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CENTRAL INT444.WgeillreEr?ci&k.F.NPI,A2/01/10 ?
Privacy Act of 1974
Systems of Records
Note: Systems of records for the Central Intelligence Agency are
current as of September 7, 1976.
The following routine uses apply to, and are incorporated by
reference into, each system of records set forth below.
I. In the event that a system of records maintained by the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency to carry out its functions indicates a viola-
tion or potential violation of law, whether civil, criminal or regula-
tor.. in nature, and whether arising by general statute or particular
preeram pursuant thereto, the relevant records in the system of
records may be referred, as a routine use, to the appropriate agen-
cy. -.whether Federal, state, local or foreign, charged with the
responsibility of investigating or prosecuting such violation or
charged with enforcing or implementing the statute, or rule, regula-
tion or order issued pur4uant thereto.
2- A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a
routine use, to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to a Central Intelligence Agency decision con-
cerning the hiring or retention of .an employee, the issuance of a
security clearance, or the letting of a contract.
3. A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a
routine use, to a Federal agency, in response to its request, in con-
nection with the hiring or retention of an employee, the issuance of
a security clearance, the reporting of an investigation of an em-
ployee, the letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant,
or other benefit by the requesting agency, to the extent that the in-
- . forreaatioa is relevant and necessary to the requesting agency's deci-
sion on the matter.,.
4. A record frijol this system of records may be disclosed, as a
routine use, in the course of presenting evidence to a court, magis-
trate or, administrative tribUnal, including disclosures to opposing
counsel in the course of settlement negotiations.
5. A record from this system of records may be disclosed to the
Office of Management and Budget in connection with the review of
private release legislation as set forth in OMB Circular No. A-19 at
any stage of the legislative coordination and clearance process as
set forth in that Circular
A?ci-67 "C;C:
Relations File?CIA-46
gence Training Record?CIA-8
plicant Files?CIA-30
A licatione Division Tracking System
Brie g Program File?CIA-43
Caree Trainee Files?CIA-6
Central adge System?CIA-54
CIA Autin s
Clinical an sychiatric Files (Appli
Clinical and chiatric Files (Erni)
Computer Acc s
Congressional Li ison Recorde
Consultant and In pendent C
Current Employees nd Form
files and records re ted t
Cryptographic Access le
Directorate of Operation
Employee Grievance Fol
Equal Employment Oppert
Equipment and Supplr's Ac
External Training Ei,les?CIA-1
Foreign Map Souree
Financial RecordV?CIA-50
Guest Speak s?CIA-13
Inspector ( neral Research Records?C
Intetligen in Public Literature File?C(A
Langua Learning Center Student Files?C
Langu ge Qualifications Register?CIA-10
Lege Subject Records?CIA-5
Lib ry Open Literature. Ready Reference File?C
L gistics Security Clearance Records?CIA-20
anpower Control.; System?CIA-29
tractor Records?CIA-32
r Employees (official Personnel
ecords System?CIA-49
'ty Complainant Records?CIA-14
ntability Records?CIA-19
Off-Ci pus Instructor Applicant Files?CIA-7
Office o oint Computer Support Training and SI:*
Invent? ?CIA-2
Parking Per ? Files?CIA-16
Personal Prope y Claims Records?CIA-I8
Polygraph Files 'IA-23
Privacy Act Reque ters?CIA-21
Private Attorney Pa l?CIA-4
Professors and Place nt Officers of S9fcted Colleges?CIA-
Prospective Contributors or the CoJlction of Foreign
Psychological Test Data File ?C A-37
Publications about CIA?CIA- .9
Security Analysis Records? 1. -56
Security Duty Office Events Rep s?CIA-51
Security Records?CIA-
Soviet-U.S. Contact;syile?CIA-45
Special Clearance S tem?C1A-52
Supplemental Per/sonnet (Soft) Files?C 24
Supplemental Personnel (Soft) Files--CIA 5
Suppleinentalel5ersonnel (Soft) Files?CIA-2
Suppleme tal Personnel (Soft) Files?CIA-27
ntal Personnel (Soft) Files?CIA-23
Unsolj teed Correspondence from the General Pu in addressed
to the Director or Deputy Director of Central
? 'Sel_i_c_1.! C_Ipei'atols File?CIA-17
System name: Applications-Birilien Tracking System.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Agency and con-
tract employees, employees of contractor supporting Office of shein4-PierieikWesc?
Coae.rerrei 3ukaaat., currently or formerly assigned to computer
software development or maintenance projects in Applications.
Categories of records In the system: Documentation of hours
logged on each assigned programming or overhead project.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Section 506(a), Federal
Records Act of 1950(44 U.S.C., Section 3101).
Routine uses of records maintained In the system, including catego.
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Applications
a-Pieisitnr?staff for periodic reporting to Appliestiesive--Divrsion?
management man-hours expended to develop assigned programming
projects and overhead hours. Used for tracking the usage and
scheduling of all resources for developing software.
Used to substantiate hours spent by contractor personnel on bil-
lable contractual activity.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Magnetic disk.
Retrievability: Name and employee number.
Safeguards: Limited to specifically designated and cleared per-
Retention and disposal: Records are erased when hours of activity
are no longer needed by management.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of JoietsCompatr Serpi:et DATA )4 c cess. /,?"
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
' Act Cotsfdinator
entre nte igence geney
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
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2 2 3 97
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
r ? -
_AppWefo9VRecgaadg01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Applications Tracking System--CIA-1
Office of Data Processing Training & Skills Inventory--CIA-2
Computer Access File--CIA-3
Private Attorney Panel--CIA-4
Legal Subject Records--CIA-5
Career Training Files--CIA-6
Off-Campus Instructor Applicant Files--CIA-7
Agency Training Record--CIA-8
Language Learning Center--CIA-9
Language Qualifications Register--CIA-10
Modern Language Aptitude Test Scores (MLAT)--CIA-11
External Training Files--CIA-12
Guest Speakers--CIA-13
Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Records--CIA-14
Employee Grievance Files--CIA-15
Parking Permit Files--CIA-16
Vehicle Operators File--CIA-17
Personal Property Claims Records--CIA-18
Equipment and Supplies Accountability Records--CIA-19
Logistics Security Clearance Records--CIA-20
Privacy and Freedom of Information Acts Requesters--CIA-21
Polygraph Files- -CIA-23
Manpower Controls System---CIA-29
Applicant Files--CIA-30
Current Employees and Former Employees (official Personnel
files and records related thereto)--CIA-31
Consultant and Independent Contractor Records--CIA-32
Prospective Contributors for Collection of Foreign
Clinical and Psychiatric Files (Employees)--CIA-34
Clinical and Psychiatric Files (Applicants)--CIA-35
Medical Facilities and Physicians--CIA-36
Psychological Test Data Files--CIA-37
Congressional Liaison Records--CIA-38
Publications About CIA--CIA-39
CIA Authors File--CIA-40
Intelligence in Public Literature-File--CIA-41
Library Open Literature Ready Reference File--CIA-42
Briefing Program File--CIA-43
Foreign Map Source Files--CIA-44
Soviet-U.S. Contacts File--CIA-45
Academic Relations File--CIA-46
Professors and Placement Officers of Selected Colleges--CIA-47
Cryptographic Access File--CIA-48
Directorate of Operations Records Systems--CIA-49
Financial Records--CIA-50
Security Duty Office Events Reports--CIA-51
Special Clearance System--CIA-52
centrit Badge System--CIA-54
Security Analysis Records--CIA-56
Security Records--CIA-57
Inspector General Research Records--CIA-58
Unsolicited Correspondence from the General Public
Addressed to the Director or Deputy Director of Central
Personal and Professional Associates of the Director of
Central Intelligence--CIA-60
Supplemental Personnel (Soft) Files--CIA-61
Approve Forrelease 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
? AI 7 Pi.. 2. PIO., ?
ontestini record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's Authority for maintenance of the system: Section 506(a), Federal
regulations for access to i win tivithireffirdprquilm4q
tents thereof, and for appe g an mina determine fi2t139 Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego- ?
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
fen CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Agency employees, contract employees,
employees of contractor supporting the Office of Jseirrt-eorriestiter
less Ti9 CE5le7.
System name: Office of . Training and Skills
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20503.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees, con-
tract employees, and employees of contractors assigned to the Of-
fice of leset-C-eenputee-S-upporf-(49-1C-S4e >VW ThaceSS/ A:G(0DV.
Categories of records in the system: Documentation of CIA-
funded training for each individual assigned to the Office of lairre
GeerreesteesSiespiest. 1),97,41 Bee e cesse?ssae? .
Documentation submitted by each individual assigned to eieS,
indicating his self-evaluation of his programming skills.
Authority for meintenalice of the system: Section 506(a), Federal
Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section 3101).
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Assist DIOJCS in ascer-
taining what additional training personnel should receive. .M..:D/OZt
_V/01,1*-4=DieteS in the management of personnel assignments to
new programming tasks.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Magnetiddisk.
- Retrievability: By Name,
Safeguards: Access to and use of these records is limited to those
persons whose official ditties require such access.
Retention and dip salt Records are purged as employees
separate from-04eSperiodic updates. 007)
System manager(s) and addi'ess:
Director. Office of Joint-Gomptiter-Stippere ZI9r4AccezeSi,v6
C:ntral Intelligence Agency
Wsshington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries t ?
Central Trite igence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Agency personnel and employees of
System name: Computer Access File.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Agency em-
ployees having special access to Office (it Jeitst-Giansput-er-Sturest
computer systems. besreg Pat1c&-ef?v9
Agency cleared contractors who have been granted access to Of-
fice of Joint Ca, ,Ott Simper?computer systemsrie
Categories of records in the system: Individual's name, office, ? ?
user identification code, hedge number and computer systems to
which the individual has access.
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: ef-feseseHernt-ecnrrrrateres-esre? op
Suppartm Security Officers, computer system and data base lever,s?,,i,aii
managers, and Automated Data Processing Control Officers use the sae?
system to:
Determine computer system(s), if any, to which an individual at
CIA has access.
Control access to computer systems through automated computer
system verifications of individual's authorization for access to com-
puter which he/she is attempting to use.
Determine the name, office, room number and badge number as-
sociated with the user identification code of an individual suspected
of a possible violation of 'computer systems security procedures.
Identify individuals listed in audit trail records as having ac-
cessed a particular computer system or computer-based system or
mAa, vci srs eP roArib,-treiq aSeit-S.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Magnetic disk packs with "back-up" records on tapes.
and controlled hard copy computer listings used for reference. Aps
plications and approval for access are maintained in paper files.
Retrievability: Name and user identification code.
Safeguards: Access to these records is limited to cleared persons
whose official duties require such access. Personnel screening and
computer system security protective mechanisms are employed to
prevent unauthorized disclosure. Hard copy computer listings and
paper files are maintained in combination lock safes or vaulted
Retention and disposal: Records of individuals who no longer
have access to Office of Joint--eempotee-Eaippert systems are -
deleted from computer-based system of records. Fsbeiree PRoces2o1
As changes are made and new master computer listings are
generated, the paper listings are destroyed by burning and the
records on magnetic media are degaussed. There is no retention of
these records.
System manager(s) and address: ?
Director, Office of ttreareptster-Szappect 7:;s9raeoec-SseiV5e
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
CSX5' Ilet-Coprbfator)
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rides.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employees.
Contractor employees.
- CIA-4
System name: Private Attorney Panel.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Attorneys in
private practice.
Categories of records in the system: Name, address, date and
place of birth, education, law firm (if any), State(s) admitted to
Bar, and date and type of clearance.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Central Intelligence
Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
2 2, 3 - 974
Information and Privacy Coordinator'
pnformation and Privacy Coordinatorl
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purpoles of such uses: To provide a list of
private attorneys for use oniappeotvitaiffirDiease 2002/01/
To provide a referral list for those employees whose employment
with CIA must be protected.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Records are stored in a combination lock safe and
access is onl b ?erso el in he Office of General Counsel.
