL ECTROMETRY, SIBERIAN ACAD.OF SCI ., SI vCE 1965 TOP S:.C?.ET LAB. SdTERN WORKED THERE R-37, R-39, R-31, R-32, R-24, 3-06 F-23 SPECIAL LA80*~ATORY LENINGRAD I-28 '~1. :ITAVY SCHOOL OF ELECT30NiCS CPOPOV),*aTORKS ON R-2a AND ON R-05 SE3Gi:YE'l,G.-CHiEF.~ESTS KULAGiNa R-35,3-05,3-2a,R-39 (b)(1) _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 ~r SOVIET STATE-OF-TSE-ART LIST OF P~SONNEL RELATED TO THE FIELD VND~ I1IVESTI GATT ON 1-ADAMENKO, V:G. 2 ADLE~OV ~ 3 ANDREJEVA,GALINA 4 ANDREJEVA,GALINA 5 ARAPETJAN 6 BFS.IAVSKY,ALEKSANDER 7 8000LEP S HONGARD,M.M. 9 BUTEIKO 10 DRBAL, KAR EL 11 DROZHZHIN,BRONiSLAV 12 DVBROV,A. 13 EMELYANOV 14 EVGRAFOV,N.ALEKSEEVITCH 15 GAVRILIK 16 GELLERSTEIN,S.G. 17 GRYAZNVKHIN,E.G. 1 S GULYAYEV, P. I . 19-INYVSHIN, V.M. 20 IVANOV,VSEVOLOD 21 KAZNACMEYEV, VLAIL 22 KEIAL.IKOV 23-KIRLIAN,SEMI ON D. ' 24 -KI RLI AN, VALENTI NA 25 KIRSNOVSKAYA,IRINA NIK. 26 KI SELEVA, TAMAtlA ALEKSANDROVNA 27 KOGAN, I .a1. 26 KONOPLIN,ALEKSANDR SID. 29 KRAIN ALIK 30-KRI VOROTOV, AL EKS E!r 31 KVCIiYNKA, KAREL 32 KVDRIAVTSEV,V. 33~KULAGINA,NINA~ 34 KVLAGIN, V. V. 35 KVLESHOVA?ROSA 3e xuPRiANOVA,ANNA iv. 37 KVRTCHENKO, NADEZHDA 38 KVZNETSOVA,NINA 39 K....., Pf~VEL NIKOLAYEVI TCH 40-LEONTYEV, A.N. 41~t. EONTYEV, A. N. 42 LEVTIN 43 LISUNOV,VLADIMIR . a4 LSTViNOV,LEV 45-LOMOV,B.F. 46-LOMOV,3.F. 47- LOMOV, 8. F. 48-LURIA,A.R. 49~I.VRIA,A.R. S0 LYV80MIRSKY,ALIiC (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 SOVIET STATE-OF-THE-ART '?.? 51 :4IKHAILOVA,LUDA~tILA 52 MIKHAILOVA,NELYA 53 MIRZA,D.G. Sa ~liRZA, D.G? 55 :lIRZA, D.G. 56 :r1I SHETOV, TY. 57 MOGILEVSKY,BORIS 58 MUSALEVSKAYA 59 NAZArtOV, E. 60 NALIMOV, E.K. 61-NIKOLAYEV, KARL 62 NIXOLAYEV,YV. 63 NIKOLAYEV,YV.S. 64 NYVBERG, N. D. 65 OLJSHANSKY, VLADIMIR - 66 ORLOV 67 PAVLOVA,LYVSIA PETROVNA 68 P1ROV,VITALY PAVLOVITCH b9 PETROF,YU.A. 78 PETRVSI~IINSKY, V. V. 71 POPEREKA, MARK 72 PROKHOROV,AND. IV. 73 PVDOVKIN 74 PVSHKIN, VENIAMIN NO~.VI Tai 75-PVSHKIN,V.N. 76-PAIKOV, VLADI:lIR 77 REJDAK,ZDENEK T8 ROMEIT, A. 5. 79 ROMEN,A.S. 80 ROMEN,A.S. 81 SALNIKOV, E. 82 SAMOYLOV,GENNADY 83 SCHELEK 84 SENYAGIN,IGOR 8 5 5E.4GEYEV-MATVEYEV, V . 86-S E3GEYEV, GENNADY 87 S~RGEYEV, G.A? 88 SHCHURIN,SIMON 89 SHELUSHKI V,1 GOR 90 S1~IIROKOV, F. 91 SHISHINA,JULIA 92 SHISdKIN,IGOR FEDOROVITCH 93 SiiOROKHOVA, EKATERINA 94 5'dTARK 9S SHTERN,AVGUST 96 SHUSBKEV, G.D. 9T SIVERKOV,DMITRY 96 SLAVINS'i{AYA,NINA ALEKS. 