Reflection from germanium and silicon in the visible region
of the spectrum. Izv.AN Us.SSR.Ser.fiza-matonaulce nos3:
35-38 '59. (141RA. 13:2)
1. Fiziko-takhnichaskiy institut AN UESSR.,
(Germanium--Spectra) (Silicon--Spectra)
AUTHORS: Z inkov, D.I.,
Zvyagin, V.I., and B
B., and Lobanov, Ye.M.
TITLEt Negative Photodiode Effect in the PrebreakdownRegion of Germaluium
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Seriya fiziko-
matematicheskikh nauk# 1960p~No.2, PP-84-86
TEXTs The negative photodiode effect consists in the."dimin.ution of -the b iwk
current for a lighting of the crystal. During the switching in of,thejight
there appears a sudden enlargement of the current intensity, whereafter it
becomes slowly weaker and reaches a value smaller than the-value meabured'in
the darkness. If now the light is switched in again, then there appears a
sudden decrease and a 'following slow increase of the current intensity. For
the first time V.I.Murygin (Ref-5) has observed this effect at selenium cells.
The authors investigate the same effect at specially produced germanium diodes
D 7 where the crystal surface was not varnished and,whiah vere radiat9d
with gamma rays of C060. Beside of the above mentioned prop'erties of the;
effep,t t~-e authors proved a temperature dependence.,The authors try to
Card 1/2
Negative Photodiode Effect in the
Prebreakdown Region of Germanium
explain the effect, but the sudden variation of the current:intensity,
is.not explained.
There are 9 referencest 4 Soviet and 5 American.
ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut yadernoy fl,ziki AN Uz SSR (Instibute of Nuclear
Physics AS_Uz SSR)
SUBMITTEDt January 22, 1960
Card 2/2
21/1 717 110
AUTHORS: Zvyagin,,V.I., and Rubinova,E. SOV/166-59-3-5/11
TITLE: Reflection from Germanium and Silicon in the Visual Part of the
PERIODIUAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SS~, Ser iya fiziko*.
matematicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 3, PP' 35-~8 (USSR)
ABSTRACT:' The authors compare the electrical and optical properties of the
surfaces of germanium and silicon. With di 'fferdnt methods the
authors measure the reflection coefficients of germaniumo silicon
and a germanium-silicon alloy. In the case.of silicon the measure
ments are carried~out for different treatm ents of the* surface
(polished, out, etched). In general*the re'flection coefficient
at first decreases with an increasing wave length and then it
becomes constant as far as in the infrared domain. A monotone
dependence of the coefficient on the conductivity could not be
observed. The treatment,of 'the surface cha~nges the coefficient.
by ca. 2e.. A qualitative foundation of the observed appearances
is not given.
There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet, and 2:American.
ASSOCIATION:Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Uz SSR (Physical-Technical
Institute,AS Uz SSR)
SUBMITTEDt February 23, 1959
Card 1/1
KIST, A.A.; UYAGINA, L.S.', LOBANOV, Ye.M.; :)',VlfilDCVjl, Aj.; 4)SK01ITSPIA,IG,
lifirideeLru,2tive activation analyuis of biologlimi BI;ocimens.
Izv. AN Uz. S'M Ser. fiz.--mat. nault 8 no.3:0-55 164.
WIRA 17: 10)
1. Ifistitut yadernoy f-izl.ki IL14 UzSSR.
NOSYREV, B.A., dotsent; ZVYAGIN, V.S., dotsent
Results of studying V-300-2X type compressors. Isiv. vys. uch.
Sav.; gor. zhur. 5 no.6tl74-177 162. (WRA.15t9)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V.Vakhrusheva6
Rekomendovana Wedroy gornoy mekhaniki.
(Air compressors)
ZVYAGIN) V63., doteent
Type of sea.1 for sand pumps. Izv. vys. uchaba, zav*o; gore zhur.
6 no-4101-103 163a OEMA 16:7)
1. S.verdlovskiy gornyy imstitut Amni, Vakhrusheva. Rekomendovana
kafedroy gornoy mekhaniki;
(Mine pumps-Equipment and supplies)
Temperature dependence of actual characteristic temperatures
in lattices of the C901 type. Piz. met. i metalloved. 14
no.4:636-637 0 162. (MM 15:10)
1. Moakovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet imeni Lomonosova,
(X-ray crystallograpby)
(Metalap Effect of temperature on)
Naterials.on the.development of lizard fisheS (Pisnesp
Synodontidae). Trudy Inst. okean.,80&146-161 165.
Materials on the development of Therapon ther" Cuv.
et Val. (Pieces, Theraponidae). Ibid.s162-16 16 (MIRA 18tio)
'57 1'7 0 0 S/1'61/60/002/01/25/035
0 0
AUTHORSt Zvyagina, A. P., Iveronova, V. 1.
TITLEt The Characteristic Temperature and the Spectrum of Thermal
Lattice Vibrations
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, Xo.~,I, pp..118-121
TEXTs As a model of a solid solutionLhe authors t oIok asimple cubic
lattice consisting of two atoms with the mas 'd m at a conoe
BOB M 1 an 2- ntra
tion of 50 at~. In an absolutely disordered state the solution was
thought of as a monatomic cubic lattice with an effe6tive atomic mass
m I + m2
M The model of an ordered solution repre6ents~an XaCl-type
lattice. The spectra indicated in Ref. 5 for lattican,of this type were
utilized for the purpose, and E (thermal lattice vibration.frequency
was calculated for the disordered (Fig. 1) and ordered states (Fig. 2~
Card 1/3
The Characteristic Temperature and the S/1811 60/002/01/25/035
Spectrum of Thermal Lattice Vibrations BOOS B0141
at a mass ratio of 3. A quantitative comparison between theory and
experiment was impossible since the solid solution that was experimentally
studied differed from the calculated model in its lattice'and stoichiome.
tric composition. It was, however, established that the Characteris!tio~
temperature 0 r, which was measured by the X-ray techniqu,e via UL .can-*
not be regarded as an energy index of the intermolec ularinteractiori in:
the solid solution. U a uency (binding
2 depends not only on the cutotf frdq
enerfy) but also on the shape of the thermal vibration spectrum of the
lattice. The latter is determined by such factors as lattice type,
distribution of atoms in the lattice (degree of orientation), mass ratio
of the components, and difference in binding energy:betwleen the individual
atomic pairs. A close relationship between the change in 9 and the
change in the binding energy can be established only inAhe simplest
cases if the lattices:have the same spectra, i.e.,,if the lattice type,
the degree of orientation etc. do not change with varying concentration
Card 2/3
The 0haracterlatic Temperature and the S/lei/60/002/01/25/10W
Spectrum of Thermal Lattice Vibrations BOO 61BO14
and thermal treatment of the solid solutions. Simila*r considerations
hold for the characteristic temperature which was determined from the
dependence of the heat capacity upon the temperature. This is why the
heat capacity depends on the entire vibration spectrum, and not only
on its fundamental frequency (Ref. 2). There are 2 figure's and 9 refer-,
ences, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny y univerBiteL,(Mosdow state
SUBMITTEDs May 4, 1959
Card 3/3
I ", "ll , -,"IGIN , V. r.
I ki I Ko Iy
Noridestructl,je act;llaticll arfdY3i--',' Of
I Z V . AN' U- 7, . S, S R .,3 (-,, rzm4t na t i Ir, 8 n o - 34 4)
1. Inatitut yadernoy fizIk' AN UZS31i.
-Z-V YA 7-
AUTHOR t Lyakhov, G.. M.,,. Candidate of Technical 30-58-4-23/44
TITLE: Imprbvit* the.lExb1citatioll;
Beds, -, (Sov
ershenstvovaniyo s.isted razrabotki moshchnykh
ugollnykh plastov).
Conference at P'rokoplyevsk (Boveshcha-
aYA v Prokoplyevske)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademij Nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 4,,
pp- 105-107 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs blany scientific research and planning organiza:tions
as well as individual specialists deal with the problem
'Of imPr9viyW,-.~," '. -i of existing and the invention of ne*
e&ective conveying systems. The s~cient1fic-technical.
conference called jointly by the Mining Institute,of the
AS USSR and other organizations to,Prok.oplyevsk on January
2o-22 served for the discussion of results achieved in
this field. Prokoplyevsk is the center of the Prokoplyevsk-
-Kiselevokiy region where the mightiest~deposits.of rich
coal layers are situated and where taost,of the experience
Card 1/4 in its conveying was collected. The repreaentatives at this
Impraving the lExploitatioA I syttem: in:VeT~r :44i9k, Coal,;-Beda 3o-58 -47-23/44
Conference at Prokoplyevsk
Card 2/4
conference weres representatives.olf the;academic and
branoh-scientific research institutes, mining institutes
and the Moscow faoultieso as well a~s those from Leningrad,
Tomsk, Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo, Stalinisk, Tbilissi and others~
as well as the leading managers ofithe coal trusts. 0,J A.
Bystrov, director of the Kuzbassugoll Kombinat ope:ned:the
conference, Reports were delivered,bys
1) A., P. Sudoplatov,(Mining Institute of the AS USSR) on
the principal'direp:tions for.-the per-
fection of existing as well,as for the
invention of.n,ew conveying systems.
2) V. F. Parusimov, on problems.connect.ed with'the convey-
ing of mighty'ooal:layers.
P. Z. Zwyagin (Lll.-Union Coal insti.tute) on the perfec-
'ion of the cotveying systems.,
4) A. D. Panov, on a number of,variants of conveying
systems suggested. by t~e All-Union
Coal Institute.,
5) 3, 1. Dmitriyev, on the most important researa .h works
Improvingothe Xxploitation iSyptem~ in Coal Beds,' 3o-~58-4-23/44
Conierence at Prol:oplyevsk,
of the Coal Institute in this field.
6) A. S. Litvinenko (Chief Envineer ofthe Stalin Mine)
on the conveying systems usediin this
7) A. A. Surnachev (Chief Engineer. of the Prokoplyevsk-
-ugoll trust),dn the. conveying,systems
used there.
8) A. A. Mogilevskiy.(Chief Engineer of,the State:Institute
for the Design of Coal Mining Machi=
,nery) on the directions of the work
of this organization
9) A. A. Borisov (Leningrad h1ining-Institute) on the applim
cation of conveying systems.
1o) N. V. Marevich (Mining Institute of,the Siberian
V. T. Dzyubenko Branch of the AS USSR) on their ex=
perience in the'.use of shield convey.
ing systems,
11) K. P. Voronov (Director of the Kuznetsk Mining
Card 3/4 District) criticized t~e backward
ImproviUg-the rExploitatlon iSystt,m1n -.Very _34ick CoaI-..,Beds 30-58-4-23/4-4
Conference at Prokoplyevsk
conveying systems1rom1the viewpoint
of security and loss of manpower-~
12) N. V. Mellnikov on the usefulness of applying a
B. A. Simkin conve~ying system.
In the decision of-this conference it was mentioned that
the introduction of the suggested measures could bring
about an increase of the capacity of coal conveying of
1,5 times.
tion 2. Conveyors-Applicaticas
Industrial production-USSR
Card 4/4
ZVY'AGIN, P.Z., kand. tekhn. nank; HInVICH, A.S., )mnd. akpn. nauk.
Some potentialities for increasing labor productivity and redacing
coal coats in mines of the Rostowgoll Combine. U901' 34 no.1:16-20
Ja !59. (min 12a)
(Donate Basin--Mine management) (Coal--Go~ts)
14 (-. j
BIGASKIV, M.K., otvetstvannyy red.; RUCHNIT, T.K., otvetotyenn~y red.;
ZVYAGIN, P.Z., otyetstveuVy rsC; SOSIOT, T.D., 0~tvetstvennyy red.;
-IST-AMI0T-,A.T., red.isdatel'stva; NA12INSKATA, A.A., tekhu.red.
[Soviet coal indistry;:'on the fortieth anniversary of the' Great
October Sociahet'Revolution3 Ugollnaia promyshlennost' SSSR;
k sorokaletliu Velikol OktIAbrIekoi sotsiallatiohaskol revoliutnii.
[Moskva] Goo.nauchno-tekhn.tsd-vo lit-ry po ugollmot pronjahl., 1957.
635 P. (MIRA lOt12)
(Coal mines and mining)
ZVYAG P-.J., kand.tekhn.nauk; LUSHITS, I.I., kand.takhn.nauk;
SUDOPLATOV, A.P., doktor tekhn.nauk.
Developing underground coal mining techniques in theV.S.S.R.
