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9MEYVI LA ri "Anatomiconhysiological characteristics of the Leaves of the Olea Europeea Olive in Respect to its Reststibility," Dokl AN SSSR, No 7, 1947 Lab Plant Physiology State Botanical Garden im. Molotova, Nikitam Crimean Oblast Agricultural Inst., im, M. I. Kalinin S Lti'3~-:f Hm' L. -7 PA 5FT59 UWR/Ibdicine - Trees Aug 194T Mediolne - Minergas "The Value of Shevyrev's Method for Plant Physiology," L. 1. Sergeyev, Idb Plant Phys, State NikItskly Bat Garden Imeni V. M. Molotov, 31 PP "Dok Akad Nauk SBSH, Nova Ser" Vol LVII, No _5 1 - Shows that Shevyrev's method is most satisfactory means of Introducing solutions of mineral and organic compounds into various forms of tree. Submitted by Aoademician N - A. Maksimov, I Mar 1947. -58"9 oFrost Resistant Property of the Olive and the Feijoag" Dokl. AN SSSR, Physiology State Botanical Garden im- mnlotov? Niki~a, 58 No. 6, 1947 LAB- Plant m. I. Kalinin. e 4st. , im. Criman Oblast. Agri=ltur 00 0 0 0 0 ; 44, low t 0 if q 11 m11 it p 2 ~ a so 1: a so if 9 a a4 al 41 is a A m - a JL I -ALA t~A.,A. p0. a A- it 1 -0 ~kO 04 t, lot 1-0 f. ".Vt*v t -m 008 Mad . $wpm (C. W. V wpm d 60 IA .00 - swh . , MW4 ,,,t 4w jiv Ow ammus .00 Os a GNMUTUMM at i coaca. In Tauscos. 00 0 oft, 1; 00 1~ A I% L AMETALLURG6CAL LITERA1441 CLAMFICAT f0k 10;.Z..0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 'coo 00 00 NO 0 Ur =0O 1.00 .00 if as 0-0 29 0 Ole see* Gee 0 0 0 t00000001 - 1. "The Theory of Phasic Develo,.ment, the Fun&,m,-,,ntaI Law of the Physiology oi Plants" (P. 357) by Sergeev, L. I. 01 SO: ProFress of Content-porar-Y Biology, Vol. X_UI., No. 3 (',', Nov-Dec, 1950. 1 . K07FERGA, A. '7. and La- I. 2. USSR (6,00) 4. Botanical Gardens - 'Nikita (Crinea) 7. i,~oiotov State Botanical Garden at Nikita. no. 13, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I~a~ 1953, Unclassified. Gm-wth (Flant.-' -7-ic-Ic-'-ical anal"!-Ilz yearly cycle cl -ievelcpment of fruit cultures and its Sol. I, ~f'm. 19 'm~o. 19'~~ -2. Unclassified. "onthl Liz', o' Russian Accessions, .1- Library of Cong -ss, July 19r n C-V o n t -r t Sf gress, December lOr2. Unclassified. il":cnthl Laussian Lecessic-n-s-, Lilrary of Ccn. BERGEYEV, L.I. [Hardiness of plants] VynosliiFost' rastenii. Moskva. Sovetalcaia nauka, 1953. 281.p. (MLRA 7:2) (Botany-Physiology) NAZARKVSKIY, S.I.; MAKAROV, S.N.- PILIPENYO, 7,5-- GFIRASIMOV, M.V.; WINSKAYL, M.L.; VEKSLER, A.I.Jdeca~;~edl: I.M.: IWINA, N.V., SOKOLOV, L S.Ya.; LOZINX-LOZZINSYAYA, A.S.; SAPLEOV, S.G. ;ZAJ-ESSEIY, D.M.; AVRCRIH, N.A.; IVANOV, M:I.; PRIKULDOV, N.V.; 5OBOIZ7SYAYA, K~A.-, SAJAYATOV, M.N.; MALINOVSKIY, P.I.; LUCHNIK, A.I.; IMAVCHUKO, O.A.; VEKHOV, N.K.; GROZDCV. B.V.; MASIDUN, S.; BOSSE, G.G.; PALIN, P.S. (g.Shuya, Ivanov- skoy oblasti); MATUKHIN; Z-ATVARIIITSKIY, G.F.; GRACHEV, N.G.; CqFaUSGV, M.I.: KIRKOPULO, Ye.N.; LEVITSKAYA.A.M.; GRISHKO, N.N.; LIKEIVAR', D.F. VILICHINSKIY, N.M.; LYPA, A.L.; OREKHOV, M.V.; SHCIMUINA, A.A.; TSYGANKOVA, V.Z.: BARANOVSKIY, A.L.: GEORGIYEVSKIY, S.D.: STEPUNIN, G.A. OZOLIN, E.P.; LUKUTENE, M.K.; KOS, Yu.I.; VAILYEV, A.V.; RUKHADZE, , HANDZHAVIDZE, D.V.-, KORKESHKO, P.Ye.; VASBADZE, V.N.; SHAITIDZE, V.M.- A.L.; KOLESNIKOV, A.I.,(g. Sochi), SE4GEYEV _L.I.; VOLOSHIN, M.P.; RYBIN, V.A.; IVANOVA, B.I., RYABOVA, T.I.; GAREYEV, E.Z. ;RUSANCV, Y.N.; 30CHANTSEVA, Z.P.; BLINOVSKIY, K.V., KLYSHEV, L.K.- KUSHEGYAH, A.M.; LEONOV, L.M. Talks given by participants in the meeting. no.15: 85-182 '53. (MLRA 9:1) 1. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk SS&EI (for MakarovPilipanko, Gerasimov, Illinskaya. Vsksler); 2. Akadsmiya komunallnogo khozyay- stva imeni K.D. Pamfilova for Vasillyev); 3. Voesoyuznaya sel'skokho- zyaystvennaya vystavka (for Illina); 4. Botanicheskiy sad Botaniche- skogo institute, imeni V.L.Komarova Akadsmii nauk SSSR (for Sokolov, Lozina-Lozinskaya, Saakov): 5. Botanicheskiy sad Leningradskogo (continued on next card) HAZLMSKIY, S.L.---(continued) Card 2. gosudaretveanogo ordena Itenina universiteta (for Zalesskiy): 6. Poi yarno-Allpiyskly botanicheakiy sad Kol'skogo filiala imeni S.M. Kirova Akademii nauk SSSR (for Avrorin),- 7. Botanicheekly oak pri Tomokom gosudaretveanom universitete, (for Ivanov); 8. Botanichookiy sad pri Tomokom gosudarstvennom universiteta iment V.V. luyby8heva (for Prik- ladav); 9. TSentrallnyy Sibirokly botanicheakiy sad Zapadno-Sibirsko- go filiala Akademil nauk SSSR (for Salamatov, Sobolevskaya); 10. Bo- tanicheskiy sad Irkutsko gosudaretvannogo universiteta imeni A.A. Zhdanova (for Kalinovekiy): 11. Altayokaya plodovo-yagodnaya opyt- naya stantsiya (for Luchnik); 12. BaBhkirskiy botanicheskly sad (for Kravehanko); 13. Lesostepnaya selektsionnaya opytnaya stantsiya deko- rativnykh kulltur treats, Goazelenkhoz Ministerstva kommunalinogo kho- zyaystva RS1?SR (for Vekhov); 14. Bryanskiy lesokhozyaystvennyy insti- tut (for Grazdav); 15. Botanicheskiy sad pri Voronezhskom gosudar- stvennom universitete (for Mashkin); 16. Orekhovo-Zuyevskiy pedago- gicheskiy institut (for Bosse); 17. Botanichaskiy sad pri Rostovskom gosudarstvennom universitete imeni V.M. Molotova (for Katukhin); 18. Botanicheskiy sad Kuybyshovskogo gorodckogo otdela narodnogo obrazo- vaniya (for Zatvarnitskiy); 19. Zoobotanicheskiy sad pri Kazanskom univeraitete (for Grachev); 20. Gosudarstvannyy reepublikanakiy proektn,yy Institut "Giprokommunstroym (for Cherkasov); 21. Botani- cheakiy sad Odeaskogo goaudaretvaiinogo universitets, imeni 1j. Mechni- kova (for Kirkopulo); 22. Botanichaskiy sad pri Dnepropetrovskom gosudarstvennom universitete (for Levitskaya); 23. Botanichaskly sad (continued on next card) HAZA."VSKIY, S.L.-(continued) Card 3. Akademii nauk USSR (for Grishko, Likhvar', Vilichinskiy); 24. Kiyevskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Lypa)j 25. Botani- cheakiy sad Chernovitskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, (for Orekhov); 26. Botanichaskiy sad pri LIvovskom gosudarstvennom universitete - imemi Iv. Franko (for Shcherbina); 27. Botanicheskiy sad Khar'kov- skogo gosudarstvannogo universitsta imeni A.M. GorIkogo (for TSygan- kova); 28. Botanicheskiy sad Zhitomirskogo sel'skokhozyaystvannogo institute, (for Baranovakiy); 29. Botanicheskiy sad Akmdemii naA Belorusekoy SSR (for Georgiyevskiy); 30. Institut biologil Akademii nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Stepunin): 31. Botanicheskly sad kkademii Litovskoy SSR (for Lukaytens); 32. Botanicheskiy sad Latviyakogo go- sudarstvennogo universiteta (for Ozolin); 33. Kabardinskiy krayeved- cheskiy botanichaskiy sad (for Kos); 34. Sukhumskiy botanicheakiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Vasillyev, Rukhadze); 35. Bd- tumskiy botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Shanidze); 36. Thiliaskiy botanicheakiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SM (for Nandzhavidze); 37. Sochinskiy park Dendrarly (for Korkeshko); 38. Gosudarstvennyy Nikitskiy botanicheakiy sad imeni V.M. Molotove- (for Sergeyev, Voloshin); 39. Krymskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for Rybin); 40. Botanicheakiy sad Moldavskogo filials, Akademii nauk SSSR (for Ivanova); 41. Botanicheskiy sad Botanicheakogo instituta, Aka- demii nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR (for Ryabova); 42. Botanicheskiy sad Kir- gizskogo filial& Akademii nauk SSSR (for Gareyev); 43. Botanicheakiy (continued on next card) HAZARKVSKIY. S.L.