Retention and dispose .e,essmane
System manager(s) and address:
General Counsel
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
(IrrrvadyTt. t Coordi
-Meat A?g-e-ncy
Washington. D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for apperilin an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules seetion of the Federal Register.
Record source 'categories: Attorneys, CIA employees and former
Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory.
System name: Legal Subject Records.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuate covered by the system: Agency em-
ployees, defectors, individual plaintiffs in litigation cases, in-
dividuals asserting claims against CIA, contractors and consultants,
authors, journalists and other individuals who become involved in
legal relationships or matters with CIA.
Categories of records in the system: Correspondence, affidavits,
briefs and other legal documents, reports of investigation, Govern-
ment forms, cables and internal CIA memoranda.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Central Intelligence
Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained In ilw system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Ti) provide factual infor-
mation for legal opinions.
To provide factual information for litigation reports prepared for
the Department of Justice.
To provide factual information for dealing with Agency contrac-
tors and consultants.
A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a
"routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or
retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
benefit. .
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records In the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Records are stored in combination lock safes and ac-
cess is only by persoimel ie the Office of General Counsel. ,
Retention and disposal: Permanent retention.
System mantiger(s) and address:
10 : CiangWATIV473A000600000007-4
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
?eiara ntelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals mast
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records. are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Individuals identified in
Categories of individuals covered by the system: above, Federal
agencies and other CIA records systems.
System name: Career Trainee Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Applicants and
employees selected for Career Training Program.
Categories of records In the system: Name, biographic data, test
results of applicant being considered for Career Training Program.
Employee name, biographic data, test results, training evaluations,
correspondence, trainee progress reports and supervisor reports on
trainees during their interim assignments, and memoranda for the
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C.. Section
Routine uses of records maintained In the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Agency officials
to determine an individual's selection for the Career Training Pro-
Used by Agency officials for monitoring training activity after
Used by Agency officials for job placement after completion of
training program.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing ol records in the system:
Storage: Paper and microforms.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Stored in combination lock safe; access is limited to
Career Trainee Program Officers, and Personnel Officers.
Retention and dis sal: ecordi-i?ire retained for the durati
the emp oyee $ partici') on in the C reer
tr nsf rred to the Offi e of ersonnel. Of
in t official personn ders; the r
?wde the individ l's supplem
-Records on unsuccessfi licants for t
gram are returned to th Office of P rsonnel.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Training
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
Information and Privacy Coordinato-il
223 -
raining rroq
cial transcripts
akin% materials
1 personnel (
eer Trolni
inquiries to:
Abt,Cooe ator
CET) rafTnteIligerrica gency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
9 7 4
Records on cleared but never used attorneys are
'destroyed 1 year after clearance is cancelled.
Records of cleared and used attorneys are
destroyed when deceased or when services are no
longer of interest whichever is earlier.
Destruction is by pulping.
Files are retained ft:sr duration of the employee's ,
.participation in the Career Training Program, then
.transferred to the Office of Personnel. Official
transcripts are filed in the official personnel
folders; remaining material is incorporated into
Individual's supplemental personnel (soft) file.
Unsuccessful applicant records are returned to
Approved For Release2Q02/Q1/10
Identification requirements are specified in the enA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: The sources of information in these
files are Program Orficers, educational institutions, and the in-
System name: Of f-Carnpus Instructor Applicant Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered ? by the system: Agency. em-
ployees who are applicants for part-time instructor positions m the
Agency Off-Campus Program sponsored by University of Virginia.
Categories of records in the system: Applicant forms for teaching
in the Off-Campus Program.
Correspondence with University of Virginia including application
approvals and rejections and documents concerning contract ad-
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a),Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, Including catego-
ries of use', and the purposes of such uses: Used by Agency officials
to administer Instructor Program for Off-Campus college courses
provided to employees.
Recommendations to University of Virginia for employing in-
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name and discipline.
Safeguards: Stored in combination lock safes. Access by CIA of-
ficials on need-to-know basis.
Retention- and disposal ecoi4s ake_retained fbFiisree ye s fter
.auone r ge empiny e them destroy lzy_burn
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Training
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
Centre Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requiremenes are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employee, educational institutions, stu-
dent evaluation of the instructor and the University of Virginia.
System name: Agency Training Record.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 241505.
II nformatl_o_p_ juld Privac Coord.inat
'al'er,11P.PV-10,A172P(Mr99(1,9,0f1.9741tem: Agency em-
ployees and other Federal employees who have completed Office
of Training courses, Agency-sponsored external training, and other
Agency component-conducted training programs.
Categories of records in the system: A machine run which lists the
individual's transcript of Agency-sponsored training.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Title 5, USC. Chapter
Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as Amended?Public Law 81-
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C.. Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Records are used by
Agency officials for processing employee requests for Agency.
sponsored training.
Used by Agency officials to evaluate training requirements in
connection with a proposed assignment.
Agency Career Management and Training Officers use this
record as a management tool in counseling employees concerning
their career development.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposino of records in the system:
Retrievabi yT"B-s,---name.
Safeguards: Stored in combination lock safes. Access is restricted
to Training Officers, Personnel Officers, Supervisors and the
TSS/OTR Staff.
Retention and disposal
System manager(s) and address.
Director, Office of Training
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
ena ne igence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Transcripts from educational institu-
tions, certificates of successful completion from the training facility
and training reports from the individual.
System name: Language Learning Center Student Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20503.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees en-
rolled in the Language Learning Center.
Categories of records in the system: Biographic data, test scores,
training reports from instructors, training requests from sponsoring
office and attendance reports.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Title 5, U.S.C. Chapter
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Agency officials
to monitor student performance. Transcript is entered in the Agen-
cy Training Record.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records In the system:
Records are destroyed by pulping 3 years after
termination of Agency employment.
.Storage:: Machine listing on COM
Retention and Disposal: Superseded COM reels are
destroyed by burning upon receipt of updated reels.
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By ?mApproved For Release 2002/01/10
Safeguards: Records stored in secure areas. Access on a need-to-
know ba-.is.
Rete or duration of student enroll-
me ? eco are destro
by burning.
System an a ress:
Director. Office of Training
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Netification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains infonnation about them should direct their
inquiries to:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access pro lures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dreeseed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employees and instructors.
System name: Language Qualifications Register.
System loCation:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505. ?
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees who
claim a foreign language proficiency.
Categories of records in the system: Employee claim of foreign
language proficiency, and identifying biographic data.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Title 5, U.S.C, Chapter
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Agency person-
nel for processing requests for foreign language training and for
language proficiency cash awards.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper and magnetic tape.
Retrievability: Name and language.
Safeguards: 'Maintained in combination lock safes. Access on a
need-to-know basis.
etention and disposal: Recoil updated semiannuall
ires:111-6?e-d? etic
ystem manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Training
.Centrni Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505,
Notificetion. procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
ineuiries to:
ArSeCoorriPeniQf 1
infeliiience Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
publeshed in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules'.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
-dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procellerte: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for accei to individual records, for disputing the con-
aziaripthightiugartonurttermr, promulgated in
a n
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employees.
System name: Modern Language Aptitude Test Scores (N1LAT).
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Selected appli-
cants and employees who have taken the Modern Language Ap-
titude Test.
Categories of records in the system: Name, biographic data and
test scores.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Title 5, U.S.C. Chapter
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Pubiic
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego,
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Language
Learning Center personnel to evaluate student potential for learning
a foreign language.
Used by Personnel Officers in deciding appointment and job
Aptitude test scores are provided to Foreign Service Institute
when employee is enrolled in their language program.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Stored in combination lock safes; access on a need-
to-know basis.
Retention and dissaleiRec its e retain d f ureic; of
(riteWal's erripieyme. Unsucce 1 applican cords are r med
for .-- months. R&Wrcls are dest ed by burni
System manaWi7-'w1.?. address:
Director, Office of Training
Central Intelligence Agency:
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn it this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
'Jager Ac CoorcE tor
Central Inte igence-Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Individual.
System name: External Training Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees spon-
sored full-time external training programs.
Categories of records in the system: Employee biographic data,
correspondence with public and private educational institutions,
transcript and grades, training requests and administrative docu-
ments related to enrollment, employees evaluation of training
course and employee Training Obligation Agreement.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Title 5, USC, Chapter
Information and Privacy Coordinator)
Papers are destroyed by pulping and tapes are erased
upon inclusion of information in employee's official
Files'are cut off at completion of training; all
but final report is destroyed 90 days after cut off;
final report is destroyed 5 years after cut off.
Records are destroyed by pulping.
Destroyed upon termination of Agency employment.
Unsuccessful applicant records are destroyed after
12 months. ? Destruction of records is by pulping.
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
414 Approved For ReleasERilitlarffl
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-HO.
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Agency officials
to determine employee's eligibility for Agency sponsored training.
Used by Aeeney officials to enroll employees in private and
public educational institutions.
Used by Agency officials to evaluate courses for future enroll-
ment of employees.
Data fur Agency Training Record.
Notification of funds advanced and accountings are proved to the
Office of Finance.
A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a
"routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
tinent information. such, as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or
retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper and punch cards.
Retrievability: Name and employee number.
Safeguards: Stored in combination lock safe; access on need-to-
know basis.
Retention no
es all course c nruitme
et inf 'for one e after ern 1 yee
; records a' destroyed by .urn-
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Training
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
tralintellige-n-de- Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Ageicy's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section ofs the Federal Register.
Record source categories: The sources of information are from the
individual, his sponsoring office, and the external training facility.
System name: Guest Speakers.
- System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals under
consideration for guest speaker engagements in CIA training cour-
ses. Individuals include members of the academic journalistic and
business world as well as present and former senior Agency and
other Government officials.
Categories of records in the system: Name, biographic data includ-
ing academic credentials, published materials, correspondence and
administrative records.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Section 506(a), Federal
Records Act of 1930, (44 U.S.C., Section 3101).
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, Including catego-
ries of users and the purpteses of such uses: Assist Training Officers
in curriculum developineet and selection of speakers for scheduled
training courses.
Policies and practi, as fur storing, relrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of retie ds hi the system:
Storage: Paper.
lInformation and Privacy Coordinator
Retrievability: By name and area of expertise.
Safeguards: Files are stored in a combination lock safe. Use of
material is restricted to Training Officers involved in course
Retention and dis osal? les re maintained as ong as t.
spea? r. Rec.ge. s are destr ed by buim
ystem rnanager(s and a. ress:
Director, Office of Training
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
ac Act'Coor4finata
Centralnte igen&?Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's -
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Individual, Agency officials, academic
and private institutions, Federal agencies.
System name: Equal Employment Opportunity Complainant
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Current or former
contract, staff or detailed military personnel of the Agency as well
as applicants for employment
Categories of records in the system: Data collected by an EEO In-
vestigator which bears on the charges of discrimination brought by
the complainant. File contains sworn affidavits from the complai-
nant, the alleged discriminating officer(s), and other individuals
directly involved, as well as other documents, records, or other
statistical evidence considered pertinent to the case or which assists
the Agency in making its decision.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Equal Employment Op-
portunity Act of 1972. Public Law 92-261.
Executive Orders 11478 and 5 C.F.R., Part 713.222.
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, Including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: To provide information
in the adjudication of complaints.
To provide information for review by the Civil Service Commis-
To provide information for Federal court review.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records In the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By complainant name.
Safeguards: Filed in combination lock safes; limited access by
staff only.
tion and disposal: Compl
Center a o cac year. Held
from date, etirement then ret
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Equal Employment Opportunity
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
c es transferred to cords
ecords Center jo 0 years
e OEEO-for review and
inquiries to:
eyeAc orch esel
CeTri Frittff dIlii6fiZe 'Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
a -7.974
Cases resolved within Agency are destroyed by
pulping after resolution of case.
Destroyed 1 year after employee completes all
course commitments. Destruction by pulping.
Records are destroyed by pulping when Agency no
Approved ForReleA2n2b6f/OW: eaREACt0114)7,379A6661bb650007-4
peblished in the Fe eral ReelitgrittrWRftitiAl.ehvi ua s mus as igton, 8fe .otro
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees.
