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1964 Approved For ReI Se 2005/01/27: CIA-RDP66B00403RO 00190018-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 13093 F. Inequality of treatment Joseph T. Thorson, former president of RECENT PUBLICATIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL 112. Regarding the alleged inequality of the Exchequer Court of Canada (honorary COMMISSION OF JURISTS treatment in the Canal Zone, we are unable, president). Finally, Mr. Speaker, I submit the on the basis of the limited materials placed Vivan Bose, former judge of the Supreme before us, to reach a specific conclusion. We Court of India, president. Commission's listing on the back of this feel, however, that we should convey certain A. J. M. Van Dal, attorney at law at the report of the recent publications of the clear impressions we have formed. Supreme Court of the Netherlands, vice organization and of some of the special 113. Since the construction of the canal, president, studies it has made. Again, I might say, separate communities have lived on two sides Jose T. Nabuco, member of the Bar of Rio I am doing this in order to of what is knn,,, , -- +hn de Janeiro. Brazil- vines --m-+ provide the Zone, and on the other Panamanians in the of Nigeria. RECENT PUBLICATIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL Republic of Panama. Over the years it has Arturo A. Alafriz, Solicitor General of the COMMISSION OF JURISTS given rise to a divergency in the way of Philippines; former president of the Federa- Journal of the International Commission life, in the economy, and in the outlook of tion of Bar Association of the Philippines. of Jurists: Volume IV, No. 2 (spring-summer the two peoples living In close proximity and Giuseppe Bettiol, member of the Italian 1963) : "Reflections on the Rule of Law and yet in virtual isolation from each other. It Parliament; professor of law at the Univer- in Particular on the Principle of Adminis- is unfortunate that the U.S. citizens who sity of Padua. trative Action; Reflections on the Rule of have lived all their lives in the Canal Zone, Dudley B. Bonsai, U.S. district judge of the Law"; "Judicial Power and the Authority and, perhaps more particularly, the second Southern District of New York; past press- of the State in the Federal-Republic of Ger- and third generation U.S. citizens who were dent of the Association of the Bar of the City many"; "The Principle of Legality: The Rule born and raised In the Canal Zone, have of New York. Of Law-Myth or Reality?"; "The Rule of developed a particular state of mind not Philippe N. Boulos, Deputy Prime Minister, Law: New Delhi-Lagos-Rio de Janeiro, Some conducive to the promotion of happier rela- Government of Lebanon; former Governor Reflections on a Journey with Excursions to tions between them and the people of Pana- of Beirut; former Minister of Justice. Chicago and Warsaw"; "The Evolving Con- ma. Indeed, on the contrary, this particular U Chan Htoon, former Judge of the Su- cept of the Rule of Law-An American View": mate of mhas resulted in building particular preme Court of the Union of Burma. "Some Thoughts on the Rule of Law"; "Aus- state of mind i over the decades which has Eli Whitney Debevoise, attorney at law, tria and the European Convention for the found eentession in the type of unbalanced New York; former General Counsel, Office of Protection of Human Rights and Funda- Funda- attitudes fouex re both sides such as on the sub- the USA High Commissioner for Germany. mental Freedoms"; "Problems Involved in Ject oP flying their respective flags, as was Sir Owen Dixon, former Chief Justice of the Protection of Fundamental Human demonstrated during the unfortunate days Australia. Rights and Liberties in the Practice of the demo by this report, and also for some Manuel T. Escobedo, professor of law, Uni- Italian Constitutional Court"; "The Ombuds- coveredrable tpreviously. The passage versity of Mexico; attorney at law; former man in New Zealand" (part II); "A Chron- cPtime, ble time i of previously. these conflict- president of the Barra Mexicana. isle of Constitutional Cases: Judicial Review ing tendencies, of an assuaging have aggravated Per T. Federspiel, attorney at law, Copen-' of the Constitutionality of Electoral Laws." ing tendencies, and resentment have have in- hagen; Member of the Danish Parliament; Document: "Report on a Seminar," book re- them. In a vicious circle and ante not been former President of the Consultative Assem- views. improved by iciousn reactions of the Pbeen