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POTROWSKI-21EM',MBERG~ W. IliANGMErm"s ARCMV FUR CnRURGIE, VEREINTCA' RET ZIUTSCHRIFT FaR CF.IRUPGIT./// PP 0537-0577 The present, viel.Molnt regarding elect---o cmq~O.ation of the gasserian ganglion In cases of facial pain NTC 74-.uBi3-o6i~, BUCIE.0' tZ., fluma-mc-avs nciiiv YaR unccscm, CHMUB;"rTE VNIMI[CiT MIT UlTSCHRIFT FIJER CHIRURGIE// --/--/.'L973,ArO3-',Ii,N----, pp 0001-0007 DeeD infections after alloplastic hip- joint ,Q .Melit NTC 74.--u8i..,:,-o6i,: Pieper, H. Comparative examinations of different varie- ties of thi-i! cultivated poppy, Papver Somnife- rum. Landw, Hahrbuc~-,, Vol. 89, no, 3, pp.333-392, 1939. *NTIS T'r 73-58085 may 73 1 *1 - - fleiper, 11. Comparative Exaiainations of Different Varii.~Ocs cf tho Cultivated Poppy LMUN. JAIIRB. Vol 89, No 3, 1939, pp 333-392 I - -74-531')5 *NTB TT I t I ; ; ~~ ~ ~i 'i - 'L ; :, ;- ` . ,. ;,A:. i~ 1:1 i~ - ~- - ij~, I I ~ ~L - 1- - - - - - - ~ . ~ -1 - - LAAGENRECKS AklilV FUR-011RURGH, W i;klO der$ L. pred~, t" a t i tj c) fIron Hydroxide in Drain Pipes SA40hMUNS TIDSERIFT, 1945$ pp 358-367 LANTBAU *NTIS-Tt-74-55061 -!.Inions 1, 2. JPHS 58L20 Calls for I-lore -'ffort in ',-,ew ao Doi , 1,anoi, 13 Jan 73, -Iii r 7 3 I -)ils, to ~oc lal ris i.ira:w e ?ro c C- (ILI-I u s, Jol 1) i 0 C II!, I):) 'Pe :;unrrr- [,,ut Fiol-.~est T)i,iv(.Ir 1-eeT.)s "ands CNff State ~,J~Elj-~rj j~lnh, .5 T _K ~ I Fe Ta no,L , 17 rr.), _Lao__D_a_nq:, 2. T7 I~C Trade 1e MD Thuan, Nguyen Luc Task for Trade Unions in New Era Prooosed, 17 i>P , LAO DOUG, HI!Lnoi~ 23 MaY 73Y pp 2t 3. TPR'9 51713 Jul 73 Statement on Training Technicial Workers Made, 0 pp. LAO DIONG, lianoll 26 MRY 73~ pp 1~ 2. rPRS- i--,9575 Aug 73 Major 1mroveme its in Bealth 11",ervice Seen "Teadedp "' I ..) p ~~' t ~ M.. I no i , 13 .3-111, 7 3, PT 1 , 2. LAO DO N(' I - -TF.W-'r) r ;M20 Se-o 73 General FOC.ElPflitiOll of Trade Unions Confer,,mce iesolution, 10 pp. IAO llunoi, 25 JI-11 73, I)T) 1., 2. 71FR777054 0 c t 7 3 1~1' 3 0 la~ nanieO T 7 D~ On I.A 0 D C Resolution Of the 'Iietxwa General Federation of Trade Uhions. 1-1 pp LAO DONG. Hinoi, 17 Apr 1974, pp 1-2. ims-e-5)ZL88 Prerqic)l' PhRru. Vari Donq- Dclivers StrOnF; JI to Trade Un.-i.,:)I-l Ionf"resa, 10 I)r. LAO DMI-n-, H~1)710-1 , 1.2 a Jul" 74, pp 1, 4. 