---(continued) Card 4. sad Akademii nauk Usbekskoy SSR (for Rusanov, Bochantseva); 44. Botanicheakiy sad Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy SSR (for Blinovskiy); 45. Respublikanskiy sad Akademii nauk Kazakhakoy S;5R (for Klyshev, Mushegyan). (Botanical gardens) SFMEYZV, L.I.; WIROV, B.H. Depository of Rassian botany (Ilikitakii State Botanical Garden). Priroda 41 no.7:57-62 Jl 153. (MLR& 6:6) (Crimea--Botanical Gardens) SERGEYEV, L.I. Hardiness of plants in unfavorable soil and climatic conditions. sada no.18:13-16 '54. (HlRk 8:3) 1. Gosudarstvenny7 Nikitskiy botanicheskir sad im. V.M.Molotova. (Plants-Hardiness) SERGEYMV,L.I.; ZABRANSKAYA,O.A. 0., Biological analysis of flower buds of stone fruit varieties. Fiziol.rast.2 no.2:16o-166 Mr-Ap '55. (MlJU- 8:10) 1. Nikitskiy botanicheskiy sad imeni V.M.Molotova, Yalta (Buds) USC WR/ Biology Phenology Card 1/1 Pub. 86 27/39 Authors I Sergeev, L. I., Dr. Biol. So. Title t Secondary blooming of plants Periodical Priroda 44/3, 120 121., Mar 1955 Abstract t A study is made of the secondary blooming of plants, which occurs in certain instances, and the conclusion is reached that the earlier blooming is due to some kind of injurious action that causes the plant to deviate from its normal development. Such action is a kind of atavism. Institution Nikitskyy Botanical Garden Submitted USSWWeed-s anE their Control N Abs Jour Re fZlrxc Biol., No 1, 1958, Pio 1862 Author L.*r Ye.V. Kucherov, V.D. Siminov Inst Hot Giver, Title (hi the Chemical VIceding of Grain Craps Orig Pub S.hh. Bashki.,.-ii, 1956, No 2, ip--14 Abstract I-r-, the fight against weeas attLcking corn, the best results wu::e ol~,t--iaed by �ntroduc`-ing 2, -),-D into the nidus at 1 kg/h of active matter. With normal germination of corn, no young growth of iveeds was discovered in the nidus. A positive ze- sult -was 6btained by, spi-aying corn with 2, 4-D at 1 to 1.5 kig per hectare during the 2 to 3 leaf phases and in the case of graiz-,s, (millet and summer wheat) -vtith respective amounts of 1-5 and 1-7 kh/h during the phase of shr-abbing. In these instances, the weeds of the.mustard family perished complatt~--ly; from. the root sprouters (tkistvle, 'bindweed and others), the parts above the ground e4th-er perished completely or were con- U sider-Sb:j destroyf~d. Card 1/1 SFMEYEV, L.I.; YALSAKOVA, T.N. Benzene hexachloride as stimulant and inhibitor of plant growth. no.26:59-63 156. (KM 10:2) 1. Institut bi~Dogil Pashkirskogo filiala Akedenil nauk SWM. (Denzedw hexachlorlds) (Plants, Effect of insecticides on) - --**" - -- Country I M 0 R Y Yf~ 7 INST t jn~ ')f T ITLE, On the d t-at C v (x, 1-j PUB. ele'ktsiya OF Of hiC'1.-*Jg7 CT Lx [,,E v Lmt:: n t H e f .&nc:es t 3 f J- I ia t cc~rn ,,:L-rE- luirvest(-,.- W ng t s t d E-'~e 3 z;f che grain, dr---~--d in a tterros-,-at, at 40-450, s r i - hat clk,~ b~anftlle!i on the stems , zit 16-200. beec j i-ltarv~-'S'ed n, tte stage of ni-I-Iky ma-~urity yje-lted a ~:tan~l of Seedlings. a r t g :) Od r P o ~j 1 11 6 0 r- d T. Y n g cn tale --teltis fjrmits to Oe+- -i c-f ,te&,' in "tli~.-rrros~-at at LX-~- r7 ss I iie seed' of gGri,-inf~t.Lon (irt E. xc ".etL't;! well. !Feed. be-fore the in i; 5 n' Ot On t 1 ~~ s :- r= w. s , g r ow we ak an!- -s. all -o+her -n '~'O -1-at niffe--f' tbose grown 1*.-'~P; fully r:at~'Ure G C he r no. v Country USSR Category: Cultivated Plants. Grains. ILA --bs Jour: RZhBIol., No 22, 1958, No 100259 .1u tho r ier-se-IMI-L, In8t Met of Biology, Bashkir -,'.ffil. .-S USSR Title How iO Utilize Immature Corn Seeds in Sowing. OrIg Pub: S. kh. Bashkirij, 1957, No 4, 12-13 .-betract: Results of the experiment of Institute of Biology, Ba8h.sirskly A'.fflliate, f.cademy of Sciences USSR on the utilization for sowing corn seeds which did not reach full maturity. The seeds taken at the milky stage, dried at the proper time, secure normal vigor In the Card 1/2 M- 37 Country : USSR M Category: Cultivated Plants. Grains. Abs Jour: RZhBIol., No 22, 1958, No 100259 germination, sprouting In the field, growth, development and the productivity of the plants. 0 Card -. 2/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Fruit 1'rees. Smll Fruit PL-nts. M Abs Jcur: Ref Zhur-Dial., No 17, 1958, 77854. Author : Sergeyev L. Inst ~-, Title : ikltay Variety of Mack Cur=ta. Orig Pub: Bashkorostan auyl lffiuzhalygy, 1957, No 9, 46. S. kh. reshkirii, 1957, No 9, 45. Abstract; No abstract. card : 1/1 ATj 2 -0 R: Briskiy, Chishminskiy and Khaybullinskiy rayons of Bashkirskaya (Yu. Y--. A. L. '."dovin: -G-c 7 !~-'f"TGDICAL: A-33TRACI:': 1 1 t c tio*l-"d -Jistric t.z -cii:..~ 1: ic zone: 2 c, -le L oncicavor the uoh-li%u Of t'.", c: 1 it cI-I V~2 '% Lreute-, ml-iloc-.- of tL"Jluc 1 , 1: 1.9d vored to liucus, -~hc in the -er Puric'--d ,,cjundL'riQS Of tl-Cir 'i'h--~ -i.uport:,.,,ce of 3ucli acli.,:ritic dc:zcr'.,-.,,tion o.L' thL L J- t ri CZ Iao been (le.).onstratc!(i 1) itc~,ns of com-ret-3 ow.iplut3 of h.:4 1. zs thc. Of U viiaibcr of Card 112 'o 1-!- f the BriskiY, 0 1 Vdovir Yu. 33R, Chishminskiy ancl Khaybullinskiy rayons of Bashkirskaya Librar., of CGD~~3:t2sL3 1. Meteorology 2. Climatic conditions rd LIWHUR3 Sergeyev, L. I., Baykov, G. K.,and Ser-eyeva, K. A. 2---3-44 11 0 146 TITLE: On t~-.-- Vern,--lization Stage in Arbortal Plants (10 stadii yaroviza- tsii dreves.Vkh rastaniy) PEHIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, '1957, Vol. 116, Nr 3, pp. 51o-513 (USSR) 1B5'1~iIACT Tht! reactlon of cartain groups of plants on a decrease of temp- erature is actually called vernalization. This reaction is connect- ed with a ctrt-Lin stage of developiat-ut of the plant as a whole (hiberrial- and 2 years frouis) or of one stage of its new forma- tion3 (several years old forias). The first author his enoanced the thesis that tht buds of a tree pa.,is each year through a stage of vcrnalization. This thesis can be coixluded froia Darwin, Timirjazev a.o.: periodical repetition of th,- vc-etal growth and biological sWilarity of both seed and buds. Nevertheless some authors persist in their contradictions against such a conception. Further, the authors controvert ajainst Nesterovs' statements. 'The discussion on the questions of the stages with arboreal plants shows both the topicality and theinsufficient treatLaent of these questions. The results of the investi-ations on the vernalization of the buds are partly set forth in this treatise. The vegetation test was made with 3 species of Pyrus malus , 1 pranus cera-sus T7~-oth 2 jears of age) and -aith arunus fruticasa, ribes nigrum Card 114 ribes ~r ssularia (goosberry j amt~l anchier spicata (an Easi"ern 01i thc Vtrnalizatio;_ Sta;~e in Arburtal Plants. 