Identification reuirem e.76prit1/1 0 : CVFV13150u 600090007-4
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records. for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Information obtained from the complai-
nant. the alleged discriminating official, and other individuals as
well as documents, records, and statistics gathered in the investiga-
System name: Employee Grievance Folders.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 1.050i.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employee.
Grievance generally filed by IG Case Number assigned by Office of
Inspector General.
Categories of records in the system: Data from employees coming
to Inspector General with grievarices re nature of grievance, cir-
cumstance that caused grievance and how settled.
Authority: for maintenance of the system: Executive Order 10987,
By Regulation.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, Including catego-
res of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by members of the
Office of the Inspector General to investigate grievance to its con-
To refer or provide information in response to or by direction of
a court order, or where there is an indication of a violation or
potential violation of law whether civil, criminal, or regulatory in
nature, to the appropriate agency charged with the responsibility of
investigating or prosecuting such violation or charged with enforc-
ing or implementing a statute or law, regulation or order issued pur-
suant thereto.
Policies and. pructices for storing, retrieving, accessing,' retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By case number.
Safeguards: Materials are stored in combination lock safe; access
lizeited to OIG staff membvs.
n and clisposnactive cas transferred to Records
Center at en 431 each year. Held in ecords Center fo n Tars
front date tirement, then retu ed the OIG for reylhi and
disgosal b
System manager(s) add address:
Inspector General
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20303.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries ?
Act Coordinator
Centre ate Iigencgency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
_ Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
pnblished in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules. HP Request from individuals should be
addressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
teens thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in ?
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Information obtained from complainant
and other employees when grievances are investigated.
System name: Parking Permit Files.
System location:
Categories of records In the system: Records include name, vehi-
cle license number, office designation, location, and extension.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Section .506(a), Federal
Records Act of 1930 (44 U.S.C., Section 3101).
Federal Property Management Regulation D47 (GSA).
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Agency em-
ployees responsible for allocation and control of parking spaces at
the Headquarters Building.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining. ?
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name, vehicle license number, assigned parking
space number and assigned reference number.
Safeguards: Stored in safes, vaults or secure area. Access limited
to staff employees.
Retention and disposal: Records marked void upon updating of in-
formation or uoon cancellation of parking permit. giLos "Des:go/ET
Lee, Ar e este_ ea 4.) e.a.roc.A., p potie-k. .0 pNeie..4?r.r A:v.1e
Director, Office of Logistics 4:woe- yenie
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
igence gency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Indentification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-?
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record sonrce categories: Employees.
System name: Vehicle Operators File.
ystem manager s) and address: jr.p24?4,04.4.reLy
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington. D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees.
Categories of records in the system: Name, medical qualification
forms, score sheets for driver's test, registers of permits issued and
records regarding accidents. Accident report records include police
data and investigation reports in addition to information on vehicle
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-2.53.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public.
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C.. Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Agency em-
ployees for issuing official U.S. Government driver's licenses and
For review by CIA officials in accident cases.
A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a
"routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to any agency decision concerning the hiring
or retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance,
the letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
[Information and Privacy Coordinator ) 4721
4 _
Closed cases involving litigation or those
establishing precedence of policy are permanent.
Closed routine cases are transferred to Records
Center for 10 years and returned for review by
custodian for cases selected for further retention
and inclusion with other permanent cases. Those
no longer needed are destroyed by pulping. Index
cards assume disposition of case files. File
system logs for assigning case numbers are permanent.,
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : carrivETR-099c4PQRNAM9,97dikarn if this system
Retrievability: Individual name or driver's permit number.
Safeguards: Physically protected in a secure area. Access is
limited to employees who have the need-to-know.
Retention and disposal: Destroyed by burning three years after
license is no longer valid. Accident reports are destroyed six years
after caee is elosed.
System manager(s) and address:
Director. Office of Logistics
Central Inzelligence Agency
Washington. D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiriee to: -7-7'
_ev oordilelitote3
liVashineton, D.C. 29505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Individual.
Agency officials..
Federal. State :tied local law enforcement agencies in cases when
employee is involved in an auto accident.
System name: Personal Property Claim Records.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees and
former employees.
Categories cif records in the system: Claimant name, address, na-
ture and loss or damage to personal effects, including inventory of
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947. as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Iatelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law S1-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained In the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Claims Review Board
determines amount of financial loss sustained by claimant.
Reimbursement for property loss.
A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a
"routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or
retention of an employee, die issuance of a security clearance, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
be nef it.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Information is stored in safes or secure areas. Access
is limited to staff employees working on such cases.
Retention and disposal: Records are destroyed by burning two
years after final action on case.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Logistics
Central Intelligerem Agency
Washington, D.C. e05115,
of records contains information about them should direct their
/Act C ordfnator
Central Intelligence Ag-e-n4
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Individual concerned and various Agen-.
cy staff elements involved in processing and adjudication of claims.
System name: Equipment and Supplies Accountability Records
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees...
Categories of records in the system: Name, signature, office loca-
tion, telephone extension and item of government equipment on
loan or charged to the employee.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947. as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Agency officials-
who control and account for government nonexpendable items.
A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a
"routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or
retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage; Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Physically protected in secure areas. Only employees
charged with the responsibility of controlling government property
have access.
Retention and disposal: Signature card is returned to individual
charged upon return of item. Record is destroyed by burning after
inventory adjustment to property records.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Logistics
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
t?s????Crri",..7cy Coora'?
Central-Intel igence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
[ Information and Privacy Coordinator 1
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
agencies for theii
Record source categorie5AWKRWti loateftletitlea2CO2/04/1 lifiltirnigalnattOtginbt4ds were origina d
2.4:countable property officers. ft. le p su
CIA-2o by knother Federal agency.
Po i,cies and practices
System name: Logistics Security Clearance Records. and da sing of records ifor storing, retrieving, accessing, rei ning,n the system:
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505;
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Commercial con-
tractors and vendors, persons in the private sector associated with
the Agency, and individuals in other government agencies con-
tacted for liaison purposes.
Categories of records in the system: Biographic data including
name, address, position, and security clearance held.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
La-e 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system' including catego
es .
ri of users and the purpose: of such uses: Used by staff employees
in conducting Agency business with the commercial sector and
liaison with other government agencies.
PoliCies and practices for storing; retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records In the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By individual or company name.
Safeguards: Information stored in safes, vaults or secure areas.
Access is limited to staff employees with the need-to-know.
Retention and disposal: Records destroyed upon expiration of
clearance. Clearances may be revalidated three years after initial
approval. --
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Logistics
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiri to:
et Coordi
entral Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and forsappealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Information obtained from individual
concerned and certification of clearance from Office of Security.
? CIA-21 --
System name: Privacy Act Requesters.
System location:
CenNktelligence Agency
Washing%)D.C. 20505.
Categories of In (viduals covered by the s s eric---U.S. citizens and
aliens lawfully admitiq for permanent r9,si ence.
Categories of records'iei the systeinr"Files contain all correspon-
dence and other docu meat relateeto the receipt, processing and
final disposition of requests re ived by the Agency for information
under the Privacy Act of I974:'
Authority . for maintenance of system: Privacy Act of
1974?Public Law 9.3-519.
Routine uses pl'i'ecords maintained in the s tern, including catego-
ries of usersrn ,a tid the purposes of such uses: o ovide information
for copi . g an annual report (beginning 30 April -6) for the Of-
fice of ,, .anagement awl Budget as required by the Informa-
k,,..tion peTtaining to the requester surfaced as a result of a vac
on a need-to-k
lity: By name.
Files are stored in combination lock safe ? access is
w basis. ?
Retention and . isposal: Records are retained for do years after
the case file is clos d. Records are destroyed by burfing.
System manager(s) ad address:
Chief, Informatio rid Privacy Staff
Central Intelligence gency
Washington, D.C. 20)' .
Notification procedure: In "viduals seeing to learn if this system
of records contains informs 'en aboct them should direct their
inquiries to: ?
Privacy Act Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency/
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirement are ape'lied in the CIA rules
published in the Federal R ister (32CFR 1.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access proced res: Request from indi 'duals should be ad-
dressed as indicated jil the notification section ab ye.
Contesting recorOrocedures: The Central Intelli ence Agency's
egulations for arecess to individual records, for disp ng the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determinati? . by CIA
oncerninga ess to or correction of records, are promo ted in
he CIA rul s section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: U.S. citizens.
Aliens/lawfully admitted for .e i an t e idence
em nariTilom of In ormation Act Requesters.
ystem location:
Central Intelligence Agency
ashington, D.C. 20505.
ones of individuals covered by the system:
uests to CIA under the Freedom of Into
makes r
dence and
final disposit
under the Free
Authority for
Act of 1974 as A
of records in the system; Files cont
ther documents related to the rece
n of requests received by the A
om of Information Act, 1974.
aintenance of the system: F
Routine uses of re
ries of users and the
for compiling reports
Act. Information pe
faced as a result of a Fre
referred to other Federal a
Freedom of Informaon Act,
originated by another Federal a
Policies and practices for st
and disposing of records in th
Storage: Paper.
? Retrievability: By name
Safeguards: Files are
on a need-to-know basi
Retention and us
the case file is close
System manage
ords maintained in t
urpors of such v
inured under
rig to the r
dom of I
dividual wit
ation Act.
in all correspon-
t, processing and
ncy for information
eedom of Information
system, including catego-
: To provide information
e Freedom of Information
quest or requester that sur-
ormation Act request may be
or their review pursuant to the
mended, when the records were
, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
ored in combi
- tion lock safes; access is
1; Records are retai
. Records are destroyed
) and address:
d for two years after
ation and Privacy Staff
lligence Agency
n, D.C. 20505.
n procedure: Individuals seeking to learn i
s contains information about them should
Chief, Info
Central In
f recor
? vacy Act Coordinator
entre' Intelligence Agenc
? ? ? C1A,--21 ? Used by staff employees for reference
purposes in formula.ting responses to.
System name:
Privacy and Freedom- of In-formetien 1. Act, and Executive Order.11652.requests.
? . Privacy Act, Freedom of Information
Acts Reques
System lorations
. ? and for reference in process Ing cases.
? under appeal and litigation; to provide
? -documentatiofl for referral to other Fed-
Central Intelligence Agency ? .;..... .. --- i ? eral agencies-for their review pursuant
Washington, D.C. 20505. . . ? -.--.' - 1 ? to Executive Order 11652. and. the Third
Categories of individuals covered by the i.Agency Rule; and as: a source of. in-
system: ,. -,... . ? :1?,. formation. for compiling reports required
' ? t ? by the Acts. --. - - L..-- ? ?:7:-.--; 4. 4-. k.
Individuals who make requests to CIA ., ? . . ... -_.."-- -:- :'.:.:: ? . -,... , ..... -
under provisions of the Privacy Act, the-Policies and praetices for storing, retriev-
Freedom of Information Act, and Eztecu-:?1, .,.. hag, accessing, retaining, and d.ispos-
tive Order 11652. - . . ' -. 7 :' - ? j -..? .: ing of records in the systemi
Categories of records In the system: .. - Sloroger ' *:, : .:-.-2.: ...--.1......,.- ?:: ..',.. ....;., , ..,........ -
Files contain all corresponcience 'and f'-...!,p4oer. electronlaindelt; ?an.. F.1.30,;;;.,...,:,,,,
other doctunents related to the; receipt.. . Retrievabilitis ..4.7-,..:.7. - -_, ..--?, .7....,!...i.......,....:,!... .
Processing, and final disposition of rel. . . By =Mew cise number. . r...-...,:,:-...-:-.7....-?7
formation under the Privacy Act, the Safeguards . ..,.- ..-;?? 7 : " .., . ., - _ . ..,,) "r7,-. ?
" -- ..... -.:... .: ..7..7: ?-? .- ::
quests received y e Agency "o_i.
tive Order 11652. s ari
Freedom of Information Act, and EERCU" .. : Paper file e s ored in conibliistion
Authority for maintenance of the systems ; index and log files need coded identifier
579: Freedom of Information Act of - fbasis.or acti. vation.. Access on. need to . knoW
? . - ? ? - ? ,..::, ..
