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Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200260016-7 I8 OCT 1956 :, ORi...flD TM FORz Depute Director (Intelligence) `T7iRQ CT[iH Assistant Director for Research and Rauorts SUBJECTg Report of Trip by Chiefs, Domestic Procurement Ssction,, Procurement Branchq Map Library Division, OR.R le Purpose of Trip: The procurement of :naps and related geographic publications from the countries visited had steadily fallen off since a regularly assigned State Department Geographic Attache covered the area in 1919-51, In order that gaps in the holdings of the map libraries in Y;ashington might be frilled, that existing exchanges ?"Light be revitalized, and new contacts made in an attempt to insure a continuing flow of this material into t"iashington, a special rassion to Chile, Argentinaa Uruguay and 25X1 C4C 25X1 C4d no difficulty was experiencedo Procurement activity in Brazil was directed primarily toward targets in the major state capitalso 20 Activitiest The period 1-4 March was'spent,in Santiago; 429 March in Buenos Aires; 29 March--8 April in Montevideo; and 8 April-21 June in Brazil., with periods of three days to two weeks in Porto Alegre, Florianopolis, Curitiba, SRO Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Recifeq Fortaleza, and Belem. A stop at the Inter=American Geodetic Survey headquarters in Panama was made on route to Santiago to discuss procurement activities of that organization and to coordinate plans for procurement in those countries visited in which LAGS has missionso In all countries visited, all contacts and procurement activities were carried on from State Department missions with the advice and assistance of Foreign Service personnel and the military attacheso An attempt was made, where possible, to assign follow-up responsibility to these regularly assigned field personnel* Cooperation fro: mission personnel was in all cases outstandingo Contacts were made with federal, state, and municipal employeess and with officials of mapping companies and various other commercial Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200260016-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200260016-7 agencies dealing with power, communicaions, and research, Those contacts were made at all levels, depending on protocol and existing eircumstaicess, from chiefs of military mapping agencies (in all countries visited) and "sub-cabinet" officials in federal and state governments, to "working level" personnel, Reports on over 150 of these contacts were submitted to the Special Assistant for Maps for distribution to interested persons in CIA and other agencies, All material procured was itemized on transmittal lists. Approximately 65 letters and 60 transmittals covered these ace. tivities0 Approximately 11,100 map sheets and 600 publications were procured and forwarded to ashington for the Special Assistant for 'Maps, Department of State, and for other agencies, 3, Problems: The only problem encountered was in attempting to coordinate procure- ment activities with ZAGS personnel, In Brazil, this Agency maintains liaison with the major federal mapping agencies in furtherance of its geodetic activities, In response to directives from the TAGS SIC in Panama, map procurement froLl these agencies has been included in their responsibilities, Although this procurement is designed to reflect the interests of other UaSo Government agencies, it.was carried out with complete disregard for previously established map exchange arrangements made in behalf of the Department of State, This situation existed. in Chile also0 Duplication of requirements was thus frequent and embarrassing, Commitments for the provision of maps, publications, and other material from the U0S. were made to scores oi` persons and organizations in exchange for items procured.. There commitments are being systematically met by the Special Assistant for Maps, No commitments were made in the name of CIAO Recommendations: The major recommendation proposed from. the field was that the re- sponsibility for man procurement in Latin America be assigned to a Geographic Attache on -a fall-time basis, Since that time, this has been accomplished, Assignment of a fully qualified, wel"riefed person to this job is the only assurance of continuing procurement of maxikaum effectivenesse The job cannot be done on a part-time basis by Fnnbassy employees, nor can it be done by LAGS personnel, In this connec?Jion, it was observed that there is a general lack of appreciation on the part of Foreign Service employees of the need for maps-by intelligence personnels The responsibility for map procurement is alsmot invariably assigned at the clerical level, In spite of Foreign Service directives', C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-qV-L Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200260016-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200260016-7 practically no spontaneous collection was being undertaken, and there was a general lack of knowledge of the-sources and uses of maps, In many missions, maps were discovered which had been collected aecidentallv or incidentally., and had not been forwarded to ashington. It i.s bel.iev.xi that this deficiency could be partially overcome if netirly assigned, and reassigned, Foreign Service personnel could have a briefing in the Map Library Division, including a short discussion with the Procurement Branch Area Desk of.Ricerse Many proposals revolving about the utilization of RIGS pereonne], in map procurement have been put forth in recent y.arsd Observations during this trip in Chile and Brazil point out the inadequacies of thin measurer as TAGS officers have limited contacts outside one or two major mapping agencies in each country; be other and more important responsihalittes of these officers consume all of their time; ce they are not trained in procurement., nor are they familiar with the requirements of the Washington agencies3 ' In view of the above,, it is. felt that this organization should not be burdened with the responsibility for map procurement in the area, nor should their operational work with mapping agencies interfere with existing nap exchanges0 6, General Comments: It is believed that a mission of this sort is invaluable experience for any person involved in headquarters support of field procurement activities? In addition to the job v:hich'wwas accomplished in procurer nt:, this reporter has considerably added to his understanding of the problem. and machinery of field collection, and is thereby better qualified to carry out -the duties of Deputy Branch Chief in the Procurement 3ranchfl D/GL0 25X1A9a CRR:D/GL:RCC mjc/2273 (28 September 1956) Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200260016-7