2 6- 3 -44, /6 species of grape-pear). In order to the period of ver- nalization, the plants were ke,~t in open air and brought in room temperature in certain inter~rals. The datas of the shooting of the buds (of both vegetative and .-enerative) are suramarized in table 1. Tire authors determined theperiod of the stage of vernalization of both the vegetative arid generative buds of the test plants with respect to orientation by using meteorological ddta. For this purpose the number of days was calculated with a medium tempera- ture below looC (the vernalizationcontinues also beyond a remark- able ran'-e below loOO until thecarrying. of the plants into the room. Moreover it was considered that the shooting of the buds of the plants which were brought into tht~oom, should take place in th-2 course of 30 to 4o days at th+lost. In the case of pyrus malus the verralization of the vegetative buds closed onLy 0 towards February. Durin.- the experimerts, this date was by a 114 days period of lowest tej.,iperatures. In this variant of experiments (see table 1) the period of vernalization of the buds (with re- spect to orientation) is understood to embrace 84 days. The co- ming into blooms in room temperature has taken plac.) after 28 to 34 days. Attention shuuld be paid to tire shooting of some indivi- clual vegetative point-shaped buds in lo-,.,er temperature did mt at- Card 2/4 tain 2 to 3 months yet. The cause may be looked for in an accumu- Or, thv- *Itrnalizatiuri Staj!e- in Arbort-al Plant3- a) - 5 4 1/: 6 ASSOCIATIOll: Ins titute of Biolugy of the Bashkir Branch of the AN USSR (Institut biologii Bashkirskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESE11TED: June 2,1, by A. L. K-ursanov, Aca-dewician SljBi..-ITTED: December lo, 1956 AV,&ILABLE: Library of Con.gress Card 4,/Z1 AUTHORSs Sergeyev, L. I., SerCeyeva. K. A'L. 2o-1119-4-55/00 TITLE: Peculiarities of the Annual Cycle and the Frost Resistance of Ligneous Plants (Osobennosti godichno,3o I.sikla i morozovynoslivost dreveanykh rasteniy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol~ 119, Nr 4, PP- 823-825 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The frost resistance of trees and shrubs is determined by a complicated transformation of the metabolism in all living plant-tis3ues. The duration and the depth of this transformat.- ion depend on the historically developed seasonal rhythm of growth and development, on the physiological state of the liv- ing tissue, and on the environmental conditions (Ref 1-3, 6-8). Earlier, at the South coast of the Crimea (Nikitskiy Botanical Garden) the authors proved that between the periodi- city and the resistance against unfavorable environmental factors there exists an interrelation (Ref 4,5). In the case of better adapted species and kinds of plants the foliage has a higher capacity to retain water than in the case of non- -adapted ones. From this aspect several p-hysiological indices of 15 species and kinds of local and impor-ted ligneolls. Plants iU Card 1/3 the Botanical garden of the Bashkii Branch of the AS USSR FL-culiarities uf the Annual Cycle and the Frost Resistance 2o-!-.9-4-55/6o of UE*ous Plants 'k*Uf-) v;~- e7amined. The method was described before (Ref 3-5) Frnst-resistant sorts: Mountain linden (Tilia parvifolia L.) (fig. 1,I), bird cherry (Padus racemasa Gillb.) (Fig, 1,iii), Amur cork tree (Phelludendron amurense), blaack's bird cherry (Padus Maackii Kom.). In the case of these sorts the sprout growth starts earlier and is finished earlier. During the time of veggetation the ability to retain water in the foliage in- creases. This is connected with the difference in the percent- age of hydrophil colloidst, which here is higher than in the 3ase of the non-frost-resistan't sorts. in the frost-resistant plants the metabolism is transformed in time and more perfectly, On that occasion higher quantities of substances are accumula- ted, which increasefy frost resistance. Finally ,the respirat- ion intensity of the fol*e here is lower than in case of the ncii-frost-resistant sorts, especially in the first half of the ,r=_~:etation period. Non-frost-resistant species and kinds: A]MIStree 2L_:.rtst Slavyanka (fig. 1 , II) , Bashkirskiy K--asavets, wild cherry (I'runus cei.asus), sort Zakha.rovskaya (fig. 1,iv)l and dwarf cherry (Prunus fruticosa), In these species and kinds Card 2/3 the exact contrary to the statements made for the Peculiarities of the Annual Cycle and the Frost desistanoe 2o-1191-4-55/60 Ligneous Plants group of the frost-resistant sorts. cazi be cbsex-ved. There are 1 figure, 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut biologii Bashkirskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biology of the Bashkir Branch of the AS USSR) PRESENTED: October 21, 1957, by A. L. Kursanov, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: July 11. 1957 Card 3/3 SYMEYEV. L. I - ; SERGEYETA, K.A. ; KANDAROVA, I. V. Appearance of starch in generative buds of arboreous plants in winter. no,35:70-75 159- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Botanicheskiy sad Bashkirskogo filiala AN SSSR. (Starch) (Plants--Frost resistance) (Buds) 17(l) AUTHORS: _q~ ~yL. ~1., Sergeyeva, K. Az.,, SCV/20-125-5-57/6i Mel"nikov,.V. K. TITLE: The Isoelectric Point of the Protoplasm and the Peculiarities of the Physiological State of the Generative Buds in the Arboreal Plants (Izoelektricheskaya tochka protoplazmy i osobennosti fiziologicheskogo sostoyaniya generativnykh pochek drevesnykh rasteniy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Ur 5, pp 1162-1165 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The isoelectric point (IRP) of the protoplasm shifts in the case of aging of animal tissues towards the less acid region (Ref 6). A similar shift takes place in the plants i+pite of contrary statements (Ref 6). This may be caused as well by unfavorable environmental conditions (Refs 6, 12). The 1EP shifts in the cells of the generative buds of the trees already before the occurrence of morphological differences more towards the more acid region than it is the case with the vegetative buds (apple tree, Ref 13). In the case of the grapevine a contrary behaviour of the generative and vegetative buds was observed (Ref 5). There Card 113 is a connection between the existence of the ribonucleic acid (RNA) The Isoelectric Point of the Protoplasm and the Peculiarities SOV/20-125-5-57/61 of the Physiological State of the Generative Buds in the Arboreal Plants and the position of the IEP (Ref--14)c The authors investigated the periodicity of the annual de-ielopment cycle of the trees in connection with their resistivity and productivity by means of tht complex