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Facts and Speculations on ESP and the SIGINT Threat
LT COLT Iwas a man of much experience in the SIGINT
community. When I started my research into the field of Parasychology
he was one of the first people I questioned about Agency interest in the
He told me that, as far as he knew, he himself was one of the first
to advocate looking into the subject. His interest was aroused because
of a personal experience which had occurred many years ago. COL. [::] and
an Agency colleague were on a TDY trip at the time and were sharing a
room for the night. It had been a busy day and they were still engaged
in an animated discussion at a late hour. COL =was giving his roommate
a seven digit numerical sequence as an example, when the roommate suddenly
exclaimed that it was a precise number he was just then thinking about,
a phone ru::ber he had to call. -Tne soon. ate being a man of mathematical
background was impressed with the odds that such a coincidence it should
be due to chance alone.*
COL Owas still thinking about the incident when he returned to the
Agency. He felt strongly enough about the implications of the question to
pay a visit to i?Jr. William Friedman. When he related the incident to
_ Y-,-. Friedman, he closed with a reco me..dation that the Agency look into
research on Extrasensory Perception. (ES. and its relevance to the SIGINT
*Of course sublinqual clues could not be ruled out in such a case.
G'' : -.4
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00-11W A-=
Not knowing what Mr. FHedman's reaction to his suggestion had been,
COL Owas pleasantly surprised when he chanced upon 1Jr. Friedman in the
halls and was invited into his offices.
Mr. Friedman happily displayed to COLDa list he had composed of
recommend research subjects for the Agency. There among them was ESP.
Since these early days, research has slowly progressed into the
possible relationships between Parapsychology and the Intelligence
community. Experiments have been designed to test the effects of the
Telepathic* and Clairvoyant* phenomena or. the cryptosecurity of the U.S.
codes and ciphers; Intelligence community information is periodically
scanned for developments in Free World or SINO/SOVIET Bloc research
which night constitute an increased threat-to our Communications Security.
The search for Agency Psychic talent is actively, if informally persued
whenever possible. One of the dif_icu'ties involved in testing for ESP
within a. laboratory environment is that the laboratory can rarely dupli-
cate the extrene, and often tragic stimulus found in spontaneous cases.
Lacking such strong motivation, ESP rarely provides spectacularly positive
results in the laboratory.
One apparent exception to this frustrating parapsychological testing
situation occurs when the so called "Pollergeist" phenomera is under study.
This appears to be the case because the phenomena is apparently a psycho-
pathological condition,_sonewhat like ulcers and seems to be caused by
Poltergeist (PK): The ability of the mind to influence matter usually by
. motion.
*Telepathy: Mind to mind communication.
*Clairvoyan.ce: Awareness of a physical object beyond normal sensory range.
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temporary or long term emotional stress. When the person has stored up
enough to cause objects to move around a room the stored up energy seems
to take some time to dissipate; this storage condition occassionally
permits the scientist to get the subject into a laboratory or into a
reasonably controlled situation, in which he can subject the strange
effects and their perpetrator to careful study.
Having finished with this underhanded introduction to the subject,
I would like to consider two excellent questions:
1. Is there strong evidence supporting the existence of PK
phenomena. and its relationship to stressful situations, where frustration
within a person causes the build up of energy that expresses itself in
PK demonstrations. -
2. What effect could such a phenomena have on the SIGINT
A. There is significant evidence supporting the existence of
the phenomena. and its connection with frustration. The famous psychiatrist
Hans Bender investigated two celebrated cases in Germany: "The "Rosenheim"
Case of 1967 and the "Bremen Boy" case of June 1965. The Rosenheim case
of 1967 was also investigated by two physicists Drs. F.'Nanger and G. Zuha,
who-also supported the reality of some of the unusual phenomena.* It all
-began in late 1967 in a lawyers office in Rosenhiem, Bavaria. Neon lights
blinked off and became unscrewed, Electric light bulbs exploded and usually
high telephone bills were attributed to the number 0119 (the dial a time
number). _
Henry W. Pience, Science Looks at ESP, New krierican Library INC, New York
1970, pp. 86 and 87.'
. 3
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The town sent the assistant director of the electric company and his
electricians to investigate. Using a voltage recorder they detected
unexplained deflections (or up to 50 AMPS) associated with the strange
phenomena. To rule out the possibility that the town's power supply was
causing the unusual problem, a "separate generator was used to provide the-
building with power. Still the phenomena persisted. When physicists
F. Kanger and G. Zuha observed the same phenomena, they also noted that
the house voltage remained the same. This led them to conclude that the
phenomena was not electrical but that an "unknown energy" must have
"mechanically" acted on the pointer of the recorder."*
A team of Parapsychological investigators headed by psychiatrist
Dr. Hans Bender was called into the case. Dr. Bender's suspected that
this was a case of "Poltergist" (PK) phenomena and began to look for the
usual cause---a young person with unresolved conflicts. He found such a
person in Anr emarie Schaberl. She hated her work and impatiently awaited
the end of each working day. She was most distressed in the late after-
noon. The time when hundreds of calls were registered for "011911 ---The
number for "Time".* The phone was closely observed during these periods
but there was no dialing motion to be seen.- Instead it appeared that the
"girl's unconscious PK somehow seemed to have tampered directly with the
switching elements inside the instrument.*
When the lawyer Sigmund Adam was'-told about the suspected PK occurrence,
he joked with Jthnemarie that "The next thing you know there'll be pictures
twirling on the walls.*
*Alan Vaughn Pollergeist investigations in Germany, Psychic, The Bolen Co.,
San Francisco, California, April 1970, pp. 12 & 13.
