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Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040009-5 11 UNIVERSITY EXTENSION, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Varieties of Psychic Research Friday evening through Sunday afternoon, February 23-25 Berkeley The explanation of psychic phenomena largely eludes us. What actually happens is bard to say; still harder, but perhaps most important, is to discover the meaning of these phenomena. Sometimes this study is called parapsychology, but it is more than a branch of psychology. The problem is hydra-headed, and the tools used by researchers in this field are manifold: the hardware of physics, the net of statistics. the methodologies of the sciences, the insights of psychology and psychiatry, and the observations of individuals. In this program we will deal with psychic experience from various perspectives, but always with a view toward penetrating beneath the tales that are told and the strange phenomena that flash before us. Distinguishbd scientists and scholars from a number of fields will try to elucidate the subtle but not wholly elusive purport of these sporadic manifestations. .j`r L4t5 ~'' ', 1~C Program Chairman and Faculty Advisor: JEFFREY SMITH Friday, February 23 7-10 p.m. Parapsychology and the Future The Inner and Outer World JEFFREY SMITH' Parapsychology and the Future of Society WILLIS HARMAN Saturday, February 24 9 a.m.-noon Frying Cups and Flying Saucaty Poltergeists and Their Psychology ARTHUR HASTINGS Unidentified Flying Phenomena: A Subject for Investigation JACQUES VALLEE 1:30-4:30 p.m. Psychology, Psychiatry, and Parapsychology Psychiatric Insights into Psychic Phenomena JULE EISENBUD ESP in Dreams and Altered States of Consciousness STANLEY KRIPPNER Sunday, February 25 9 a.m.-noon Psychokinesis and Precognition Psychoenergetic Creation of Physical ulcers HAROLD PUTHOFF Models for Precognition RUSSELL TARG 1:30-4:30 p.m. Awareness My Role as a Psychic ANNE ARMS f RUNG Awareness in Depth EDGAR D. MITCHELL Conference Faculty ANNE ARMSTRONG, psychic personal counselor, Sacramento JULE EISENBUD, M.D.. Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry. University of Colorado Medical School, Denver; psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in private practice; author of The World of Ted Series and Psi and Psychoanalysis. WILLIS HARMAN, Ph.D.. Director. Center for the Study of Social Policy, Stanford Research Institute, and Professor of Engincering-Economic Systems. Stanford University. Dr. Harman is conducting a study on societal implications of changing images of man and the role of parapsychology in effecting these changes. ARTHUR HASTINGS, Ph.D., manage- ment consultant in communication. Dr. Hastings has taught at Stanford University and California State University, San Jose; is a Director of the Parapsychology Research Group, Inc.; and has spent many years investigating psychic phenomena. STANLEY KRIPPNER. Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Psychology, California State College, Sonoma; Director, Maimonides Dream Laboratory. Brooklyn, New York. Dr. Krippner recently returned from the Soviet Union, where he met with a group of Russian parapsychologists. EDGAR D. M1 ICHELL, Sc.D., former astronaut; President, Edgar D. Mitchell' and Associates Inc., Houston. Texas. a firm engaged in research on many aspects of human potential. His ESP experiments on the Apollo 14 moon flight are among the most widely reported studies of human awareness. HAROLD PUTHOFF, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Engineer in the Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory, Stanford Research Institute, working in the area of laser research. He is also on the editorial board of the Journal for the Study of Consciousness and is actively investigating psychoenergetic phenomena. JEFFREY SMITH, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Humanities and Philosophy, Stanford University; Director, Parapsychology Research Group, Inc.; and Vice-President, Psychic'Research, Inc. (Program Chairman) RUSSELL TARO, Senior Research Physicist. Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory, Stanford Research Institute, and President, Parapsychology Research Group, Inc., a corporation devoted to education and research in psychical phenomena. JACQUES VALLEE, Ph.D., astro- physicist, computer scientist, author of several books on unidentified flying objects and numerous articles on information processing published in British, French, and U.S. scientific journals. Dr. Vallee is a consultant with the Institute for Plasma Research at Stanford University. Schedule: February 23-25. 1973, Friday evening through Sunday afternoon Registration: Friday, February 23, 6:30 p.m. Location: 155 Dwinelle Hall. Berkeley campus Fee: $30. This conference has been planned to give participants an inter- disciplinary and multifaceted educational experience. Consequently, registration for individual lectures cannot he accepted. Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040009-5