bly of the Council of Europe. Bulletin of the International Commission manians: Thusew S. Fernando, Judge of the Supreme of Jurists: No. 19 (May 1964) : "United Na- 114. We cannot help feeling that the Court of Ceylon; former Attorney General tions"; "Aspects of the Rule of Law in Al- United 4. We ca, having regard feeling the that the and former Solicitor General of Ceylon. geria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Japan, New special Isaac Forster, judge of the International Zealand, Poland." situation it occupies in the world, and with Court of Justice, The Hague; former Chief Newsletter of the International Commis- its resources and ideals, should reflect upon justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic sion of Jurists: No. 15 (February 1964) : Ap- these sad facts and take effective steps to of Senegal. nt of make possible a reorientation and change in a attorne at law; bers of the C new lion; a issi ns and tours; the outlook and thinking of the people living former president of the BarAssociation of observers; pressireleases: South Africa, in the Canal Zone. Undoubtedly this sa Costo Rica; professor of law; former Am- Ghana, Cuba, Haiti, Ceylon, United States of difficult and uphill task but it would yield bassador to the United States and to the America, United Nations. Essay contest; rich dividends in healthier relations with Organization of American States. organizational notes, publications, law stu- the people of Panama. The Government of Osvaldo Illanes Benitez, Judge of the dent seminars. Panama and the life and economy of Pana- Supreme Court of Chile. ma is in many ways so closely tied to the Hans-Heinrich Jescheck, professor of law; SPECIAL STUDIES Panama Canal that it would not be out of director of the Institute of Comparative and The African Conference on the Rule of place to suggest that the Panamanian Gov- International Penal Law of the University of Law" (June 1961) : Report on the first ernment and Panamanian people should also Freiburg/B. African Conference on the Rule of Law, held reflect upon the facts as they appear to im- Jean Kreher, advocate at the Court of Ap- in Lagos, Nigeria, January 1961. partial observers and should exercise toler- peal, Paris, France; vice president of the "The Berlin Wall: A Defiance of Human ante, moderation, and understanding in World Federation of United Nations As- Rights" (March 1962) : The report consists their relations with the U.S. and Canal Zone sociations. of four parts: "Voting With the Feet"; "Meas- authorities. Sir Leslie Munro, former Secretary General ures To Prevent Fleeing the Republic"; "The 115. In conclusion we express the fervent of the International Commission of Jurists; Constitutional Development of Greater Ber- hope that in some small measure our work former President of the General Assembly fin" and "The Sealing off of East Berlin." will contribute to the growth of understand- of the United Nations; former Ambassador For its material the report draws heavily on ing, cooperation and amity between the two of New Zealand to the United Nations and sources from the German Democratic Repub- countries and their peoples, so that they may United States. lic and East Berlin: their acts, ordinances, move forward in the furtherance of their Paul-Maurice Orban, professor of law at the executive instruments, published court de- mutual vital interests. University of Ghent, Belgium; former Min- cisions and excerpts from the press. A. D. BELINPANTE. ister; former senator. "South African Incident: The Ganyile GUSTAF PETRtN. Stefan Osusky, former Minister Of Czecho- Case" (June 1962): This report records an- NAVROE VAE:IL. slovakia to Great Britain and France; former other unhappy episode in the history of the MEMBERS OF INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION of Member of the-CCzechoslovak Government. arbitrary methods employed by the Govern- JURISTS Lord Shawcross, former Attorney General ment of South Africa. In publishing this of England. report the Commission seeks to remind its Mr. Speaker, I now submit for the Sebastian Soler, atorney at law; profes- readers of the need for unceasing vigilance RECORD the list of members of the Inter- sor of law; former Attorney General of in the preservation and assertion of human national Commission of Jurists which Argentina. rights. selected the three-man investigating g Purshottam Trikamdas, senior advocate of "Cuba and the Rule of Law" (November Committee, and the Commission s own l the Supreme Court of India; sometimes Sec- 