-- ? , . .
I Privacy Act of 1974?Public Law 93-' vu-is
Retention and disposal: :; ''
lock safes; an tic data processing
1974; an Amended; and. Executive Order /11
11652. ? App roved For R9,1ease. i 2 eghliftitrailt
Routine moo of meords maintained In she stroyed after two years, And Privacy Act
system, including categories of users requests are destroyed after five Years
. . ??:.
.? ? ?
his system
ect . their
System manager(s) and address: ? ? ?
Chief, Information and Privacy Staff -
Central Intelligence Agency - --
Washington, D.C. 20505. '
Notification iiocedure: . ? ? .
. Individuals seeking to learn if this
1' system, of records contains information
. about them should direct their inquiries
enesseeereerNeado..er omelets eel...mar morprkirria curs tiaritretwei law .
Itriforrnation and Privacy Coortlinator. Can-
- tral InteDigence Agency. Washington.
'Identification requirements- are speci-
? fied in the CIA rules .pubilshed in the
FEDERAL Rearms (32 .CFR 1901.13). In-
dividuals must comply with these rules.
. . .
Record access procedures:.
Request from individuals should' be
'addressed as indicated An the notifies:.
tion section above. ? ?
? Contesting record procedures: -. '
The Central Intelligence Agency's reg-
ulations for access to individual records,
for disputing the contents thereof, and
for appealing an initial determination by
C/A concerning access to or correction
of records, are promulgated-in the C/A
rules section of the FEDERAL REGISTER..
olambhuy_r2le categories: ? .
rrequelts received pursuant "to ' the
Privacy Act, the Freedom of Information
Act, and Executive Order 11652.
AlIF "...? I -,??????? ?-? ?
5 LINIVA1 1 Os 'COrAticiptdriWzkeibdethaythliutydliergisCurrent or former
'Identification requirernenAnmend,,offi094. kriglim4 gse-
published in the Federal Regist-er(32C7R 19141.1371Y.UivM ra ? - `e
comply with these rates.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
rezulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record s.turce categories: Individuals.
System name: Polygraph Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20105.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Applicants for
empoyment. employees, and certain individuals considered for as-
sieriment to the Agency.
Categories of records in the system: Polygraph report, charts, and
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Las, 81-110.
Executive Order 10450.
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by the Office of
Security to make determinations of security eligibility for employ-
ment pursuant to Executive Order 10450.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper and tape cassettes.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Files are maintained in a vault; access is permitted
only while in the custody of polygraph staff members.
Retention and disposal: Indefinite. Records are destroyed by
burning when they become inactive.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Security
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20105.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
i=guiries to:
to...k.y Act ._?dordina`lge,)
entra ntefhgerire-A-genc y
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in (he notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: The source of all information obtained
is from the polygraph interviews.
Systems exempted from certain provisions of the act: Pursuant to
authority granted in Section (j) of the Act (5 U.S.C. 552a(j)), the
Director of Central Intelligence has determined to exempt poly-
graph records from all sections of the Act except 552a (b), (c)(1)
and (2), (e)(1), (e)(4) (A) through (F), (e)(5), (6), (7), (9), (10), and
(11). and (i). These records are exempted to prevent access, ac-
countability, and judicial review of records which intimately reveal
an Agency security method.
System name: Supplemental Personnel (Soft) Files.
System location:
Central Intellieemn: Agency
Washington, D.C%
1 Upon intra-Agency transfer, transfer file to gaining
zomponent personnel office. Upon separation from
Agency,' transfer material for inclusion in
Official Personnel Folder to Office of
Personnel; maintain remaining file 6 months
and destroy.. Destruction is-by pulping fOr
paper. Magnetic discs are erased uparL___
completion of reassignment.
Categories of records in the system: Memoranda of discussions,
working copies of personnel and contract actions including
procedural checklists, performance appraisals, travel and shipping
orders. Information concerning conduct, training, special qualifica-
tions or restrictions, dependency and residence, emergency notifi-
cations, biographic data. Letters of Instruction. Also, cables and
dispatches of administrative and operational significance, and
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. as Amended?Public
Law S1-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categoe
ries of users und the purposes of such uses: Used as a supplement to
the official personnel folders by authorized operating officials to
facilitate and expedite processing or procedural requirements and
transactions of employees.
Serves as a management tool for administrative and operating of-
ficials for purposes of employee assignment, promotion, and career
development considerations and determinations.
To refer or provide information in response to or by direction of
a court order, or where there is an indication of a violation or
potential violation of law whether civil, criminal, or regulatory in
nature, to the appropriate agency charged with the responsibility of
investigating or prosecuting such violation or charged with enforc-
ing or implementing a statute or law, regulation or order issued pur-
suant thereto.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper, (+ND tet eigesEri c. 1014SC.
Retrievability: By name., ?FP' ICE AN2 END 1:;v9Te- inci74.0"..40?17;
Safeguards: Files are maintained in vaulted areas or approved
metal filing cabinets file release is on a controlled-loan basis to
authorized officigls Ceese- eia missa.ass Argos, eey ep pis-c "
.y...e,s4 ire mew: Arc ?41 .2srnstS arm"( c,,,urp.0 ay.-0 pAarcce,e,b.
itetentiont anti clis osale graffteethe ress-eparat 1,1
, riFiE-4..
gency w en ma ri of soft file is.reviewed to det lie and
any duplicatNklcjirds which ar contained in .11: official
lefolder and ensctire filing of mate in operationa 1:: S
ropnate. 0,44 144:91
ssl 4;Atavur " ce,14 &-t7-E
em age air re.ss.
Chief. DDI lolneragement-Staff bscialsr?leA rive" Sps.,*"
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
vaky-eca Coolecuria-lor
iIt?atIht?tiice y
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13): Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employee.
Career Service Panel.
Agency officials.
System name: Supplemental Personnel (Soft) Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Current or former
staff or contract employees. and detailed military personnel.
3 974
Information and Privacy Coordinator.
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For RelegenEll2aMag185-.131DME904713A000600090007-4
Cateeeories of records in the system: Memoranda of discussions,
working copies of personnel and contract actions including
procedural ;checklists nerfoemance aooraisele. travel and shipping
erders. Information concerning conduct, training, special qualifica-
tions or restrictions, dependency and residence, emergency notifi-
cations. biographic data, Letters of Instruction. Also, cables and
dispatches of administrative and operational significance, and
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Cent.-al Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
rI users and the purpests of such uses: Used as a supplement to
the official personnel folders by authorized operating officials to
facilitate and expedite processing or procedural requirements and
transactions of employees.
Serves as a management tool for administrative and operating of-
ficials for purposes of employee assignment, promotion, and career
dee-eopment considerations and determinations.
er.fer or provide information in response to or by direction of
a cowl order, or where there is an indication of a violation or
potential violation of law whether civil, criminal, or regulatory in
- nature, to the appropriate agency charged with the responsibility of
iavestigating or prosecuting such violation or charged with enforc-
ing or implementing a statute or law, regulation or order issued pur-
suant thereto.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records In the system:
Storage: Paper and magnetic media.
Retrievability: BY name.
Safeguards: Files are maintained in vaulted areas or approved
metal filing cabinets; file release is on a controlled-loan basis to
authorized officials.
Retention and disposal: Retained one year after separation from
the Agency when material of soft file is reviewed to determine and
destroy any duplicate records which are contained in the official
personnel folder, and ensure filing of material in operational files,
as appropriate.
System masager(s) and address:
Chief, Personnel Officer, DDS&T
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
e et-cords contains information about them should direct their
inciairiee to:
aintralTriteligence Ageney
Washington, D.C. ZO505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFlt 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employee.
Career Service Panel.
Agency officials.
System name: Supplemental Personnel (Soft) Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence agency
Washington, DC. 70505,
Categories of Mill Moats covered by the system: Current or former
staff or contract emetic,' eee and detailed military personnel.
Categories of rucurell in the systum: Memoranda of discussions,
working copies of personnel and contract actions including
procedural checkli:ir pAforrnance appraisals, travel and shipping
Information and Privacy Coordinator
? .
orders. Information concerning conduct, training, special qualifica-
tions or restrictions, dependency and residence. emergency notifi-
cations, biographic data, Letters of Instruction. Also, cables and
dispatches of administrative and operational significance, and
Authority for maintenance of the system; National Security Act of i
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categne
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used as a supplement to
the official personnel folders by authorized operating officials to
facilitate and expedite processing or procedural requirements and
transactions of employees.
Serves as a management tool for administrative and operating of-
ficials for purposes of employee assignment, promotion, and career
development considerations and determinations.
To refer or provide information in response to or by direction of
a court order, or where there is an indication of a violation or
potential violation of law whether civil, criminal, or regulatory in
nature, to the appropriate agency charged with the responsibility of
investigating or prosecuting such violation or charged with enforc-
ing or implementing a statute or law, regulation or order issued pur-
suant thereto.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper and magnetic media.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Files are maintained in vaulted areas or approved
metal filing cabinets; file release is on a controlled-loan basis to-
authorized officials.
Retention and disposal: Retained one year after separation from
the Agency when material of soft file is reviewed to determine and
destroy any duplicate records which are contained in the official
personnel folder, and ensure filing of material in operational files,
as appropriate.
System manager(s) and address:
Career Management Officer/DDA
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inqui ? -
.Priva Act Co.i.Shator
-Catral Inteirience Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employee.
Career Service Panel.
Agency officials.
System name: Supplemental Personnel (Soft) Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Current or former
staff or contract employees and detailed military personnel.
Categories of records In the system: Memoranda of discussions,
working copies of personnel and contract actions including
procedural checklists, performance appraisals, travel and shipping
orders. Information concerning conduct, training, special qualifica-
tions or restrictions, dependency and residence, emergency notifi-
cations, biographic data, Letters of Instruction. Also, cables and
2 2 2 - A
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
420 !
Approved For ReleaggPOODEPOIlds.SMIWP80-100473A000600090007-4
dispatches of administrative and operational significance, and
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 50-6(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
riee steers and the purposes of such uses: Used as a supplement to
the :eeriel personnel folders by authorized operating officials to
bee:tete and expedite processing or procedural requirements and
transaezions of employees.
Serves as a management tool for administrative and operating of-
ficials for purposes of employee assignment, promotion, and career
development considerations and determinations.
To refer or provide information in response to or by direction of
a court order, or where there is an indication of a violation or
potential violation of law whether civil, criminal, or regulatory in
nature, to the appropriate agency charged with the responsibility of
investigating or prosecuting such violation or charged with enforc-
ine or implementing a statute or law, regulation or order issued pur-
suant thereto.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and dispoeing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Files are maintained in vaulted areas or approved
metal filing cabinets; file release is on a controlled-loan basis to
authorized officials.
etention an is sal: tetained on after separation from
materia of soft fil is iewed to determine and
plicate records whic e ontained in the official
and ensure filing o mat al in operational files,
System manager(s) and address:
Chief, Sen elece Stieffe DO&CseRzeee. /11seedetforeetesor SesePA;., DDO.
Central Intelligence Agency.
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to.
entre n elltpri-c-F7Igen-cy
Washington, D.C. 20505,
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals rhust
cornply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for eppealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employee.
Career Service Panel.
Agency officials. '
System name: Supplemental Personnel (Soft) Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Current or former
staff or contract employees and detailed military personnel.
Categories of records In the system: Memoranda of discussions,
working copies of personnel and contract actions including
procedural checklists, performance appraisals, travel and shipping
orders. Information concerning conduct, training, special qualifica-
tions or restrictions, depreidertcy and residence, emergency notifi-
cations, biographic (1.4t:1 , Letters of Instruction. Also, cables and
dispatches of admini eraiive and operational significance, and
Authority for maiuteu 1,11C eol the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended ----- .lettem Law 80-233.
bnformation and Privac Coordinat
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used as a supplement to
the official personnel folders by authorized operating officials to
facilitate and expedite processing or procedural requirements and
transactions of employees.
Serves as a management tool for administrative and operating of-
ficials for purposes of employee assignment, promotion, and career ?
development considerations and determinations.