morpho-physiological method (Refs 8, 9). The IEP dynamics of the cell protoplasm of the generative buds was investigated as well (method of the Refs 3v 4), The simplification of the references 10 and 16 is bound to reduce the accuracy of the determinations. Table 'I gives the results for the Bashkirskiy k-rasi*ets apples and for the sour cherry Zakharovskaya. This shows that the IEP of the protoplasm of the generative buds*shifts towards the less acid region during the period of "full stationary state". The IM tends towards the end of this period towards the more acid region if the temperature of the air is still reduced. This corresponds in the case of the mentioned sour cherry (pH 3.7 in October, 3.2 in November) and later in the case of the mentioned apple tree as well (pH 3.8 in November, 3~4 in December) to the duration of the period of OfUll stationary state". The now oocurring processes increase the potential of the physiological activity. These processes cause the end of the Pall stationary state of the Card 2/3 generative buds. During sprin_Pt-.',-r,-q (February- May) the IEP shifts The Isoelectric Point of the Protoplasm and the Peculiarities SOV20-125-5-57/61 of the PhysiologIcal State of the Generative Buds in the Arboreal Plants first rapidly, then gradually towards the more acid region. The curves of the IEP-dynan~ics are to a certain extent interrelated to other physiological indices of the generative buds (Fig 1). The experimental results under the application of radioactive phosphorus confirm the mentioned IEP shifts (Table 2), The absorption of P32 in the generative buds of the apple.- and sour cherry tree causes changes of the M. Thus was.proved that the 1EP shift towards the more acid region is.conneated with tLe increase of the metabolism intensity. Finally the-authors make the attempt of interpreting -these results. An organic connection between the negative electrokinetic potential and the structure of the living protoplasm and the metabolism taking place in it may be assumed. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and'17 references,'14 of whioh are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologii Akademli naWc SSSR Bashkirskogo filiala (Institute of Biology of the Academ~ of Scientes USSR of the Irashkiriya Branch) TED: September 24, 1958, by A. L. Kursanov, Aoademician SUEMITTED: September 24, 1958 Card 3/3 KOHAREV, V.G.,,prof.,,; DOBRUNOV, L.G., prof., red.;_g~RG L I , prof., red.; ITETUPSKAYA, S.V., kand.khim.nouk, red.; -K;6~OZ, T.I., red.; KOBYAKOV, I.A., [Biochemistry and physiology of the formation of corn) Biokhi- miia i fiziologiia formirovaniis urozhaia kukurU2y. Ufa, 1960. 141 P. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Bashkirskiy filial, Ufa. Institut biologii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN KazSSR (for Dobrunov). (Corn (Maize)) USMANOV, Yu.A.J. zasl. deyatell nauki Bashkirskoy ASSR, otv, za vypusk; KHRIZI.Wl, I,A,, glav. red.; KOBYAKOV, Lk, red.; ABDULIMENEV, M,I_ red.; DPENT, 0,N.9 red.: IMIAYEV, M,G,, red.- 14DSKOVICH, 1 10 S.M., red.; ROZHDESTVE,'-ISKIY, V,I., red.; SERGEYEV. L.I., red.- SIMLONOV, V.D., red. [Chemicalization of agriculture skogo khoziaistva Bashkirii; respublikanskoe pravlenie Vses. No.l. 1959, 117 p. in Bashkir-ia]Khimizatsiia trudy konferentsii. khim. sell- Ufa, Bashkirskoe ob-va im. D.I.Mendeleeva. (MIRA 16-.1) 1. Respublikanskaya konferentsiYa Do voDrosam khimizatsii sell- skogo khozyaystva PIASSR 'Basl,k_'rla--Agricultu-ral chemistry) KONAREV, V.I., prof.,; BIMOUsIRSKIY, A.N., red.; GENM', FeAe, prof., red.; SARGEYEV, L,I,, prof., red.; KAZILKIN, I.A., kand. biolog.nauk, red.; KWI~MOV, M.G., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; POROYKOV, Yu.D., red.; VALEYLT, G.G., [Biology of nuclein metabolism in plants; reports at the Joint scientific session of Nov.25-28, 1958] Biologiia nukleinovogo obmena u rastenii; doklady obledinennoi nauchnoi sessii. 25-28 noiabria 1958 g. Ufa, 1959, 181 p. WRA 13:6) 1. Almdemiya nauk SSSR. Bashkirskiy filial. Ufa. Institut biolo- gii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Belozerskiy). 3. Insti- tut biologii Bashkriskogo filisla Akademii nauk SSSR (for Konarev, K&zilkinq Xhanislamov). (PLAETS-HET113CLISK) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) SMGEYEV, Leonid Ivanovich; SERGEYEVA) Klavdiya Alakeseyevna; L-'UfKUV. Niier:~v Konstantinovich; SUKHORUKOV, K.T.) Toktor biol. nauk,prof., otv. red.; GAFUROVA, T.I., red.; VALEYEV, G.G.', tekbn. red. [Morphological and pbysiological periodicity and winter hardiness of woody plants] Morfo-fiziologicheskaia periodichnost' i zimostoikost' drevesrykh rastenii. Ufa., Akad. nauk SSSR. Bashkirskii filial, In-t bialorli, 1961. 221 p. (MIRA .15:7) (Bashkiria-Woody plants (Baslikiria--Plants-Frost resistance) SERGEYEV,--L-L-; SERGEYEVA, K.A. Morphological and physiological analysis of the annual life cycle of woody plants. Trudy Illm. gos. zap. no.8:131-144 161. (MIRA 15:11) (Ufa region-Woody plants) (Plants-Frost resistance) S'MiGEYEVY. L.1., doktur biol. Yjauk, prof., otv. red. [Physiology of the winter hardiness of plants) Fiziologiia zimostoikosti. drevesnykh rastenii. Moskva Izd-vo "Nauka, n 1964. 170 p. WRA -17:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Bashkirskiy filial, Ufa. Institut blologii. SERGEYEV, L.I. ; D 1 -.1, KAYEV A, R.S. ; S I" , INI.S. Effect of :;,,ineral fertilizers and topdressing on the physiolog-y and productivity of ble-k curTant. Izv. Sf AN S-ISR no.F. Ser. biol.-ined.nauk no.2:94-98 t65. (MIRA 18-9) 1 i, 1. Bashkirskiy gosudars-vennyy universitet, Ufa. -,,$ prof. T 6, P 7E.. 1 , 1 - , ~, rf7d~; 1,,F,, ra.-I, (Chemical weed control!. Kh!5,4ch~-.skaia boriha s Bashkirskoe knizbnoe izd-v), 1965. 96 SERGFYEV, L. I. Winterhardir.ess of woody plants in the light of modern biology. Trudy Inst. biol. UFAN SSSR no. 43:91-98 165 (MIRA 1~:l) 1. I-notitut biologii Bashkirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. MELINIKOV, V.K.; SERGEYEV, L.I.; SAKHOV, N.S. Radioactive phosphorus as an indicator and stimulant of physiol- ogical processes in woody plants. Trudy Inst. biol. UFAN SSSR no. 43:99-102 165 (MIR4. 19:1) 1. Institut biologii BeBhkirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. ZIGANGIROV, A.M.; SERGrYEV, L.I.; YUSUPOV, V.G. Bioelectrical potentials in the yearly cycle of the development of wild roses. Trudy Inst. biol. UFAN SSSR no. 43.,103-105 t65 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut biologii Bashkirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. SERGEYEV I, L. 1 . ; KAR, MISKIT, Yu.11. ; , -K . .