1962) : Full documentation on constitutional Invests retary to Mahatma Gandhi. legislation and criminal law, as well as back- statement of its identification and pur- H. B. Tyabji, barrister at law, Karachi, ground information on important events in pose, as follows: Pakistan; former Judge of the Chief Court Cuban history, the land, the economy, and The International Commission of Jurists of the Sind. the people; part 4 includes testimonies by is a nongovernmental organization which has Terje Wold, Chief Justice of the Supreme witnesses. consultative status, category B, with the Court of Norway. "Spain and the Rule of Law" (December United Nations Economic and Social with the Secretary General Sean MacBride, former 1962) : Includes chapters on the ideological ell. seeks United The Commission Economic to foster under- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ireland. and historical foundations of the regime, the standing of and respect for the rule of law. K zera, Administrative lecturer Secretary in Government, community, leg slativea power, powers syndica the e The members of the Commission are: Colombia University. executive, the judiciary and the bar, defense Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200190018-9 s AM% N ApprovedFoor~RRelleaee220055/~01~/2ECO RD rO SE403R000200190018-9June 11 13094 of the regime, penal prosecution of political and receiving any religious instruction, sophical departments of universities and offenses, together with e.ght appen iixeJ..c i j* en from their parents. They often are educational institutions as teachers of V4 Yc, ANTIRELIGIOUS CAfviPAIG IN THE from ages 3 to 18' Priests, rabbis, and ers, artists, and cultural workers into various religious leaders are persecuted. more active antireligious work in lit- SOVIET UNION Monasteries are being closed. By 1962, erature, painting, and theatrical and film Mr. LINDSAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask the number of monasteries had fallen arts, is being planned. The Pravada edi- unanimous consent to proceed for 20. from 67 to about 30, and the figure keeps torial said that: minutes. falling. The number of synagogues is It is the urgent task for party organization The SPEAKER. Is there objection to being quietly reduced. Further, believ- to struggle persistently for the liberation of the request of the gentleman from New ers increasingly suffer from various the mind of every believer from the opium York? forms of persecution. of religion. There was no objection. But the Soviet assault on religion has While all religions in the Soviet Union Mr. LINDSAY. Mr. Speaker, a few gone far beyond propaganda and the ap- exist very precariously, none has been months ago Francois Mauriac, the plication of social pressure. Without subject to more persecution and pressure Catholic novelist, told a meeting of violating the letter of Soviet law, which than Judaism. Anti-Semitism In Russia Christians in Paris that, "In Moscow is supposed to guarantee Russian citizens is not new, but since 1961 official pres- Christ is in agony. We must not sleep freedom of conscience, Soviet authors- sure against Jewish religious institutions at such a moment." Mauriac was call- ties have been able systematically to and practitioners has been systemati- ing their attention to the intensified close and destroy churches and syna- cally stepped up. During 1961, the syna- antireligious campaign now underway in gogues through a number of arbitrary gogue presidents in six major provincial the Soviet Union-a campaign in which decrees and administrative measures. cities were deposed, six lay religious all religions are being subjected to in- For example, a recent decree forbids leaders in Moscow and Leningrad were creasing restrictions, forms of interfer- priests from serving several parishes at secretly arrested and later sentenced to ence and destructive ,.ocial pressures. In once. Thus, deprived of their ofciat- lengthy prison terms for alleged espio- the case of the Jewish people, particular lug ministers, the churches were de- nage. In 1962 a trade union paper pressures are being brought to bear to clared inviable and were closed. charged these devout religious Jews were prevent the normal maintenance and de- Another technically legal method of agents of Israeli spies who, in turn, were velopment of their religious, social, and closing churches and synagogues Is described as tools of American intelli- cultural life. crushing the clergy and rabbis with Bence. Later in 1962 the Moscow syna- Mr. Speaker, there