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July 1, 1977
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030042-9 (b)(3) INFORMAL. NOTE: Parapsychological W)eaponI An odd sequence of events relating to parapsychology has occurred within the last month. 1. Initially the CIA distributed a summary report on Soviet Parapsychology (Cite S177-10012). This report stated that it appears all serious work is done under KGB control and in secret facilities. One facility in Moscow was an eight- story building run by a Mirsa. In 1969 this building was shut down and'Mirza was established in a smaller ta'boratory in the country. !ton-KCB scientists who are hobbiests are allowed to talk to western scientists principally to glean information from thew in such a way the KB gives nothing of value and gets some high grade western scientific data. 2. On June 11, 1977, an American journalist was seized in Moscow for receiving a Soviet sceentific paper on parapsychology. The paper purported to contain evidence that parapsychology had a physical basis in the form of PSI particles within the living cell. Such particles could be allegedly detected ss the cell divided. The seeming entrappmert circumstances of the journalist's arrest and the theatretical nature of the "scientific expert" pronouncing that "state secrets" had been leaked led to various conjectures on the part of those familiar with Soviet deception and behavior. One source speculated that they released nothing but created a stir because they had made a breakthrough and wanted to trace rrfestern communications and association responses to see .what reaction the 64st had and who in the best was really engaged in serious government related research. Another source indicated basically a crude overt attempt to warn the Mreat off from maddlinP, in sensitive work. Another possibility was a double-think ploy to pretend interest in a clumsy mpnner to rake us think that this was really just a deception to trick the West into believing there was interest when there really was none.. In the Washington Star of Sunday, 19 June 1977, on page A-5, there appeared a somewhat muddled article asking the question "Is ESP really part of Soviet 'Secret Weapon'?" Besides some vague reference to raysvr beams, little was done to develop this idea. Some years ago Terletski, the renowned theoretical physicist, was quite excited after a demonstration of KulaRina's telekinetic paper in Serpeyev's military sponsored lab in Leningrad. He talked in terms of discovering a new energy related only to consciousness and of this discovery being perhaps even more important than that of Atomic energy. 3. Some physicists along with the famous evolutionist, Teilhard de Chardin, see the universe in terms of a "great thought" rather than a "great machine." In this view, the "unified field" on ground of reality is awareness. Will, within awareness, impels and focuses energy. Energy condenses into particles which concentrate into atoms, compounds, etc. The telekinetic experiments in the U.S. (Dr. Kripner in New York), Europe (Dr. Hans Bender in Frieburg, W. Germany), and the USSR (Sergeyev tests of vulagina) all seem to show that even human awareness focusing with will can evidence a new form of energy that moves and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030042-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030042-9 perhaps alters matter. The flritish scientists who tested Uri Geller complained of poltergeist phenomena. Objects left the room, some appeared later some never did. Scientist for many pears have observed poltergeist phenomena in which objects "go through" solid walls or disappear. Physicists commenting recently on such things indicated little surprise. They stated that they routinely detected particles emerging from energy and dissolving or disappearing back into energy. Why should we be surprised at larger objects displaying the same behavior. 4. WEAPON - With the above scientific speculation and laboratory experiments in mind, a weapon or weapons could be theorised. Severe trauma after results in ESP effects being activated. Some suggestive or meditative techniques seen to enhance ESP and telekinetic effects (see Dr. Knipner's telekinetic subject and her development of the capability). Grief is partiOcularly associated with such phenomena. . a. A key member of a command and control center or war room could be subjected to such trauma in a coat" situation and then suggestively programmed to develop telekinetic effects under stress at work. In an emergency action situation,b'+jects would move, disappear and communications would become impossible. be Teilhard de Chardin predicts a major change of consciousness in our era. Eventually he ioreseea this leading to a massive change which will alter the direction, tins, space and energy-matter relationaip of our world. Bringing this down to earth, if we see awareness in a physic? framework and you concentrate ten individuals in one area - all of whom are evidencing disruptive telekinetic phenomena - do you cause a chain reaction, causing much. matter to reverse direction and sink back into a sea of energy or be displaced in time and space. Could such a "critical mass" affect a whole city? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030042-9