3= dMt M's Pr-E.+
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.Early the next Monday morning, the suggestion seemed to take effect,
as heavy oil paintings were observed to twirl on the walls. "Bender's team
also witnessed this and was able to film on video tape the movements of one
painting as it rotated through an are of .120 degrees."*
Annemarie went to Dr. Bender's laboratory at Freiburg to be tested
for ESP and PK. It is noteworthy that the girl only scored above chance
"when her emotions rose to a high pitch during the course of Bender's
psychiatric interviews."*
The "Bremen Case" involved a 15 year old boy, Heiner Schultz who, it
was claimed by witnesses, could cause objects to move without touching
them. At first the strange phenomena concerned flying dishes in a china
shop. When witnesses realized that the phenomena only occurred when
Heiner was in the shop, Dr. Bender was called in to investigate. To the
amazement of Dr. Bender and his team of three men, the phenomena continued
while the boy was under their observation. Later when the boy was appren-
ticed to electricians the pheramena took a bizarre twist, loosening sturdy
cable hooks inserted into a concrete wall. When Dr. Bender set up a labora-
tory test it also showed positive results. The scientific team inserted
their own hooks into a concrete wall and after assuring themselves that
they were secure, placed the boy at a distance of one.meter from the wall
and closely observed. After a few*riinutes.they discovered the hooks were
loose but no one had seen them becoming so. When the Bremen boy and the
Rosenhein girl were psychologically examined their personality structures
*IBID Psychic pp 13
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were found to be unstable. Both had little tolerence for frustration.
In both the frustration caused a rapid build-up of tensions for which
neither had any normal outlet. A more conformist reaction to the same
stressful environment might be-to develop an ulcer or high blood pressure.
Soviet scientists are well aware of the PK phenomena and have been
conducting tests in a Leningrad Laboratory. The test subject is
N. S. Kulagina, a woman who is reported to be able to move small objects
at will. The laboratory belongs to Dr. G. A. Sergieiev (Dr. of technical
sciences, cybernelicist, telecommunications expert and neurophyscist).
Sergieiev is the inventor of the wireless EEG or Force Field Detector.
The phenomena have been verified by several scientists including the
world famous theoretical physicist, professor J. B. Terletskii, who
suggests that, sone unknown kind of energy .is responsible for the phenomena.
The physician who studied :rs. Kulagina during one experiment stated that
the pattern of her reactions during the experiment "reminds one of a
stress alarm reaction"*, which tends to support Dr. Bender's findings.
Now let us consider the second question: How could this effect the
SIGINT Community? -
a. The evidence suggests that the Fri effect in times of stress
and tragedy may be far more common than we suspect: The clock stopping
at the time of death or accident, the picture falling apparently without
cause when a sore is shot. down over North Vietnam and light bulbs blowing
out with unusual frequency (only during times of high tension). Many of
*Dr. Zdenck Rejdak, ESP in Eastern Europe and Russia, March 1970, p. 6.
Dr. Rejdak is the Chief Czech Parapsychologist and personelly tested
Kulaginna under stringent laboratory conditions.
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these minor incidents are quickly forgotten and usually reported to ,o one.
As with most large organizations, many agency employees already display
some of the Psychosomatic symptoms of stress: ulcers, high blood pressure,
tics, etc. Many psychological experts tell us that unrelieved stress does
not have to display itself in a particular symptom. Many different types
will do just fire. Most are interchangeable, with a given individual often
displaying a variety of different symptoms during his lifetime, even blending
some. It is interesting to note the prevalence among executives of the
socially acceptable stress ("Success") symptoms of ulcer, high blood
pressure and heart ailments.
The twirling pictures in the Rosenheim case indicate how symptoms may
be altered merely by suggestion. With the increasing popularity and
acceptability of ESP and PK,'it is anticipated that PK symptoms will
increase. If one accepts that such things are possible, it is certainly
much more appealing to use your excess energy to destroy the source of
your frustration: The co--puter, the telephone, the teletypewriter, tha_-
it is to destroy yourself. Just consider for a moment the temptation:
One cannot be held responsible for such effects, such "getting back at
the boss" would be very hard to differentiate from outages with other causes;
the adventurous aspect is fascinating all by itself.
(It would be appropriate at this point to ask our readers: Is there
a lot of pressure and tension in your office? Do you also have a much
higher outage rate or down time than comparable offices? Have you really
isolated the cause of your malfunctions? Do these outages measurably
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bw =an vad;p ht A& 1=04
degrade the efficiency of your operation? Perhaps it would be worthwhile
to carefully compare the rate of accidents and outages of undetermined
cause in our offices during times of stress and during more normal
periods. Do the light bulbs in" your house blow out more frequently when.
someone is under stress. You might keep a little graph of stress peaks.
The correspondence might surprise you.)
B. As PK becomes more widely publicized and the methods of causing
it more accurately determined, is it beyond the realm of possibility that
those masters of conditioning, the Soviets, will attempt to:
1. Use the PK capability to disrupt communications equipment
with a direct attack by a trained person(s).
2. Plan their world moves in such a manner that all major
diplomatic or military thrusts are preceded by a prolonged period filled
with stress producing activities designed not only to frustrate and
confuse our people, but also to produce PK effects in sufficient quantity
to measurably degrade the operations of oui' critical command and control
machinery: Telecommunications, crypto and computers.
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