is nothing surpris- taxes. Religious leaders have been sub- gogue announced that the public baking ing In. the Soviet Union's campaign jested to taxes which go as high as 83 and sale of matzah-the unleavened against religion. For years the Russian percent of their gross income. Some- bread indispensable to the observance of Orthodox Church and other religions in times Soviet authorities declare as obso- the Passover-would be forbidden. The the Soviet Union have existed In a hostile lescent religious buildings which are in Soviet propaganda line is that Jewish context of official antireligious ideology perfect shape. When the parishes are religious holidays, and Passover in par- and propaganda. Nor Is anti-Semitism unable to finance immediate restoration ticular, are subversive. A typical slogan new in Russia. Stalin, for example, of the buildings they are closed down. is that "Judaism kills love for the Soviet played on anti-gem tic emotions when At times the buildings are closed in a motherland." it suited his purposes. Such practices quite brutal manner. Militiamen ap- The status of Soviet Jewry is compli- existed-and exist-despite the Soviet pear, isolate the monastery, and drive out cated by the fact that the Soviet Union Constitution, which theoretically guar- the monks and nuns. Those monks and officially recognizes Jews as a national- antees freedom of religion for believers nuns who have homes are asked to re- sty. The nationality listed in their iden- and cultural freedom for national mino- turn to them, but those who have no- tity documents is that of "Jew." The rity groups. But ti recent years the where to go are often confined in psych!- plight of Soviet Jewry provides a perfect campaign against religious institutions atric asylums. example of the gap between Communist and Soviet Jewry has been intensified. The reasons for Russia's stepped-up theory and Communist practice. For The campaign has reached a stage where campaign against the Russian Orthodox example. Soviet nationalities policy is world attention mus'; be paid. For what Church, Judaism, and the country's other based on legal recognition of the right is involved here is an effort to obliterate religions are not hard to find. They can of all nationalities within Soviet borders the cultural traditions and values of a be found in the simple, if paradoxical, to cultural freedom, But the Soviet people, and to wipe out the legitimate fact that religion, up until a few years regime denies to the Jews and the ethnic- Institutions of people who wish to believe ago, had been spreading in the Soviet cultural rights that are generally ac- in God. This raises a moral issue In Union, This is clearly revealed in a 1963 corded other Soviet national minorities. which people the world over are bound decree of the party central committee Their distinctive language activities and up and involved. The Soviet Union must providing for intensification of the strug- community institutions have been re- not commit crimes against the human gle with religion. The decree is remark- duced to almost zero, unlike those of spirit without receiving the rebuke of a able for its admission that a significant other national groups. Anything more concerned world opinion. part of the Soviet population still ad- than the present minimal level of Yid- How does this antireligious campaign heres to religion and that, although alien dish language activities is discouraged. work? On one level Soviet publications to the nature of Communist society, "re- In addition, Jews are not permitted Carry articles attack ing religious observ- ligious ideology afflicts important aspects any sort of national or provincial orga- ances, ridiculing believers and even ac- of the intellectual life" of the people. nization, secular or religious, such as cusing them of anti-Government activi- To counter the spread of religion In the other nationality groups and the recog- ties. Similar attacks are featured on Soviet Union, the party central com- nized religious sects have had. Press Soviet radios and television and in pub- mittee stressed the absolute necessity of treatment of synagogues, and of refer- lice lectures. They are supplemented by "creating an appropriate system of edu- erence always h I placeddentithety eneral in an y has atheist propaganda In the schools, where cation in scientific atheism, which would r children are taught from the earliest embrace all age groups and strata of the favorable context. Worship is circum- grades that adherence to a religious population