99 SLONIN,A.D. 1B0 SLONJ,EORIS (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) 101 SLONJ, ELr'i1TA 102 SMERTIN 103 S~IIRNOV, M. S . 104 SVYADOSHCH,A.M. 105 TCHALI DZE, V. 1 H6 TCHE.4EPOV, GEVATADY 107 TUPITSYN 108 UMANS1tY,ALEKSAND.R 109 VASSILICHENKO,YV. 110 VF~{KER,LEV MARKOVITCH 111 VIACHESLAV 3~"SLAVA?) 112~1ILII1TSitAYA, LARI SSA 1 13-t1INOGRADOVA, ALLA 1 14 VLADIirlIROV, VALERY 115 VORONOV 116 YADOV, VLADIMIR I1T YAGODINSKY,VICTOR 118 ZAVIALOVA,OLGA 119-~ZINCHEITKO, V.P. 120ZINCHE1iK0, V.P. 121 ZOHOV,ROMAN 122 ZU3CHINSKY, NI1tOLAI 123 "SLAVA?' C CODENAME) 124 ....,IGOR VLADIMIROVITCH 125 ........... (b)(1) (b)(3) _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(3) INFORMATION ON PERSONNEL RELATED TO THE FIELD UNDER INVESTIGATION P-01 ADAMENKO,V.G. MOSCOit SU L-2 SENIOR SCI.WORXER IN MOSCOW INSTITUTE OF RADIO-PHYSICS, BIOENERGETICS iS ON EDiT.80ARD OF L-2 R-a,R-12,R-21,R-31,R-38,R-a3 P-02 ADLEROV MOSCOW SU I-10 ARTIST. HAS PHE-110MENAL MEMORY. CLOSE FRIEND OF KHASIN?S -FATdER ASKED KHASINS PROVIDE EXIT VISA R-30 P-03 ANDREJEVA, GALINA MOSCOW SU I -17 _ WORKS VITH F-18. KNOWS A80UT KGH RANK OF LOMOV,WHO ALSO WORKS THERE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGIST,PHD R-38 P-04 ANDREJEVA,GALINA MOSCOW SU 1-21 WITH LEONTYEV FOR 2 YEARS.HVSBAND DEP.EDITOR OF PR08LE:~1S OF PHILOSOPHY I S INVOLVED I N PARAPSY RESEARCH R-38, R- 50 P-05 ARAPETJAN LENINGRAD SU I-22 CHIEF, LAB OF?PHYSIOLOGY OF LA80R CSTRESS),UKHTOMSKY INSTITUTECF-6) HIS LA8 GAMBLES WITH PARAPSY R-21 P-06 BELIAVS,CY,ALEKSANDER MOSCOW SV I-16 APPART.NEIGHHOR OF I-17. WORKS IN SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL LAH. OF INT.MIN. WROTE ON 3EHAVIOR OF SOU. YOUTH R-55,R-38 P-07 80GOLEP HUS SV I-03 PRIEST IN A VILLAGE IN ZAKA.RPATJE REGI ON, MEMBERR OF A RNLI GI OUS GROUP WAS BROUGHT TO MOSCOW 8Y KGH R-6, R-27, R-16, R-50 P-08 80NGARD,M.M. MOSCOW SU L-6a CLOSE ASSOCIATE OF SMIRNOV,M.S. WORKS WITH HIM IN TdE SAME ITJSTITUTE SEEMS TO 3E A80VE SMIRNOV?S POSITION R-36,R-30 P-09 HUTEIKO NOVOSIHIR SU I-26 CAME TO F-22 FROM MOSCOW,SPECIALIST IN HATKHA YOGA,PR08A8LY PHD CAME FROM INST.OF EXP.8I08MEDICINE R-39,R-12,R-38,R-28 P-10 DRBAL, KAREL PRAGUE CZECH . L- 2 ENGINEER,MICRO-WAVE, WORKS WITH DOWSING,ACTIVE IN PSYCHOTRONICS RIGHT HAND OF REJDAK3HIS COAUTHOR R-38,R-50,R-a0 ' P-11 DROZHZ.LII N, BRONI