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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A002500730007-0 CLA;T-SIFTATION -; - - ' a rt tlerrnynr ?viat Troop Trains 50X1-HUM EVALUATI 0 it Pt Arc' nPTAINFII DATE OF CON: NT DATE OBTA' NE REFERENCES PAGES 3 REMARKS 50X1-HUM im...dimme???????????A ???????11.41????????????????????????????????????????????????1?1?11????????????????? ? ' DATE PREPARED 15 SepteLber 1953 ENCLOSURES (i10. &TYPE) 50X1-HUM 1. On 21 August 1953, niliUry shipments includod: a shipmont of 6 boxcars occupied b; troops gearing red-ordered black epaulets; L clos-d boxcars: and 16 flatcars with sideracks carrying 15 trucks from Darby to Fuerstenberg;i a shipment or 1 boxcar occupied by trop; and 25 closed boxcars from ,;auen to Vogelzang; a shipment of 1 boxcar occupies by troops, and 4 flatcars with Aderacks carrying trucks from Neustrelitz to Wustermark; and a shipment of 8 boxcars occupied by troops, 3 closed boxcars, and 31 flatcars with sideracks, carry:Ing 30 trucks with covered numbers, 3 canvas-covered guns with barrels, about 2 meters long, and 1 field AitcheA, fron Jueterbog-Altes Lager to Bernau.2 2. The following troop trains from Doeoeritz to Neustrelitz between 27 August and 1 September: C/B - converted boxcar B - boxcar F flatcar SSy - heavy duty flatcar 50X1-HUM Date Comp.sition of Troop Train 27 August 13 C/B, 2 B, 16 SSy, 5 F 30 It 7 F, 10 C/B, 1 B, 6 SSy 31 7 F. carrying 7 trucks 50X1-HUM and 1 jeep; 11 C/B, and 1 B, occupied by 150 trops wearing red-,bordcarRd black enaulets: and 5 SSy carrying T 34/85 tanks 50X1-HUM 1 Septomber 3 F, 10 C/B 3 B and 7 SSy, carrying JS tanks SU gun 4 T-34/85 tanks red-bordered black epaulets. shipments trucks ana ou troops wearing50X1-HUM from Cottbus to Damgarten, CLASS! FI CATI 0 N S Tr,C R /C ONTR!T L U.S. a train of 64 axUs on 31 aufust;4 and a train of 50X1-HUM OFFTCIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A002500730007-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A002500730007-0 T - 2 - ? Tr.f 13 tscr(cars and 11 flatcars from Dallgow to Neustrolitz on 1 September. 3 the following railroad crs had to be made available Fuerstenwalde, which went to on. 3 SeptsMeer: 1 boxcar and 4 flatcars each in Riesa and T.oenizsbrueck 38 boxcars in Aleilrose, 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 13 boxcars in Satzhorn and 3 boxcars in Taltow-rt. ;5 50X1-HUM 5. Shipments dispatched for tne KVP iocludod two trains 'Lash with an undeterminod of _ 1,000 i.,ens from Treuenbristzer to :Aorkor on 1 and 2 Soptember0 three trains each with an undetermined load of 1,000 tons from Greifswala to Potsdam, Cottbus and Sachsenhauson, the latter train with 62 axles; and a 50-axle train carrying an undetermined load of 750 tons from Creifswald to Sachsenhausen, on 2 September.7 6. Troop trains observed at the Frankfrt/Oder railroad station includoth Date in Composition of TrqatTrain 17 1 train carrying 74 armored scout cars 19 3 trains, each carrying 12 x 85-mm AA guns, 20 to 25 trucks with covered numbers; troops and officers with dependents 22 1 train, carrying 12 x 37-mm AA guns trucks, with covered numbers, and troops 4. e'en From Brest Litovsk Frankfurt/Oder To Frankfurt/Oder Frankfurt/Oder S Brest-Litovsk 9 50X1-HUM Brest Litovsk 9 . 50X1-HUM Comment, ?Do eiely train whfch, irom harby to the Berlin railroad district on 1,), Lgsslmhats This train units of the 6th Gds Lecz Div. Comment. These four trains with units confirmed. Co4ent. These shipments continue the from the ..v;elzow airfield near Cottbus. carried AAA 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM of the 1st Mecz Div were repeatedly ? 50X1-HUM movements to Puetnitz near DamFarten of air force elements 70 Comment. The trains are fairly definitely believed to have Cemmeet. Treuenbrietzen and Kuech;nsee near Sterkow are known en7ineer battalions of the KVP. Shirments between the two eosts have 50X1-HUM carried equie,,,est, 50X1-HUM as tosts of reseatedly hnon rorn-tn. 50X1-HUM Comment. Che trains from the Greifsvyald district probably carried wealens and equirment and, possibly, also personnel of the TV 4000, which was transferred to KVP units in Potsdam and aranien urglend the TVs 3000 and 6000. SisCRET/CONTRa OF7ICTLS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A002500730007-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A002500730007-0 thus vero Bre Oder ? S2=T/CCNTRC:L - U.S. OFFIC1.:13 OE - 3 - 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Co!onent. About 400 armored scout cars and armored personnel carriers have been shipped to East Gqrnny after iay 1953. The armored scout cars oF.;erved pos:-.bly forwarded to the Third Gds lcz Army. Comment. It apear6 improbable tat the trains should have gone to. 50X1-HUM Litovsk. AAA shipments went from. Frankfu-t/ to Wustrow on 19 August. 50X1-HUM SECR,,,T/CONTROL - U.S. CFFICI-JS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/03 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500730007-0