To refer or provide information in response to or by direction of
a court order, or where there is an indication of a violation or
potential violation of law whether civil, criminal, or regulatory in
nature, to the appropriate agency charged with the responsibility of
investigating or prosecuting such violation or charged with enforc-
ing or implementing a statute or law, regulation or order issued pur-
suant thereto.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Files are maintained in vaulted areas or approved
metal filing cabinets; file release is on a controlled-loan basis to
authorized officials.
Retention and disposal: Retained one year after separation from
the gency w en ma nat of t file is reviewed t&4termine and
destroy an duplicate record hich are contained the official
personnel a er, and ensure/filing of material in erational files,
as a ro nate.
System manager(s) and address:
Administrative Officer, Office of the DCI
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505. ?
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
Centre Tnrie Irgence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employee.
Career Service Panel.
Agency officials.
System name: Manpower Control System.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Current rind
former Agency personnel and military or civilian personnel on
detail to the Agency.
Contract employees since January 1969.
Applicants in process for employment for whom clearance has
been requested.
Recipients of Agency awards.
Participants, and beneficiaries designated by deceased employees
who were participants, in the Agency's retirement system and
Voluntary Investment Plan.
Categories of records in the system: Data on employment history,
fitness reports, qualifications and skills, insurance and medical
benefits, retirement status, Voluntary Investment Plan accounts,
emergency designees, home and work addresses, Agency awards,
military reserve data, cases in process for employment, ceilings,
position and staffing patterns.
Upon intra?Agency transfer, transfer file to gaining
component personnel office. Upon separation from the
Agency, maintain in Division for 2 years then transfer
material'for inclusion in Official Personnel Folder
to Office of Personnel; hold remaining file 6 months and
destroy. Destruction is by pulping.
After intra-Agency transfer, resignation, or retirement,
screen folder immediately transferring items that should
be filed in the Official Personnel file, operational
items to appropriate operating files, and process the
remaining material as follows: Intra-Agency transfer--
forward file to gaining office; retirement from Agency--
Appro4d1hiorrkeijisi,101a60iPli)e.t1A-qZ 47M6bOiqefiAblior7;-4 and,
resignation rom Agency-- resigna ion cases 1 year
and destroy.
Approved For RegraVab6WIS*
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947. as Amended?Public Law 30-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
CervestI Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964 for Certain
Erepeeeee, ee Amended?Public Law 83-643.
Roteirie toes of records maintained in the system, including cntego-
riee ni users and the purposes of such uses: To provide statistical re-
pore for CIA management on strength, distribution and utilization
c? eleepower. average grades and salaries, minorities, projected
r:etremente, oeofiles of Agency skills and qualifications, compara-
tive rites on promotions, separations, new employees, reasons for
se. pa ratio ns.
To provide rosters and statistics for heads of Career Services to
assist them in administering their career development and evalua-
tion programs, including promotion rates and headroom, fitness re-
port ratings, qualifications, changes in their Career Services.
Te provide staffing patterns, grade and salary data for office
heees required for staffing and budget projections.
To provide salary, leave, benefits and entitlements for the payroll
system. .
To provide rosters and statistics for components within the Of-
fie of Personnel responsible for administering recruitment,
hospitalization, insurance, retirement, and Volunteer Investment
To provide records of employees entering on duty and employee
se-parations and current statue tapes or rosters to Agency com-
ponents of concern.
To provide statements of accounts to employees.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Magnetic tape and disk.
Retrievability: By name, employee number, organization code,
social security number, or position number.
Safeguards: Tapes and (bike are maintained in a special room in a
vaulted area with access only by special badge. AR tapes are under
control of a tape librarian. Each tape has a "security" profile
which the requester of the tape must match. All requests .for recur-
line or special reports must be approved by the Chief of the
Statistical Reporting Branch or his authorized designee. Data is
rele.ased only as related to personnel under the requester's direct
supervision and control or to individuals responsible for administer-
leo a particular Agency program. On-line query to the system is
li:eiteu to personnel responsible for the maintenance, update, and
preparation of input data to the system and to employees in the
Stestical Reporting Branch by controlled password.
Retention and disposal: Permanent retention of subsystems cur-
rently in operation. When system is fully operational, a record
schedule, including disposal, will be implemented.
System m an ager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Personnel
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
Centro, intelligence 7Ciency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
coneerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source catooirles: Applicants, employees and parent
Federal agency of de t
FOEN6ral?13PE4-00173A000600090007-4 421.
C IA-30
System name: Applieael hies
System location:
"'Information and Privacy
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Persons who
apply for employment with CIA.
Categories of records in the system: Personal, medical and em-
ployment history statements, educational transcripts, personal
references, interview reports, test results, correspondence, photo-
graphs, review comments, and processing records.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Central Intelligence'
Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C.. Section
National Security Act of 1947, As Amended?Public Law 80-253,
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categd-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used to review appli-
cant's qualifications for CIA position; for security background in-
vestigation; and for medical screening for determination by
authorized Agency official to offer employment.
A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a
"routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or
retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
benf it.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper ensid-miriesfilrete-----------.?
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Approved containers or area when not in
use?controlled loans to authorized officials.
Retention and disposal: Applicant files placed in process for em-
ployment but subsequently cancelled are retained up to two years
and destroyed by burning. Files on applicants who may be of in-
terest at a later date are retained indefinitely.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Personnel
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to. learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to
Centra rite tgence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Applicant.
Educational institutions.
Letters of Reference.
Agency officials.
Federal agencies.
System name: Current Employees and Former Employees (official
Personnel files and records related thereto).
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Current or former
staff or contract employees and detailed military and civilian per- .
sonnel, and current and former members of Advisory Groups.
Categories of records In the system: Personal and employment his-
tory statements, personnel nctions, fitness reports, commendations,
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIATRDP80-00473A000.600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
biographic profile, retirement status, training, emergency/casualty
cases, awards, travel arrangements, medical and insurance claims,
correspondence. qualification registers, photographs, and informa-
tion relating to the suitability and fitness of the individual, corn-
plaints and erievences, external employment assistance, Voluntary
avestment -Plans. financial and educational assistance, recreation
pro-slams. exit processing. United Givers and Savings Bond, blood
Authority fur maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947. as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 31-110.
Centrel Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964 for Certain
Employees, as Amended?Public Law 83-643.
Seton 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego.
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: To administer personnel
assignments, performance evaluations, promotions, adverse ac-
tions, counseling, retirement determinations of qualifications,
separations. medical or insurance claims, statistical reports, and
otherwise make decisions on the .rights, benefits or entitlements,
eau eulizations of individuals.
To prepare transcripts in response to a request from another
government agency relative to employment considerations by that
agency. Employment and credit verifications. To update the Agen-
cy Qualifications Record System. To refer or provide information
in response to or by direction of court order or where there is an
indication of a violation or potential violation of law whether civil,
criminal, or regulatory in nature to the appropriate agency charged
with the responsibility of investigating or prosecuting such violation
or charged with enforcing or implementing the statute or rule, regu-
htion, or order issued pursuant thereto.
To provide a data source for production of summary descriptive
statistics and analytical studies in support of the function for which
the records are collected and maintained, or for related personnel
management functions or manpower studies; or to locate specific
individuals for personnel research or other personnel management
functions. ? .
To respond to inquiries from attorneys and insurance companies
relative to litigation of an accident claim.
A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a
-routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
crim. inal or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
meat information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or
retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
Policies and practices% for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper and microfilm.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Files are maintained in vaulted areas or approved
metal filing cabinets; file release is on a controlled-loan basis to
authorized officials.
Retention and disposal: Agency portion of the official file is
destroyed by burning 75 years after birth of employee or 60 years
after date of earliest document.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Personnel
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
Act Co'ose(firtato0
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federel Register (32CFR 1901.13), Individuals must
comply with these lot,: I.
Record access procieturee: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated itt the notification section above.
Contesting record pi r?cethlrei: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for ire. re, to individual records, for disputing the con-
Information and Privacy Coordinato
,? ?????
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Other government agencies.
Educational institutions,
Agency officials.
System name: Consultant and Independent Contractor Records.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20305.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Consultants and
independent contractors who are generally self-employed and who
are engaged under contract to provide technical, management and
scientific advice and services to the Agency.
Categories of records in the system: Performance evaluations, ad-
ministrative documents on compensation and benefit commitments,
termination agreements and correspondence, biographic data, ap-
pointment or contract data. ?
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947. as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: To administer contrac-
tual provisions?benefits, compensation, transportation, termina-
tion; performance evaluation, references, and to otherwise make
decisions on the rights, benefits or entitlements and utilizations of
the individual.
As a source for managerial statistical and analytical studies, and
other related personnel management functions or manpower stu-
A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a
"routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or
retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper and microfilm.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Files are maintained in vaulted areas or approved
metal filing cabinets; file release is on a controlled-loan basis to
authorized officials, maintained during active employment and
retained after separation in accordance with established record
disposal schedules.
Retention and disposal: e ned fo 75 yrs and ttitOestroyilz,
y unun .
ysteni manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Personnel
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries .to:
C-e-n-tral Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Individual.
Records are destroyed by pulping 75 years after birth
of individual or 60 years after date of earliest
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Azencyofficials. Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categos
References as indicated byeetepitsWitifor Release 2002/01/II:Filet(' oxigskelsegse.,- s. By_ g.A ency personnel for
CIA-33 eValuifiNN48047;s0umowkwcwouen*As-for-duty, health
maintenance and in reviewing applications for medical disability
the Collection of
name: Prospective
SystemForeign Intelligence.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washine,ton, D.C. 20505.
Categories oi individuals covered by the system: Individuals who
voluntarily indicate a willingness to contribute to Foreign Intelliznce.
Categories of records in the system: Psychological assessment
Authority for maintenaiice of the system: National Security Act of
1947. as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
3101). ?
Routine uses of recorde maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Agency officials use the
psychological assessment data to assist them in reaching a decision
concerning an affiliation with the Agency.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
ad disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper form; converted to microfilm after two years.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Files are stored in security approved containers. Ac-
cess is on a need-to-know basis.
Retention and disposal: Files are maintained for two years then
mic:ofilmed. Files are destroyed by burning after microfilming.
System manager(s.) and address:
Director, Office of Technical Service
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
irequir. s to.
Priv Act Co_ohli6tor
entre ntelnience Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
publisced in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to iudividual records, for disputing the ban-
tants thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Individuals and Agency officials.
Contributors for retirement.
System name: Clinical and Psychiatric Files (Employees).
System location:
Cent:of Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 2050,
Categories of individuals covered by the system: CIA employees
2nd their dependents; military and Federal civilian employees to
CIA detailees and their dependents; and retired or separated em-
ployees and their dependents.
Categories of records in the system: Contains all physical examina-
tions. laboratory data. X-rays, private physician reports, reports of
on-the-jon injuries and illnesses; results of psychiatric screening
and testing; reports of psychiatric interviews; records of immuniza-
tions, and related medical material.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law SI-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Ttecords Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Title 5, U.S.C., Section 7901.
By the Civil Service Commission in the case of an employee
under that system who applied for medical disability.
By the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Department
of Labor, in the case of an employee who applies for its compensa-
tion. ?
To provide information to Federal agencies for employees who
are being assigned or detailed to those agencies.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Files are maintained in paper form filed in an identifying
jacket. Certain information?medical history, laboratory and assign-
ment data?are contained on magnetic tape and punch cards. Prin-
touts from the automated data processing are filed in the subject's
medical file.
Retrievability: Access is by a file identification number which is,
in turn, cross referenced to a name.
Safeguards: Files are stored in vaulted main file room. During
periods when files are undergoing active processing they are
secured in locked safes. Unauthorized entry into the vaulted file
room is controlled via an alarm system. Access to computer infor-
mation is controlled by limiting the number of medical personnel
approved for such access by an identifying password. Access to the
main vault file room, locked safes and the Agency Records Center
is controlled by limiting the number of personnel authorized such
Retention and disposal: Files are retained until such time as the
employee retires or separates from the Agency?at which time,
they are retired to the Agency Records Center. To meet statutory
requirements, they are then retained for a period of 75 years from
date of birth. Destruction of records will be accomplished through
burning. Magnetic tapes are degaussed.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Medical Services
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
< Pri%f Act Crear`dator
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures Request from individuals should he ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: The individual supplies his/her medical
history and additional information is developed through routine
medical processing.