SLAV GORKY SV L-2 SENIOR LECTURER, PED. I NSTI TUTS, PARTICIPANT I N ,FILM 7 STEPS s "DRI VE9." WORKS WITH NAUMOV SINCE ?61 R-32,R-38 P-12 DUSROV,A. !MOSCOW SU L-2 PHD,SE-'1TIOR RES~RCii T+~ORK~,ACTIVE IN FI3.D OF BIOGRAVITATION CPK) WAS IN PP.AGVE IN JV*7E, (b)(1) ,_ (b)(3) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) (b)(1) (b)(3) ~~ g b 3 P-13 E:IELY 'ice NOVOSIHIR SU I-28 )( ). CA"lE TO F-22 FROM LR-11TINGRAD, F-07, A SPECIALIST I v "3I OVI3RATI ONS" I-28 :;AS MORE INF'0 ON 'r1Iyl R-04,R-39,R-21 P-14 EVGRAFOV,N.ALEKSEEVITCH yOSCOW SV I-21 RESEARCHER ON CLAIRVOYANCE IN CRIME DETECTION. WORKS IN F-15 HIS CKI EF HAS A KG8 RANK R- 50, R-21 P-15 GAVRILIK HUS SV I-02 i{G8 RESIDE'.-'1TT IN I-2 AREA. +~AS MEETING '+IIT:t BORIS SLONJ RE PRIESTS PR08AHLY SUP~V. PRI ESTS NOW R- 55, R- 50 P-16 GELLERSTEIN, S.G. MOSCOW SV I -24 DEAN OF SU PARAPSY.ADR.IST OHJEDENSKY,BLDG 12, FLAT 1.TEL.G-5-13-78 ONCE HEADED F-4.DIED IN ?69 R-38,R-50,R-12 P-17 GRYAZNUKHIN,E.G. AL:lA ATA SU L-2 IDENTIFIED AS A MEMBER OF ALMA ATA STAFF CF-13) FIELDS OF WORK NOT GIVE.IT R-35,R-40 P-1S GULYAYEV,P.I. LENINGRAD SV I-22 OLDER PROF. BIOPHYSICIST. PROMOTED VASILJEV AND HIS WORK AT LGV. ATD:VASILJEV WORKED FOR MILITARY R-50,R-5 P-19 INYVSHIN,V.M. AL:9A ATA SU L-2 PHYSICIST FROM KAZAKH STATE UNI VLSI TY, FI ELD:3I OPLASMA TH EORY WORKS WITH KIRL.IAN,S. R-4,R-15,R-21,R-38,4-43 P-20 IVANOV,VSEVOLOD ODESSA S*J I-06 TRAINEE OF SME.RTIN, HYPNOTIST IN ODESSA, PR03ASLY UNDER KG3 CONTROL MAY 3E ACTIVE IN PARAPSY TODAY R-38,R-14,R-31 P-21 KAZNACHE':EV,VLAIL NOVOSIHIR SU L-2 T~TOF.KS WITH NEW MEA-11S OF BIOINFORMATION.INSTITUTE OF CLIN.BEXP.:4ED? NO EXACT CITY WAS GIVEN R=30,R-a0,R-4 P-22 KI~iALIKOV MOSCOW SU I -21 COLONEL-GEN~AL,MEMHER OF SUPRE"CE :MILITARY COUNCIL, PR03AHLY - NAVY SPOKE OF PSY SECRET RESEARCH CNAVY) R-50,R-30 P-23 KIRLIAN,SEMION D. ALMA ATA SU L-2 INVENTOR OF KIRLIAN EFFECT, ACQUIRED LATE PHD, LTORKS WITH F-13 PARTICIPATES IN PRAGUE MEETINGS R-38,R-40,R-15,R-04 P-24 KIBLIAN, VAL's.'+1TTINA KRASNODAR SU L-2 ;CO-INVL..''1TTOR OF KIRLIAN EFFECT. DIED IN KRASITODAR ON DECE~i8~ 29, 1973 . ATTEITDED PRAGUE CONF~E..,'"7CES R-15, R-38 P-25 KiR5:70VSKAYA,IRSNA NiK. KARAGANDA SU i-2a PSY Sz.JSITIVE.VISITED F-1 AND r1IREA. REFUSED TO 3E ."''-! Y= ='R~ STILL IN GOOD CONTACT :,TIT.i I- -11,R-6,?.