0-n f. 7,1~~ r) 9 fok o z l t~- T,:,i-iis 5 1. " ~ - 1. ~-. ,I q :-, ~ ~ - 1 -, 1: c .7'. . , ", ( , " , -. , e ?, - 1: o .. ( " (-,~ 1.,e , - ",):" " ~ I 1 1 1 : ~11, ~. ) - ~~ 0 1 , c -1 ob", o. !lt L~r ~~ er ~ n, I r Al) - 7 3 IIIARO Usk 41 I~l --k-y' 070j~' 0024 iN----- ~11 Annual 16f de Dep'artmant of Ornithology, Instit ie 6~t~ ~Biclogy, 162 pp pp S-U;6, NT:11.3-IT-70-56030## 11 APrl'L 1-973 SF I.Mie Physici In-stitute im. P.N. Leber-dew in Mosco-) by lie'oedle". Laser, January 1973. Ad H(~c Specinj. type ED Ek) nol., Ort~:Lr..~I.l lnlul~, ~wci (2, !-'aronism anc, j.~rcblevis in Creation of it Lhited iront, by ttoldoh*o Ghiolcd, 28 pp. iwscow, *qO 6, RWS:Wi, per, "t~p&ayA,Antx A i,ov-bec lcl)72; I~o 1, Jan-Feb 1973, ji-,16 r- I -,,bb52 Apr 73 Soldet-Chile,an ~~cjentdfic Cooperation Dc-crihed, 1v T.. V. PoIPV03 0 9 Pp. RUS)SPIN., PPY',, Ltinskaya -121r~ka, ~,~oscow, No 2. Mar-A,~~r 197?., -,)r ,jp-,,s !)93.11 May 7':1 Table of Contents and SwwAry of 'Latinskaya Amori Ica 1 9 5 pp LATINSKAYA A -11 JPRS -5;- =-4, Moscow, mv-Jl;ne 1973, pp 3-1' ., 9W -'- Kosa.rev, YO - A. Latin America and UNCTAD, 20 pp, LATINSITAYA. AtC.R110%, Moscow, NO 3, May-Jun 73, Pp 27-L~'fs JPRS 59509 Jul 73 Merin, B. M. LRtin American Leftist, Student Groups Surveyed, .16 pp. IATIIqS'K.kyA. AMEPLIMP Ploscow, No 3, MaY-Jur 73, PP lia-bee JPR3 59488 Ju 1 7 3", Lavi-Ito A. A. The Iliter-Amer'can Development Bank, 14 pi). LA'TINSHAYk AHERIYAP Moscowo NO 3, May-Jun 73P pp InF-T2T-. ip'lis 5,9509 JU 1 73 N, .. -.0 The of the fleroes AcIA c- "'loPelda Lives in t~ ; 10 PD Vements of tl)e Peo.ole. 1&1111q. lii6'A QILRaL~A 'OscOw, No 4, JUJ.3r-Auo J9?3, pp 1. 9 B. , L. jpll,S r;g, , ~Of,~ Niaydanlk, E", L. The Victory of the Cuban People s.nd the *dorld Revolvticrm-ry 11~-Ocess. I 14 Y)P. 54AY-A iWEICIU, Ploscow, ho 4, July-Aug 14.TDII __ I 19731 0 JM 59908 Kor'"'91r, YEl, A. The popillulal.,ioll allcl Solllt,orl Of ~; Problerm:; in the Trariiidtioj~ p()rj.ccl, 1 - .3 p;. ".61A 1,j0 ip "". R , JU131-Auj, 1973, ~~51- ; 0 JPRS r;q,-)G~q Role of Committees in Defending CWxn Revolution, 13 PP LATIN�-UXA &&, Moscow, No 4, JulY-Aug 1973, pp 66-79. JM .59976 Kislav, S. 14. Life and Guerrilla Activity of Frank Pais. 8 pp LMNSKAYA AKEOU, Moscow, No 4, July-Aug 1973 9 pp 190-196. JPRS .59976 GrigtAevicb, 1. R. Crescimcio Perez Speaks. , 0 PP lalig. &&, Moscow, No 4, JulY-Aug 1973, PP 197-2 . JM 59976 Books cn Moricadc, Emers~o Che Guevara Reviewed. 7 pp IATINSMY A- &J, Mosow, Ilo 4, JAy-Aug 197% PP 210-?-U- JM 59976 Paul Castro 1,oniments on Transfomition of Cuban Into ltsvolutioll. 8 pp WDSKAYA Loscow, ',o 5, ~;ePt-Qot 1973, 70- T--l 3 - - i f, R s (-,, I "? -" " 6. ,ivozcia.rev, S. 1. sov~ot Flolb::y 'p,mia-rc, 'fntirk America Cited. 