Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578581
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578581
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578581
23 MAY 1946
. 84
1. IRAN: US urges Qavam to support Ala�Stettinius reports that at the
close of the 22 May Security Council meeting (in which Ala reiterated
his assertion of Soviet interference in Iran), Alit! of Egypt privately
expressed the hope that the US would impress upon Qavam the import-
ance of supporting Ala in the Security Council. Byrnes has informed
Ambassador Allen that (a) although Ala appears "to have gone beyond
his definite instructions," he has done so "in reply to specific ques-
tions from Council members" and has rendered "an outstanding ser-
vice to the Council"; (b) Ala's actions have, however, reflected only
his own decision and have not been influenced by the US; and (c) the US
hopes Oavam "will refrain from taking precipitous action against Ala
under Soviet pressure."
lostility U!_and UK In Azerbaijan--US Consul Tabriz reports
that (a) Lzerbaljan leader Pishevari has publicly disclaimed responsi-
bility for any violence against Americans in Tabriz and (4) both British
and UP Officials have been molested in "minor incidents." The Consul
believes, however, that Pishevari is "bluffing" in order to prevent US
aim British representatives from circulating freely.
US asks Thornburg._ to leave Iran�Byrnes has informed Allen
that the Department is most embarrassed by the recent arrival in Iran
of Yea Thornburg (whose mission, according to Allen, is to investigate
eeotiomic.conditions for US aviation and petroleum firms). Byrnes (a)
states that while Thornburg's visit may not be connected with oil, "it
wi;:i he difficult to establish this fact" and (b) directs Allen to inform
Thornburg that the Department wishes him to leave Iran at once "with-
ottt discussing Iran's oil problems."
2. UNITED KINGDOM: Forei:4 Office a. .lauds nes s. :ech--Embassy
Loudon reports that 2.: oreign � t ce o rt a `commented
most favorably" on Secretary Byrnes' speech of 20 May, and (b) expressed
thz opinion that the Conference of Foreign Ministers had made progress in
na.rrowing the gap between the USSR and the other Allies.
3. RUMANIA: Soviets order expulsion of US correspondent--US Political
Representative Berry reports that Soviet military authorities have
ordered R. F. Markham, Christian Science Monitor correspondent in
Rumania, to leave the country by 26 May. The Soviets accuse Markham
of having (a) participated in National Peasant Party conferences:
Document No. cb,
NO CHANGE in Class.
DDA Memo , 4 Apr 77
AL! Auth: DDA REG. 77/1763
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO25.78581MAR_ 1978_ By _CP a
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578581
(b) offended the Red Army by describing how Soviet troops broke up
a National Peasant Party meeting; and (c) publicly stated that the US
would fight the Soviets and free the "Russian people from the Russian
Government," Berry supports Markham in his denial of these allega-
tions and comments that the expulsion order reflects the desire of the
Rumanian Government to hold elections without the presence of US or
UK observers. Berry suggests that the State Department instruct
Embassy Moscow to "insist on having the expulsion order cancelled."
US-UK protest Groza policies�In view of the continuing deteri-
oration of political conditions in Rumania, the US and UK are to deliver
to the Rumanian Government parallel protests against its failure to
Implement its pledges of political freedom and early elections. The
Soviet Government, which has refused to join in the VS-British protest
(see Daily Summary of 26 April, item 1), will be informed concurrently
with the delivery of the US and British notes.
4. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: movements
Steinhardt reports that the Soviets have promised the Czechs to (a) try
to move into Germany by 23 May all Soviet troops already in Czechoslo-
vakia and (b) postpone the movement of additional troops through Czecho-
slovalda until 27 May. (Foreign Minister Masaryk had previously pointel
out to the Soviet Ambassador that the presence of large numbers of
Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia on 26 May, election day, would "create
an unfortunate impression in Czechoslovakia and other countries.")
Ylasaryk has told Steinhardt that Czechoslovakia considers the above
schedule acceptable.
5. JAPAN: State Department comments on FEC policy statement�Secre-
tary Byrnes has informed General MacArthur that US Government con-
currence in the Far Eastern Commission's recent policy statement on
food supplies for japan (see Daily Summary of I May, item 11) is not con-
sidered an "opening wedge to divide the administrative responsibility of
the Supreme Commander."
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578581
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578581
6. KOREA: Soviet reply on US Consulate in North Korea--The Soviet
Foreign (ace has Informed Embassy Moscow Eat he USSR sees no
basis for connecting the question of the future operations of the Soviet
Consulate General in Seoul with the question of the establishment of a
new US Consulate in Ptyongyang (see Daily Summary of 10 May, item 14).
Ambassador Smith recommends that he be authorized (a) to inform the
Soviet Foreign Office that "after a certain date in the near future" the
Soviet Consulate General will no longer be permitted to function, and
(b) to put the matter thereafter on a "quid pro quo basis" with the
Foreign Office.
Communist counterfeiters apprehended�General Hodge reports
the arrest of 16 Korean Communists (inciudine two Party officials), who
belonged to an organization which had flooded Korea with 3,000,000 yen
In bogus money. Their equipment, including plates stolen from the Bank
of Chosen, was installed in Korean Communist Party Headquarters.
7. CHINA: Failure in food distribution�Colonel Harrison, head of the
Food Fact Finding Board, has informed the Secretary of Agriculture
Niro that UNRRA distribution of food in China so far has been almost a com-
plete failure, with less than 10% of the food received actually reaching
areas of direst need. Harrison recommends that Secretary Anderson
suggest that "continuation of food shipments to China will only be pos-
sible if present distribution bottlenecks are broken." Harrison adds that
these bottlenecks must be broken within 30 days if widespread starvation
Is to be prevented.
TX Marines fired on near Tientsin�Commanding General, US
Marine 3rd Amphibious Corps, reports that on 21 May a Marine recon-
naissafice patrol was fired on by unknown Chinese at a point ten miles
Flouthwest of Tientsin. One enlisted Marine was killed, one officer
wounded. Fire was returned but Chinese casualties are unknown.
Evacuation of US civilians from inland Shantung�US Consul
Tsingtao, after consultation with local Marine Corps authorities, has
advised the 31 US civilians in the int�Brior of Shantung Province to evacuate
to places of safety. The British Consul has taken similar action.
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578581