- r _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 . CLOSE ASSOCIATE OF :IIRZA.ADR.UL. (b)(1) ~i0 2p(b)(3) ++~r .i,~ ~ r..~.. a r+ --~r~~ ~ ~~.~. P-27 KOGAN, I .M. :IOSCOW SU L-2 PROF. HrAD OF 3I OINFORMATI ON DEPT., ACADEMYF SCI ENCrr SU NO FIELD OF WORK INDICATED R-38 P-28 KONOPLIN,ALEKSANDR SID. MOSCOW SU I-17 CHIEF OF A PHYSIOLOGICAL SECRET LAB, '~iIT:i AIR FORCE CGROVYD UNITS) !KAY TRY 3ELATED RESEARCH R-39 P-29 KRAIN ALIK ODESSA SU I-19 CLOSE FRIEND OF RO~IEN,A.S. COULD 8E EVENTUALLY CONTACTED. ARTIST SOURCE OF PRECISE DATA ON F-13 F-13,I-24,R-26 P-30 KRIVOROTOV,ALEKSEY TBILISI SU L-2 REPORTEDLY ENGAGED IN PSYCHOHEALING AND 9IOENERGY TH~APY. NO PROFESSI OVAL DATA GIVEN R=40, R-4, R-14, R-31 P-31 KUCHYNKA,KAREL PRAGUE CZECH. L-2 DEAN OF CZEC:I.PARAPSYCHOLOGY,EDITOR OF WEEKLY NEWS ON PARAPSYC:iOLOGY ',IAS USED IN PRAGUE MEETINGS R-39,A-12 P-32 KUDRIAVTSEV,V. :40SCOW SU I-17 DIRECTOR OF F-15. HAS KGH RANK.ALSO -CHIEF OF INSTITUTE OF LAW HIS LA8 RESEARCHES CLAIRVOYANCE R-55,R-38,R-6 P-33 KULAGIITA,NINA LEIIINGRAD SU L-2 KNOWN P.iC.SU9JECT,WORKS W. SE4GEYEV,ALLEGEDLY CAN STOP FROGS HEART A CONTROV~SIAL PERSONALITY R-24,R-40 P-34 KULAGIN,V.V. AL:IA ATA S'J L-2 HUSBAND OF N.KULAGINA. MARINE ENG2:ITEER. REPORTS ON WIFE'S ElCPERIM. '+~ORKING RESIDENCE WITH F-16 R-40,R-24,R-38 P-35 KULESdOVA,ROSA SVERDLOVS SV I-24 FAMOUS DERMOOPTICAL SENSITIVE. NOW TEACHING ATA SCHOOL FOR 9LINDS GOOD RELATiONSHiP WITH i-2a R-i9,R-6,R-al P-36 KUPRIANOVA,ANNA IV. SAIKANUR SU i-24 .!. D., PSYCHIATRI ST, CLAIRVOYANT, WAS I N TOUCH WITH F-1 . SAME MAY 8 E NO*+~. STAUNCH SUPPORTER OF REGIME R-38,R-43 P- 37 KURTCHENKO, NADEZHDA KIEV SU I -22 PSYCHOLOGIST FROM itIEV L'NIV.INTE.4ESTED IN PA?.APSYCHOLOGY ~4 LIT~TVRE ~-ORKS WITH G~IETIC :CE."10RY R-41 P-38 KUZIIETSOVA, NI NA !MOSCOW SU I - i 6 WOP.KS 4iIT.K PSY AT INSTITUTE OF PSYCHOLOGY WITd A ADE:T: OF P" GOG.SCI? b 1 PARAPSY 3ESF RCH EI THVSI ( )( ) T ~ A. s 3 (b)(3) . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96X00790R000100010011-5 (b)(1) P-39 K.....,PAVEL NI ~ 1~ ~AD SU I-~(b)(3) SCIE:1iTiST FROM PVL:{OVO'"OSS`ERV.fILSTRUC'1'.~1T-~...~~wvra=INSTAL^~I.IySTITUTE TAUGHT 2 YEARS SEMINAR ON PSY R-12,R-28 P-a0 LEONTYEV,A.N. MOSCOW SU i-17 DEAN OF DEPT OF PSYCHOLOGY,MGU. CHIC' OF A SECRET SPECIAL LA80RATORY A TRUSTED COLLASORATOR GilTH KGS R-38,R-50 P-al LEONTYEV,A.N. MOSCOW SU L-a ACADE.IICIAN,LiSTED AS MEMBER OF ACADEMY OF PEDAGOGICAL SCIE