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kid Approved For Release 2000/05/04 ? - P67-00059A000200120037-6 OFFICE OF REPOR13 AND ESTIW,.TM 416 41~..11??????0*/10/10 As the exelusive Intelligence evaluation, LAalysia, and production component of CIA, ORE is responsible for to 7redu4tien asd presentation of notional intelligence required for the formulation and administration of U.S. national seourity.polioles and operational decisions. In carrying out this responsibility, la in aocordance with MSC and CIA direotives, ORE, 1. Prepares ourrent and staff intelligeaoe reports and estimates on a regional, functional, .x4;:lobal basie, on its own initiative, or in rowels, to speoifio requests. Such reports and estim tat will preeert and inbormat the eiKnificanoc of fortiign oonditicas and developments which affect U.S. national meourity. analyse observable trends, foreoaet and interpret probable future developments, and apevairse-theva ,pnebable oonsequenoes 2. Coordinates and administers an interdepartmental program for the production, maintenance, publioation and di:lamination of basic intelligence &keit:pled to meet the oommon requirements of C. I. A. and the IAC agencies* 3* Formulates the National Intellieemee Objectives in collaboration with the IAC agerloies and under guidance of the SSC Staff. 4* hvaluates available intolkiginmerinformatlen and intelligence; assesses its adequacy, accuracy, and timeliness, and prepares reports of ouch Csassananta for the guidance of collection, souroe exploitation and producing agencies toassure that all aignificant fields of intelligence bearing on the national security are adequately covered. S. Formulates requirements for. the collection and ex- ploitation of intelligence data in order to insure a steady flow of material responsive to production requirements. 6. Advises the Director of Central Intelligence an plans, programs, policies and procedures for the production of national intelligence,* Approved For Release 2000/05/0MEM-00059A0A2Qp12(2937-6 For. Release 2000/05/04 :-CIA-R-DP67-00059A0002041-20037-6 - SECRET PLANS AND.POLICY STAFF As the advisory body to the Anaistmnt Direotor, ORS. and the compo- nents of his Offieo On plane, policies and procedures pertaintig te fulfillment Of the ORE mission' OS, ,lo Movie** oontinuously the organisation amd operation ' of ORS to inure adequate fulfillment or its assiGned mdssion4_ Prepares and recommonde to the Assistant Director. On, organisational and operational plans, programs. poles? and procedures, as may be required to faotlitete the production of National Intelligenospnwto:\u, 44LaA. 6-ti/ Act, Cervta,41. aotif>u `eat 61'-/eE 3o Prepares, mai aits and r ciews the ?ution oi a pro am for th production presen tines of ne. lanai intel igenoe des gnad to mo?t, at all mes, the tellig noe requi ments of t national eourity. Processes and reviews 4hezenimwduckkornse requirements for intelligence data obtainable from all sources. In Collaboration with other CIL components end the Ike agenoios. 000rdinates and oonsolidates assessments of adequacy, accuracy, and timeliness of available intelli- gene. data, preparing and initiating recommended CIA actionesIoulatedtolemovo qualitative and quantitative deficiencies. Goordinates the formulation of the National Intelligence Objectives by ORE0 in collaboration with the /AC agenoies end under guidance of the MSC staff. Arranges for, and administers as required0 liaison between ORE and other agencies, in coordination with appropriate 01A components? elease 2000/SiggEL-RDP67-00059A000200120037-6 0 July 1948 Approved For Release 2000/05/04 RkEr67-00059A000200120037-6 AU' Villa t and admlrietre4ire 'Lain es the Assista.nt Director on Itialsstrativo and orataisetional mitten Darr-elope adircl1istra7; ire itr000dwoe gyre s es their impl (Jr, )zt trt, i Provides all adrairaotrccivo Jorwiee4 altering budget, persounel, eupply, space for the Office, end 1,rapilio primp. tetlun services for all c)z..porte-iteot:Pl.. 4. Frorides for the 'nail:to-lance of intetz111 eectrity, both plveicra atid y:araore.I? Frovictes facilities for tho ta d.isuord.nation of all inconthe inte1113anoe Frolel.dos facilities for oral as presontations of labolliEenoo. 9 Ally 1949 Approved For Release 2000/05/0SFEEENDP67-00059A000200120037-6 Approved For Release 2000/05/00tfDP67-00059A000200120037-6 CURREAT INTELLIGEN,..? CROW As the ORB oomportent having staff responsibilities for Ito of current intelligences 1. Recommends to the Assistant Director. ONE, on the basis of consultation with appropriate 011 eomponentii the nature, scope, terms of reference. forests end periodicity of the various nedia required te piit national current intelligena.-c: z 2. Coordinates the production of ourrent intelligence within ORE and is responsible for thn seleetion and form of those items at ourrent intelligence -poopoupse- lOR3-pretkietng-compomanna, whioh in the intArents of National Security should be brought to the attention of the President and the Cabinet and Stuff officers of the State, Army, Navy and lir departments. Publishes and arranges for the disse-dnatiom of nunh ourrent intelligence? 3. Screens current intelligenoe materiel sod selsote for the Director of Central Intelligence much items as it determines should come to his Attention. 