Ugol"!32 no,11:31-40 N 157. (KIRA 10:12)
1. Vsesoyuwy nauchno-iseleaovatellskiv ugollnyy institut (for
Zvyagin, Livehits). 2. Inatitut gornogo dela AN SSSR (for Sudaplatov).
(Coal mines and mining)
=GIL P.Z.., kand.tekhnsnauk.dots.
conomic grounds for yearly production
norms and life of coal
mines. Ugoll 32 no.12:1-9 D 15?- WRAL 11:1)
(Coal mines and mining)
40 L ~'A U~A 2~dld ~Ieklnicheakl~Mnau~"~
a wwa~
te"niche i n :k
31conomic evaluation of coal losses, Ugoll 32 ,.6:8-13 Je 157.
(HLRA 10:7)
(Coal mines and mining)
SAPITSKU'. Konstaatin Yedorovich, kandide t takhaiches.kikh ns-uk;
,j,OAw-p,otvetstvennyy reduktor; SHUSHKOMEATA, ro.L', redalctor
izdatelletva; ZAZULISKATA, T.F., tekhaicheskiy redaictor
[Determining the most efficient length for longwalls need in the
Donate Basin mine combine] Opredelente ratelormllnot dliny levy!
pri vyemks kombainom *Donbass.*. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 195~7. 73 P.
(HLRA 10:7)
(Donato Basin--Coal mines and mining)
ZTYAGIN P.Z. otvatetvannyy redaktor; FAYTILIKAN, N.G.,, redaktor
~2f tva; ALADOTA, r~'I.,'-tekhnichookiy redaktor
[Labor cousumip a n
,g operations In tb principal coal basims of the
U.S.S.R.] Tr~doemkootl. r-abot na shakhtakh osmovovkh 4olInykh
bassainov,SSSR. Hookva, UgletakhIsdat'. 1956. )t6 ps ;("Lai 10:.1),
1. Xharkov. Yoesoyvznyy nauchno-iseledovatellekly ug4lnyy inati,tut.
(Coal mines and minini)
SKOGOIIEV, Viktor Alekseyevich; ZMXAQD,,Pavel Zakharovichp
retsenzent; ASTAKHOV, Aleksandr-Som'ii~6V!~lh',~""'o'~t-"'Y'o redo;
tekhn. red.
(Overall labor organization in stoping and develdpment,faces
in coal mines] Kompleksnaia organizatsiia trudu v ochistnykh
i podgotoviteltnykh zaboiakh ugollnykh shakht~,' Moskva,, Izd-
vo "Nedra,," 1964. 135 P. (MIRA 170)
Conveyer device for dyring the armatures of G-21 gawratore.
Avt. i trakt. prom. no.7141-43 Jl 156. (MLRA 9:10)
1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy Institut avtopribo 'rov.
(Automobiles--Electric equipment)
2 1/ Y
120- 5- ~/15
AUTHORS: Mironov, Ye.S. , Nemenov, L.M. , Zvyagin, S.B., an shcherav,R.A.
TITIE-. An Application of a Ribbon Lens to the Yocussing of the
External Beam of a Cyclotron (Primeneniye lentochnoy
linzy dlya fokusirovki vypushchennogo puchka tsiKlotrona)
PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 195? D10-5,
pp. 18 1- 21 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An electrostatic focussing device for the external bear-
of the 1-5 m cyclotron (Ref.1) is described. The system,is:
shown in Fig.1 and consists of a,systen of molybdenum ribbons.
The system focusses, the beam in the vertical direction focussing
in the perpendicular direction being carried out by a ma8net
(not described in this paper). Fig. 7 indicat~a the performance
of the focussing device. The measurements obtained using 12 Mev
protons. The ribbons lens increases the:current density by a
factor of 10. Particle losses did 2not exceed 10%, The current
density at the target was 15 4A/cm . V.I. Bernashevskiy,
Ye.A. Minin and Yu.M. Pustovoyt assisted in this work. There
are 7 diagrams and 1 Slavic reference.
SUBMITTED: December 21, 1956.
AV Library of Uongress
BOGOMOLGVJ, V.D. [Bohomolovs V.D.]; KAZAKOV, II.I.; LIIJOV, G.Ye. (Linov,
H.,E.J- FADE=) LF. [Fadieiev, I#F.
]; VOjrjOV, I.F.;:.ZV.YAGI.NI,.-,
S.D. (ZvIiahin, S.D.]; CHUDNOVSKIY, P.I. [Chudnbvslkyi) P.I.
In the economic councils of the Ukraine. Leh.prome no&3:84,87
R-S 163.
(MIRA 16:11)
1. TSentrallnoye byuro tekYzdchaskoy informataii Pbskovskogo
gorodskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Bogomolov, Kazakovi
Linov, Fadeyev)o
ZVY'A(-YII,, S. C;.
ZVYArYIN, S. 0. - "The Variability of Tick EncephalItIs Virus Dtiring Re Cul-
tivation in the Tissue of a Developing Malignant Tilmor (rrocker's Sa~rcoma)."
Sub 27 Nov 52, Acad Med S6i USSR. (Dissertation for the Degree of CIandi-
date in Medical Sciences).
SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1952
ZVYAGINj-S Longn-Davydovichi IVANOVj B.N.p inzb.$ rod.; VASILrM,
Yu#Ao, redo izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A,p tekhn. red.
(Electric by bygrometer for measuring the moisture content of
liquid, loose and solid materials and now capabitoro-pickups]
Elektricheskii vlagomer dlia izmereniia vlazhn6stl zhidkikh.,
sypuchikh i tverdykh veshchestv i emkostnye datchiki novogo
tipa. Leningrad, 1962, 28 p. (Leningradskii dom naudhno-
tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen redovym opytom. Serila: Pri-,
bory i elementy av-toratikis no.3r (MM 15:8)
Moisture-Measurement) (Electronic instrurdents)
ZYM11r, V.
Solar and s,toxic current. Zaan.mila 30 no.11:1-5 H 155, W" 9:1)
(Solar ozgIs*#) Atomic power)
First steps. Radio nooll:13 N '50. (MIRA 11:12)
1. Naeballnik(samodeyatellnogn radtoklubs, Tal a, Krymo
Yalta--Radio clubs)
AUTHOR; Zvyagin, V., Chief SOVK7-58-11-11/40
TITLE: First Steps (Pervyye shagi)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956, Nr 'I., p 13 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article descri%es the formation of a radio club in Yalta~
Card 1/1
AUTHORs Zvyag1n,-V.Ioj and Ly-utovich,.A.Sl dq1166-59-1-3M,
TITLE: a-niii-eMeasurement;of the Capacity of, aSemiconductor on the
Boundary With an Electrolyte (Ob izmero.nii yomkoeti
polu'prov,odnika. na gianitsO: 9' elektral ii
PERIODICALt Izvestiya. Akad emJA nauk, Uzbekakoy Sor i~ya~ flziko,,
matematioheakikh nauk, 1959, Ur 1, PPIV-30 SR)
ABSTRACT: The paper starta.with the statement that 1he agreement ' (obtained
by Bohnenkampf and Engel]IfRef 1_7) bet~een~ '.the :calculaAed
differential capacity of the limit phase germanium - electrolyte
and the capacity measured experimentally is only a seeming one,
since it bases on an incorrect interpretation of the process.
By etching of the,surface of the germaiAum. or oilicon there
appears a thin oxide film while in the preceling layer there
is either an electron diminution or an otlar6;ement of the holes.
With regard to these phenomena the authors propoee methods for
the measurement of the capacity of a seiniconductor-electralyte-
system. As an equivalent scheme the authors reoommend a
combination of paralleled BC-chaina. A measuring device'basing
on this principle in described shortly.,',The measurements carried
out with this device are represented graphically, There result
Card 1/2
Sensitivity of silicon photnelemonts to X rays. Dokl.AV Uz#SSR
no.6:11-12 159. (MII& 12 -.9)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheekiy institut AN UzSSR j rnstitut yadernoy,
fiziki AN UzSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UzSSR S.V.Staredub-
(Pliot,oelectric calls) (z rays)
Determination of manganese in silicon by the radio4otivation,
method. Zhur, anal. khim. 18 no,11:1349-1355 N 163.
(MIRA 1711)
1. Inatitut yadernay fiziki AN UzSSR, Tashkent.
Keasuring the capacitance of semiconductora on the boundary
vith the electrolyte* Izv.Aff Uz.SSR.Ser.f1s.-mat.nauk no,l:
25-30 '59. (MIRL 1225)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiv Institut AN UsSSR-l!
Negative phtodiode affect In the prebreakdown region of germanium
eleatron-hole transitions. lzv.AJF Ux,,SSR# Ser.f is*-mtenault noP2.,
84-M ' 60. WU 13tlO)
1., Institut yadernoy fisiki AN UsSM
(Germanium Alodee)
AUTHORSs Zvyagij, V. I., Lobanov, Ye. M., Rubinovaj,4., Blinkov, D. I.
TITLES Reflection coefficient of visible light reflected from
SOURCES Nekotoriye voprosy prikladnoy fiziki, 1961, 51 - 54
TEXTS The light reflection coefficient R is more dependent on the state
of the surface than is the rest of physical parameters.: Since R and the
absorption coefficient depend on the energy structure of the crystal
surfacev ffieasuring these coefficients permits to.infer the energy strue-
ture of the germanium surface. Chemical polish of~'germanium results in
the formation of an oxide coating on the crystal surface., R is not
changed by etching crystals with different crystallographic directions.
However, the same etching agent lays bare quite definite faces, independ-
ent of the orientation of the crystal. This means~that either the ratio
of the area of faces remains unaltered, or R is not dependent on the type
of crystallographic faces. To decide for one or the other possibility,
Ro was measured for germanium treated with etching agents of this type.
Card 1/3
8/6 06/61/000/000/003/007
Reflection coefficient of... B1410102
Measurements showed that differently worked crystals furnished values for
R differing by 20 - 3(YA. This implies that R is not dependent on the;
type of crystallographic faces but on the composition and structure of
the 10 - 50 f thick oxide coating. Some etching agents cause R to be
changed when the crystal is rotated around an axis perpendicular to the
surface investigated, passing through a number of maxima and minima. If
the crystals are worked with other etching agents, R is,Jndependent of the
orientation of the crystal. In this case, the correct value of R is
obtained. Differences in the values of Rp occurring as a result of
treating the crystal with the same etching agent, are related to the
structure of the monoxide film which is gradually converted into ' dioxide
in the atmosphere. Irradiated with shortwave light, this film generates
an anomalously high negative photocurrent in the diodes due to the short-
wave light being absorbed by the film. Gamma irradiation of germanium in
moist atmosphere reduces the value of R. Ipparently, irradiation,of the
germanium surface causes the formation of a film resembling the monoxide
film. Indicative of this is the existence of the anomalously high
negative photocurrent. Gamma irradiation of germanium,'protected from
moisture, has no effect on R. There arel figure and 5 referencess 2
Card 2/3
Reflection coefficient of...
Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The
publications read as followss
27, 1082, 1956; Me. Kelvey I.,
1954; Ellis S. G. Journ. kppl.
Card 3/3
three references to English-language
Hancock R. Edelman S. Rev. Scient. Instr.,
Longini RI J. Appl. Phys., 25, 5,634,
Phys., 26, No 11, 1262, 1957.
AUTHORS: Lobanov, Ye. M., Rubinova, E., Blinkov, D.
TITLE: Coefficient of visible light reflection from germanium
PERIODICAL: Reforativnyy zhurnal, FIzIka, no.3, 1962, 1, abitract Of (8b.
"Nekotoryye vopr. prikl. fiz.", Tashkent, AN Uz3SR, 1961., 51-54)
TEXT: Reproducibility and divergence of the reflection coefficient R of
silicon and germanium crystals treated with standard 6ickling agents were examined
on an C (P -2 M (SF-2M) spectrophotometer. It was established that "grinding" and
"Polishing" pickling agents modify R in individual Intervals of the visible
spectrum region by more than *20 - 30%. These changes are explained by -the compo-
sition and structure of the oxide layer. For some pic~llng agents and for ~ I
crystal rotation about the axis perpendicularto the surface consid ered, them
curve R = f (A ) was found to have a series of maxima and minima, the nunroer of
which depends on crystal orientation. Curves R - f (/\)' were measured for
gennanium surfaces that were ground and pickled by agents used in the pg8duction
0 f H~ 02 and NaOH semiconductor instruments, following irradiation by Co 5.1
n ay
An Ntempt isimade to explain the results obtained.
0. Gorodinskly
(Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
'0. 4 ,"000,,"002/048/096
D2 017D~3 '8'1
AUTHORS: Lobanov, Ye. M., ZvZaLln, V. I., Blinkov, D. 1. ands
Blinkova, G. B.