9 pl) a--rn43EAYA WORIKA, i~oscrw, No 2, Mar.-Aur 74, pp 12-20. MRS 62a4) Belcarevich, it. I'-* Cuban Rolatdons odth 'USA and Latin America Revicired. 19 pp UTIIC~RAYA lio 2, lisar--Apr 74, pp - jp~s 62924 011 Sharlyy , h. 1. CMA Relations Kith Poru Discussed. 19 pp I WINSRAYA AJIURIU, Moscow, No 2, IJar--Apr 74, pp 79-92. JITS 62627 011 shulyy, A. 1. CE14A ReLlatiams Ath Foru Liscussed. 19 Rp .jg~JU, Moscow, No 2, !-;B.r-Apr 74, pp LATINjl( IL , 7/0-92. JPRS 6'2)834 Ilatc-lic-hev, N. 3. Development of ~ioviet-Cuban Econo-ndc, Trade i-,elations. 3 pp LATIN5HAYA JIRUU.4, Abscow, No 2. f,;ar-Api- 74, pp 95- 98. h:Rs 62933 Ishk,o-v, A. A, Soviet Cooporaticin in Development of Latin American Rish 2hr-lustry. Y IT UTLI,,~'-KKYA AKEYd.A, Moscow, No 2, Aar.-Apr 74, pp qa-lv~. J-FRS 62933 Guzhenkc, 5'. '.'1. Soviet--Cubar.-. i-ArUime Cooperation Described. 3 i)p LATINISKAYA VL~,RIU, MIC'scow, No 2, lll:ar-Apr 74, pp J FRS (, " ~ 4 -1 "~ Sizonenko, A. 1. Soviet Stud-ies cf Latin America bamined,. 10 pp LEIN 5KAYA j " -L. .&L-Ug, IIoscow, May-Jun 74, ~)P 93-10* ja5 6M45- _ L Soviat-Argenti-mr. 1~.,conoipd.c Relations. 7 Pp Lirrib-SKAYA AULLLKA,_ 1~1oscw, ~,o 4, Jul-Aug pp 191-1196. JiIIZ; 63(8? .1 Tsiii A Met iod :~or Deternining the Current Density of ~ a~h Are lb~kn Moved in a Narrow-S'ot Ca- vityl. Yy ar~ External Magnetil,. Field, Latv'~Jjas '1?SR Fdnatnu Akad. Yestial riz, un T-e-h-n'.O-,Ti-n'Irt-nu Ser: 1566, No. 4, V. V. upitis Li-'tle investigated trace olements in e-hloreZZa. Part 2. Nichc,, LATTIMAS PSR .1JNATVU AKADEMIJAS VES No 4, 19171., pp -93-34 NTC 73-10669-06A may 7 3 le lonUa on, ~6nstwitO ut rqdmQrdivintiven of z TIMAMEZaiM VEST3Z. IJIGA. MajAc.' Ic 81 7 18P. LIKAD -Fjj~. VEcITIS/1 f ~7r,. ("I C,b c,"a 71 fl "'IT[:( In Theory and TrELCtiCC-, ~-) pr~. '-&TD'.')GFA~J, Cottbus, 9, Feb ',," I " 'K I - ~) 1 1, ~ ~ 1. , I-) ': . - -7- o-T-Ts 17775-- -- A-,")p "ll'i. (~)~n thi and 3)r of the Uilway Unk Between Turkey . Lik VU DU VAIL JUME411,11 No 218, ID72 pp 27-28 HE 3421, VOM, No 218 (MIA) AM O"k, k ViR JiD-T Alf. W, PPAVC (CANARWill 04/1031~ VOO phometric, P146i'vtogioal,, histalopiwt, and biochamto nges~ i," ji-at -r!6ot *xtmeom immobolixed by p Zmter, 35 325-340 INMA .77 F 154,03394 WilizoNs *Ullci~'4 in nflee of th, I FL ~j NO is Ims pp 617 Ile Aii~~i lt(-~rjfi c. a 4 Avalanche Protectimi in 'Switzerlaad 269 py LAkINENSMUl'A", IN DEK 6CiNLIZ Dec 19712 Acs I - K -4 5 94 UNIJOIK': 14 P! 17 M r EIV Ij- Z . 