and prevent the propagation scribed by the paucity of synagogues and faith is immoral and evidence of weak- of religious ideas, especially among chit- rabbinical training. ness or even depravity. dren and minors." As outlined by a 1964 In fact, it Is in the realm of rabbinical The results of this campaign have Pravada editorial, the new measures to training where Jews suffer particular been profound. Thousands of churches, be taken are the creation of an Institute discrimination. It was not until 1957 Russian Orthodox and others, have been of Scientific Atheism attached to the that the Jews were able to establish their closed and destroyed. In the last 2 central committee, opening of chairs or first institution for the training of rab-that time, adjunct of the a years than 7,500, cabout 50dP has at the beginning of the acadelmicsyear was establ shed as an rabbinical cent of all existing churches. Children 1964-65, and urging training of a part great synagogue in Moscow. Since are often prevented from being baptized of the students of historical and philo- then, however, no more than two men Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200190018-9 Approved For Ree 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B60403R0(`00190018-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 13095 have been ordained as rabbis, and neith- lectuals, writers, and artists With a moral er has been allowed to function as a cause. The most dramatic example of synagogue leader. protest came in 1961 with the publication Discrimination against Jews pervades of the poem, "Sabi Yar," named after a every area of Soviet life. While Jews vale on the outskirts of Kiev where thou- are well represented in the artistic and sands of Jewish martyrs were slaugh- scientific professions, and are relatively - tered by the Nazis in 1941. The poem, by numerous in the middle levels of theleco- Yevegry Yevtushenko-one of the most nomic hierarchy, they face obstacles in popular young Soviet poets-is an indict- moving into the upper realms of Soviet ment of anti-Semitism both historically life. For example, they are virtually ex- and as a reality in current Soviet society. cluded from "security sensitive" areas of Although Yevtushenko is not a Jew, he the bureaucracy and the army. Soviet identifies himself with persecuted Jewry Jews are attacked from many sides. throughout history. He writes: Press campaigns against Judaism de- "Today I am as old as the Jewish people velop the image of the Jew in anti-Se- It seems to me now that I am a Jew * * !' mitic stereotypes. Most blatant of these He closes: offensive stereotype is that Of Jews as money worshipers. Also, the existence "Let the Internationale ring out for containing anti-Jewish caricatures reminiscent of Nazi propaganda. As a result, the Ideological Commission of the Soviet Communist Party recently criti- cized publication"of the book because it "may insult the feelings of believers and be Interpreted in a spirit of anti-Semi- tism." The London Observer's expert on Soviet affairs, Edward Crankshaw, said that the Communist Commission's action "is an indication of how sensitive the Soviet Government is to charges of anti- Semitism." The paradox is that while sensitive to charges of anti-Semitism, the Soviet Union continues its campaign, against religion in Russia and Soviet. Taws Mr Speaker, the people of the free world must exploit this paradox and express their moral abhorrence of these Soviet crimes. The United States, for example, has a long history of protesting the op- pressive treatment of national minorities by their governments. We did so during the Nazi period and we did so when the Turks slaughtered several million Ar- menians in 1914. If it will help in this case, we must do so again. As Mauriac says, "We must .not sleep at such a moment." Mr. REID of New York. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. LINDSAY. 