TITLE: The effect of garama-rays on germanium diodes
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika 1 radioelektronika,
no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-4-12ts (V ob. Ifekotoryye,vopr*
prikl. fiz., Tashkent,,AN UzSSR, 1961,.55-57)
TIE-M: An investigation is made into the mechanism of a nega tive
photo-current generation in germanilam type D aemiconductor diodes
under the effect offl-rays. It is shoim that the generation of this
photo-current', is related to the absorption of quanta in the oxide
layer not in the surface layer of germanium. The experimentally de-
terrained dependence of the reverse photo-current on the wavelength
ia given. The empirical formula for the photo-curron-tt which dea-
cribes the transient process after the suppression of light, has:
the form
Card 1/2
The effect of gamma-rays D201/D301
_IX t
I( t) I00 + A in i c e
Where I00 the steady state value of dark current', Alt ojlr:~q
constants, depending on voltage and tein eraturo. 3 references. /Ib-
stracter's note; Complete translation.7
q, 3 Y--D
AUTI-iORS: Zvyagin, V. I., Lobanov, Ye. M. and Azhanov, A,'V.
TITLE: Differential resistance of germanium diodes
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-4-12zh (V ob. Nekotoryye vopr.
prikl. fiz. Tashkent, AN UzSSR, 1961, 58-63)
TEXT: A study of the differential resistance R d of.germanium dio-
des. The diode's were prepared by the method of fusing indium int o
an electron conducting -ermanium. The resistivity of germanium was
varied from 3.5 to 35 0~~cm. R d was evaluated from the measurem Ients
by a valve millivoltmeter with small a.c. voltage (V(kT ) superim-
I e
posed on the reverse d.c. bias and from the voltage-drop across a
calibrated resistor connected in series with the diode. The results
of investigations, at a frequency of 70 c/s, were obtains d by.stati-
stical processing of a large quantity of experimental material. Ty-
Card 1/ 3
S/19 62/000/002/047/096,
Differential resistance of,... D2 01 A 01
pical graphs of the dependence of R d0. -VrV- at dif f ere'nt temperatu-
res are given, together with log e Rd on the reciprocal of tempera-
ture ( ) for various voltages and a table of.values of activa-
tion energy calculated from graphs of semiconductor'diodes made of
material with different suecific resistances. Graphs of dependence
of log - lifetime of holes) on reciprocal of temperature are
eVP (Vp
also given for typical diodes and diodes made of germanium with a
lower specific resistivity. The graphs show the values of activati-
on energy AE's at low temperatures and those for temperatures high-
er than 400C (AE"). It is shown that the whole.set of experimental
data may be successfully described by the formula of X. V. Tolpygo
and E. I. Rashba (see ZhT Fiz. 1956, XXVI, 7), if one assumes in it
-C e ~-E, provided AE AE at low and AE = 6B at high tem pe-
o kT
ratures. It follows from this formula that R increases with.de-:
Card 2/3
Min IN
.j! 1 41 J~
11111 rM I i11 A,
S/19 62/000/002/047/096,
Differential resistance of D201YD301
creasing specific resistivity. As an example R d is given in the,
OLor-- of graphs for diodes with different specific resistivities at
V = 30 V. 1 reference. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translatlion.7
Effect of gama radiation on a garmanitun oxido film. lzv,Alf Uz.
SJlR.Sor.fiz.-mut.nuWc 6 no.3,M,90 162. (IM&F 15:4)
1. Akademiya nauk USSR.
emiconductors--Weat of radiation on) (Gwma rays)
telcl. (If the 4r-' tc I
3(fica4l. Tote "5f
a) thp -5f
ear Ph,
f lip
i. A
UR: MnVi9 T4
AUTHORSs Lobanov, Ye. M., Blinkov, D. I.,
Blinkova, G. B.
TITLEs Effect of gamma rays on germanium diodes
SOURCE3 Nekotoriye voprosy prikladnoy fiziki, ~1961,
.55 57
TEXTs Gamma irradiation causes a negative photoeffect in germanium
diodes. The authors discovered this effect In A-7 (D-7),diodes, and
reported on it earlier (Izv. AN UzSSR, ser. fiz. mat. nauk, 1960, no. 2).
They assumed that this effect is due to inhomogeneities in the volume
(Frenkell defects). The negative photocurront depends on the temperature
and the spectral distribution of light. It increases with increasing
frequency of the illuminating light. In the photocells examined, the in-
crease in photocurrent was particularly striking atlozo.61b. For waves ty
longer than 0 '8~,) the negative photocurrent is praotically vanishing.
This means that it is due to the light being absorbed by the oxide coating
and not by the surface-near layer. This was confirmed by, a series of
experiments. Gamma irradiation of germanium in moist atmosphere causes
Card 1/3
30 119,
Effect of gamma rays on ... DIO/B102
the formation of a film on the surface whose reflection coefficient is
similar to that of monoxide-coated (etched) germanium. This results'in
the occurrence of the characteristic negative ph6tocurrent. Thus, the
strong change of the diode characteristics is not only, due to inhomo-
geneities of the crystal lattice but also to the,conversion of the dioxide
coating int6 monoxide. Since surface electrons.are transferred to the
monoxide coating, it is assumed that it is negatively~charged by.applying
a voltage in the blocked direction. This resultu in the formation of
holes in the surface-near "layer that provide a channel forexcess con-
ductivity. Light absorption transmits the electrons from the acceptor
levels to the conduction band of the coating, and from theret overcoming
a potential barrier, to the volume of the germanium. The oxide coating
is positively charged due to accumulation of bound holes, which reduces
their concentration in the channel and, subsequently, the reverse current.
This"model permitted to find empirical formulas for the excess reverse
current and for the photocurrent in a germanium diode. The transient
characteristics of the diode were computed, experimentally verified, and
graphically compared. They were found to agreq fairly well. After'
applying a voltage, the reverse current increases, whereas it decreases
Card 2/3
5/6 '0 61/000/000/004/007
B140R -
Effect of gamma rays on ... 31 102
when the light is turned on. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 3 refer-.
ences: 1 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language
publications read as followas Ellis S. Journ. Appl. Phys.) 28, No. 11,
1262, 1957; Brattain W., Bardeen J. Bell. Syst., Techn. J., 32, 1, pp. 1
- 41, 1953.
AUTHORSt Zy agin -V. 1*, Lobanov, Ye. 14.) Leuslikinat G.,
a tni
t8 Y.V1
TITLE:. Anomalously negative current and anomalously positive
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya. Akademii nauk UzSSR. Seriya :Ciziko-matematicheskikh
nauk, no. 2, 1961, 29 - 32
TEXT: The authors observed the following behavior of germanium: If~a
voltage.is applied, the inverse current increases to,d certain maximim
vb.lue after which it slowly decreases to a value*near the saturation,value
of the*current. Irradiation with visible light causes an increase of,the,
inverse current up to a certain value-thich is much higher than the value
of the'ordinary positive photocurrent.. Due to this behavior, the authors
use the term "anomalously.negativell current and "anomalous .ly-positivell
photocurrent in contrast to the ordinary current and photo current. An
"anomalously positive" current and an 11L-nomalously negative" photocurrent
correspond to th" "pre-anodalous" behavior. The analysis of experimental
Card 1/4
S116 61/000/002/00~/006
Anomalously negative... BI 1 2YZ202
data yielded more exact data on the energy scheme of the germanium surface.
This scheme is reproduced in,Fig.
V.# V Vol
t4 1. .40
Card 2/4
Anomalously negative... B112/B202
In equilibrium state, the potential difference between inversion layer
with a potential V + VI and the oxidation layer with a potential V +711
0 1
corresponds to the external voltage. The authors give empirical formulas
for the transition characteristics of the anomalously ne6;ative current
and the anomalously positive photocurrent:.
-a t
I(t) - I
ln(i e .
characterizealthe transitidn state 6f the anomalously negative current.
is the value of
the dark current, A
constants depending
, C.
, a
1 are
on voltage and temperature. The transition characteristics of the anoma-
lously positivi5 photocurrent is given by the formula::
-a2 t
~I(t) - 1 A
ln(I - C
00 2
where1' e
O's the value of th stationary ph.otocurrentj A., C?, a2 are
constants depending on voltage, temperature, and illumination. The
inverse current which appears after the illumination is switched off~ hao
the following tranaition characterisliass
Card 3/4
Anomalously n6gative.,.. B112/B202
-a t
I( t) --. ~I + I jIll ,.Aln(l _Qe
CO ph ph 3
There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references*
ASSOCIATIONs Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UZSSR (Institute of Nuclear
Physics, Academy of Sciences, UzSSR)
SUBMITTEDi November io, 196o
Card 4/4
ACCESSION NR: AT3007ZS4 S/Z!52/~3/0001000100
AUTHORS:. Zv n, 0,;..Lenchenko M.
mL Y. L Lobanov, Ye. M.; Zve r6v; t. P
i TITLE:, Employment of the reaction 9-supe~-10 (n, alphas Li-q'~uper-7 for'the
determination of.boron and silicon
Ridiatslon. 'effekt~'* 1~ tv,
ISOURCE: erd. telakh.''Tashkent, Izd-vo AN UzbSSR,
TOPIC TAGS:' silicon,* St, bo' n, B, impurity, idco
B ptor 61em6,nt', isotope,
(n, a
op, pu
p i
se amp
ABSTRACT: The paper describes an experimental investigatior~ and sets
theoretical relationships governing the,presence of the exti~emely active acceptor
I element B in-Si. The reaction B10(n, a,)L1
trons; with an
1energy of 0.03: ev:-
. for.
has a large, cro'ss section (4,000 barn).-. This reaction yields an, q particle'-with an
energy of 1.47 Mev, which has a short path, in Si'(appx. 5 m1cron) and a M7 nucleus
~,.with 0.88 Mev energy. This particle and this 'nucleus are distinguished by their
great total energy (2.35 Mov) and,their great ionization density which affords a
iies.~; In'
-ation if the carrier medium
exhibits cou. ting p
highly effective registi n roper
this respect.Si is- a very convenient material.' The block icherne, of the meastirin
~equipment employed is described. It comprise6.a S1 diodd,''a,,power-supply battery,
'4 load resistance, and a preamplifier, all of:which.are ~placea ln'an aluminum s8ield
:and arepla6ed at the output of the horizontal channel of tile. reactor. The pulsei~ 7PJ
..arising in a Si n-p junction irr.adiated with reaq,tor.neutrofisarei rendered visible in
ian oscillogipam. It is shown that the irradiation, of Si juni-ciions with reactor neuf r-ons
;provides a fundamentally sound meansi for the'determinaiion ofsome impurities, in
~the material"
i ., especially H and B. It is also shown how a junction can'be employed
'as a fast-netttron counter, even though ohly for' assessiiaent purp6'9'es.' The 1heor'y
:of *the formation of'the pulses in the iurface-bairier n-p Jtinctio~ is tracedi using
;an equivalent circuit to represent the surface -hole. and ~p j~in~ction. Expressions are %
developed for I(t) by the solution of the diffusion.equatioh f6r- various particula
Acases, depending on whether the.point source' of the charge"lies within-the a: region
i ~or the region* of body charge, or whether the track of the p;irtiolei lies entirely within
."the. n - ro-gio.n. The formulas obtained will be employed for. ~he calculation of the
:6fiective volume for prescribed bounds of e -'of the amplitude 'f th e
the chang 9 0 Puls s
:exqited by the neuirons in a diode and also for the calculation of the pulse-amplitude.
spectra.' Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 17 numbered, equationsi
PH,, EL NO. REIF SOV-.. .003 ER: 004
ZVYAGIN. V.S..-doteent
Some problems in increasing tits efficiency and lotioevity of Md
pivaps. Izv-, vys, ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6~ no.3:11$-145 163.
(KMA 16 1 io)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni Vakhrwheva. RekcmeVdcvana
kafedroy gornoy makhaniki.
UTAGIN, V.Sjkjanclidat tokhnichesklkh nauk.
investigating losses through suation pipelines of mine pumps. Gar.
zhur. no.12:44J;6 D 156, (MLRA l0ri)
1. Sverdlovskly gornyy inatituto
(Mine pumps)
ZVYAGIN, V.S., dotsent
Use of pupips with a hiCh number.of revolutions per.minute for pump-
ing water out of mines and shafts. Izv- vys. ucheb. zav.; gor.
:1Z4-130 '61.
zhur. no.11 (MJA 15a)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V.Vakhrusheva. Rekomen-
dovana kafedroy gornoy mekhaniki.