5 U R' : LA','j:].FI Ell, DULIN' A ~ '~ I //LAZE'J~~IAY~ 1~ I % L KAT%';IYA I SWAZI// , 0 0 Laser W~ecti(~ arA Commication, 68 pp book , 74-759@ Fedoroir, B. F. Pamphlet Lwiseribes Lasers; and Thelr Use. 28 pp 19ERY I Mal lali-laIENIYE, Moscow, 1973, PP 1-4; 115-137; 153-157. JPRS 59824 Paulus, K. Lebensm - Wiss.. u. TeahnioalL-Vol.21 Bundas- forsc unfSainStd1t fur. Lebenomittelfrischal- Le -0 1. Oct., 19699 pp.! ff. *NTIS TT 74-53179 Gunter Gruxidk(- Progress in Packaging Research Durin,-,, 1970 DIE LEBENSMITTU-INDUSTRIErls, 1971, No. 5., p p 16 37- I-6T-- ~, v ~J, F S TC .41'r- 2.3 -.2 8 C - 7 2 S 11 b J E C T I V FG W'041w Y N I- M L T i i CILIS IJF SEW~OHJC' 4NALYSIS HERkMANN J LANLAJAGF-GE C(jONIhY--(.7-E LL BE N SM i I N'. L '.1% NOOS I k I & VIA 19 NO 12 19 12 PP ~, 1- 5 3 2 F i TC -H F-4! Li 1 4 Holzaprel, Clo Some 3-asic Task!i of Poodstufft Industry Oui;lined v ppo DIE LEETINSMITTEL-INDUSTRIE, East Berlin, N. n 7 3 , P n - JPRS 59454 ,Tul 73 Horn, Otto Attitude Toward World 'Raw Cocoa, Other Raw Material Paots Explained, 5 P-3. j~r DIE LEBENSILITT UNDUSTRIE, APr 73, p T JPRS 59538 Aug '73 Fi.-St Automil.tec. Dairy, llosults Described, 6 pp. I DT-E LFB",*-*.~'~SM'Elj'T~,L-Il~L)UST'~T-' -- .J P', TgiDzig, Jun 73, ,)D =c-ieb4- JPIRS .591327 ,~, e -0 7 3 Na-Del., :,,011", '-"asir,g, Prob.lems of Further Rationalization Of FOOdStIlf.-I's Productic)II, 8 pl). DIE Leinzig, Jill 73,, p ITPHS 601.2~- i RUS$ 'i -ego: 8344/0257 W 3 August 1973 Mediciil' e IT e 6-of constant and low-Trequency intermAllent 6 L Jo8nictic f4 eltis, by I.I.. Degen. Le D Nizkochasto tny' :h v1a postoja J.~ ~ gakh i Porommijilth 11,V-1-th Polqy., pp 12)4-12R. Pf? cc 1. -type :111 Do 11"A Phu, On- copy Nechapl-va, I.D. Therapy of OVarian TUmors LEGIENIL OPLIKHLE1 IAICHNIKOVP 19721t 188 PF *NTIS-I't-74-51,05.1 scil4lkuictiou of Labile-Dound-Amide Nitr:)geL Ski~ -Co:Llageh. PER, !'Vol 23, No 2, pp 17-229 1972. C 73.-103117-IIG 40 &W& part Ifftot 0.',!' s0# its Atari 4#4w and WPK'V 00"atiou in As Arm ox's =R6 JIA MM UND PRAIIIS I'll ;~ M OMESZ.VOWS 0, 10 pp NTO 7s- $007.240 F&II lank li.illt r yan een !L~~ja(.,Le thrij From L.LGLI(W-Adt"It Ma 9 ax, i n e Feb -1111, Puolish at lbc~ 1131lue, Nellicriamts JIA LN 6J2-73 I k.] 111 13.1 AIEGIA-Svo CHIo// I VA ZHAROPRO tAterdlitf usip In metallic systems 52-1$9j: *NTI --T".%;-74-S8Q15~@ WrPR flo. 971-f6l.-M-07016 Tl.tj't kla Pepin't cin QkdiUmce investigationx (Fundsiaca- tals camanitag stability te gits tuA tl~e qwjJ:Lty