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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210001-3 a if Is ir If ir le te st- a te n- cy ag he 3). la- of on tc- or ye la- on et ied Os ut ed Ion of Int Lzw ec- 1.13. ing T 30, his' . my ? I of act" Ins/ . A I tall dal . I ? 8.? the: Ira.' the ire-. ngs : ? "t. (4i% - ? C/2- Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210001-3 O KO-Ai ibT.1-11 - fY- f-66), October 21, 1988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE / 15 . .- S 17157 1-- SEC. 8. PROTECTION OF FEDERAL PROPERTY. ' .? ' (a) REFERENCE TO OSA.?The Act of June 1, 1948 (82 Stat. 281; 40 U.S.C. 318-318d) is amended? , - . . . ? ? (1) by striking out "Federal Works Agency" each place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "General Services Adminis- tration"; and ? .? ., (2) by Striking out "Federal Workers Ad- ministrator" each place it appears and in- serting in lieu there of "Administrator of General Services". ? (b) INCLUSION OF LEASED PRS-PERTY.?The first section of such Act (40 U.S.C. 318) is . amended to read as follows: ? . '. . , . ' ? . . ? SECTION 1. SPECIAL POLICE. " . - . ? ? "(a) APIi021TTlitEifT.?The Administrator of General Services, or officials of the General Services,,Administration duly authorized by. the Administrator, may appoint uniformed .guards of such ,Adininistration as special po- , licemen Without additional, compensation for duty in connection with the policing of - all buildings and areas owned or occupied by ? the United Statea arid, under the charge and control of the Administrator. ,:. . . . ? "(b) POWERS.?Special policemen appoint- ed under this section' shall ,have the same, powers ..aS sheriffs'. 'and constables. upon, ? property referred to in subsection (a) to ,en- force the laws enacted for the protection of persons' and'- Property, and to prevent breaches of the peace; to supptess affraYs.of unlawful assemblies, and to. enforce ? any, rules and regulation i promulgated by the ? Administrator of General Services 'Or such' duly authorized officials ' of the General Services Administration for the property ? under their jurisdiction; except that the ju- ? risdiction ,-and policing'.powers of such spe- cial policemen shall not 'extend to the serv- ice of civil process.". ? -- .' ? ? ?.?,:.", ..:?:?. ,..? (c) CONFORMING ANLENDMENTS.,?,- ' ?C1) Section 2.?Section 2 of such .A4 (40 U.S.C. 318a) is amended by Striking out "Federal property" each place it 'appears'? and inserting in lieu thereof "property". - ? - ? ? ? (2) SECTION 3.?Section 3 of such?Act (40. . U.S.C. 318b) ?Is amended ? by striking out "and over whieh the .United States has ac- quired exclusive or concurrent criminal ju- ? risdiction". ? ' ' ? ,4.- . ' - - , ? , SEC. 9. CERTAIN. 'OTHER AUTHORITIES. ' Nothing in this Act (including any amend- ? ment made by this Act) shall be construed - to affect the authorities granted in sections 50 6, and. 8 of the Central Intelligence, LaitAgency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 403f, 403g, nd 403j). ? . ? . 10. TEciiNCAL AMENDMENT. ' The Act entitled "An Act to designate the United States Post Office and Courthouse in Pendleton,- Oregon, as the 'John F.' Ill. ketiny United States Post Office and Court- house' ", approved October 17, 1984 (Public Law 98-492; 98 Stat. 2271), is amended by striking out "Dorian" and inserting in lieu .. - thereof "Dorton". - ? ? . . ? ' , SEC. II. NAMINCS. ' ' ? (3). LAWTON CHILES, JR. FEDERAL BUILDING, LAKELAND, FLORIDA.? (1) DESIGNATION.?The Federal Building to ' be constructed in Lakeland. Florida, that will replace the existing Federal Building in , Lakeland, Florida, shall be known and desig- nated as the "Lawton Chiles, Jr. Federal ' Building". . -?(2) LEGAL REFERENCES.?Any 'reference in any law, regulation, 'document record, nap, or other paper of the United States to the building 'designated by paragraph (1) is - deemed to be a reference to the "Lawton Chiles, Jr. Federal Building". (3) EFFECTIVE DATE.?This subsection shall take effect on whichever of the following -occurs later: (A) The date of the enactment of this Act. (B) Januaty 3,1989. (b) ROBERT A. YOUNG FEDERAL BUILDING, Sr. LOUIS, MISSOURI.? ? k (1) DEsiorinton.?The Federal building lo- cated at 405 South Tucker Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri, shall be known and desig- nated as the "Robert A. Young Federal Building". - ? ? (2) LEGAL riErerinNcEs.?Any referenceAn a law, map, regulation, document, record, or other paper of the United States to the Fed- eral building referred to in paragraph (1) shall be deemed. to be a reference to the "Robert A. Young Federal Building". Mr. BYRD. Mr. President,- I move that the Senate concur in the House 'amendment. . ? ? Mr. STEVENS. There is no objec- tion. ,The PRESIDING OFFICER...The question is on 'agreeing to the motion of the Senator from West Virginia. ?? The motion was agreed to.. - --Mr. BYRD. 