(Mine pumps)
ZVYAGIII, V.S., kand.takhn.nauk
Analyzing the performnes of draintige equipment in certain Ural MI do,
Izv.vya.ucbob.zav.; gor.zhur. no-5:106-111 58.~ (MIRA 1211)
1. Sverdlovskiy gorrW inatitut.,
(Ural Hountains-14ino drai.wWe),
(mine pumps)
FRGLOTp Patr Prokhoroyich# dotsont. ~Prialmall uolufntlyot V YAGIyaj.. S.
doisent; PWROTO I.P00 doteent. VEMOY"A014, I)rDf,, doktor
tekhn.nalik, retsenzent; BORCKHOTICH, A.-Ist dotsayAto retsenzent;
KHONITMICH, X.I., otv,red.: DOYAKOYA,'G.B,, red.lzd-ve;
UBITOT. A.i tokhn.red.,-. LOMMINA, L.-N., telft.red.
[Mine compressor equipment] Rudnichnoe kompressornoe khosiaistvo.
Moskva, Gos.Aauchno-tekhn.lzd-vo lit-ry, po~r~ornomkAelu, 1961.
227 P. WHA 14-. 1~0
(Al,r compressors).
-USSR/Physical chemistry Crystals. B-5
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khim-iya, No 1, 1958, 188
Author : V.I. Iveronova, A.P. Zvya[,;ina, A.A. Katsnellson.
Title : Distortions of Crystal Lattices in Solid Solutions.
Orig Pub : Kristallografiya, 1957, 2, No 3, 414-416
Abstract : Mean ua atic shifts of atoms from the equilibrium Posi-
tion M_12K in lattices of solid solutions of. FeCo, NiCr,
NiTi, FeC and NiFe obtained experimentally are compared
with those computed usin(,! data obtained with an elastic
model as a function 6 R of the concentration'and diffe-
rence of atom radii of the components. The coincidence
of experimental and computed magnitudes of ust, as far
as their magnitude order is concerned, and the absence
of parallelism between 11rvt and 6 R are ahon. It is
assumed that the latter is caused by the weakness of the
elastic model, the present short range order and systema-
Card 1/2
'USSR/Physical Chemistry Crystals B-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 188
errors in the determination of that have not been
taken into consideration. A drop OS~ the characteristic
temperature after ordering was found to be 200 'in Cu- u
and 700 In N'3 Fe. It is shown that it is necessary t-3A
to enalyse the conditions of the preparation or alloys,
when the results of the study of solid solutidns are
Card 2/2
.A:CTHUR: Zvyagina A.F. and Iveronova, V.I. ?0-5-7/31
TITLE: A Method of Determining the Amplitudes of the Thermal
Vibrations of Atoms of Various Kinds in a Solid Solution
(Meto'-d opredeleniya amplitud teplovykh kolebaniy atomov
raznogo sorta v tverdom rastvore)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1957, Vol.2, NO-51 pp. 613 - 617 (USSR)
.M,3STRACT: An X-ray method for calculating thetemperature factors
B, and B 2 (mean square displacements) for each of two kinds
of atoms has been developed and applied to all ordered solid
solution, Cu.3Au, and a 1.9% solution of W in Fe. The r.m.s.
amplitudes were foun4 to be 0.18 and 0.12 A for Cu and Au,
respectively at 240 ~,and 0.11 and 0.05 A'Xor Ve and W,
respectivejy, at2425 K.
If n = sin E) / X the atomic scattering factor for a solid:
solution can be expressed as:
f = (l - c)fl exp (-Bln) + cf2 exp (-B2n)*
c is the concentration of the second component. Any pair of
experimentally measured intensities I(n) can be solved for
Uardl/3 B, and B 2 if the structure factors are calculable. The
A Method of Determining the Amplitudes of the Thermal Vibrations
of Atoms of Various Kinds in a Solid Solution.
equations can be expressed in terms of one~variable B 1
f" =(l-c)f" exp (-B n") + of" fl-(l-c)f" exp (-B WA/cf n11/n
1 1 2 11 1 . 1 d
This expression is plotted out for Cu Au for different pairs of
ni and n!' . The Cu 3Au was only pUtly ordered so that the
static distortion (a St. ~ 0.66) was eliminated by taking :
photographs at two different temperatures which gave B = 0. ,60.
Introducing the parameter cx , correction i can be made for the
different types of bonds to the solute atoms. The dependence
of a on Bx I (r.m.s. amplitude of the solute atom) can be
found by constructing the family of curves of f against Bx
for different values of a, . The observed dependence of f on
sinb / X enables the curve a(Bx ) to be found.
There are 2 figures, 3 tables and 3 non-Slavic,-references.
ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University Jifi,, M. V'~-!"IOliomodor,:(Moskov"-~I
Card 2/3 Bkiy Go8U4dr8tv'ervqy ftiverdit6f-im. M. V. 14monoso
A tle""hod of Determining the Amplitudes of the Thermal Vibrations
bi~ Atoms of Various Kinds in a Solid Solution.
,L~UBMITTED: February 22, 195?.
AVAILABIE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Iveronova, V. I. and _ZyTj&AAij,_ 42,,_.,P!
TITLE; Phonoa spectrum and sone thermod.".amical characteris-
ties of Ga0l type lattices
PERIODIGAL: Ukrayinalkyy fisychnyy sharnal, v. 6, n6. 2, 1963,
TEXT: The authors refer to a, previous paper of theirs ( ME, Y. 14,
141, 1962) and conclude that V/a 0 and other elastic constants can
be used as direct characteristics of interactions (if atoms, while
C and t; -2 cannot generally be so used within the limits of Debye's
V u
theory. An example connected with the computation of characteristic
temperatures is given. The authors alao indicate a graphical method
for estimating the interaction parameters fram the above quantities.
There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosuniversitet im. M. V. Lotaonosova (Mos-
cow State University im. M. V. Lomonosiov)
.Card 1/1
~~GINA~A.P~.- A
Effect of the spectral Une shape of thermal4ibrations in a
CaCl-type lattice on heat capacity~.mean squar,e shift of atoms
frdm the state of equilibriums "A the speed'6f sound.
Fiz. met. i motallovod. 14 no.1:141-141,, J1 162* (MM 15:7)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvanng universitet iraerii Lomonosovas
(Crystal lattices) (Spectrum, Atomic)
AUTHORS.,, Iveronova, V.I. and ZvXacina-
TITLE: Determination of the Characteristic (Debye)
Temperature by X-Ray Methods
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshilch uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika,
1960, No.6, PP-105-108
TEXT: The X-ray method of determination of the Debye
temperature Of alloys is based on an application of the theory
of X-ray scattering due to Debye. This theory incorporates
the following two assumptions: 1) the solid behaves as an
isotropic continuous medium as far, as thermal vibrations area
concerned and (2) all the deductions from the theory obtained
for a monatomic substance automatically hold for a diatomic;
lattice. The present authors point out that both these
assumptions are not strictly correct. In the majority of papers
concerned with the X-ray measurement of 0 as a function of
temperature, attempts are made to obtain informatIon on the
corresponding change in the Interatomic forces. However,
analyais of experimental data has led the present authors to the
conclusion that the characteristic temperature as measured'
Card 1/4
Determination of the Characteristic (Debye) Teinpera'ture by
X.-Ray Methods
by the X-ray method, cannot be a simple charac.barilstic of the
interatomic forces in the lattice of a solid solution. Among
the points quoted in support of this conclusion are
1) small changes (of the order of 1 or 0 at*) in the
concentration of the second component give rise to large
changes In (S) (20 to 30%) MA.111ina, V.K.Ki-itskaya, Ref.5).,
such a change In cannot be due only to a 6hanglb in the
interatomic forcesi 2) the characteristic temperature 9 ~is
irx-eversibly dependent on the heat treatment to' which the alloysi
haire been subjected and is not uniquely determined by the
shoxt-range order parameter on the first coordination sphere';
3) V.A.Illina et al (Ref.7) pointed out an analogy bet-een ED
and YounglB modulus E in their dependence on heat~treatment.
Analysis of numerical data for 6(E)/49 and 4%E/B shows
that the observed correspondence is only apparei-st. I The debya
theory predicts that (E? - -/T so that &9/9 %x 1/2(AE/E) -
Experimental data,, on the other hand, show that 0-*11 changes by
Card. 2/
Determination of the Characteristic (Debye) Temperature by
X-Ray Methods
20 to 30% while the corresponding change in E, is less than
3 or 4%; 4) finally, V.I.Iveronova et al (Ref.8).and
S.A.Nemnonov and Finkel'shteyn, L.D. (Ref.9) have shown that~
the measured values of (D are smaller in the:ordered than in
the unordered state (in the case of Cu3Au, N'3Fe, Fe3Al).
The present authors argue that the characteristic temperature
as measured by X-ray methods, depends not only on the interatomic
forces but also on other factors such as the spectrum of thermal
lattice vibrations, the relation between the dynamic and
static displacements, variation of the mean square static
-nt 2
displaceme u,t with temperature etc. It is concluded-that~
no definite conclusions can be made about changes in the
interatomic forces in the lattice on the basis,of the X-ray,
measurements of alone, There.are I figure and
15 references: 9 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet.
Card 3/4
Determination of the Characteristic (Debye) Temperature by
X-Ray Methods
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosuniversitet imeni ~%V.Lohtonosov
(Moscow State University imeni. MbY.Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: July 11, 1960
Card 4/4
Characteristic temperature and spectr= atIherml.lattice
Tan 160. (KM 14-.9)
vibrations, Fiz,, tvor. tola 2 nb,.l*.ll8-:L21,
1. Moskovski-y gosudarstvennyy univ6roitet,~
(Crystal lattices)
Thermal oscillation spectrwa and characterio-b,ic temperature
of a CaC1 type crystal lattice, Izv. AN SSSR. Ser;, fiz. 26
no.3:340-344 Mr 16R. ONIIRA 15:2)~
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyv universitat im..M.V,, Lomonosova'.
(Crystal lattices)
AUTHORS: Zvyagina, A. P., and Iveronovat V. 1.
TITLE: Spectrum of thermal vibrations and the characteristic
temperature cf a CsCl-type lattice
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26,
.no. 3, 1962, 340-344
TEXT: The mean square displacement of the atoms from equilibrium, is
given by Vin
U2 (V)9(V) dj~ 6N3V kT 9 (v) d
0 0
where g(V)dV is+ the number of frequencies in the interval between V:and.
V+dV, g(V) is the distribution function of the frequencies, i.e. the;
.spectrum of thermal vibrations, 2N3 is the number,of:atoms ~n the crystal$
Vm is the maximum frequency. According to Debye, g(V) - oV , but the real
spectrum shows considerable deviations from Debyete.parabolic law,
Card 11A~
9/04 62/026/003/002/015
Spectrum of thermal vibrations B101YB102
.fy.t especially for diatomic crystals. The spectrum of thermal v-ibrations was
calculated for a CsCl-type body-centered cubic lattice by~Montrollls
method (Refs.. 2, 3, see below). Central forces were assumed and interac-
tion of atoma with the nearest and next nearest neighbors was taken into
consideration. The spectrum is represented by expansion into Legendre
g (vx) = ac,+a2p2(X)+OIP4(x)+,...+a',.,P,,(x),
where x - V /Vm' O< x < 1 The coef f icients a2k are expressed in term ;a of
-the even moments of the distribution function
I'2k g(V)dV. Themoment 92k is calculated as, the trace ofthe
6N 0
characteristic matrix raised to the k-th power. The matrix elements
depend on the ratio of the four parameters
4 UJI 2al* Oil -d 0111
3,nllnlvl 3AIMSV2
where m and"m are the masses of the two types of atoms, a and 0 are
1 2 ij ij
Card 2/5
Spectrum of thermal vibrations ... B107jBIO2
the coefficients of quasielastic interaction of'theA-th and J-th types
of atoms in the first and second sphere.of coordination, respectively.
The even moments of the distribution function are given explicitely.: For
equal atomic masses (a - b), but different coefficients of quasielastic
interaction, the shape of the spectrum is given by th~o parameters
a 2als a .2als.
which are within -0.2 and +0.2. Fig. 1 shows the spectra for y 0.2 and
various 6 values. Breaking off the series had a great effect an; -did not
permit the spectra to be calculated for different atomic masses. The V--".