~- 3harasterds ',.4 of the year-11v a~ 6 fr - Ji, rtanct. C.4, frolt trees in tht- Cr-imea. Tnd-Y intit. IfFAN' SM no. 43t ~i ~15-118 165 (MIRA 19:1) _i .1 . Initittit blologli Bashkirskago Lm-;rersiteta. I ar ~l K,11 ar-,~.. Serge ~v, L. IM. '"[prietles of 17milt Berry Central Genetic Fruit sne L Cro-)sfl 3erry Labor~'orv imen! 1. V. Michuri n . VORCBIYEVA, U.N.; KOLESMIKOV, M.A., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; KOTOVILOV, B.A., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; PODGAYEVSKAYA, A.A.. kand.sellsko- khoz.nauk; FRIYKAK, A.K., doktor seliskokhoz.nauk; RYADNOVA, I.K., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; S3RGZM.Ljf., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; SNITKO, N.F., kand.sel-s'ko--kh-'oz.nauk STOROMMO, Te.K.; TWSIVICH, G.V., kand.selltskokhoz.nauk; ZAKADVOROV, S.M., red.; KOFANOV, P.P.. [Fruit culture] PlodovodBtvo. Krasnodarskoe kn12hnoe izd--yo, 1957. 267 P. (KIRA 12:5) (Fruit culture) KOLOVIRIOV. A.N.; SERGEYLN, L.1-1, Perfect organization of production and modern technological innovations. Mashinostroitell no.6-.30-32 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Moscow-Clockmaking and watchmaking) SERGEYEV, L.141. Winner of a Lenin Prize. Mashinostroitell no.iC-:12-13 0 161. (IHIRA 14:01) (KL,driavtsev, Vitalii Mikhailavich) BERGEYEV, L.M. At a communist labor plant. Mashinostroitell no-4:2-3 Ap 62. OaRA 15:5) (Moscow-Clockmaking and watchmaking) S-FRGFYVI L.M. Machining mechanism-fastenIng rings in an overall mechanized section. Biul.tekh.-ekon.imfo-rm.Gos.nauch.-iBsl.inst.naiich.i tekh.inform. 18 no.6:17-19 Je 165. 04IRA 18:7) SERGEYEV) L.M. Over-all machanized working area. Mashinostroitell no.2:8-9 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Mosco4-Clockmaking and watchmaking) a&RGEYEV, L. N. Work of a mixed reconnnais3ance and construction brigade In a mountain region. Geod.i kart. no.5:25-26 My 16o. (MIRA 13:7) (Triangulation) SERVEYEV. L.N. Reconnaissance and construction work of detachmentNo.88*. Geod. i kart. no. 4:27-29 Ap 161, (MIRA 14:5) (Surveying) 0 it 0 WT-TTWWWW" # t o A : . J" A 11 1 k _A~ 'I F a A lu Ill A1--l-M. N -CC -10 a 0 4 1 00 A 0 0 001 0 0 See 0 =00 4 XkhM N~ fm RevadM 1111161trAlill B. F. Now mekbw at' =so 0 N. Seqm(Zamd. Lab.. 1934. 3. 243-2249; Brit. Grawht,whenko anti L iii~-] Etching in an atmmphem of ml, 00 n-miunwimiled.-S. G. =00 -00 zoo :2100 $&-ILA NITALLURGHCAL LITERAURE CLASSIVIC&TICO it U 19 A- -0 AS I a "d 0 a 1 AT a. 3 tj a iv cy it op Air a a 19 W K IS It It K ma n g 14 - 0 0 * IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 IS 1b 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 1 : iL O 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 jL9_jL* 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 0 * * 0 0 . al I a I A IML rp oil 00 00 PRI)CASSIS AND P-110011 09 *0 00 06 00 0: x 34 V A 0 4) .1 a 41 41 6100 -00 *Tbe laild SQubWO at Uscamium is Mamisham at Diffwms TmpwalUM, P.J. Saldau and 1- N--~S~(My (Jir&WwV (4~. 67-70).- Jill Humisn.) FIN tylp mienwinictum of quenelml alloY the fidlowing values for the sobil molubifity of magnesium in aluminium have been obtained at 4WV C.. 14.080.; 3-,0'C., 10-02%; 336' C bi-3#j-' C., 6-82%; 1961 C., .3 4-74";); after slow cooling. 3-090,.-N. A. A! 0 '1 Al..IL-- -11ILLUR KAI LITERATURICLASSIVICATKIN It ts AT PIC) IS I't a, At Kw " 1 0000000*0*1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 OA" 6 0 it 32 M Is see see X.0 0 WOO too A-Z !boo A fS.1 0I a 3 1 7 W. ~e- io '4"' 00000000*00000 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 ~** 0 40 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 a 10 11 U U M 4 16 1? It SIZIN Dun Xv a A It M 9 if is IN v is AN a 41 4; &1 40 a 0 A I A A -L A A P a 11- l- m- I L V L ist .-Q J~ C'10tyl .46CIISIS ka P*CP1.?.t% U. Detarminabom of twIting point by meavxing cooduc- 00 tivity L SkT y and St. S. Simustriva. ?an-d4avkj t~b. i, Mwr-The cond.-temP. cuFve% of metals exhibit a break at the in. p. B. C. A. a =00 00 'a 00 00 2 gee c0 o .00 GOTALLOSISICAL LITFROMM CLOSIRIFICATION boo ---- _ _.__ -- -:-- :-:7~- 7 SIMS34%. gee OJI&SI W a.. Asa It 4, IT 10 ill I K4 I W 3 a 0 IN, tv It OF of a a III a It U It If 9Nib a '440 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 41 0 60 09 0000 00 0 :6 0 a ,A A- LAM? A ' __140 A.0 Lk. _!f 91 A, #11C.C411111 ..0 P$61,141,ft ~wp 0 d`bW&ibUMWmdim-A6mW="1wL LN. 00 It :m (NOW-1 (M-W14101W). IM. (3), 79-94t-lin R.~.) Tb. - , bf th W A o nIffigut ilin-rkh OLAM . Wut;, in &t 2Lro W W, aml 3jMr (L wvft drierminv4 micnIGOVIAMIly. and 60 VOWAS An glTm In diagrama faw bMb alloys In oquillbrium stiml alloys In ounditlormt anshignum to flueo eocouaivf~j I f In ustrial practice. It wvA fomW impmelble to obWn a bill% quality 1I ductike product by ogeing Arms alloys. Harthwas, lettaile. and conmkm tvats A wrmoask onion thorofWalloys. luoptimum 'empersture for rolling W drpm"t mly on lh~ altiminium: itine milm-N. t. so 00 ;_.i At-.ILA OITAL USGK-L LITIN&TURE CLASSAFKATION "i; "PrIls;44 Old King g It it 09 mw 'L __JL !-so see =00 An L I a fw 0 a a I ff so 9 a a .1 1 T 143 Aw 01-9 -04k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 me* use WOO W 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 4 eal I j 1 4 1 a I a I W 11 0 if M P, A A C._1L t M I a L -1--N _F 0 A 0 :0 0 0 a a Tv"IM, I 1 11 11 Is I x a x a A xinum Ads 36VAIMPAPOU is AF age - At- A AC 4, I- T~_ 00 Famallet A.0 040*14flis W10. W AM- AlaiiWm-L-m-Ni6m. L N. anti B I Himma lMdallur VrIa)l r W In 1 ( . . v . y ). V ?, p/ 0). The method of thervical arparation of the coootiturt,* " well an Aklmo,o Methmi. was 11~1 1--r the detennination of the eo~wtltution of the rtr= in l alun unt conier of the o-stem Alu'lliniun, itua-siliam, The following ecutituents arra finutd. FrAl,. X. 3, and Lgi. The roootijunt X is a temarv phw AJ.FcSi. a beitig v"W (4 to 5); its op. gr. is 3-35. The a mistituct;g , has the f6muls Al,FcSi, and a r. of3-30. X-my diagrants show differ. j enees in tim- vr%-*W otructure of CUngutuentm; no deteminatiolis of the u lstti(~ otructus;r. verr carried out. however, Anequilibriumclio mmis iveo i , g mhou ing the jumitio.u; of the constiturnts.-N. A. sell. a o AITALLURGICAL LITINATUd! CLASSIFKATION 00 n A. 43 As it it a . 11 . 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 a - z No UO A - I" Me' " s *0 '" : ** 0 0 0 " : , 00 0 000 9 0 0 0 0 .00 ~00 -00 .00 =00 re 0 =00 coo see soo %00 floe moo too 0 -,f 1'. , PledwU= d Bbb4ln& AhmuMm AUm W Dhvd Redwoom d The 0r@ (smebothorma assaft). &,j*4 ~ ad B. 1. Iliummr (MrAilluril I I 2m. (9). 334 ). 16 ltm: ) Sm Ild. Abj, thLo Vul., 0 09 4 0 9 w 0 w w w a 0 0 0 0 0 -0 9 0 0 01:9 a 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 go 1, '1 n 25 . , 71 , it I. v T AA .1 rA _L L Production of high-quality aluminum &Hays by direct -00 reduction of ore itlectruthermal Silumin). L. N Stg,.v -00 00 -J It. 1, [.1 1. 14. No. 11, AA 14~+-.Tl~ *a A11,111ov -:11g. .1ppw% Ail;.% Sj ;Y)"" jml flie ImLim, Fv -00 ..., 111-1ti-I I.V d.1-1 IV.11actiolt ml,l ji- -90 [-%'.I to C-1 to tow, IINW; this pins. a ptia- lugh III Si "11.1 F, "JI'l I"m , Ow Ictilary Cut-tic Iltlill. tic. -00 c.-maillrd ,,, I 1 61 1:136 mid V, 0 .14, 017, : mtd 00 ,.I, '. 1.4 I.v Ili, MIt'MM, hit"Mml I I.,- Fv Ow. Id ' t,"w% . W. I.. . 