Reports from private physicians and/or medical facilities when
permission is granted by the individual concerned.
System name: Clinical and Psychiatric Files (Applicants).
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Applicants for
Agency Employment.
Categnries of records in the system: Contains all physical examina-
tions, laboratory data. X-rays, private physician reports, reports of
previous on-the-job injuries and illnesses, results of psychiatric
screening and testing, reports of psychiatric interviews, records of
immunizations, and related medical material.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended--Public Law 80-253.
2 2 3 - 97
1 Information and Privacy Coordinator
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10
Central InteIligenee Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Title 5, U.S.C., Section 7901.
Routine uses of record; maintained in the system including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used Cy Office of Medi-
cal Services to evaluate the medical suitability of applicants for em-
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper and X-ray film.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Files are stored in vaulted main file room. During
periods when files are undergoing active processing they are
secured in locked safes. Unauthorized entry into the vaulted file
room is controlled by am alarm system. Access to computer infor-
mation is controlled by limiting the number of medical personnel
approved for such access by an identifying password. Access to the
main vault file room, locked safes and the Agency Record Center is
controlled by limiting the number of personnel authorized such ac-
Retention and disposal: Successful applicant files are converted to
employee files. Files are retained until such time as the employee
retires or separates from the Agency?at which time, they are then
retired to the Agency Record Center. To meet statutory require-
ments, they are then retained for a period of 75 years from date of
birth. Destruction of records is accomplished through burning. Ap-
plicant files not processed are retained for a period of two years;
records are then destroyed by burning.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Medical Services
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
yatea:ct Cooreilfiat;)
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in :he Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Regieter.
Record source categOries: The individual supplies his/her medical
history and additional information is developed through routine
medical processing. Reports from private physicians and/or medical
facilities when written permission is granted by the individual con-
System name: Medical Facilities and Physicians.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Lists of medical
facilities and names of physicians in the Metropolitian Washington
Categories of record; in the system: Name, business address, and
phone numbers of physicians and medical facilities.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Title 5, U.S.C., Section 7901.
Routine uses of recor di maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the iffirpoees of such uses: To provide information
to employees upon ey nod for eraernal medical referral.
: CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Policies rind practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name, facility, and medical specialty.
Safeguards: Maintained in locked file cabinets. Access on a need-
to-know basis.
Retention and disposal: Lists are continuously maintained. When
updated, old lists are destroyed by burning.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Medical Services
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
vac t Coord'
Centre ate igence gency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rides
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules. Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Agency physicians and contract medical
System name: Psychological Test Data Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Applicants, CIA
employees and dependents, 'detailees and dependents, retired or ?
separated employees and dependents.
Categories of records in the system: Results of psychological test-
ing and assessment reports.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: In the case of em-
ployees, dependents and detailees, to determine the individual's
skills and aptitudes and suitability for a particular assignment or
training as distinct from his general suitability for employment
(psychiatric screening). ?
Data developed to validate new tests and techniques as part, of
on-going research efforts.
To prepare reports which summarize test results and to assist
Agency officials in selection of candidates for employment and
career management planning for employees.
Policies and practices for storing., retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper, microfilm, magnetic tape and punch cards.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Medical files are stored in vaulted main file room.
During periods when files are undergoing active processing they are
secured in locked safes. Access to computer information is con-
trolled by limiting the number of medical personnel approved for
such access by an identifying password. Access to the main vault
file room, locked safes and the Agency Records Center is con-
trolled by limiting the number of personnel authorized such access.
Retention and disposal: Files on employees, dependents and
detailees are retained in Headquarters until retirement or separation
at which time they are retired to the Agency Records Center,
where they are retained 30 years and then destroyed by the
Records Center by burning. Successful applicants' files are treated
the same as employees. Unsuccessful applicant files are retained
for a period of five years and then destroyed by burning. -
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
System man3.4er(s) ?d 2d6gproved For Release 2002/01/10 :6likeRPRIA479,44ZOANCRU9MITcrr4t committees and
Director. Office of Medical Services other Government agencies.
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington. D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries ?o?
emsm inte essence Agency
\es esisessn, D.C. 20505.
1-1e....ation requirements are specified in the CIA rules
puSnished in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
ccmply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above,,
c:,nte,ting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regse!steeas for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
teats thereof, and for sppealing an initial determination by CIA
consse.rning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: The individual through the completion
of a variety of psychological tests and interview sessions with
Agency medical officers.
System name: Congressional Liaison Records.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20305.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Matters of liaison
with Congressional Offices are filed in the name of the member of
the Office involved,.
Categories of records in the system: Liaison record.
Correspondence file.
'Newspaper and publication clippings.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Section 506(a), Federal
Records Act 1950 (44 U.S.C. Section 3101).
Routine uses of records maintained In the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Handle requests from
members and Committees.
Coordinate Agency position on proposed legislation.
Prepare Agency position papers.
Policies and practices for storing. retrieving, accessing, retaining,
arid disysesing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper and magnetic media.
Retrievability: By the name of the Member of Congress.
Safeguards: All records are stored in a combination lock safeSac-
cess is restricted only to OLC kersonnel.
Retention and dis sal:re-cords as reened befor transferral to
se?.. CCM' S Iding and any docume ts of a t po-
ny na are removed a 5Iptroyed by use of the A e y clas-
sif ied Le disposal system. ecords are destroyed in k ping with
apnlisame regulations excep in cases where this offi is e office
f record, in which case they are kept for permanent retention.
,ys em manager(s) and address: ?
Legislative Counsel
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington. D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
Act inator
System name: Publications About CIA.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Authors of publi-
cation. CIA employees, and other individuals mentioned in
newspaper articles about CIA.
Categories of records in the system: Newspaper articles:
By-lined articles mentioning CIA.
Articles mentioning CIA.
Correspondence concerning arrangements for press interviews
with CIA officers.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Section 506(4, Federal
Records Act 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section 3101).
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
des of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Agency officials
researching articles on the CIA.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Files are stored in a vaulted room; access upon
request on a need-to-know basis.
Retention and dis. i,al:
tEWThieTfigenCe 'Agency
Washington, D.C. 20503.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as in,tic-ated in the notification section above.
Contesting record puns:shires: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access hi individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
cc:seeming access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source cat:am/leo Agency officials.
pnformatioiT;TA -Privacy Coordinator
Files-prt' main for 25 yea
ime t are reviewed-a6CI destroyeding.
ystem manager(s) and address:
Assistant to the Director Fog.kti-14 IFP.ag'S
Office of the Director
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
y Act Cois)
Mgt.:nee Ag-614
Washington. D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories; Newspaper articles and correspondence.
System name: CIA Authors File.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: CIA employees
(current and past) who have published commercially.
Categories of records in the system: Name of author and title and
source of publication.
Authority for maintenance of the system; National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C.. Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users mid the purposes of such uses: Used for author display
exhibit in CIA Library.
Policies mid practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Manual card file.
Retrievability: By name of author.
2 2 3 - 9 7 LI-
Records for which MC is office of record are permanent.
Non-record or temporary items are cut off annually,
transferred to Records Center, recalled after 5 years
and screened for selected files which are incorporated
into permanent records. Residual material is destroyed
by pulping.
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Safeestiards: Located in Ii "ted access nildin
Retentitat and disposal-
csnd tip?s^-illly; no fitellestruc o date.
ystein maruger(s) and address:
D iree to r. eettivel-Rrf-rre-rece-Seissic-e.. cf>x'ricrE
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to.
,Priv ALAC-trilinator
- entre Intelligence Agency
Wa,hington. D.C. 20505.
Identifieation requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record protedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Individual authors.
System name: Intelligence in Public Literature File.
System location:
Record source catesories: Foreign and domestic news media; in-
System name: Library Open Literature Ready Reference File.
(6-44) 6.-r-4--?E3g. System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals ap-
pearing in news media.
Categories of records in the system: Articles concerning in-
dividuals of intelligence interest.
' Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1949, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public.
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C.; Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: To provide traditional
library reference service to Agency officials. It serves as an adjunct
to standard published reference works and supplies information not
otherwise readily available.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining.
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Hard copy file of media articles.
Retrievability: By subject, organization or personal name; some
are retrievable by a manual or a computer index to the file.
Safeguards: Requests for information are screened for ap-
Retention and disposal: Articles and categories are discarded
when no longer needed.
System manager(s) and address:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals who
have written on the general topic of intelligence and have been
reviewed in the -.public media; individuals identified as being in-
volved in intelligence activities.
Categories of records In the system: Media articles on personalities
and events relating to subject of intelligence..
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used to provide Agency
and other USIB components a ready-reference file on open litera-
ture relating to intelligence.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
And disposing of records in the system:
Stnrage: File folders and archives boxes of media articles.
4-leerievahility: By name of author or general topics.
Ssieguards: File is open to any Agency or Intelligence Communi-
ty employee on an official task; requests for access to classified
portions are screened on the basis of of ficial "need-to-know."
Retention and disposal: Articles and topics are discarded when no
longer used--Sytm m an ager(s) and address:
Director. GeaSsal-Reiesanree-Seas4eeOrPcc oFeeavro-A4 'ec,czkel`'cz. .
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to-
'entral Intelligence gency
Prita:cy Cociagnator
Washington. D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Foreign and domestic news media.
System name: Briefing Program File.
System location:
Director Central-Referenee-Service OFFICE cr-Cevoisarsl?cceiwea.
Central Intellieence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Those individuals,
both foreign and U.S., who have visited CIA for official briefings
under the CIA Briefing Program.
Categories of records in the system: Names, dates of visits, and
parent organizations of visitors.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used in planning briefing
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Central Intelligence Agency
Wershington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: individuals seeking to learn if this system
of recneds contains information about them should direct their -
inquiries to:
riefe4. et Do:Minster
Washington, D.C. 20505. -
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record prncedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for lippesling an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section 4.kf the Federal Register.
nformation and Privqsy Coordinator
Records destroyed when obsolete or no longer neededi
by pulping.
????.r. ..1???
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 :ccastRD, PACIrT094,740401600f1900Cgt4tigence Agency's
Storage: 3 x 5 index cards.
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
Safeguards: Kept in secure area; only authorized officials have concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
access to the
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
t ? n and c.VIE etaipq for 5 yearsdate of_- th recor is -troyed by"Lning. literature.
Record source categories: Individuals, intelligence reports, open
System manager(s) and address:
e-heef7-eerwectirierfetti4eaeeliIcu ri ac,CicE4.,
and Assessments Staff
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington. D.0 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains infornietion about them should direct their
inquiries to:
A -c-t-F;Zmtor.e./
Centra n e.ie Azency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
re-zulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Official correspondence from parent or-
ganizations of individuals to be briefed.
System name: Foreign Map Sources Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Selected U.S. and
foreign individuals and bans having a potential to provide foreign
Categories of records in the system: Names, extracts from open
literature, intelligence reports, records of map acquisitions.
Authority fcir maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1347, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
'Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: To provide information
in support of foreign map acquisition.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
acid disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Kept in secure area; only authorized personnel have
Retention and disposal:
Retrievability: By name.
finite; periKe,illy pur
System manager(s) and ac rese:
Director. Office of Geographic and
Cartographic Research
Central Intellieence Aeency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
irquiries to: . e..... -----
e--e(Py Act dorglinator
Centrarliitelligence Agency -
Washington, D.C. 20503e
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.,
Record access proceiliii es: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Information and PilVii1577,
System name: Soviet-U.S. Contacts File.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington. D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Prominent U.S.
citizens, such as members of Congress and high-ranking govern-
ment officials, who have met prominent Soviets at meetings re-
ported in the press.