2 2 2
quantity Au - u R - 'N which can be determined expe'rimentally was
calculated from the spectra; u Ran u N are the mean square displacement:
of the atoms at room temperature and atliquid-nitrogen temperature,.
reg2ectively. Pig. 2 shows the dependence of,
6U on 6 at various I values. The lower families of.curves hold for
Card 3/5
Spectrum of thermal vibrations ... B107/BI02.
equal ratios of the binding parameters, but for an absolute value increased
to 4/3 and 2, respectively. The authors thank B. Yu. Aynbinder for
assistance. There are 2 figures. The two most important English-language
references are: Ref. 2- E. W. Montroll, J. Chem. Phys., LIL, 481 (1943),-'
Ref- 3: E. 17. Montroll, D. C. Peaslee, J. Chem. Phys., 12, 98 (1944),.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gos. universitet.im. M. V.L6nionoadva(MOSCOW
State University imeni M. V.-Lomonos6ir) Ile
Fig. 1: Spectra of thermal vibrations for CsCl-type lattices with the
binding parameter 7 -0.2.
Pig. 2: Dependence of A u on and 6.
Card 4/5
ACC NR1. AP7005-321-( SOURCE CODE: U-4/ol,3i/66/ooa/ol2/.-,,459/346~ 1
AUTHOR: Iveronova, V. I.; Tikhonav, A. V.; Zaikin, P. N.;.Zvy&Z1na, A. P.
ORGt Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gonudarstvennyy univer-
TITIZ: Determination of the phonon spectrum of crystals from the specific heat
SOURCE: Fizika t-verdogo tela, v. 1), no. 12, 1966, 3459-3462~
iTOPIC TAGS: phonon spectrum, distribution function, specific heato' crystal property,
thermodynamic function, aluminum
ABSTRACT: By using an opproximate relation between the frequency distribution f~nc-
tion and the specific heat, the authors demonstrate that in~the harmonic approxima-
tion it Is possible to calculate the phonon spectrum of crystalsI'from the specific
heat and from other thermodynamic functions. The approximate frequency distribution
function is obtained directly from the experimental data on the specific heat. The
determination of the approximate distribution function is facilitated by the factIthat..
in the approximation considered, the phonon spectrum is a continuous and piecewise
smooth function with a derivative haveing a finite number of discontinuities-~ The
resultant approximation is a smooth function which carries a minimum of cbaracterIrtid;
information (line structure) and satisfies the equation with a specified accuracy:.
By way of an example, the frequency distribution function of. aluminum, obtained from i
the integral equation using experimental information on the specific heat of aluminum..'
MechAnism of the nctivation of lipolysis by phosphntes. Yophmed.khim.
3:73-81 151. (MIRA n:4)
1. Otdaleniye obmena veshchestv Leningradskolo nauchno-issladd7atell-
skogo institute fizicheakoy kulltury.
Varioliform dermatitis following synthoeVoin treatuent. Vast. irsu.A.
dem. no.5:53-54 S-0 155. (KIIU 911)
Radiotelemetric determination of gastric and duodenal temperature.o
under normal and patholIogical ;,,aditions. Vest. AHN SSSR 19 no.6v
75-81 164. (MIRA 18:4)
1. TSentrallrxyy institut usovershenstvomi.1ya vrachey, Moskvap
1,ACCiSSION NRS AP404'1351 9/0248/16:4/000/006/0075/00817
iAUT11ORt V)tchslg B Yes; Belousov, A o So; Zvyagina, Le No I Brayawa 9, V.
.:TITLEi R&dLotelemetrLe study of temperatures in the humall stomach and
lincestine in normal and pathological conditions
i .7
'iSOURCE: AHH SSSR. Vestnik, no@ 69 19640 75-81
ITOPIC TAGS: radiotelemetry, temperature radiatelemetry, stomachy
iradiocapsule, gastrointestinal tract
:JABSTRAXT: Data derived from investigations of tho'huma In digestive
,:Itract with the aid of a temperature-measuring radi6caps .ule are Pr
sented. Temperature readings were obtained in 30 healthy person ndl
157 patients suffering from various disorders of the digestive trsa:to:
,including inflammatory and noninflammatory-conditions. The radio-
.;capsule method permitted the authors to detect two,types of digestivel,i,~~:
itract temperature curves in healthy subjects - one relatively high,~.
ion the order of 36.8 to 38.6C and the other relattvaly lowo on the
'order of 36.8 to 37..8C; that.is, hyperthermal and hypothermal casest,
Repeated attempts to associate changes in temperature in the di as-'
tive tract with the-presence of acute cholecystitis or cancqrous~ ul-
Since the temperature in different parts of
cers were unsuccessful
the digestive tracts of healthy persons varied as much,as 1.5C, ~thei
presence of acute or chronic inflammation processes was indicated by
the shape of the curve rathe'r than by absolute temperature ialue:89 'A
The circulation of the blood in the stomachs of healthy.and sick peo-
ple was studied by having the subjects drink hot or cold water,~ then
noting the change in internal temperature and its restoration to
vious levels. In addition, hot or cold water was injected directly,
into the stomach in order to determine circulation in the stomach
wall. The role of thi temperature factor in -the evacuant fun.ciion f
the stomachs of healthy and diseased subjects was found to be very im-7.
portantg along with the pH value of the.contents of the stomachei Thu
the use of radiocapsules is a promising method for investigating, the,
function of the digestive tract* Orige art, hast 5 figuresc
-ASSOCIATIONt Teentrallay*y institut usovershenstvoy&niya vrachey"
Moscow (Central Institute for Upgrading PhysLcians)
Car~ 2
VA. !4 -tt'
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Reflection from germanium and silicon in the visible region
of the spectrum. Izv.AN Us.SSR.Ser.fiza-matonaulce nos3:
35-38 '59. (141RA. 13:2)
1. Fiziko-takhnichaskiy institut AN UESSR.,
(Germanium--Spectra) (Silicon--Spectra)
AUTHORS: Z inkov, D.I.,
Zvyagin, V.I., and B
B., and Lobanov, Ye.M.
TITLEt Negative Photodiode Effect in the PrebreakdownRegion of Germaluium
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Seriya fiziko-
matematicheskikh nauk# 1960p~No.2, PP-84-86
TEXTs The negative photodiode effect consists in the."dimin.ution of -the b iwk
current for a lighting of the crystal. During the switching in of,thejight
there appears a sudden enlargement of the current intensity, whereafter it
becomes slowly weaker and reaches a value smaller than the-value meabured'in
the darkness. If now the light is switched in again, then there appears a
sudden decrease and a 'following slow increase of the current intensity. For
the first time V.I.Murygin (Ref-5) has observed this effect at selenium cells.
The authors investigate the same effect at specially produced germanium diodes
D 7 where the crystal surface was not varnished and,whiah vere radiat9d
with gamma rays of C060. Beside of the above mentioned prop'erties of the;
effep,t t~-e authors proved a temperature dependence.,The authors try to
Card 1/2
Negative Photodiode Effect in the
Prebreakdown Region of Germanium
explain the effect, but the sudden variation of the current:intensity,
is.not explained.
There are 9 referencest 4 Soviet and 5 American.
ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut yadernoy fl,ziki AN Uz SSR (Instibute of Nuclear
Physics AS_Uz SSR)
SUBMITTEDt January 22, 1960
Card 2/2
21/1 717 110
AUTHORS: Zvyagin,,V.I., and Rubinova,E. SOV/166-59-3-5/11
TITLE: Reflection from Germanium and Silicon in the Visual Part of the
PERIODIUAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SS~, Ser iya fiziko*.
matematicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 3, PP' 35-~8 (USSR)
ABSTRACT:' The authors compare the electrical and optical properties of the
surfaces of germanium and silicon. With di 'fferdnt methods the
authors measure the reflection coefficients of germaniumo silicon
and a germanium-silicon alloy. In the case.of silicon the measure
ments are carried~out for different treatm ents of the* surface
(polished, out, etched). In general*the re'flection coefficient
at first decreases with an increasing wave length and then it
becomes constant as far as in the infrared domain. A monotone
dependence of the coefficient on the conductivity could not be
observed. The treatment,of 'the surface cha~nges the coefficient.
by ca. 2e.. A qualitative foundation of the observed appearances
is not given.
There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet, and 2:American.
ASSOCIATION:Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Uz SSR (Physical-Technical
Institute,AS Uz SSR)
SUBMITTEDt February 23, 1959
Card 1/1
KIST, A.A.; UYAGINA, L.S.', LOBANOV, Ye.M.; :)',VlfilDCVjl, Aj.; 4)SK01ITSPIA,IG,
lifirideeLru,2tive activation analyuis of biologlimi BI;ocimens.
Izv. AN Uz. S'M Ser. fiz.--mat. nault 8 no.3:0-55 164.
WIRA 17: 10)
1. Ifistitut yadernoy f-izl.ki IL14 UzSSR.
NOSYREV, B.A., dotsent; ZVYAGIN, V.S., dotsent
Results of studying V-300-2X type compressors. Isiv. vys. uch.
Sav.; gor. zhur. 5 no.6tl74-177 162. (WRA.15t9)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V.Vakhrusheva6
Rekomendovana Wedroy gornoy mekhaniki.
(Air compressors)
ZVYAGIN) V63., doteent
Type of sea.1 for sand pumps. Izv. vys. uchaba, zav*o; gore zhur.
6 no-4101-103 163a OEMA 16:7)
1. S.verdlovskiy gornyy imstitut Amni, Vakhrusheva. Rekomendovana
kafedroy gornoy mekhaniki;
(Mine pumps-Equipment and supplies)
Temperature dependence of actual characteristic temperatures
in lattices of the C901 type. Piz. met. i metalloved. 14
no.4:636-637 0 162. (MM 15:10)
1. Moakovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet imeni Lomonosova,
(X-ray crystallograpby)
(Metalap Effect of temperature on)
Naterials.on the.development of lizard fisheS (Pisnesp
Synodontidae). Trudy Inst. okean.,80&146-161 165.
Materials on the development of Therapon ther" Cuv.
et Val. (Pieces, Theraponidae). Ibid.s162-16 16 (MIRA 18tio)
'57 1'7 0 0 S/1'61/60/002/01/25/035
0 0
AUTHORSt Zvyagina, A. P., Iveronova, V. 1.
TITLEt The Characteristic Temperature and the Spectrum of Thermal
Lattice Vibrations
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, Xo.~,I, pp..118-121
TEXTs As a model of a solid solutionLhe authors t oIok asimple cubic
lattice consisting of two atoms with the mas 'd m at a conoe
BOB M 1 an 2- ntra
tion of 50 at~. In an absolutely disordered state the solution was
thought of as a monatomic cubic lattice with an effe6tive atomic mass
m I + m2
M The model of an ordered solution repre6ents~an XaCl-type
lattice. The spectra indicated in Ref. 5 for lattican,of this type were
utilized for the purpose, and E (thermal lattice vibration.frequency
was calculated for the disordered (Fig. 1) and ordered states (Fig. 2~
Card 1/3
The Characteristic Temperature and the S/1811 60/002/01/25/035
Spectrum of Thermal Lattice Vibrations BOOS B0141
at a mass ratio of 3. A quantitative comparison between theory and
experiment was impossible since the solid solution that was experimentally
studied differed from the calculated model in its lattice'and stoichiome.
tric composition. It was, however, established that the Characteris!tio~
temperature 0 r, which was measured by the X-ray techniqu,e via UL .can-*
not be regarded as an energy index of the intermolec ularinteractiori in:
the solid solution. U a uency (binding
2 depends not only on the cutotf frdq
enerfy) but also on the shape of the thermal vibration spectrum of the
lattice. The latter is determined by such factors as lattice type,
distribution of atoms in the lattice (degree of orientation), mass ratio
of the components, and difference in binding energy:betwleen the individual
atomic pairs. A close relationship between the change in 9 and the
change in the binding energy can be established only inAhe simplest
cases if the lattices:have the same spectra, i.e.,,if the lattice type,
the degree of orientation etc. do not change with varying concentration
Card 2/3
The 0haracterlatic Temperature and the S/lei/60/002/01/25/10W
Spectrum of Thermal Lattice Vibrations BOO 61BO14
and thermal treatment of the solid solutions. Simila*r considerations
hold for the characteristic temperature which was determined from the
dependence of the heat capacity upon the temperature. This is why the
heat capacity depends on the entire vibration spectrum, and not only
on its fundamental frequency (Ref. 2). There are 2 figure's and 9 refer-,
ences, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny y univerBiteL,(Mosdow state
SUBMITTEDs May 4, 1959
Card 3/3
I ", "ll , -,"IGIN , V. r.