1.11t 00 a Ibe I-v -00 VIColollivillial alloy fill$ a 111.,,illit'l 00 1!MC11j-. Fr 01"Illd 1h. ;1~ bm 11%'le in tile ehelru- I,, a mill all,,Y it, it iii ploid. tA,, AI,FeSi or Al.i:esit and vach rAR 0 ..krl Fv fvlaill,t 2 I'm 1, .11 ill I he pl.t. lilvetroth, r - ; 11141 silmnill -111K. Fv 114% file itlech. linqk-tti,it .11 ii%wlt, t" .411111.11t i-Mr.. V- Ill. Fv ill th~ rmal ~.! In call 1.~ to it I,,;. hv idding Mit m Cr 1'. 1,1,1. F... H. W. Rwil.m.1,11 z 00 .00 mat ~ .00 j 00 ~00 zoo 00 -00 0* *a ...... too ' ' 1i) U is 4, q) is ; d 0 0 ~ a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 I . ' 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 IN 41 9 0 0 0 0 3/-1.. 1.4. (Tmwt. AUX-4," Afwmii.;- , 1".). log. 09k. lo: M ; Khi,,L 11,prut. ZAwr.. 1940, (1). 74-75; V, U... 1912. 341, 574#7)~ - I1~' fill the lu.'i- ofcq.-rinienut Lta. & pvc# ~ vriticd evdo.,nuat of w-1 fi,r Ow primkry alt,ws (the prMuct of dectru- dwrinA rt,factom .)I alumiumm t,r,i u1tt-r "All.vilig 41111 418141 Kili".11 ill file foral . ! AI a'.A M'I"Si:). OptillitJ111 n,1111A WVIC Ohl.'lill&l 1'.Y hIll'.11114,11 it, --ab,,oawik with at Will -h(kl' C. A Ijn-b4 filter apj~.t,ttim has The yi' m alf Sill.1111 ill (produCt of fil trAl Aull) IA .,f tia, 44 tit-- primarv 11114)y hUill A mixture f-,titaiiiing 3~! G tit 9 '., of Ai-m ir.n. I)At~ ws Int,11at'ical cortwioll il"ficat'. tll.,t (Ali-oll 11-61 13-36, is equivA.-I J. to ft-'u. I -rad'. Sifultlisk k"'Itanlile, "f ir.11. Ad.lits.1, ul'o-1-0-:1. .1' wit o I to Wl~ 4 . limmium brings thv spa.dit-y d Silumin to the It-vul W I'wIl "I.efc 'hmt,h- Sdamum Addits--ji of -f nun- gaw--- I- the 6-hav filaratims pnAu,~~ ill tfu- 111tr-c a 1-n- galkLw., 1, - trot h- t,k-l Sil-enan -tit-sim: ;, miliwit 12-3, it-m 0 61-41 MR, 41"I Ill: Int - 11 It v alhmlljg fill- filallplic"! Siblillirl I" ~.tllv' Jill k 111,11 11111.1 Ill-it I 111i, Jill. I$ tjjjj~lj III ~,rad- AhwdWm to OwrWom. 11. 1. ltlmwr mul LA. $69" oWhWVW). 1W. Ilk (6). 4346 t VA*m. fm*.. 1941 TIwindmumof" the imstance of mmwxqvW Muminium to ftwo" w" .k"sdpW. 7U low In wAght In San' and In 211, H(l was I - -kW Ions" by *v loW oontra impuritim In 00 JuaLwom, but WW abo to a ol kbi &vrm b-yt tchtfs m Uo of I ron &M mi I k-m. oi 136-8-5/21 AUTH0R3:SerzP-vPv. L-N an4ldate of Technical Sciences.and I' buru P In $ Ue ineer TITLE: Deve 0 the of Sh~--e~s of lopment echnolo&y of the Production f MH5 Alloy for ShiDbuilding (Razrabotka tekhnologii proizvodstva list-ov iz splava MH5 dlya sudostroyeniya) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnye Metallyp 1957, Nr 8, pp.26-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For mak large diameter tubes of corrosion-resistant WH5 alloy M5.5% Ni, 1'.0-1.4% Fey 0'.3-0.8% Mn, remainder CU) suitable for sea-water, it was decided at the "Krasmyy Vyborzhets" works to adopt welding of bent sheets. The authors describe the experimental production of sheets of the alloy (with the assistance of engineer A.V.Mitrushin) by rolling cast ingots starting at 920-9500C and finishing at 5000C. They illustrate the microstructures of specimens quenched from different temperatures (Figs-1,2), the appear- ance of bend-test specimens and the structure of a hot-rolled specimen. The influence of lead on the hot-bend tests is considered and results tabulated (Table 1). The mechanical and magnetic properties are tabulated (Table 2) as are results of toughness tests at various temperatures on hard- ened and annealed specimens (Table 3). The conclusions are Uhat a satisfactory technology has been developed for pro- Card 1/? ducing the sheets by double hot rolling; that the alloy /V 136-8-6/21 AUTHORS;Blagoveshchenskayaq R.N..,Engineer and Sergeyev, L.N. Carididate of Technological Sciences TITLE: Decorative Colouririg of Polished Aluminium Objects (Dekorativnoye okrashivaniye polirovannykh aly-uminiyevykh izdeliy) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnye Metally, 1957, Nr 82 PP-31-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe attempts at the "Krasnyy Vyborzhets" woAs to produce a decorative coloured finish on a polished and patternless surface in connection with the manufacture of anodised, coloured ash-trays. D.G.Butomo and engineers L.S.Medvedeva and S.M.Naumchik of the works and Cand.Tech. Sc. S.N.Ciiernyak and engineer Id.P.Peshkova of the imeni Voroshilov (imeni Voroshilova) works participated in this work. Experiments were made to find the influence on the quality of the product of polishing, anodizing, type of aluminium, lubrication during rolling, roll cleaning. Corrosion tests were also carried out. The experimental work described served as the basis for the successful dev- elopment of the technological process now used, some feat- ures of which are mentioned in this article. The authors state that the chemical compositions of aluminium giv--ng Card 1/2 SOV/136-59-6-16/24 ".JTHC D.G.1 PRS: Butomo, Ginsburg, N.G., Zedin, N.I. and Sergeyey,__L.N.--, PITLE: Cracking of Aluminium Bronze During Tests in an Ammonia Atmosphere (Rastreskivaniye alyuminlyevoy bronzy pri ispytanii v ammiachnoy atmosfere) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, 1959, Nr 6, pp 84-85 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Season cracking of brass in ammonia is due to preferential attack of zinc by MI. Practically no data are available on the possibi ity of failure of aluminium. bronze products by the same method. However, some investigators note that aluminium bronze is inclined to crack as a result of corrosion in the Dresence of internal stresses (Ref 3). Aluminium bronze is comparable with brass both in structure and in behaviour in ammonia atmosphere. Aluminium, like zinc, must displace copper from its ammoniate solution. Thus, it can be concluded that stressed aluminium bronze products will crack in an ammonia atmosphere in the same way as brass. This assumption v7as verified with tubular Card 1/4 specimens made from the alloy BrA5 containing 4.67% Al and SOV136-59-6-16/24 Gracking of Aluminium Bronze During Tests in an Ammonia Atmosphere 94.92% Cu. Tests were carried out by keeping the specimens, which had been degreased and etched, in an exsiccatorl the bottom of which was covered with a 20% ammonia solution, for 24 hours. After the tests, transverse cracks formed on the tube surfaces, which are characteristic of residual tensile stresses along the rolling direction of the tube (Fig 1). Even more convincing were the results of experiments with elastically deformed loops made from a strip of BrA5 alloy, 0.7 mm thick. From twenty specimens cut out of this strip, ten were annealed at GOOOC for one hour, the other ten were tested in the work-hardened condition. Tests were carried out for 24 and 72 hours. After 24hours, 50% of the annealed loops and 90% of the work- hardened ones had failed. After 72 hours, all the loops failed. The microstructure of the specimens which had failed in the ammonia tests