1 yield. Mr. REID of New York. I congratu- late the gentleman from New York on his important statement. I think it needs stating. The lack of religious free- dom for Jews in the Soviet Union is tragic and highly repugnant to all those who believe freedom of worship is a fundamental human right. Persecu- tion of Jews in the Soviet Union is shock- ing and a clear violation of the U.N. Charter and the universal declaration of human rights which are morally binding on all member sates of the United Na- tions. Indeed, since 1917 no Hebrew Bible has been published in the Soviet Union and the study of Hebrew has been outlawed. I hope our Government will make strong, prompt, and continuing represen- tations to Moscow about the concern of the Congress and the American people on this serious matter. Mr. LINDSAY. I thank my distin- guished colleague from New York for his contribution and for the eminently sensi-' ble and wise suggestion that he has made in respect of the actions of our Govern- ment in making such representations to the Government of the Soviet Union. (Mr. LINDSAY asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.) of Israel renders Soviet Jews vulnerable when the last anti-Semite on earth is to official attack on grounds of divided buried. loyalty, yet emigration is forbidden. There is no Jewish blood in mine, but I am hated by every anti-Semite as a Contacts with foreigners are discouraged A Jew. because Jews are suspected for having And for this reason ties with Western Jewry. I am a true Russian." Perhaps the peak of the Soviet cam- In this poem, Yevtushenko is declar- economic cam- paign against trials the of Jews 1961, came when during capital the ing the existence of a historic Jewish punishment was instituted for such of- people-a fact which Soviet doctrine fenses as embezzlement of state property, denies. And he is declaring the exist- currency speculation and bribery. So- ence of a history the Jewish people are viet press reports emphasized the Jewish prevented from learning. As a result, identity of some of the defendants, an Premier Khrushchev last year accused emphasis intended for the notice of So- the young poet-although a loyal Marx- viet Jews and those elements of the ist-of political immaturity and ignor- Soviet citizenry which retains strong ance of historic facts about Babi Yar. anti-Semitic prejudices. By early 1963, Mr. Speaker, world attention must be 36 such trials had been reported in 26 focused on, the Soviet Union's current different cities. In the trials, death campaign to eliminate the practice of religion and erode historic Jewish values sentences were meted out to 70 , individu_ als-of whom at least 42 were Jews. and institutions. If nothing else, history What was the reason for this? Some tells us that man does not live by bread observers speculated that Soviet motives alone. The Soviet Union's effort to wipe in publicizing these economic crimes is out the Russian citizen's religious life is that the government wanted to frighten an effort to do no less than to wipe out potential economic "criminals" by the an essential facet of the human person- harsh penalties while at the same time ality. At the same time, we must be especially sensitive to the plight of Soviet deflecting adverse public reaction to the Jewry. For, as Yevtushenko tells us, we penalties by playing upon anti-Semitic are all Jews, we are all bound up in the sentiment. same quest for liberty, morality, and The Soviet anti-Semitic campaign is, justice. as Mark Decter observed last year in As a country, we have by no means Foreign Affairs quarterly, an effort "to solved all our own problems regarding intimidate and atomize Soviet Jewry, to minorities. Yet the contrast between the isolate it both from its past and from its United States, which attempts to pro- brethren in other parts of the world, to mote tolerance among its citizens, and destroy its specifically Jewish spirit." the Soviet Union, which plays upon the The reasons for this campaign are to prejudices of its citizens for political be found in the' contradictions of the ends, must be noted. At this time moral Soviet world-view and current Soviet pressure must be applied on the Soviet policies. As Decter adds: Union to dissuade it. from its present Soviet policy places the Jews in an inex- course of obliterating the cultural iden- tricable vise. They are allowed neither to tity of a people and the religions of all assimilate, nor live a full Jewish life, nor to Russians who happen to be believers. emigrate (as many would wish) to Israel or Mr. Speaker, this would be no empty any other place where they might live freely as Jews. The policy stems, in turn, from gesture. The Soviets do at times demon- doctrinal contradictions abetted by tradi- strate their sensitivity to moral indigna- tional anti-Jewish sentiments. tibn when it is mobilized on a large On the one hand, the authorities want enough scale. When it suits their po- the Jews to assimilate; on the other hand, litical objectives, the Soviets do worry they irrationally fear the full penetration of about their image in the international Soviet life which assimilation implies. So arena. A recent