I ki I Ko Iy
Noridestructl,je act;llaticll arfdY3i--',' Of
I Z V . AN' U- 7, . S, S R .,3 (-,, rzm4t na t i Ir, 8 n o - 34 4)
1. Inatitut yadernoy fizIk' AN UZS31i.
-Z-V YA 7-
AUTHOR t Lyakhov, G.. M.,,. Candidate of Technical 30-58-4-23/44
TITLE: Imprbvit* the.lExb1citatioll;
Beds, -, (Sov
ershenstvovaniyo s.isted razrabotki moshchnykh
ugollnykh plastov).
Conference at P'rokoplyevsk (Boveshcha-
aYA v Prokoplyevske)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademij Nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 4,,
pp- 105-107 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs blany scientific research and planning organiza:tions
as well as individual specialists deal with the problem
'Of imPr9viyW,-.~," '. -i of existing and the invention of ne*
e&ective conveying systems. The s~cient1fic-technical.
conference called jointly by the Mining Institute,of the
AS USSR and other organizations to,Prok.oplyevsk on January
2o-22 served for the discussion of results achieved in
this field. Prokoplyevsk is the center of the Prokoplyevsk-
-Kiselevokiy region where the mightiest~deposits.of rich
coal layers are situated and where taost,of the experience
Card 1/4 in its conveying was collected. The repreaentatives at this
Impraving the lExploitatioA I syttem: in:VeT~r :44i9k, Coal,;-Beda 3o-58 -47-23/44
Conference at Prokoplyevsk
Card 2/4
conference weres representatives.olf the;academic and
branoh-scientific research institutes, mining institutes
and the Moscow faoultieso as well a~s those from Leningrad,
Tomsk, Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo, Stalinisk, Tbilissi and others~
as well as the leading managers ofithe coal trusts. 0,J A.
Bystrov, director of the Kuzbassugoll Kombinat ope:ned:the
conference, Reports were delivered,bys
1) A., P. Sudoplatov,(Mining Institute of the AS USSR) on
the principal'direp:tions for.-the per-
fection of existing as well,as for the
invention of.n,ew conveying systems.
2) V. F. Parusimov, on problems.connect.ed with'the convey-
ing of mighty'ooal:layers.
P. Z. Zwyagin (Lll.-Union Coal insti.tute) on the perfec-
'ion of the cotveying systems.,
4) A. D. Panov, on a number of,variants of conveying
systems suggested. by t~e All-Union
Coal Institute.,
5) 3, 1. Dmitriyev, on the most important researa .h works
Improvingothe Xxploitation iSyptem~ in Coal Beds,' 3o-~58-4-23/44
Conierence at Prol:oplyevsk,
of the Coal Institute in this field.
6) A. S. Litvinenko (Chief Envineer ofthe Stalin Mine)
on the conveying systems usediin this
7) A. A. Surnachev (Chief Engineer. of the Prokoplyevsk-
-ugoll trust),dn the. conveying,systems
used there.
8) A. A. Mogilevskiy.(Chief Engineer of,the State:Institute
for the Design of Coal Mining Machi=
,nery) on the directions of the work
of this organization
9) A. A. Borisov (Leningrad h1ining-Institute) on the applim
cation of conveying systems.
1o) N. V. Marevich (Mining Institute of,the Siberian
V. T. Dzyubenko Branch of the AS USSR) on their ex=
perience in the'.use of shield convey.
ing systems,
11) K. P. Voronov (Director of the Kuznetsk Mining
Card 3/4 District) criticized t~e backward
ImproviUg-the rExploitatlon iSystt,m1n -.Very _34ick CoaI-..,Beds 30-58-4-23/4-4
Conference at Prokoplyevsk
conveying systems1rom1the viewpoint
of security and loss of manpower-~
12) N. V. Mellnikov on the usefulness of applying a
B. A. Simkin conve~ying system.
In the decision of-this conference it was mentioned that
the introduction of the suggested measures could bring
about an increase of the capacity of coal conveying of
1,5 times.
tion 2. Conveyors-Applicaticas
Industrial production-USSR
Card 4/4
ZVY'AGIN, P.Z., kand. tekhn. nank; HInVICH, A.S., )mnd. akpn. nauk.
Some potentialities for increasing labor productivity and redacing
coal coats in mines of the Rostowgoll Combine. U901' 34 no.1:16-20
Ja !59. (min 12a)
(Donate Basin--Mine management) (Coal--Go~ts)
14 (-. j
BIGASKIV, M.K., otvetstvannyy red.; RUCHNIT, T.K., otvetotyenn~y red.;
ZVYAGIN, P.Z., otyetstveuVy rsC; SOSIOT, T.D., 0~tvetstvennyy red.;
-IST-AMI0T-,A.T., red.isdatel'stva; NA12INSKATA, A.A., tekhu.red.
[Soviet coal indistry;:'on the fortieth anniversary of the' Great
October Sociahet'Revolution3 Ugollnaia promyshlennost' SSSR;
k sorokaletliu Velikol OktIAbrIekoi sotsiallatiohaskol revoliutnii.
[Moskva] Goo.nauchno-tekhn.tsd-vo lit-ry po ugollmot pronjahl., 1957.
635 P. (MIRA lOt12)
(Coal mines and mining)
ZVYAG P-.J., kand.tekhn.nauk; LUSHITS, I.I., kand.takhn.nauk;
SUDOPLATOV, A.P., doktor tekhn.nauk.
Developing underground coal mining techniques in theV.S.S.R.
Ugol"!32 no,11:31-40 N 157. (KIRA 10:12)
1. Vsesoyuwy nauchno-iseleaovatellskiv ugollnyy institut (for
Zvyagin, Livehits). 2. Inatitut gornogo dela AN SSSR (for Sudaplatov).
(Coal mines and mining)
=GIL P.Z.., kand.tekhnsnauk.dots.
conomic grounds for yearly production
norms and life of coal
mines. Ugoll 32 no.12:1-9 D 15?- WRAL 11:1)
(Coal mines and mining)
40 L ~'A U~A 2~dld ~Ieklnicheakl~Mnau~"~
a wwa~
te"niche i n :k
31conomic evaluation of coal losses, Ugoll 32 ,.6:8-13 Je 157.
(HLRA 10:7)
(Coal mines and mining)
SAPITSKU'. Konstaatin Yedorovich, kandide t takhaiches.kikh ns-uk;
,j,OAw-p,otvetstvennyy reduktor; SHUSHKOMEATA, ro.L', redalctor
izdatelletva; ZAZULISKATA, T.F., tekhaicheskiy redaictor
[Determining the most efficient length for longwalls need in the
Donate Basin mine combine] Opredelente ratelormllnot dliny levy!
pri vyemks kombainom *Donbass.*. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 195~7. 73 P.
(HLRA 10:7)
(Donato Basin--Coal mines and mining)
ZTYAGIN P.Z. otvatetvannyy redaktor; FAYTILIKAN, N.G.,, redaktor
~2f tva; ALADOTA, r~'I.,'-tekhnichookiy redaktor
[Labor cousumip a n
,g operations In tb principal coal basims of the
U.S.S.R.] Tr~doemkootl. r-abot na shakhtakh osmovovkh 4olInykh
bassainov,SSSR. Hookva, UgletakhIsdat'. 1956. )t6 ps ;("Lai 10:.1),
1. Xharkov. Yoesoyvznyy nauchno-iseledovatellekly ug4lnyy inati,tut.
(Coal mines and minini)
SKOGOIIEV, Viktor Alekseyevich; ZMXAQD,,Pavel Zakharovichp
retsenzent; ASTAKHOV, Aleksandr-Som'ii~6V!~lh',~""'o'~t-"'Y'o redo;
tekhn. red.
(Overall labor organization in stoping and develdpment,faces
in coal mines] Kompleksnaia organizatsiia trudu v ochistnykh
i podgotoviteltnykh zaboiakh ugollnykh shakht~,' Moskva,, Izd-
vo "Nedra,," 1964. 135 P. (MIRA 170)
Conveyer device for dyring the armatures of G-21 gawratore.
Avt. i trakt. prom. no.7141-43 Jl 156. (MLRA 9:10)
1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy Institut avtopribo 'rov.
(Automobiles--Electric equipment)
2 1/ Y
120- 5- ~/15
AUTHORS: Mironov, Ye.S. , Nemenov, L.M. , Zvyagin, S.B., an shcherav,R.A.
TITIE-. An Application of a Ribbon Lens to the Yocussing of the
External Beam of a Cyclotron (Primeneniye lentochnoy
linzy dlya fokusirovki vypushchennogo puchka tsiKlotrona)
PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 195? D10-5,
pp. 18 1- 21 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An electrostatic focussing device for the external bear-
of the 1-5 m cyclotron (Ref.1) is described. The system,is:
shown in Fig.1 and consists of a,systen of molybdenum ribbons.
The system focusses, the beam in the vertical direction focussing
in the perpendicular direction being carried out by a ma8net
(not described in this paper). Fig. 7 indicat~a the performance
of the focussing device. The measurements obtained using 12 Mev
protons. The ribbons lens increases the:current density by a
factor of 10. Particle losses did 2not exceed 10%, The current
density at the target was 15 4A/cm . V.I. Bernashevskiy,
Ye.A. Minin and Yu.M. Pustovoyt assisted in this work. There
are 7 diagrams and 1 Slavic reference.
SUBMITTED: December 21, 1956.
AV Library of Uongress
BOGOMOLGVJ, V.D. [Bohomolovs V.D.]; KAZAKOV, II.I.; LIIJOV, G.Ye. (Linov,
H.,E.J- FADE=) LF. [Fadieiev, I#F.
]; VOjrjOV, I.F.;:.ZV.YAGI.NI,.-,
S.D. (ZvIiahin, S.D.]; CHUDNOVSKIY, P.I. [Chudnbvslkyi) P.I.
In the economic councils of the Ukraine. Leh.prome no&3:84,87
R-S 163.
(MIRA 16:11)
1. TSentrallnoye byuro tekYzdchaskoy informataii Pbskovskogo
gorodskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Bogomolov, Kazakovi
Linov, Fadeyev)o
ZVY'A(-YII,, S. C;.
ZVYArYIN, S. 0. - "The Variability of Tick EncephalItIs Virus Dtiring Re Cul-
tivation in the Tissue of a Developing Malignant Tilmor (rrocker's Sa~rcoma)."
Sub 27 Nov 52, Acad Med S6i USSR. (Dissertation for the Degree of CIandi-
date in Medical Sciences).
SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1952
ZVYAGINj-S Longn-Davydovichi IVANOVj B.N.p inzb.$ rod.; VASILrM,
Yu#Ao, redo izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A,p tekhn. red.
(Electric by bygrometer for measuring the moisture content of
liquid, loose and solid materials and now capabitoro-pickups]
Elektricheskii vlagomer dlia izmereniia vlazhn6stl zhidkikh.,
sypuchikh i tverdykh veshchestv i emkostnye datchiki novogo
tipa. Leningrad, 1962, 28 p. (Leningradskii dom naudhno-
tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen redovym opytom. Serila: Pri-,
bory i elementy av-toratikis no.3r (MM 15:8)
Moisture-Measurement) (Electronic instrurdents)
ZYM11r, V.
Solar and s,toxic current. Zaan.mila 30 no.11:1-5 H 155, W" 9:1)
(Solar ozgIs*#) Atomic power)
First steps. Radio nooll:13 N '50. (MIRA 11:12)
1. Naeballnik(samodeyatellnogn radtoklubs, Tal a, Krymo
Yalta--Radio clubs)
AUTHOR; Zvyagin, V., Chief SOVK7-58-11-11/40
TITLE: First Steps (Pervyye shagi)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956, Nr 'I., p 13 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article descri%es the formation of a radio club in Yalta~
Card 1/1
AUTHORs Zvyag1n,-V.Ioj and Ly-utovich,.A.Sl dq1166-59-1-3M,
TITLE: a-niii-eMeasurement;of the Capacity of, aSemiconductor on the
Boundary With an Electrolyte (Ob izmero.nii yomkoeti
polu'prov,odnika. na gianitsO: 9' elektral ii
PERIODICALt Izvestiya. Akad emJA nauk, Uzbekakoy Sor i~ya~ flziko,,
matematioheakikh nauk, 1959, Ur 1, PPIV-30 SR)
ABSTRACT: The paper starta.with the statement that 1he agreement ' (obtained
by Bohnenkampf and Engel]IfRef 1_7) bet~een~ '.the :calculaAed
differential capacity of the limit phase germanium - electrolyte
and the capacity measured experimentally is only a seeming one,
since it bases on an incorrect interpretation of the process.
By etching of the,surface of the germaiAum. or oilicon there
appears a thin oxide film while in the preceling layer there
is either an electron diminution or an otlar6;ement of the holes.
