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FLED. Approved For Relea ftj) 4 UAbDP70-00211 F W `" RE Rf]s MANAGEMENT DIY[ Chief, management Staff 15 December 1954 Chief, Records management Division Weekly Report .. Week Ending 15 December 1.954 1. A request has been received from CCI for assistance in the disposition phase of their Records Management Program. This is the first indication of any specific activity from them. 2. The equivalent of lk cabinets of inactive records were transferred to the Center. 3. As the result of a request received from the Historical Staff we were able to assist him in .-ocs 1 ng ~ain a records which are now in the Rational Archives. 1 T b- equivalent of 5 cabinets of records stored in the Records Center were destroyed in accordance with authorizations. 5. As of 10 December 1954, there were 1,253 active, stand- ardized forms in use in the Agency. A new index of Agency forms will be issued as of 1 January 1955. 6. The Office of Cuniestions has advised us of their concurrence in the recommendations regarding the handling of d i n tal materials, procurement of new filming equipment, an extended study of cable file and reference requirements did not agree with one minor recoaas~endation _ we are now s of rnplementing the study. T. The schedule for the deposit of vital materials by the Basin Intelligence Division, ORR, was reviewed and, as a result, and will be transferred to inactive status in the Records Center. 8. A revised list of file subject headings has been pre- s#iet in the installation of the new folders and removal. those records to be retired to the Records Center about ,nt1ary 1955. 25X1 25)1 Approved For Release 2t 4 C lIF170-00211 R000300240003-8 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 IA-RDP70-00211 R000300240003-8 Report for Week Ending 14 December 1954 RECORDS CENTER BRANCH Accessioning During this week the following accessions were made: Comptroller ORR Training Personnel Ms Sub-total Finished Intelligence Total Total accessions to date - 365. Reference 38 Cubic Feet S ,r rr rr 2 It rr 2 It 51 Cubic Feet g It R lO9 C ubie Feet- Historical Staff, DCI, visited the Center. He was principally interested in OSS records. At his request, a listing of OSS records in National Archives was compiled and forwarded to the Historical Staff. Disposal Thirty cubic feet of records of OSI and OCD were destroyed under terms of existing disposal authorizations. Goner l `here is a strong feeling on the part of certain individuals in DB/0RR that film negatives used in the offset printing of NIS should be stored in map cabinets when transferred to the Center. The matter was discussed in a meeting wit It was agreed:: that a visit to the Center will be arranged for those persons concerned with the storage problem so that they may examine alternative facilities available. The battery charger for the new forklift, ordered last July, arrived yesterday. The Staff study and plan for moving the Center has been completed by Col. O/TD, and will be coordinated during the coming week. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Relle J ENl lA IA-RDP70-00211 R000300240003-8 Approved For Release 2005/11/2.?' CIA-RDP70-0021.18 00300240003-8 Report for Week Ending 15 December 1951E from IORMS MANAG=T BRANCH Project 1E-85 .+ FI Information Reports Proofs of the new Information Report Form are being made ready Printing and Reproduction Division/Logistics Office. Project I3 complete. Project 4-86 - Forms Index As a result of the forms survey made in connection with this project 12,5 forms of other government agencies were declared applicable to the Agency. As of 10 December 19514 the Agency was using 1,253 active, standardized forms. A cut-off date for the index has been established as of 31 December 1954. A numerical index of current and obsolete forms will be published as soon as possible in 1955 to be followed at a later date by alphabetical and functional indexes. 78.78% complete. Project 1E-95 -Forms Management Handbook No change. Project is 10% complete. Project 14-103 - Preparation of Final-Type Forms Copy by Forms Manag went Branch No change. Project is 11% complete. General Information 1. Completed study on and released employee suggestion #1017 relative to pre-punching forms filed in the official Personnel folder. 2. Developed statistics, compiled material and prepared written data for possible use in discussions with the Clark Committee. Summary of Individual Actions New 11 Revisions, 3 Reprints 2 Other Gov't Forms 1 Overprints 3 Redesignated Tr 23, 500 58,000 6,000 1.9000 25X1 Approved Four F,elease s L ENJI 70-0021-X00300240003-8 Report for Week Ending 15 December 1954 from RECORDS DISPOSI EON BRANCH Project -77 - Office of Scientific Intelligence No change from previous report. Project is 99% complete. Project 4-78 - Office of General Counsel The disposition plans for the records of this Office has been approved by all areas. Discussions with the Area Records Officer for the implementation of the plan will take place this week. Project is 99% complete. Project 4-97 - Records Disposition Handbook All comments on the coordination of the Handbook have not been received. Regulations Control is instituting a follow-up on the delinquent areas. Project is 851"0' complete. Project 4-11.6 - Security Office The Area Records Officer has submitted the Records Control Schedule to the Office Staff for formal approval. It is anticipated that the schedule will be ready for application on or about February 1, 1955. Project is 87% complete. Project 5-2 - Office of National Estimates No change from previous report. Project is 99% complete. Project 5-32 - Office of Research and Reports As of this date, 237 describable items covering an estimated 2649 linear feet of records have been listed. Project is continuing and' is approximately 31% complete. Project 5-40 -Office Chief of Operations No change from previous report. Project is 75n complete. 