4. Administere. and maintains sikiadreiry rtztth nervicel in order to insure oontinucus ?overage of current situations and developments? Approved For Release 2000/05/0SEEROEFIDP67-0009130211120037-6 ? Approved For Release 2000/05/04r. pAiltIr67-00059A000200120037-6 Jt1/4.1( BASIC INTELLICniCS T()1.rf As the OUS component -having staff r?ionsttit1ttj for HiniU telli;ences 1. Ascertains and determines OA und pt4tments1 intereets in basic int.t, and, in collaboration with appro7r agenoles, establishes rouirentsn't:c production, lagortio* It en et* for its 2, Aocomplishes in collaboration .eith pro- f priste agencies, the allooetion of responei- bilities for the production e?nd mi_intenunce of basic) intelligence. ivoleiding ruch allooations within ORE as aro dstreld appro- prelate. 50 Administers the program for the prf4letion and maintenance of the Uationsi Inteligsnoe Surveys, inoluding the detsrminstion or pro- duction pioritics and sohsCula, oocrdinstion of effort bet-aeon producing oompoments. the allooations within. On of reeponsibilities for substantive'rovisw of basics intelligenoe produced eateroialy, and the, editing, and arranging for pliblibation and dissemination of the Mule's:I prodOots Approved For Release 2000/05/0SEEROEFTDP67-0Q0594,000200120037-6 Approved For Release 2000/05/04 P67-00059A000200120037-6 WAFT IRTSLLIGENOR As the ORE component having staff responsibility for the production of staff intelligenoes 1. Rased am consultation with ORB produaing seaponents. recionmends to the Assistant Direatora 0011..tte nature. swops, terns of reference. for.' v.-ilmoor6100;0110i0m. _t reports and ? stimates requir a present national staff intelligence. 2. Administers the program for the prodUotlan of national staff intelligens).* including: the scheduling ar individual reports andatimates; the allocation of ,( - production responsibilities within ORR =litho agenoies; the ocordination of productionvithin ORS. A40) 3. Obtains oonourrenoes or dieser:tetra' the 140 agencies; reviews and arranges for the publication and diabsaina? tion at the finished product. Approved For Release 2000/05/0SKIREIP67-00059A440200:120037-6 As the- adViaory and production component of ORE; with responsibility for the produotion of national intelligence on I. ?AOKI basis* _Produces and praoents national intellimnce designed to appraise and interpret the world-wide eitUation9 ancUthe world-wide effects of speeifio foreign situations, in their relation to the ?! security and strateio interests. .2'.? e t t are to e ' aboration eats of 0 39 pro' e rel th the otb mad the ,,reyiar strater ? Li a C sig. to othe tellig n rondos, ific of reign a producing ? 730,9 and pprfAs oroign ? 7*: Reviews reports and estiMatos produeerb otb6r.ORE- - components and makes r000Mmendations ro4ar ade tato of r eatment ao Reviewd the formulated nat ()nal intaXiConce objectives and eeoommends the aver in each case. Approved For Release 2000/05/04 :L4-gp,67-00059A0002001X10 matMcr, .11.1.11????? :1040.11011100. As advisory and production components of O1 1t ipcibi1Lty for those eoonamio, political and 804.11.0L inibloots, included in Regional ?kabob resporsibilities but roqrtae treatment on a functional intelligenoe bolds. the Punotio L_ Orour_r 1. Provide expert consultant sorvioe to tnehor uoina oomponents of ORE, and collaborateltAttn imam 1.T1 -trn fulfillment of their prescribed responSibilities 2. Review reports and estimates produeed 107' Alum on components and mOce reoommendations recording the adequacy of treatment of those sections whieh havo 'a bearing on their speoislitet fields Si itularf. 3. Prepare timely ourrent and aWf intellimmuss reports and estimates, and have primary Interest nod ultimate responsibility for reporting in thm fiolds of civil air affairs, trans-clooanio shiopinc And i--E44104 , international organis?tionsx 4. Partioipate in the formulation of the Solitional Intelligenoe Objeotives. Evaluate available intclligiwico infer= len and intelligence; assess its adequacy, aseurany. and timeliness, and prepare reports of mu* oasessments far the guidance of collection, source exploitation and producing agencies to insure that all significant fields of intelligenoe bearing on the national security are adequately oovered. 6. Formulate requirementi for the collection and exploita. tion of intelligence data in order to insure a steady flow of 'material responsive to production requirements. Approved For Release 2000/05/SfcaiTRDP67-00059A000200120037-6 9 July 1946 111 111 Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67-00059A000200120037-6 SECRET As REGIONAL BRANCHES k-L4- lligence evaluetion# ccA- lysis. awl proilloti:m aa,nonent, of ORS ReGional Branete, cror I;11--D produoti d preaentation of nrational inttI11ii3ca= rupoi-te aad estimate8. within the limits of itsykssigned geographical areaS In carrying out this responsibility Regional Branohl- 0,66?1?::1; 0014La4.4,61 J__ 10 Prepares timely OtIrront aLul IL-441140mo* reports and estimates and is responsible for the note and interpretations contained therein? Accomplishes substantive review of basin in- telligenoe produced by other agencies, and advises the Basic intelligence Group cn ita adequisey for inalusion in the National Intelligence Surveys. Participates in, the formulation of tbe N tictu1 Intelligenee Objectives* Remluates available intellir,ence information and intelligence: assesses its adequaoy, aeouraoy, and timelinese, and prepares reports of such assessments for the guidanee of colleotion, souroe exploitation and produoing agencies to assure that an significant fields of intelligence bearing on the national security are adequately covered0 0.-Fro Formulates requirements for the oolleotion and ex- ploitation of intelligence data in order to insure a steady flow of material produotion requirements. 15?4,1,11?),te.^^y.A.Ajt 61 SECRET - Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP67-00059A000200120037-6