With regard to these phenomena the authors propoee methods for
the measurement of the capacity of a seiniconductor-electralyte-
system. As an equivalent scheme the authors reoommend a
combination of paralleled BC-chaina. A measuring device'basing
on this principle in described shortly.,',The measurements carried
out with this device are represented graphically, There result
Card 1/2
Sensitivity of silicon photnelemonts to X rays. Dokl.AV Uz#SSR
no.6:11-12 159. (MII& 12 -.9)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheekiy institut AN UzSSR j rnstitut yadernoy,
fiziki AN UzSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UzSSR S.V.Staredub-
(Pliot,oelectric calls) (z rays)
Determination of manganese in silicon by the radio4otivation,
method. Zhur, anal. khim. 18 no,11:1349-1355 N 163.
(MIRA 1711)
1. Inatitut yadernay fiziki AN UzSSR, Tashkent.
Keasuring the capacitance of semiconductora on the boundary
vith the electrolyte* Izv.Aff Uz.SSR.Ser.f1s.-mat.nauk no,l:
25-30 '59. (MIRL 1225)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiv Institut AN UsSSR-l!
Negative phtodiode affect In the prebreakdown region of germanium
eleatron-hole transitions. lzv.AJF Ux,,SSR# Ser.f is*-mtenault noP2.,
84-M ' 60. WU 13tlO)
1., Institut yadernoy fisiki AN UsSM
(Germanium Alodee)
AUTHORSs Zvyagij, V. I., Lobanov, Ye. M., Rubinovaj,4., Blinkov, D. I.
TITLES Reflection coefficient of visible light reflected from
SOURCES Nekotoriye voprosy prikladnoy fiziki, 1961, 51 - 54
TEXTS The light reflection coefficient R is more dependent on the state
of the surface than is the rest of physical parameters.: Since R and the
absorption coefficient depend on the energy structure of the crystal
surfacev ffieasuring these coefficients permits to.infer the energy strue-
ture of the germanium surface. Chemical polish of~'germanium results in
the formation of an oxide coating on the crystal surface., R is not
changed by etching crystals with different crystallographic directions.
However, the same etching agent lays bare quite definite faces, independ-
ent of the orientation of the crystal. This means~that either the ratio
of the area of faces remains unaltered, or R is not dependent on the type
of crystallographic faces. To decide for one or the other possibility,
Ro was measured for germanium treated with etching agents of this type.
Card 1/3
8/6 06/61/000/000/003/007
Reflection coefficient of... B1410102
Measurements showed that differently worked crystals furnished values for
R differing by 20 - 3(YA. This implies that R is not dependent on the;
type of crystallographic faces but on the composition and structure of
the 10 - 50 f thick oxide coating. Some etching agents cause R to be
changed when the crystal is rotated around an axis perpendicular to the
surface investigated, passing through a number of maxima and minima. If
the crystals are worked with other etching agents, R is,Jndependent of the
orientation of the crystal. In this case, the correct value of R is
obtained. Differences in the values of Rp occurring as a result of
treating the crystal with the same etching agent, are related to the
structure of the monoxide film which is gradually converted into ' dioxide
in the atmosphere. Irradiated with shortwave light, this film generates
an anomalously high negative photocurrent in the diodes due to the short-
wave light being absorbed by the film. Gamma irradiation of germanium in
moist atmosphere reduces the value of R. Ipparently, irradiation,of the
germanium surface causes the formation of a film resembling the monoxide
film. Indicative of this is the existence of the anomalously high
negative photocurrent. Gamma irradiation of germanium,'protected from
moisture, has no effect on R. There arel figure and 5 referencess 2
Card 2/3
Reflection coefficient of...
Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The
publications read as followss
27, 1082, 1956; Me. Kelvey I.,
1954; Ellis S. G. Journ. kppl.
Card 3/3
three references to English-language
Hancock R. Edelman S. Rev. Scient. Instr.,
Longini RI J. Appl. Phys., 25, 5,634,
Phys., 26, No 11, 1262, 1957.
AUTHORS: Lobanov, Ye. M., Rubinova, E., Blinkov, D.
TITLE: Coefficient of visible light reflection from germanium
PERIODICAL: Reforativnyy zhurnal, FIzIka, no.3, 1962, 1, abitract Of (8b.
"Nekotoryye vopr. prikl. fiz.", Tashkent, AN Uz3SR, 1961., 51-54)
TEXT: Reproducibility and divergence of the reflection coefficient R of
silicon and germanium crystals treated with standard 6ickling agents were examined
on an C (P -2 M (SF-2M) spectrophotometer. It was established that "grinding" and
"Polishing" pickling agents modify R in individual Intervals of the visible
spectrum region by more than *20 - 30%. These changes are explained by -the compo-
sition and structure of the oxide layer. For some pic~llng agents and for ~ I
crystal rotation about the axis perpendicularto the surface consid ered, them
curve R = f (A ) was found to have a series of maxima and minima, the nunroer of
which depends on crystal orientation. Curves R - f (/\)' were measured for
gennanium surfaces that were ground and pickled by agents used in the pg8duction
0 f H~ 02 and NaOH semiconductor instruments, following irradiation by Co 5.1
n ay
An Ntempt isimade to explain the results obtained.
0. Gorodinskly
(Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
'0. 4 ,"000,,"002/048/096
D2 017D~3 '8'1
AUTHORS: Lobanov, Ye. M., ZvZaLln, V. I., Blinkov, D. 1. ands
Blinkova, G. B.
TITLE: The effect of garama-rays on germanium diodes
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika 1 radioelektronika,
no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-4-12ts (V ob. Ifekotoryye,vopr*
prikl. fiz., Tashkent,,AN UzSSR, 1961,.55-57)
TIE-M: An investigation is made into the mechanism of a nega tive
photo-current generation in germanilam type D aemiconductor diodes
under the effect offl-rays. It is shoim that the generation of this
photo-current', is related to the absorption of quanta in the oxide
layer not in the surface layer of germanium. The experimentally de-
terrained dependence of the reverse photo-current on the wavelength
ia given. The empirical formula for the photo-curron-tt which dea-
cribes the transient process after the suppression of light, has:
the form
Card 1/2
The effect of gamma-rays D201/D301
_IX t
I( t) I00 + A in i c e
Where I00 the steady state value of dark current', Alt ojlr:~q
constants, depending on voltage and tein eraturo. 3 references. /Ib-
stracter's note; Complete translation.7
q, 3 Y--D
AUTI-iORS: Zvyagin, V. I., Lobanov, Ye. M. and Azhanov, A,'V.
TITLE: Differential resistance of germanium diodes
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-4-12zh (V ob. Nekotoryye vopr.
prikl. fiz. Tashkent, AN UzSSR, 1961, 58-63)
TEXT: A study of the differential resistance R d of.germanium dio-
des. The diode's were prepared by the method of fusing indium int o
an electron conducting -ermanium. The resistivity of germanium was
varied from 3.5 to 35 0~~cm. R d was evaluated from the measurem Ients
by a valve millivoltmeter with small a.c. voltage (V(kT ) superim-
I e
posed on the reverse d.c. bias and from the voltage-drop across a
calibrated resistor connected in series with the diode. The results
of investigations, at a frequency of 70 c/s, were obtains d by.stati-
stical processing of a large quantity of experimental material. Ty-
Card 1/ 3
S/19 62/000/002/047/096,
Differential resistance of,... D2 01 A 01
pical graphs of the dependence of R d0. -VrV- at dif f ere'nt temperatu-
res are given, together with log e Rd on the reciprocal of tempera-
ture ( ) for various voltages and a table of.values of activa-
tion energy calculated from graphs of semiconductor'diodes made of
material with different suecific resistances. Graphs of dependence
of log - lifetime of holes) on reciprocal of temperature are
eVP (Vp
also given for typical diodes and diodes made of germanium with a
lower specific resistivity. The graphs show the values of activati-
on energy AE's at low temperatures and those for temperatures high-
er than 400C (AE"). It is shown that the whole.set of experimental
data may be successfully described by the formula of X. V. Tolpygo
and E. I. Rashba (see ZhT Fiz. 1956, XXVI, 7), if one assumes in it
-C e ~-E, provided AE AE at low and AE = 6B at high tem pe-
o kT
ratures. It follows from this formula that R increases with.de-:
Card 2/3
Min IN
.j! 1 41 J~
11111 rM I i11 A,
S/19 62/000/002/047/096,
Differential resistance of D201YD301
creasing specific resistivity. As an example R d is given in the,
OLor-- of graphs for diodes with different specific resistivities at
V = 30 V. 1 reference. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translatlion.7
Effect of gama radiation on a garmanitun oxido film. lzv,Alf Uz.
SJlR.Sor.fiz.-mut.nuWc 6 no.3,M,90 162. (IM&F 15:4)
1. Akademiya nauk USSR.
emiconductors--Weat of radiation on) (Gwma rays)
telcl. (If the 4r-' tc I
3(fica4l. Tote "5f
a) thp -5f
ear Ph,
f lip
i. A
UR: MnVi9 T4
AUTHORSs Lobanov, Ye. M., Blinkov, D. I.,
Blinkova, G. B.
TITLEs Effect of gamma rays on germanium diodes
SOURCE3 Nekotoriye voprosy prikladnoy fiziki, ~1961,
.55 57
TEXTs Gamma irradiation causes a negative photoeffect in germanium
diodes. The authors discovered this effect In A-7 (D-7),diodes, and
reported on it earlier (Izv. AN UzSSR, ser. fiz. mat. nauk, 1960, no. 2).
They assumed that this effect is due to inhomogeneities in the volume
(Frenkell defects). The negative photocurront depends on the temperature
and the spectral distribution of light. It increases with increasing
frequency of the illuminating light. In the photocells examined, the in-
crease in photocurrent was particularly striking atlozo.61b. For waves ty
longer than 0 '8~,) the negative photocurrent is praotically vanishing.
This means that it is due to the light being absorbed by the oxide coating
and not by the surface-near layer. This was confirmed by, a series of
experiments. Gamma irradiation of germanium in moist atmosphere causes
Card 1/3
30 119,
Effect of gamma rays on ... DIO/B102
the formation of a film on the surface whose reflection coefficient is
similar to that of monoxide-coated (etched) germanium. This results'in
the occurrence of the characteristic negative ph6tocurrent. Thus, the
strong change of the diode characteristics is not only, due to inhomo-
geneities of the crystal lattice but also to the,conversion of the dioxide
coating int6 monoxide. Since surface electrons.are transferred to the
monoxide coating, it is assumed that it is negatively~charged by.applying
a voltage in the blocked direction. This resultu in the formation of
holes in the surface-near "layer that provide a channel forexcess con-
ductivity. Light absorption transmits the electrons from the acceptor
levels to the conduction band of the coating, and from theret overcoming
a potential barrier, to the volume of the germanium. The oxide coating
is positively charged due to accumulation of bound holes, which reduces
their concentration in the channel and, subsequently, the reverse current.
This"model permitted to find empirical formulas for the excess reverse
current and for the photocurrent in a germanium diode. The transient
characteristics of the diode were computed, experimentally verified, and
graphically compared. They were found to agreq fairly well. After'
applying a voltage, the reverse current increases, whereas it decreases
Card 2/3
5/6 '0 61/000/000/004/007
B140R -
Effect of gamma rays on ... 31 102
when the light is turned on. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 3 refer-.
ences: 1 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language
publications read as followas Ellis S. Journ. Appl. Phys.) 28, No. 11,
1262, 1957; Brattain W., Bardeen J. Bell. Syst., Techn. J., 32, 1, pp. 1
- 41, 1953.
AUTHORSt Zy agin -V. 1*, Lobanov, Ye. 14.) Leuslikinat G.,
a tni
t8 Y.V1
TITLE:. Anomalously negative current and anomalously positive
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya. Akademii nauk UzSSR. Seriya :Ciziko-matematicheskikh
nauk, no. 2, 1961, 29 - 32
TEXT: The authors observed the following behavior of germanium: If~a
voltage.is applied, the inverse current increases to,d certain maximim
vb.lue after which it slowly decreases to a value*near the saturation,value
of the*current. Irradiation with visible light causes an increase of,the,
inverse current up to a certain value-thich is much higher than the value
of the'ordinary positive photocurrent.. Due to this behavior, the authors
use the term "anomalously.negativell current and "anomalous .ly-positivell
photocurrent in contrast to the ordinary current and photo current. An
"anomalously positive" current and an 11L-nomalously negative" photocurrent
correspond to th" "pre-anodalous" behavior. The analysis of experimental
Card 1/4
S116 61/000/002/00~/006
Anomalously negative... BI 1 2YZ202
data yielded more exact data on the energy scheme of the germanium surface.