Categories of records in the system: Names and titles of in-
dividuals, dates and places of meetings, subjects discussed as re-
ported in the Soviet and U.S. press,
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C.. Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego,
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used to prepare briefing
material for U.S. officials who plan to visit the USSR or hold
discussions with Soviets in the United States.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Computer tapes and paper.
Retrievability: Name of Soviet or U.S. participants, date, general
subject, and locations of meetings.
Safeguards: Requests for information are screened for ap-
propriateness. Files are stored in combination locked safes.
Retention and disposal: File started in 1974 and still considered
experimental; continuation will depend upon utility; no file destruc-
tion to date.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Ccedral-Refeeenee-Serviee.OFFieC e,P Ce?ureeeeZ /e6-,e-a,eceee.e.
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to:
.'va ct Cortelkator
entre n e igenCe Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13).
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Soviet and U.S. press.
System name: Academic Relations File.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Scholars with
whom the DDI maintains contact for the purpose of exchanging
research and analyses.
Categories of records in the system: Names and addresses.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central intelligence Agency Act of 1949. as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
?1?10.???? ICAMIC.0?01?1111.111111?1110111???1.
Destroy data on individual source when procurement
action is complete or source potential is ended.'
Destruction by p2.12215.
Destroy 5 years after cut-off. Cut off at end
of each calendar year. Screen. Destroy duplicate
copies and housekeeping records. Maintain remainder
in current file area for 5 years and destroy.
Destruction by pulping.
Informatnriald Privacy Coordinator
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
423 Approved For ReleaseP2082a11107:16WRUIR80-010473A000600090007-4
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act. of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Rontine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of urs and the purpose; of such uses: Reference for correspon-
denee; mailing of unelaseified Agency publications.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and dielansing of records in the system:
Storage: 5 xt index cards.
Retrievatsii4iy: By name.
Safeguards: Kept in secure area; only authorized officials have
e.etention ancl dispoea en ically put,
System manager(s) and a ress:
Coordinator for Academic Relations
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20555.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
iaquiriee tole_
...._va_Arfli.ct Coofiliffritor
entre ri-Efi-Fm-c-FAgency ?
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 190L13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and-for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Correspondence and personal contact.
System name: Professors and Placement Officers of Selected Col-
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories- of individuals covered by the system: Those key in-
dividuals in selected colleges who may be able to assist the Office
of Economic Research in its professional recruiting effort for
economics analysts.
Categories of records in the system: Names and parent organiza-
Authority for maintenance of the system: Central Intelligence
Agency Act of 1949, assAmended?Public Law 81410.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
3101). -
Routine uses of records in:tint:lined in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used in Office of
Economic Research recruiting program.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records In the system:
Storage: List.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Kept in secured area; only authorized officials have
access. _
Retention and dispoesal? Indefie/16. periodicallksyKsed)
System manager(s) ani aild'iTss:
Director. Office of Economic Research
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquirie s. to:_ ____.....- - ..--,
'vasece.2t CoNlina to r?,.,4-
Centra reitelligerieSY Vii.i;mcy
Washington, 1' C.10505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Fi ilm el Itegieter (32C1R 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with the ee rule ,
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Professional contacts established by the
Office of Economic Research and Agency recruiters.
System name: Cryptographic Access File.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Agency staff per-
sonnel, contract employees, and contractor employees who have
been authorized access to cryptographic information.
Categories of records in the system: Biographic information in-
cluding name, date of birth, social security number, and Agency
component or commercial employer and date of clearance of per-
son being granted access.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Executive Order 10450.
Public Law 81-513, dated 13 May 1950.
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Control and accountabili-
ty of cryptographic access clearances.
Certify to Agency officials and to other agencies and private con-
tractors names of individuals who possess a cryptographic
Users of this information are the Office of Security and Office of
A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a
"routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or
retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of A license, grant or other
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper and computer.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Information on paper media is stored in combination
lock safes or in a secure area; access is limited to authorized em-
ployees on a need-to-know basis. Information stored on the com-
puter system is subject to safeguards established by the Office of
Retention and disposal: Paper flies are retained until the clearance
is rescinded. Destruction of paper records is accomplished through
burning. Computer records are revised when clearance is rescinded.
System manager(s) and address:
Director. Office of Communications
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their.
inquiries to:
Pny Act Co linator
rerifFal Tilligoe gency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: The source of biographic information is
the Office of Security or official correspondence notifying Office
of Communications of a change in the individual's status.
Information and Privacy Coordinator.'
Fa ,?
' Review annually and destroy records on individuals
no longer associated with the activity.
is by pulping. . .
Reviewed every 2 years and records are destroyed
.on indj.viduals no longer associated with the program.
Destruction is by pulping.
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-0047A000600090007-4
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the cons
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Other U.S. agencies and organizations.
System name: Directorate of Operations Records System.
System location:
Central Intelligance Agency
Washington, Dr. 20505.
Cateaories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals who
ar of foreign intelligence or foreign counterintelligence interest to
the CIA, either because of their actual, apparent, or potential as-
s-ociation with foreign intelligence or foreign counterintelligence ac-
tivities, or because they are of actual or potential use to CIA.
Categories of records in the system: Categories of records include
administrative, management and policy, personality, operational,
a:sat impersonal subjects based primarily on foreign intelligence and
foreign counterintelligence reports.
Authority for Maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
. as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
(.entral Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Las, 31-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
immigration and Nationality Act, as Amended?Public Law 82-
;routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
riea of users and the purposes of such uses: To provide information
wlebin CIA and to selected Federal agencies and military depart-
menta for the conduct of foreign intelligence operations.
To provide information within. CIA and to the FBI, other
selected Federal agencies, and military departments for the conduct
of foreign counterintelligence operations.
To stonduet national Agency name checks for other agencies as
reqieietai by National Security Council Directive and the Immigra-
tion am.: Nationality Act of 1952 in the interest of the security of
the Union? States.
To provide information to the Immigration and Naturalization
A record from. this system of records may be disclosed as a
"routine uatt" tcsaTedertil, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal .or other relevant enforcement information or other per-
tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
Lifolonation relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or
retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the
leatina of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
To provide information to U.S. and, through established liaison
c',..nne,s, selected foreign government agencies in national security
or ariminal cases.
la)licies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
aruti disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper, microforms, and magnetic media.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Strict controls have been imposed to minimize the
risk of compromising in'forrnation held. Employees are allowed. ac-
cess to the index and files only after midergoing special training.
There are degrees of compartmentation which are designed to limit
az:es-a to information on a strict "eeed-to-know" basis. Records
stet -kept of each disclosure of a record to another agency as
reocired by this act.
Retention and disposal: Retention is based on approved records
-eE-.z.position schedules. Destruction is by pulping, degaussing, or
System manager(s) and address:
Chief, Services Staff, DDO
Central Intelligence Aattitcy
Wa shing ton, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
racords contains information about them should direct their
a- to: ,
vaesyaAct. Con\linator
t tFar Trif n
elligece Agin c y
Washington, D,C. 20595.
Identification respireirients are specified in the CIA rules
teblished in the Fedsral Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
withcnply Lest!
Record access proesdurest Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as irdicateil iii due notification section above,
Information N ud1)rivacJCoorditrj
Foreign sources and individuals.
Predecessor organizations.
Overt publications.
Private citizens.
State and local agencies.
System name: Financial Records.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Current and
former Agency staff personnel, contract personnel, consultants, in-
dependent contractors, detailed military and civilian personnel, and
survivors of deceased CIA retirement system annuitants
Categories of records in the system: Records required to ad-
minister compensation payments, payments to CIA Retirement
System (CIARDS) annuitants, authorized or required payroll deduc-
tions or contributions for Federal, state and city income tax, retire-
ment, insurance, Credit Union, etc., and leave entitlements. Person-
nel actions, contracts, W-4s, \V-2s, withholding authorizations,
banking instructions for dissemination of employees' salary checks.
Official travel orders, record of funds advanced and transporta-
tion furnished, copies of travel claims and accountings.
Records and statements concerning the status of funds advanced
to individuals for official purposes.
Correspondence and copies of all financial documentation accu-
mulated in the collection and settlement of amounts due the Agen-
cy from former employees.
Financial accounts and records concerning employees'/former
employees' participation in the Voluntary Investment Plan. Mem-
bership application, payroll deduction authorization, quarterly
status statement, funds withdrawal requests.
Certifying officers; contracting officers; and authorizing letter
and signature card.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Central Intelligence
Agency Retirement Act of 1964 for Certain Employees, as
Amended?Public Law 83-643.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by CIA personnel
to fulfill statutory requirements with regard to the computation,
payment, and recording of compensation due Agency personnel and
annuities due to CIARDS annuitants and to report Federal, state,
and local taxing authorities tax information as required by law;
used by CIA officials to report and remit to appropriate Federal,
state, and local agencies tax withholdings, individual and CIA con-
tributions for retirement, life and health insurance programs, and
other deductions as required or authorized by the individual.
Used by CIA personnel concerned with the administration,
processing, audit and certification of travel and transportation ac-
Used by CIA personnel as an administrative control to ensure
that official funds advanced to individuals are properly and fully
accounted for.
Used by CIA personnel to Pursue and document efforts made to
collect amounts due the Agency from former Agency personnel.
Used by CIA personnel in the financial administration of the
Voluntary Investment Plan and to inform participants of their equi-
ty in the Plan.
Used within CIA by Agency personnel charged with responsibili-
ty for determining that the commitment and expenditure of Agency
funds is authorized, approved, and certified by officials to whom
such authority has been delegated.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper, punch cards, microfilm, magnetic tape and disks.
Retrievability: By name, employee number, and component of as-
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80L00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/1
Safeguards: Records are located in either vaulted, limited access
areas or in combination lock safes. Access to the records is strictly
limited to .Agency personnel who either work with the records or
have an official need for the information.
Retention and disposal: Method of disposal is by burning,
degaussing or shredding, whichever is the most appropriate for the
particular medium in which the record is maintained. Records are
retained in accordance with established record disposal schedules.
System manager(s) and address:
Director. Office of Finance
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20565.
Notificatiim nroceiture: individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records ec.ritaies niforination about them should direct their
inquiries to:
Priorron cI Ceordinntor
.C-entra frifFiteerceAg?ency
Washington, D 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federalltegister (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Individuals and Agency officials.
System name: Security Duty Office Event Reports.
System location.
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20503.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals who
contact the Security Duty Office.
Categories of records In the system: Name, date and subject
matter of contact by individual.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central. Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 5116(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, Including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Brief senior Security Of-
ficers concerning contacts made by individuals and events involving
the Agency and Agency facilities.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Records are maintained in office which is manned on
a 24-hour basis. Information is disclosed to Agency officials on a
need-to-know basis.
Retention and disposal: Records are maintained only for time
period when subject is of interest to the Agency. Records are
destroyed by burning.
System manager(s) and address:
Director, Office of Security
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
privacy Act Coordinator
Central firteiligence.A-gtiney
Washington, D.C. :0050.5.
Identification reqiiionnents are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these roles.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
0 : CIA-RDP80-00473A0006.00090007-4
Contesting record procedures: i he central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: General public, employees and Federal,
state and local officials.
System name: Special Clearance System.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Federal, civilian
and military personnel and representatives from private industry
who possess special access clearances.
Categories of records in the system: Name, date of birth, social
security number, date of background investigation, organization,
and clearances held.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: To certify throughout the
Intelligence Community and related industry the individuals whose
names are contained in this Special Register for purposes of con-
trolling access to special classified materials.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Cards, computer tapes and paper.
Retrievability: By narrte, social security number, and organiza-
Safeguards: The records are stored in a secure area. Access to
the storage area is restricted to those who have the proper
clearances and have a need-to-know.
Retention and disposal: The records are kept as long as an in-
dividual possesses special access clearances. Records are destroyed
when individual is debriefed of special clearance(s). Paper records
are burned; magnetic tapes are degaussed.
System manager(s) and address:
Director. Office of Security
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505..
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
acy Att-coator')
entraT ir aligenceAgency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Agency personnel, and other Federal
agencies, and private industry.
System name: Central Badge System.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Agency em-
ployees and individuals who required building access badges.
Categories of records in the system: Name, date and place of
birth, social security number, photographs and fingerprints.