example of this fol- the Jews are formally recognized as a nation- lowed the publication last year of the ality, as a religious group, as equal citizens- Soviet anti-Semitic book, "Judaism but are at the same time deprived of their Without Embellishment," national and religious rights as a group, and published by of full equality as individuals. the Ukrainian Academy of Science. In- terestingly, the Communist Parties in the The Paradox of Soviet, encouragement United States, France, Italy, and Holland of anti-Semitism is that it has provided condemned the book as an incitement of the younger generation of Russian Intel- anti-Semitism. The book was attacked A TRIBUTE TO KAMEHAMEHA THE GREAT (Mr. MATSUNAGA asked and was given permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD). Mr. MATSUNAGA. Mr. Speaker, to- day is Kamehameha Day in Hawaii. The people of the 50th State will cele- brate this day with songs and hula dances, pageants, and luaus, exhibitions of ancient Hawaiian relics, athletic com- petitions and water sports, and parades and ceremonies, in memory of Kame- Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200190018-9 13096 1w r'-oft till- ApprovedCONGRESSIONAL RECORD-RDHRY 4038000200190018-9June 11 hameha the Great, frequently referred Mr. CLARK (at the request of Mr. AL- to as the Napoleon of the Pacific. BERT), for today, on account of official I call the attention of Congress to this business. event because I believe It holds a special significance for the United States. When Capt. James Cook, the British navigator and explorer, discovered the Hawaiian Islands on January 18, 1778, they were separated into kingdoms ruled by warring chiefs. It was with the as- sistance of two Americans. Isaac Davis and John Young, who introduced fire- arms Into Hawaiian warfare, that Ka- mehameha conquered the entire archi- pelago, by force or persuasion, united it into one state under a strong central government and put an end to the con- tinuous state of warfare between rival kings which had plagued the islands for centuriess. Thus it was with American "foreign aid" that peace was first estab- lished among a warring people who to- day are known throughout the world for their spirit of "aloha" or love. King Kamehameha' 3 first great edict was "Mamalahoa," or "the law of the splintered paddle," whereby he decreed that "the old men and the children shall sleep on the highways unmolested." It was after he himself had been attacked by a fisherman who splintered his canoe paddle on the King's head, that Kame- hameha issued the decree which led to a vigorous enforcement of measures for suppressing brigandage, murder, and theft throughout his k:.ngdom, until pub- lie safety became an accepted matter and in fact "the old men and children could sleep on the highways unmolested." The greatness of Kiunehameha lay in his humanitarian qualities, his ability to organize his governr'ient while encour- aging industry and promoting agricul- tural endeavors among: his people. Kamehameha died on May 8, 1819, at the age of 61. His has been kept a dark secret in true Hawaiian tra- dition. We in Hawaii are proud of the history and tradition which Kamehame- ha the Great has left us. We rejoice in the fact that his greatness has been recognized by the Nation by the naming of the next Polaris missile submarine, the SSBN 642, as Kamehameha. The people of Hawaii are gratefal for this action, which was announced last year by our late beloved President Kennedy.. We pledge to do credit to that honor by continuing to serve a3 "the showcase of American democracy" in all its dreams and ideals. LEAVE OF ABSENCE By unanimous cor sent, leave of ab- scence was granted to: Mr. HOSMER, for Ju pie 15 through June 18, on account of official business of Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Mr. MONAGAN, for June 15 through June 20, on account of official business of Congress as obser-ier at Geneve Dis- armament Conference. Mr. Dox H. CLAUiEN (at the request of Mr. HALLECK), for today, on account of official business. Mr. BATTIK (at the request of Mr. HHAL- LECK), for today, on account of official business. SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED By unanimous consent, permission to address the House. following the legisla- tive program and any special orders heretofore entered, was granted to: Mr. GRAY, for 15 minutes, June 15; to revise and extend his remarks and to Include extraneous matter. Mr. NELSEN, for 20 minutes, June 15. The following Members (at the re- quest of Mr. MARTIN of