'Mk. President, I move to reconsider the vote, by ? which the -motion, was agreed to:' - ? Mr. STEVENS. I moire, to lay that motion on the table. - , ? ?? ? ;The motion to lay on ? the 'table was agreed to. - ? *,? ? - ? ? ? ? NATIONAL ASPARAGUS MONTH Mr. BYRD. Mr, President, I ask unanimous consent that the Judiciary Committee be discharged from further consideration of H. J. Res. 137 and the Senate proceed to its immediate con- sideration: - ? ?? The' PRESIDING OFFICER. The joint resolution will be stated by title. The legislative clerk read as follows: A joint resolution (H.J. Res. 137) Desig- ? nating the month of May. ,as "National As- paragus Month". The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the immediate con- sideration of the joint resolution? .There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the joint resolu- tion. . . AMENDMENT NO. 3769 Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I send to the desk an amendment on behalf of the Senator from California (Mr. WILSON). , ? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment will be stated. - The legislative clerk read as follow: The Senator from Alaska [Mr. Srsvms3 for Mr. WILSON proposes, an amendment numbered 3769. On page 2, line 3, after the word "May", insert". 1989,". The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the amend- ment. The amendment (No. 3769) was agreed to. Mr.. STEVENS. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote by which the amendment was agreed to. Mr. BYRD. I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The joint resolution is open to further ? amendment. If -there be no further amendment to be proposed, the ques- tion t. of the amendment and third reading of the joint resolution. ' The amendment was ordered to be engrossed and the joint resolution to be read a third time. The joint resolution (H.J. Res. 137) was read the third time. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is, Shall the joint resolution pass? So, the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 137) was passed. -? . ? The preamble was agreed to. . The title was amended as follows: Amend the title so as read "Joint Resolu- tion designating the month of May 1989, as "National Asparagus Month". Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote by which the joint resolution was passed. Mr. BYRD. I move to lay that motion on the table. ? The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. ? DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CI- VILIAN RESEARCH AND DEVEL- OPMENT AUTHORIZATION ACT Mr. - BYRD. Mi. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the immediate consider- ation of Calendar Order No. 997, H.R. 4505, a bill to reauthorize the Depart- ment of .Energy Office of Civilian Re- search: ? - - ? - The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill will be stated by title. The legislative clerk read as follows: A bill (H.R. 4505) to authoriz.e appropria- tions to the Department of Energy for civil- ian research. and development programs for fiscal year 1989. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the immediate con- sideration of the bill? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the bill, which had been reported from the Commit- tee on Energy and Natural Resources, with amendments, as follows: (The parts of the bill intended to be stricken are shown in boldface brack- ets, and the parts of the bill intended to be inserted are shown in italic.) That this Act may be cited as the "Depart- ment' of Energy Research Initiatives and Technology Competitiveness Act of 1988". TITLE I?NATIONAL LABORATORY COOPERATIVE RESEARCH INITIATIVES SEC. 101. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the "Department of Energy National Laboratory Cooperative Research Initiatives Act". SEC 102. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this title, the term? (a) "National Laboratory" means the fol- lowing Department of Energy laboratories? (1) Lawrence-Livermore National Labora- tory; (2) Lawrence-Berkeley National Laborato- M 131 Los Alamos National Laboratory; (4) Sandia National Laboratory; (5) Fermi National Accelerator; (6) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory; (7) Idaho National Engineering Laborato- ry; , Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210001-3