25X1 Approved For ReleaspTIM-Tiff DP70-00211 R000300240003-8 Approved ' For Re1ease-2005111 /21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 8000300240003-8 vow Report for Week Riding 15 December 19514 from R!X ORDS SYSTEM BRANCH Project 14-80 - Agency-Wide Microphotography Survey No change from previous report. Project is approximately 140% complete. Project 14-81 - Security Desk Trays Project is continuing and is approximately 93% complete. in the past week a memorandum was forwarded to the Logistics Office requesting the purchase of 11400 trays. We had on hand specific requests for 1182 trays with an additional 30 requested this week by FBID. In accordance with an informal agreement reached with a representative of Logistics Office, 1400 trays will be purchased from general funds and issued from stock to the requesting office;, Proect 14-82 - Filing System - Handbook for the Subject Classification and Filing of Correspondence Records.9 EL---F No change from previous report, Project is approximately 99% complete. The draft .cops' of the Handbook was forwarded to Colonel White's office for approval on December 3rd and has not been returned. Upon return to the Regulations Control Staff it will be forwarded for printing, Project 4-83 - Vital Materials Deposit Schedules for All Offices Project is continuing and is approximately 65% complete. A revised vital materials deposit schedule has been received from the Area Records Officer for Logistics Office. This revised schedule, dated 9 Dec ember 1951; resulted from a recent reappraisal of vital materials in Logistics. Project 14-814 - Vital Materials Microfilm Project Microfilming of the OCD/BR Dossiers continues. The project is approximately 69% complete. 25X1 Microfilming of Deeds of Trust for the Logistics Office 25X1 was completed this week in acc__- ___ Uzi= uok# ished deposit schedules. Project 14-96 - Vital Materials Handbook No change from previous report. Project is approximately 12% complete. Approved For Release' OQ5~11~ b QP70-00211 R000300240003-8 Approved For R le jse r2 11 a I ? Dp70-0021 R 00300240003-8 ect 5-56 .- Surv Requirements Project is continuing and is approximately 99% complete. A memorandum was received this week from the Office of Communications concurring in the recommendations regarding the handling of vital materials., the procurement of new filming equipment,, and an extended study of cable file and reference requirements. The recommendation regarding the revised numbering system was not concurred in. Action is now being taken to implement the approved recommendations. Project 5-59 - Revised Courier Receipt and Logging System No change from previous report. Project is approximately 5% complete. Project 5-60 - Cable Receipting System No change from previous report. Project is approximately 5% complete. General Information A revised list of file subject headings made by this office for the office of the DD/A has been approved. Folders: for the new year are now being typed and this office will assist in the installation and removal of the records to be retired about 1 January 195' has been assigned the project of developing a Mail Control Handbook* In accordance with the agreement the completion of the FBTD Records Management Surveys alled on the FBID Division Chief and made tentative arrangements to assist in the setting up of the 1955 files and retiring the old material after 1 January. He was also requested to assist in developing a subject filing system for a new file series to be established by that office. A meeting was held with representatives of ORR/Basic Intelligence Division, ORR Administrative Staff and Records Management Division/Records Center to reevaluate the vital material requirements of the Basic Intelligence Division, At this meeting it was decided that the reproduction copy (offset negative) of NIS figures should no longer be considered vital material. Certain superseded figures now in the repository will be de- stroyed and the remainder will be transferred to the Records Center. This transfer will involve the contents of twelve (12) five (5) drawer map cases. 25X1 of Cable References Disposition and Vital Materials Approved For Release 2005/11/21 - :-CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300240003-8 Approved FocIease 2005)t1 1 ~ I-'F. 0-002100300240003-8 Report for Week Ending 15 December 195 from REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE MANAGEMENT BRANCH Project 4-91 - Review of Records Management Progpamz Lo .,sties 0 fief Reports and Correspondence Management Correspondex work sheets for review by Administrative Officers in the Offices of primary concern are being prepared. Completion of this review phase was deferred the past two weeks because of higher priority activity. The correspondence survey for LO is~. 90% complete; the reports management phase is 20% complete. Project 4-94 < Office of the Comptroller Forts Management Program No change in program status. Project is 23% complete, Project 4