Nebraska) and to revise and extend their remarks and to include extraneous matter: Mr. MATHIAS, for 30 minutes. on June 16. Mr. DOLE, for 1 hour, on June 15. Mr. HALPERN, for 10 minutes, today. Mr. CONTE, for 10 minutes, today. The following Members (at the *re- quest of Mr. MATSUNAGA) to revise and extend their remarks and to include ex- traneous matter: Mr. RYAN of New York, for 60 minutes, June 16. Mrs. SULLIVAN. for 80 minutes, today. EXTENSION OF REMARKS By unanimous consent, permission to extend remarks In the Appendix of the RECORD, or to revise and extend remarks, was granted to: Mr. COLLIER In two instances and to include extraneous matter. Mr. GUBSER immediately prior to con- sideration of House Resolution 733. Mr. BONNER. notwithstanding the fact that it exceeds two pages of the RECORD and is estimated by the Public Printer to cost $247.50. Mrs. GREEN of Oregon following the remarks of Mr. RHODES of Pennsylvania in Committee of the Whole today. Mr. KASTENMEIER to follow the remarks of Mrs. GREEN of Oregon during debate on the pay bill. Mr. RHODES of Pennsylvania In his re- marks in Committee of the Whole to- day; and in the Appendix in four in- stances and to include extraneous mat- ter. Mr. DULSKI and to Include a speech. Mr. SMITH of Iowa during debate on H.R. 11049 and to include an editorial. Mr. DORN during debate on the pay bill; and in the Appendix in two instances and to Include extraneous matter. Mr. CHAMBERLAIN and to include a magazine .article, notwithstanding it will exceed two pages of the RECORD and is estimated by the Public Printer to cost $315. (The following Members (at the re- quest of Mr. MARTIN of Nebraska) and to Include extraneous matter:) Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. ALGER in three instances. Mr. MATHIAS In five Instances. Mr. FINDLEY and to include extran- eous matter, notwithstanding It will ex- ceed two pages Of the RECORD and Is esti- mated by the Public Printer to cost $210. Mr. DAOUE. Mr. AvcBINCLOSS. Mrs. REID of Illinois, Mr. AVERY in five instances. Mr. MORSE in two instances. Mr. CRAMER in five instances. (The following Members (at the re- quest of Mr. MATSUNAGA) and to include extraneous matter:) Mr. HEBERT. Mr. CORrMAN in two instances. Mr. MUTER In three instances. Mr. BECKWORTH, Mr. POWELL. Mr. CAREY in two instances. Mr. STAEBLER. Mr. PATTEN. Mr. RYAN of Michigan. Mr. RYAN of New York. Mr. McDOWELL in two Instances. Mr. BURKHALTER in two instances. Mr. MATSUNAGA. Mr. HACAN of Georgia. Mr. RoONEY of New York. Mr. KASTENMEIER. ADJOURNMENT Mr. MATSUNAGA. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House do now adjourn. The motion was agreed to; accordingly (at 4 o'clock and 28 minutes p.m.), un- der Its previous order, the House ad- journed until Monday, June 15, 1964, at 12 o'clock noon. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, execu- tive communications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as fol- lows: 2159. A letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting reports of the number of officers on duty with Headquarters, Depart- ment of the Army and the Army General Staff on March 31, 1964, pursuant to section 3031(c) of title 10. United States Code; to the Committee on Armed Services. 2160. A letter from the Director, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, trans- mitting a copy of the 16th Annual Report of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963; to the Committee on Education and Labor. 2161. A letter from the Clerk, U.S. Court of Claims, relative to James William O'Don- nell, Salvatore de Tucef, and Arnold Wolf, d.b.a. Suffolk Farms Packing Company v. The United States (Congressional No. 2-5B); to the Committee on the Judiciary. 2162. A letter from the Clerk, U.S. Court of Claims, relative to N. M. Bentley, a co- partnership v. The United States (Congres- sional No. 2-62); to the Committee on the Judiciary. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUB- LIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of committees were delivered to the Clerk for printing and reference to the proper calendar, as follows: Mr. PATMAN: Committee on Banking and Currency. House Joint Resolution 1041. Joint resolution temporarily extending the program of Insured rental housing loans for the elderly In rural areas under title V of the Housing Act of 1949; without amendment (Rept. No. 1472). Referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole House on the State of the Union. Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200190018-9