was studied (Fig 2a and b). Card 2/4 As can be seen, the propagation of cracks in both cases SOV/136-59-6-16/24 cracking of Aluminium. Bronze During Tests in an Ammonia Atmosphere is not along the grain boundaries. In this behaviour the alloy BrA5 differs from brass, in which failure is intercrystalline, particularly if the alloy is in the annealed condition. Experiments were carried out in which the chemical composition of the corrosion products of the tubes of the BrA5 alloy was analysed after ammonia tests. The results prove that selective solution of aluminium, occurs during corrosion of the stressed BrA5 alloy, similar to the selective solution of zinc in brass. It is concluded that, in general, stressed articles inade of copper alloys in which the alloying elements are capable of displacing copper from its ammoniate solutions and forming solid solutions with copper, will fail when exposed to ammonia atmospheres if the concentration of the solid solution and the magmitude of the tensile stresses are sufficiently great. There are Card -,/4 SOV/136-59-6---6/24 . /I lirae-king of Aluminium Bronze During Tests in an Ammonia Atmosphere 2 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 English. Card 4/4 :~ El Pflh 11", 'v ,L z fl; . Lette-~ to the ed-itors Cozme:its on the artfcle 3rlttleness of ropper ny D.G,Butomo. 7'Svet~ -met. 38 no.a,:89 MY 165- ' ,.I-L[RA 18:6) AM NRt AP6030608 TNVENTOR: RoEbyl!jv. A. V. Shabauhov, F. ~e ev, ORO: none iTITLE: Co base alloy. /009-s-, SOURC'E:'CODE:. UR/0413/66/000/016/0095 Mironov, S. S. Ilikolayev, A. K.; Strakhov, G. N-; 7 L. N.; q2Dunoy, 1. Class 40, No. 185068 [announced by the State Scientific- Research nnd Deakin Institute for Alloys and Processing of Nonferrous (Gosudarstvenn nuchno-issledovatellskiy i proycktnyy institut splavov i obr tsvetnykh metaHOV9 ISOURCE: Izobretenlya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966, to 95 TOPIC TAGS: copper chromium alloy, zirconium containing alloy, vanadium containing alloy 0///"40e77-'U'77 AO'p95E- 'f9'A__6Yj 'q'-'L_C' (' 0 rn - e) j / 7-.- _0 ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a copper-base alloy contai-King chromium and zirconium.?-ITo improve the alloy physical and mechanical properfiesi-bits emical composition is set as follows: 0.2-1% chromium, 0.1-0.8% zirconium, and 0.01-1.0% 'vanadium. IND] SUB CODEI 1l/ SUBM DATE: l0Feb65/ ATD PRESS: 5076 LCS,d 1/1 UDC: 669.35'261 12921296 SF,rZr,%Y-r,V, L.P.; KOGIN, G. Ye. For high standards of assembling and welding. Stroi. truboDrov. 5 no. 5:5-7 My 160. (MM4. 11:9) (Pi-pel ins a-ifeld ing) DIVOV, B.S., inzh.; ,SERGLYN, L.P., inzh. Construction of gas pipelines in France. Stroi. traboprov. 5 no-3: 28-29 Mr f60. r- I(MMA 13:9) -e (Fran7 -- Gas, Natural-- PiPelines) SERGHEV, L.P. Welding and assembly operations on the route of the unique pipeline. Stroi. truboprov. 9 no.12:22-23 D 164. (KRA 18:3) SERGEYEV, L.S. Plow mining of anthracite coal. Ugol.prom. no.5:22-25 S-0 ,62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Nachallnik shakhty No.1-2 im. Voykava treat& "Sverdlovagoll". (Coal mines and mining) BUKHMAN. M.P.; POWKINA, R.I.; SERGEYEV, L.V. Kethods for making permanent preparation; in fluorescence micros- copy. Zhur.ob.biol. 17 no.3:239-240 Ny-Je '56. (KLRA 9:8) 1. Labor&toriy& eksperizentsillnoy onkologii Institute onkologil AMN SSSR. (FLOMSCINCI KICROSCOPT) BAYGDZIIII-I, A.; SERGEYEV, L.V. Adhesion of organic polymers to silicate glass. Part 1: Methods of increasing the adhesion of unsaturated polyesters to optical glass. Vysokom.soed- 4 no.7:972-976 j:L 62. OMIFU 15:7) (Esters) (Adhesion) (Glass, Optical) -SERGETEV, L.V.; BAYGOZHIN, A.; FATTAKHOV, S.G. Adhesion of organic polyners to silicate glass. Formation of molecular organosiloxane films and with the optical glass surface. Vysokom.soed. ii 62. Part 2: their interaction no.7:977-981 (MIRA 15:7) (Glass, Optical) (Silicon organic compounds) ~L 17164-65 -EiiT(m)/ERP(e)/-EPF(c)/twp(v)/EPR/EWP(j)/T/EWP(b) Pc-4/Pq-; 4/.-" Pr-4/Ps-4 AriL/AS(mp)-2/AF74D(t)/ASD(m)-3/SSD/SSD(a)/EtD(gA)/tsD(t) mw/ ACCESSION NR: -AR4049263 RMIWH P/0081/64/000/016/sou/Sk+ SOURCE: Ref. zh. Xhimiya, Abs. 16S73 AUTHOR: Baygozhin, A.-, Ser&eyev, L.V., Qabazova, A.K., Z~ttakhov. S. G. Ito TITLE: Alhesionoof methy1methacryLa e o tical. glass P XLi c i CITED SOURCE: Sb. Vy*sokomolekul. soyedineniya. Adgezi a polimerov. M., y AN SSSR, 1963, 75-78 TOPIC TAGS; organic polymer adhesion, polymer glass adhesion., glass surface effect,. methylmethacrylate adhesive, oligomeric resin adhesive, optical glass TRANSLATION: The effects of modifications i n the surface of polished optical glass, caused by treating it with vinyl trichlorosilane (1), 2-cyclopropyl- 1-trichlorosflyl-, propane (11) or methacrylatemetbylmethyldiethoxys:Uane (111), were studied in order to determine the mechanism of adhesion 01 organic polymers. Carefully degreased 4 glass surfaces were modified by treating them with solutions of I or 11 in benzene or a solution of III in an aqueous solution of HCOOH (pH 3 to 3. 5). Strength of adhesion was determined from the tear strength of components glued with partially polymerized 7 7W Cord 1/2 SERGEYEV, L.V Transparency of pulymers in the ultraviolet. Vysokolh.soed. ~ no.9:12-2-1- 1283 S 163. (MIRA 17:1) r ACC NIR; APO'o19896 SOURCE COD---: uR/0145/65/000/012/0057TOO-Cl-7, (A) AUTHOR: Sergeyev, L. V. (Engineer) '-ORG: None 1ITLE: A diesel engine operating on water-fuel emulsions :SOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 12, 1965, 57-61 40PIC TAGS: diesel engine, diesel fuel, emulsion, water, combustion temperature, .fuel additive ~ABSTRIACT: Data are given from an experimental study of a diesel engine working on Iwater-fuel emulsions where the fuel contains up to 35% water. The use of water-fuel i - ;'emulsions increases stability and reduces noise and thermal stresses. The authors ;use hydrated mazut as the emulsifier. Pure mazut constitutes only 5% of diesel fuel. ;The mazut used for these experiments does not contain much sulfur. The use of fuel iemulsions is very advantageous, since this makes it possible to use water-soluble !additives. Several examples of such additives are given. The goal of the present !study is to establish the optimum ratio between diesel fuel and water for the most leconomical operation of diesel engines. Experiments are carried out on a four-cycle ',diesel engine of the lChA 10-5/13 type, without a compressor. Emulsion composition !is periodically checked for homogeniety with a microscope. The emulsion is prepared Card PISHCHIR, G.F.; PEOKCIP11"Ev, YE).N.., 1-11"KHOTIA,!.; 1.17. InLernul caused by tho coating of optical plane- parallel plates with synthetic glue "Wmmin." Iz-,,. vys. ucheb. zav.; prib. 8 no.5.120~1125 11 65. (MIRA 38:10) 1. Leningradskiy institut tochno-y mokhanAi I opti-ki. Rak&- mendovana kafedroy soprotivleniyu materialo7. _U ACC NR: AP7002966 SO RCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/024/0045/0045 INVENTOR: Sergeyev, L. V.; Baygozhin, A.; Panfilenok, Ye. I.; Rodionova, M. S.; .Bereznikovskaya, L. V.; Latynina, A. I.; Brusilovskiy, P. 1. i ;ORG: none TITLE: Method of protecting lubricants from biological growth. Class 23, No. 189498 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 24, 1966, 45 ;TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, microorganism ~ontamination,-Imhm~- bactericide iABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of protecting lubricants -from biological growth, involviiig the addilti of 0.5-1% 4-caproylresorcinol 04 antiseptic. SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 160ct65/ ATD PRESS: 5112 Card 1/1 UDC: 621.892.091 L - 21196-66 Evrr(m)IT vAY/,rw/k;/ps ACC NR: AT6004590 CA ) SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0162/01-65 AUT110R- Ivanov, V. M.;,Sergeyev, L. V. ORG: none TITLE: The use of fuel-water emulsions in internal combustion engines SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut goryuchikh isko 4y~!py i I Novyye metody szh ganiya top iv i voprosy teorii gorenlya (New methods in the combustion of fuels and problems in the theory of combustion). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 162-165 V1 TOPIC TAGS: fuel mixing, fuel contamination, fuel additive, fuel property, speci_ fic fuel consumption WJ6 ABSTRACT: Water-diesel oil emulsion.-~ cotitaining up to 35 wt % water as fuels for diesel engines were investigated. The following emulsifierstwere tested: mazut, E2 emulsol, VTU-179-1961 rubber ccment, OS-20 lanoline, sulfones, and sulfonates. In the case of diesel fuel, best --sults were obtained with 5-10 vrt % mazut emulsi- fier. The emulsions were prepared by agitating appropriate mixtures of diesel oil- water-emulsifier. Viscosity (in cSi: and VU) of diesel oil and kerosine emulsions as Card 1/2 L 21196-.66 ACC NR: AT6004590 a function of water emulsifier content is shown in figure 1. oil-water emulsion with mazut emulsffler, a 4% saving on fuel was obtained for 16 BY water concentrations within 7-15 wt Zq 22 - 3.93 3,* A 1-3% increase in fuel consumption 20 1.55 was obtained in diesel oil-water 15 -47Z emulsions containing 15-30% water . 1G Zqg q Iv -ZZG Fi 1--die ! t 200C el oil l i . g. s emu s on a 1z V5 with 2% t 2 di l i -- mazu ese l-emulsion at o ; 10 .1,8G 50'C i % w th 5 mazut; 3--diesel oil emul- 6 -1.67 0 i S on at 20 C with 0.5% rubber cement d an 6 IM 0.5% E2 emulGol; 4--diesel oil emi Sion at 4 (is 50'C witb 0.5% E2 emulsol; 5--kerosene emu l--2 VI Sion at 200C with 0.5% rubber cement and 0 5 10 15 015% E2 emulsol. .Orig. art. has: I figure. SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM,DATE; 09Sep65/ zy ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 In the case of diesel' 5 Card 2/2 dd,_ I I SAWNYHV. H. (Kostroma). Birch and fir bark and linden. Prom. koop. 12 uo.1:32 Ja 158. Mostroma-Bark) (Kostroma-Linden) (KIRA 11:1) SERGEM, M. qF_-t$V.4- Airplane model A-7 pulse jet engine. Kryl.rod- 3 n0-12;16-17 D 152. (Airplanes --Engine a-4(odels) (MIRA 8:8) ROG, F. ;-SSRGETEV, M. ~-t --~ .3 :1 , the ia--v-1~aEr- Grain Elevator. Aul-.-elev.prom. 24 no 1-13 '& 159. (AIRA 12- 9) 1. Pavlodarskly elevntor. (Paviodar--Grain elevators) SM173T. M. -------- Congress of television set builders. Radio no.9:6 S '56. (MIRA 9:11) (Leningrad-Telovision-congreases) SERGRYFIV, MO Training of workers is an important part of party work. Prof.-tekh. obr. 22 no.30-5 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Sekretarl Sverdlovskogo, oblastnogo licuff-U-ta K ommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza. SERGEYEV, M., prof.; KHOMENKOVA, N., inzh.; Hardness is an important indicator of the quality of shoes. Sov. torg. 34 no. 1:44-46 Ja 161. (MIRA ll+:l) (Boots and shoes-Specifications) .1 '14 SERGEYEV, M.A. (Leningrad) "Dalistroi" [The Far Eastern Construction Administration]; 1931-1956. Reviewed by M.A.Sergeov. Probl.Sev. no.3:199-204 '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Soviet Par laet-Induatries) SERGEYEV, M. - __ __ - New forms of economic education. Yop. ekon. no.11:145-149 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Sekretarl Sverdlovskogo obkoma Kommunisticbeskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza. (Sverdlovsk Province--BconomiCB--Study andtBacbing) (Communist Party of the Soviet Union--Party work) SDOBNIKOV, V.M.; SERGEYEV, M.A. OIzvestiia" of ihe"'I'rka-t7sk* Agricultural Institute, no.6, 1955. Reviewed by Y.M. Sdobn1kov, M.A. Sergeev. Zool.zhur.35 no.12: 1911-1912 D 156. (MIRA 10:1) (Siberia, Eastern--Hunting) BIRKINGOF, A.L.; SXRGEYEV, M.A. "The Khanti-Kansi National Area; otuline of its natural resources and econoaq" by N.M. Kokosov, V.I. Nikalin, V.I. rha in. Revieved by A.L. Birkengof, N.A. Sergeev. Izv. Toes. geog. ob-va 90 no.2: 195-197 Mr-Ap '58. (MM 11:5) (Khanti-Mansi National Area*--Zconomic geography) (Kokosov, N.M. ) (Nikulin, V. I.) (Kharin, V. I.) SLAVIN, S,V., doktor ekonom.nauk; GRANIK, G.I., kand.ekonom.nauk; KUZAKOV, K.G., kand.ekonom.nauk; MIKHAYLOV, S.Y., kand.ekonom.nauk; SHAPALIH, B.F., kand.geograf.nauk; KAMENITS3R, L.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik; MOSKVIN, D.D., nauchnyy sotrudmik; TYURDON, A.P., nauchnyy sotrudnik; T. WTSOVA, N.A., inzh.; KOZLOV, B.K., kand.tekhn.nauk, starohiy na- ,Lchn.vy sotrudnik; BRON'=M, L.B., starshiy nauchnyy sotradnik; BOVKn, A.Ye.; VI=ININ, A.A.. okhotoved; SERGMYET-K.A., retsenzent; AGRANAT, G.A., kand.geograf.nauk, red.; P&Z_A_g7O_YAV.F., kand.geograf. nauk; SMUrjWN. V.I., red.izd-va; BRUZGULt, V.V., [Problems in the development of the productive forces of Kamchatka Province] Problemy razvitiia proizvoditellnykh oil Xamohatskoi ob- lasti. Moskva, 1960. 420 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po Leacheniyu proizvoditelInykh sil. Sektor prirodnykh resursov i ekonomiki Severe. 2. Zaveduyushchiy Sekto- rom prirodnykh resursov i ekonomiki Severa Soveta po izucheniyu proizvo- ditellnykh oil AN SM (for Slavin).' 3. Institut enorgetiki AN SSSIL (for Kozlov). 4. Tikhookeanskiy rybayy institut (TIRRO) (for Bron- shteyn). 5. Starshiy ekonomist Kamehatskogo oblplana (for Bovkun). 6. Kamchatskoye otdoleniye Voesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo institute zhivotnogo syr1ya i pushniny (for Vershinin). (Kamchatka Province--Economic conditions) SERGEYEV, M.A. Committee of Assistance to Peoples of the Outl,7ing Northern Regions. Let. Sev. 3:72-81 162. (MIRA 15-8) (Russia, Northern-Population) - - S ERGEYEV, M. A. Influence of ascariasis on the results of serological reactions with lipid antigens in syphilis. Vast. derm. i ven. 36 no.7: 50-54 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i veneriches'-L-Ikh bolezney Nav. - doltor meditsinskikh nauk V. G. Andreyev) Kurskogo meditsinskogo, instituta (dir. - Prof. A. V. Savellyev). (SYPHILIS-DIAGNOSIS-WASSMIAMI REACTION) (ASCARIDS U-JD ASCARIASIS)