ian. pretext, national security. "The job of the Executive is to
American boy lie, cheat, steal, rape keep from the people what they ought not to know and to kee
and pillage with the sanction and from the press what they ought print,".Nixon told the p
rt returning Vietnam Pows at a White House Moral Majority-
blessing Of the All-Hues [t? type party where divorced Pows were not among the wel-
i I111
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"Where else could ared-blooded The bottom line rationale for all this is that famous
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100150159-2
Golden .Gate Bridge, he spent his reclining years glued to a
IfAAREVH/?\'CKLt ari/staworklltvfrmnfortheSan FranciscoChroriicle.. high-powered infrared telescope; he searched the beach look-
Htu thirtrthor, u ith NilJiarn Trmr ofl ha Fish is Red, thestorr ofthesecret.
aeroto;,utCastro,whjehiip,oonbepabIishrdb>Tm,sBoks. ingfortell-tale signs ofpeoplelightingupjoints whereupon he
g ve gin, ated hookers, and' pinched dopers with the zeal of a
.to answer questions about its past peccadilloes, and would be Torquemada. He 'was the. clown who arrested Billie Holiday.
granted its ultimate wish-a.U.S. version of Britain's Official White worked lip the federal narcs for decades in New York:
Secrets Act, which would, make it a crime for anyone to make and San Francisco. When-he finally retired to Stinson Beach,-,
public the CIA's criirnes. -a surf-oriented community just around the bend from th
C0l022e1Ge0I'gew111te, come. i'atronal security is a thing, rarely defined, although
when it comes to the CIA I take it to mean that it would be
on working for the CIA. harmful to the national defense to have'the government look
like a horse's ass.
ERE "IT IS NOT, EVEN WINTER, AND From a purely. personal standpoint, this is a depressing
already the powers that' be are plotting to take the prospect
s the w
est o
e CIA's domestic mis- `
heat out.:of next-summer's- reading by plugging adventures took place in the village of San Francisco, where I i
foreverthe'leaks-ofthekind.ofCIA secrets that end live, and no one in my home town would have ever known i' .
up in.paperbacks .with;girls-in pink panty hose on about it if an E
oard journalist hadn
t sued the'
the cover. The way itwas, an aspi.-ing-pulp novelist could, just government under the Freedom of Information Act.
for the price of the_ asking, write Washington 'for the juicy The CIA, after considerable stalling, coughed up 16,000
details of the cta,.stealing a sample'of-King Farouk's-urine, or pages, of documents about a classified project called MK/
..making a porn movie starring -President Sukarno of Indone- ULTRA, which had to do with experimenting with mad scien-
sia, orputtingontheassassinate-Ca_stropayrollmbbsterswho tists' ways of messing with people's minds.. Among the prof-
shared the President'sgirlfriend with him. . ect's installations was a national security whorehouseon Tele-
All of this is the,stuffoffietion;but true. Ifyou had reason to graph Hill; there unsuspecting johns would be compromised
know, or simply "inordinate curiosity, you could write to by ladies in CIA employ and slipped LSD mickeys while a short,
Washington under the Freedom of Information Act and de- fat, bald.spy sat on. a portable toilet watching through a
mand that the CtA'fess up to what it had been doing with the two-way mirror and sipping martinis.
unvouchered funds bestowed on it from the taxpayers' lar- The hard-drinking CIA Kojak was Colonel George White,
gesse.But the-net efFFect of the bills that have been tiptoeing half-spook, half-narc, a self-proclaimed hard-liner who loved
through Congress would be that the CIA no Ion er w-ould h