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 ? CIA-RDP80-004713A000600090007-4
Authority for maintenance of the system: Central Intelligence
Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
National Security Act of 1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Routine tests of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by the Office of
Security to identify and control access to Agency facilities.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and dispesing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper, photographs and magnetic media.
Retrievability: Name and badge number. ?
Safeguards: Records are maintained in vault. Access is limited to
inefiv ideals on need-to-know basis.
Retention and dispoaal: Retained for duration of employment or
association with the Agency. Records are destroyed by burning two
years after resignation or termination of the association.
System manager(s) and address:
Director. Office of Security
Central Intelligence Agency .
Waa'aington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains informationsabout them should direct their
iequiries to:
Central lritaiiaAg-ency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employee records and/or-the individual
requesting identification badge.
? CIA-56
System name': Security Analysis Records.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Any individual
who Comes to the attention of the Agency because of a counterin-
eelligence interest that concerns Agency personnel or Agency
Categories of records In the system: Piearaphic information and
data concerning an individual's involvement in specific intelligence
and counterintelligence activities.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as Amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 51-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
3101). ?
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the pucpoies of such uses: Inform Agency officials
of potential or actual Cl information involving Agency personnel or
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: All rt7curdi are maintained in a vaulted area. Access
is limited on a need- to4 now basis.
Retention and Vermanent retention..
System mana:ter(Ai fIrl address:
Director. Office 01 security
Central Intelli mime. Amency
Washington, I i I ? a0i05,
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inquiries to.
cstaCoordkitor ---
entra intelligence-Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rides
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must.
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad-
dressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Employees.
U.S. Government agencies.
Foreign intelligence sources.
System name: Security Records.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Applicants, staff
and contract employees, former employees, consultants, contrac-
tors, military detailees, individuals of security interest, persons of
substantive affiliation with or service to the Agency, persons on
whom the Agency has conducted an investigation, Agency em-
ployees and other individuals associated with the Agency who have
completed an accident report form, and Federal, civilian and milita-
ry personnel with whom the Agency conducts liaison.
Categories of records in the system: Investigation requests.
Biographic data (name, sex, D/POB, social security number, and
employer and employee address at time record was created).
Authorizations for the release of high school and college trans-
cripts and copies of those transcripts.
Investigative reports.
Appraisal summaries reflecting the rationale for granting or refus-
ing a security clearance.
Documentation of the final action taken by the Office of Security
concerning any given investigation.
Secrecy agreements.
Documentation concerning the granting or refusing of special
clearances; levels of clearances held; approvals for personnel reas-
signments; notations that polygraph or other special interviews
were performed; memoranda concerning security violations; notices
of termination of affiliation with the Agency.
Report of accidents and investigative reports.
Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of
1947, as amended?Public Law 80-253.
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended?Public
Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Executive Order 10450.
Executive Order 11807.
Section 19(a), Occupational Safety and Health Act of
1970?Public Law 91-596.
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: The system is used to
ascertain whether there is any existing information concerning a
person who is of immediate interest to the CIA. The system is rou-
tinely used when:
a person applies for CIA employment;
a person is a candidate or associated with a candidate for some
project or assignment;
a question arises as to whether a certain individual has been
security approved, or considered for security approval by the OA
there s a need to obtain the security file of an individual who is
known (or assumed) to be the subject of a file; and
CIA receives a request for investigative information from another
Federal agency.
Records from this system are also used to prepare briefing& on
Agency accident experience; to determine accident causes and
recommend remedial action; and to prepare quarterly and annual.
statistical reports for the Department of Labor.
2 2 3 974
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : IA-RDPG80-00473A000600090007-4
end disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper, microfilm, computer disks and rnaenetic tapes.
!hili: By name.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, Inspector ertera
Central intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20e0e.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains their-corres-p-ordence- should direct their inqui-
ries to: IN FeRmAr ad 4cvsr
Safeguards: Records are safeguarded by combination lock securi-
ty containers, or are stored within a vaulted area. Access is
reoricted to individuals who are certified on an "Access List." The
eaecee, List is validated each month and published so that responsi-
bfe officials can insure that records are accessed only for official
Retnn and disposal: Files which contain Agency-developed in-
reports on MI individual are retained a maximum of 50
years. tnen destroyed by burning or pulping. Liaison contact files
are %et for three years and then destroyed by burning or pulping,
ex-es-et ?-? Isere there is a documented request to continue the liaison.
System manager(s) and address:
Direator, Office of Security
Central Intelligence Agency
Waehington, D.C. 0505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains information about them should direct their
inceeirie ? to-
cv A\ef Coordi ator
entre fl Lgence.gency
Washinaton. D.C. 20503.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
revelations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for a.ppealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA riles section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Current and former employees, con-
sultants, contractors, contract employees, military detailees, appli-
cants for employment, persons of substantive affiliation with or
service to the Agency, Federal state and local agencies, educational
institutions, employers, personal and business references provided
by the individual under investigation and acquaintances of the in-
System name: Inspector General Research Records.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Agency personnel
and other individuals whose names appear in documents assembled
prie-narily from other Agency records systems by the Inspector
General in. relation to an Executive commission and Legislative
committee reviews of Agency activities conducted between 1972
and 1976.
Categuries of records In the system: CIA documents that are per-
tinent to an Executive commission and Legislative committee
reviews of Agency activities.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Central Intelligence Act
of 1949, as amended?Public Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained In the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: The system is used by
Agency officials for reference use in connection with Executive
and Legislative reviews of Agency activities..
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,.
aad disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: Name or subject.
Safeguards: Information is stored is safes. Access is limited to
A eency personnel.
Retention and disposal:f174"4ents will be .?e. ,ined for in/finite)
-i )iadd-Sstem manager(s) md ress:
Aet-Coordi tos
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Requests from individuals should be
addressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual record, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories: Agency employees.
System name: Unsolicited Correspondence from the Genera! Public
Addressed to the Director or Deputy Director of Central Intel-
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Members of the
General public who have written to the Director or Deputy Director
of Central Intelligence.
Categories of records in the system: Correspondence from the
general public and Agency letters of response.
Authority for maintenance of the system: Central Intelligence
Agency Act of 1949, as amended?Public Law 81-110.
Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego-
ries of users and the purposes of such uses: The system is used by
the Executive Secretary, Office of the Director, to insure that cor-
respondence is acknowledged. Certain correspondence, is forwarded
to other Government agencies for appropriate action.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining,
and disposing of records in the system:
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Records are in a vaulted area; access is controlled by
the Executive Secretary.
etention and disesatiRecqrds aye stoitel in/the Executive y.e-
r tw ye s anthen teansferred to the/. Records Center for
itional t e years' storageVecords are'destroyed by burning
ars afte ate of receipt of correspondence.
ystem ma ager s an adclreSs:
Executive Secretary
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system
of records contains their correspondence should direct their inqui-
-; pliWy ApYCOordire49nd
Central rrirelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505.
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules
published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must
comply with these rules.
Record access procedures: Requests from individuals should be
addressed as indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's
regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con-
tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA
concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in
the CIA rules section of the Federal Register.
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Subject file of substantive correspondence requiring
action beyond acknowledgement reply is permanent.
Routine correspondence and acknowledgments are
reviewed at 2 year intervals and destroyed by pulping
when no longer needed, or destroyed 5 years after
original contact if no interest activated within 5 years,
or incorporated into Subject file if interest is
activated and case warrants. Employment applications:
originals referred to Office of Personnel; duplicates
so noted and files cut off annually and destroyed
by pulping when ?2 years old. .
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
System name:
Personal and professional Associates of the Director
of Central Intelligence.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Categories of individuals covered by the system:
Personal and professional associates of the Director
of Central Intelligence.
Categories of records in the system:
Home and business addresses; home and business phone
numbers; category of association with the DCI (e.g.
Authority for maintenance of the system:
Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as amended-
-Public Law 81-110. Section 506(a), Federal Records
Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section 3101).
Routine uses of the records the
including categories of users and the purposes of such
The system is used by administrative personnel,
Office of the Director, to insure that information
pertaining to the Director's associates is
maintained in a current manner.
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving,
accessing, retaining, and disposing of recordis in the
Storage: Hard copy computer print-out and magnetic
disc pack.
Retrievability: By name, city, or type of
Safeguards: Hard copy computer print-out stored in
4 vaulted area; access is controlled by the Director's
immediate office staff. Automatic data processing disc
pack requires coded identifier for activation. Access
on a need-to-know basis.
Retention and disposal: The hard copy computer
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
print-out is stored in the Office of the Director and
becomes a part of the Director's personal
correspondence/files. This hard copy is replaced as
changes occur and the preceding copy destroyed by
burning. Magnetic disc pack is corrected as changes
occur and when no longer of use it is erased.
System manager and address:
Executive Assistant to the Director
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Notification procedure:
Individuals seeking to learn if this system of
records contains their name and address should
direct inquiries to:
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Identification requirements are specified in the CIA
rules published in the Federal Register (32CFR
1901.13). Individuals must comply with these rules.
Record access procedures:
Requests from individuals should be addressed as
directed in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures:
The Central Intelligence Agency's regulations for
access to individual records, for disputing the
contents thereof, and for appealing an initial
determination by CIA concerning.access to or
correction of records, are promulgated in the CIA
rules section of the Federal
Record source categories:
Selected-FbTic by category of relationship with the
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
System nate:
Supplemental Personnel (Soft) Files.
System location:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Categories of individuals ccly_elf_d_hy_Ih_q_lystem:
Current and former staff-or contract employees and
detailed personnel.
Categories of records in the system:
Memoranda of discussions, working copies of
personnel and contract actions including procedural
checklists, performance appraisals, travel and
shipping orders. Information concerning conduct,
training, special qualifications or restrictions,
dependency and residence, emergency notifications,
biographic data, Letters of Instruction. Also,
cables and dispatches of administrative and
operations significance, and photographs.
Authority for the maintenance of the system:
National_ security Act of 1947, as amended--Public
Law 80-253. Central Intelligence Agency Act of
1949, as amended--Public Law 81-110. Section 506(a)
Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section
Routine uses of records maintained in the system,
including categories of users and purposes of such
Used as a supplement to the official personnel
folders by authorized operating officials to
facilitate andeicpedite processing or procedural
requirements and transactions of employees.
Serves as a management tool for administrative and
operating officials for purposes of employee
assignment, promotion, and career development
considerations and determinations.
To refer or provide information in response to or by
direction of a court order, or where there is an
indication of a violation or potential violation
of law whether civil, criminal, or regulatory in
nature, to the appropriate agency charged with the
responsibility of investigating or prosecuting such
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
violation or charged with enforcing or implementing a
statute or law, regulation or order issued pursuant
Policies and practices for storing, retrieving,
accessing, retaining, and disposing of records ?in the
Storage: Paper.
Retrievability: By name.
Safeguards: Files are maintained in vaulted areas
or approved metal filing cabinets; file release is on a
controlled-loan basis to authorized officials.
Retention and disposal: After transfer, resignation
or retirement, screen folder immediately transferring
items that should be filed in the Official Personnel
file, operational items to appropriate operating files,
and process the remaining material as follows:
Transfer--forward file to gaining office; retirement--
hold retirement cases 18 months and destroy; and,
resignations--hold resignation cases 1 year and destroy.
System manager,and address:
Chief, Support Staff
Intelligence Community Staff
Washington, D.C. 20505
Notification procedure:
Individuals seeking tolearn if this system of
records contains information ahout them should
direct their inquiries to:
Information and Privacy. Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
identification requirements are specified in the CIA
rules, published in the Federal Register (32 CFR
1901.13). Individuals must comply with these rules.
Record access procedures:
Request from individuals should be addressed as
indicated in the notification section above.
Contesting record procedures:
The Central Intelligence Agency's regulations for
access to individual records, for disputing the
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4
contents thereof, and for appealing an initial
determination by CIA concerning access to or
correction of records, are promulgated in the CIA
rules section of the Federal Register.
Record source categories:
Career Service Panel
IC officials.
Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000600090007-4