This scheme is reproduced in,Fig.
V.# V Vol
t4 1. .40
Card 2/4
Anomalously negative... B112/B202
In equilibrium state, the potential difference between inversion layer
with a potential V + VI and the oxidation layer with a potential V +711
0 1
corresponds to the external voltage. The authors give empirical formulas
for the transition characteristics of the anomalously ne6;ative current
and the anomalously positive photocurrent:.
-a t
I(t) - I
ln(i e .
characterizealthe transitidn state 6f the anomalously negative current.
is the value of
the dark current, A
constants depending
, C.
, a
1 are
on voltage and temperature. The transition characteristics of the anoma-
lously positivi5 photocurrent is given by the formula::
-a2 t
~I(t) - 1 A
ln(I - C
00 2
where1' e
O's the value of th stationary ph.otocurrentj A., C?, a2 are
constants depending on voltage, temperature, and illumination. The
inverse current which appears after the illumination is switched off~ hao
the following tranaition characterisliass
Card 3/4
Anomalously n6gative.,.. B112/B202
-a t
I( t) --. ~I + I jIll ,.Aln(l _Qe
CO ph ph 3
There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references*
ASSOCIATIONs Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UZSSR (Institute of Nuclear
Physics, Academy of Sciences, UzSSR)
SUBMITTEDi November io, 196o
Card 4/4
ACCESSION NR: AT3007ZS4 S/Z!52/~3/0001000100
AUTHORS:. Zv n, 0,;..Lenchenko M.
mL Y. L Lobanov, Ye. M.; Zve r6v; t. P
i TITLE:, Employment of the reaction 9-supe~-10 (n, alphas Li-q'~uper-7 for'the
determination of.boron and silicon
Ridiatslon. 'effekt~'* 1~ tv,
ISOURCE: erd. telakh.''Tashkent, Izd-vo AN UzbSSR,
TOPIC TAGS:' silicon,* St, bo' n, B, impurity, idco
B ptor 61em6,nt', isotope,
(n, a
op, pu
p i
se amp
ABSTRACT: The paper describes an experimental investigatior~ and sets
theoretical relationships governing the,presence of the exti~emely active acceptor
I element B in-Si. The reaction B10(n, a,)L1
trons; with an
1energy of 0.03: ev:-
. for.
has a large, cro'ss section (4,000 barn).-. This reaction yields an, q particle'-with an
energy of 1.47 Mev, which has a short path, in Si'(appx. 5 m1cron) and a M7 nucleus
~,.with 0.88 Mev energy. This particle and this 'nucleus are distinguished by their
great total energy (2.35 Mov) and,their great ionization density which affords a
iies.~; In'
-ation if the carrier medium
exhibits cou. ting p
highly effective registi n roper
this respect.Si is- a very convenient material.' The block icherne, of the meastirin
~equipment employed is described. It comprise6.a S1 diodd,''a,,power-supply battery,
'4 load resistance, and a preamplifier, all of:which.are ~placea ln'an aluminum s8ield
:and arepla6ed at the output of the horizontal channel of tile. reactor. The pulsei~ 7PJ
..arising in a Si n-p junction irr.adiated with reaq,tor.neutrofisarei rendered visible in
ian oscillogipam. It is shown that the irradiation, of Si juni-ciions with reactor neuf r-ons
;provides a fundamentally sound meansi for the'determinaiion ofsome impurities, in
~the material"
i ., especially H and B. It is also shown how a junction can'be employed
'as a fast-netttron counter, even though ohly for' assessiiaent purp6'9'es.' The 1heor'y
:of *the formation of'the pulses in the iurface-bairier n-p Jtinctio~ is tracedi using
;an equivalent circuit to represent the surface -hole. and ~p j~in~ction. Expressions are %
developed for I(t) by the solution of the diffusion.equatioh f6r- various particula
Acases, depending on whether the.point source' of the charge"lies within-the a: region
i ~or the region* of body charge, or whether the track of the p;irtiolei lies entirely within
."the. n - ro-gio.n. The formulas obtained will be employed for. ~he calculation of the
:6fiective volume for prescribed bounds of e -'of the amplitude 'f th e
the chang 9 0 Puls s
:exqited by the neuirons in a diode and also for the calculation of the pulse-amplitude.
spectra.' Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 17 numbered, equationsi
PH,, EL NO. REIF SOV-.. .003 ER: 004
ZVYAGIN. V.S..-doteent
Some problems in increasing tits efficiency and lotioevity of Md
pivaps. Izv-, vys, ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6~ no.3:11$-145 163.
(KMA 16 1 io)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni Vakhrwheva. RekcmeVdcvana
kafedroy gornoy makhaniki.
UTAGIN, V.Sjkjanclidat tokhnichesklkh nauk.
investigating losses through suation pipelines of mine pumps. Gar.
zhur. no.12:44J;6 D 156, (MLRA l0ri)
1. Sverdlovskly gornyy inatituto
(Mine pumps)
ZVYAGIN, V.S., dotsent
Use of pupips with a hiCh number.of revolutions per.minute for pump-
ing water out of mines and shafts. Izv- vys. ucheb. zav.; gor.
:1Z4-130 '61.
zhur. no.11 (MJA 15a)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V.Vakhrusheva. Rekomen-
dovana kafedroy gornoy mekhaniki.
(Mine pumps)
ZVYAGIII, V.S., kand.takhn.nauk
Analyzing the performnes of draintige equipment in certain Ural MI do,
Izv.vya.ucbob.zav.; gor.zhur. no-5:106-111 58.~ (MIRA 1211)
1. Sverdlovskiy gorrW inatitut.,
(Ural Hountains-14ino drai.wWe),
(mine pumps)
FRGLOTp Patr Prokhoroyich# dotsont. ~Prialmall uolufntlyot V YAGIyaj.. S.
doisent; PWROTO I.P00 doteent. VEMOY"A014, I)rDf,, doktor
tekhn.nalik, retsenzent; BORCKHOTICH, A.-Ist dotsayAto retsenzent;
KHONITMICH, X.I., otv,red.: DOYAKOYA,'G.B,, red.lzd-ve;
UBITOT. A.i tokhn.red.,-. LOMMINA, L.-N., telft.red.
[Mine compressor equipment] Rudnichnoe kompressornoe khosiaistvo.
Moskva, Gos.Aauchno-tekhn.lzd-vo lit-ry, po~r~ornomkAelu, 1961.
227 P. WHA 14-. 1~0
(Al,r compressors).
-USSR/Physical chemistry Crystals. B-5
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khim-iya, No 1, 1958, 188
Author : V.I. Iveronova, A.P. Zvya[,;ina, A.A. Katsnellson.
Title : Distortions of Crystal Lattices in Solid Solutions.
Orig Pub : Kristallografiya, 1957, 2, No 3, 414-416
Abstract : Mean ua atic shifts of atoms from the equilibrium Posi-
tion M_12K in lattices of solid solutions of. FeCo, NiCr,
NiTi, FeC and NiFe obtained experimentally are compared
with those computed usin(,! data obtained with an elastic
model as a function 6 R of the concentration'and diffe-
rence of atom radii of the components. The coincidence
of experimental and computed magnitudes of ust, as far
as their magnitude order is concerned, and the absence
of parallelism between 11rvt and 6 R are ahon. It is
assumed that the latter is caused by the weakness of the
elastic model, the present short range order and systema-
Card 1/2
'USSR/Physical Chemistry Crystals B-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 188
errors in the determination of that have not been
taken into consideration. A drop OS~ the characteristic
temperature after ordering was found to be 200 'in Cu- u
and 700 In N'3 Fe. It is shown that it is necessary t-3A
to enalyse the conditions of the preparation or alloys,
when the results of the study of solid solutidns are
Card 2/2
.A:CTHUR: Zvyagina A.F. and Iveronova, V.I. ?0-5-7/31
TITLE: A Method of Determining the Amplitudes of the Thermal
Vibrations of Atoms of Various Kinds in a Solid Solution
(Meto'-d opredeleniya amplitud teplovykh kolebaniy atomov
raznogo sorta v tverdom rastvore)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1957, Vol.2, NO-51 pp. 613 - 617 (USSR)
.M,3STRACT: An X-ray method for calculating thetemperature factors
B, and B 2 (mean square displacements) for each of two kinds
of atoms has been developed and applied to all ordered solid
solution, Cu.3Au, and a 1.9% solution of W in Fe. The r.m.s.
amplitudes were foun4 to be 0.18 and 0.12 A for Cu and Au,
respectively at 240 ~,and 0.11 and 0.05 A'Xor Ve and W,
respectivejy, at2425 K.
If n = sin E) / X the atomic scattering factor for a solid:
solution can be expressed as:
f = (l - c)fl exp (-Bln) + cf2 exp (-B2n)*
c is the concentration of the second component. Any pair of
experimentally measured intensities I(n) can be solved for
Uardl/3 B, and B 2 if the structure factors are calculable. The
A Method of Determining the Amplitudes of the Thermal Vibrations
of Atoms of Various Kinds in a Solid Solution.
equations can be expressed in terms of one~variable B 1
f" =(l-c)f" exp (-B n") + of" fl-(l-c)f" exp (-B WA/cf n11/n
1 1 2 11 1 . 1 d
This expression is plotted out for Cu Au for different pairs of
ni and n!' . The Cu 3Au was only pUtly ordered so that the
static distortion (a St. ~ 0.66) was eliminated by taking :
photographs at two different temperatures which gave B = 0. ,60.
Introducing the parameter cx , correction i can be made for the
different types of bonds to the solute atoms. The dependence
of a on Bx I (r.m.s. amplitude of the solute atom) can be
found by constructing the family of curves of f against Bx
for different values of a, . The observed dependence of f on
sinb / X enables the curve a(Bx ) to be found.
There are 2 figures, 3 tables and 3 non-Slavic,-references.
ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University Jifi,, M. V'~-!"IOliomodor,:(Moskov"-~I
Card 2/3 Bkiy Go8U4dr8tv'ervqy ftiverdit6f-im. M. V. 14monoso
A tle""hod of Determining the Amplitudes of the Thermal Vibrations
bi~ Atoms of Various Kinds in a Solid Solution.
,L~UBMITTED: February 22, 195?.
AVAILABIE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Iveronova, V. I. and _ZyTj&AAij,_ 42,,_.,P!
TITLE; Phonoa spectrum and sone thermod.".amical characteris-
ties of Ga0l type lattices
PERIODIGAL: Ukrayinalkyy fisychnyy sharnal, v. 6, n6. 2, 1963,
TEXT: The authors refer to a, previous paper of theirs ( ME, Y. 14,
141, 1962) and conclude that V/a 0 and other elastic constants can
be used as direct characteristics of interactions (if atoms, while
C and t; -2 cannot generally be so used within the limits of Debye's
V u
theory. An example connected with the computation of characteristic
temperatures is given. The authors alao indicate a graphical method
for estimating the interaction parameters fram the above quantities.
There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosuniversitet im. M. V. Lotaonosova (Mos-
cow State University im. M. V. Lomonosiov)
.Card 1/1
~~GINA~A.P~.- A
Effect of the spectral Une shape of thermal4ibrations in a
CaCl-type lattice on heat capacity~.mean squar,e shift of atoms
frdm the state of equilibriums "A the speed'6f sound.
Fiz. met. i motallovod. 14 no.1:141-141,, J1 162* (MM 15:7)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvanng universitet iraerii Lomonosovas
(Crystal lattices) (Spectrum, Atomic)
AUTHORS.,, Iveronova, V.I. and ZvXacina-
TITLE: Determination of the Characteristic (Debye)
Temperature by X-Ray Methods
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshilch uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika,
1960, No.6, PP-105-108
TEXT: The X-ray method of determination of the Debye
temperature Of alloys is based on an application of the theory
of X-ray scattering due to Debye. This theory incorporates
the following two assumptions: 1) the solid behaves as an
isotropic continuous medium as far, as thermal vibrations area
concerned and (2) all the deductions from the theory obtained
for a monatomic substance automatically hold for a diatomic;
lattice. The present authors point out that both these
assumptions are not strictly correct. In the majority of papers
concerned with the X-ray measurement of 0 as a function of
temperature, attempts are made to obtain informatIon on the
corresponding change in the Interatomic forces. However,
analyais of experimental data has led the present authors to the
conclusion that the characteristic temperature as measured'
Card 1/4
Determination of the Characteristic (Debye) Teinpera'ture by
X.-Ray Methods
by the X-ray method, cannot be a simple charac.barilstic of the
interatomic forces in the lattice of a solid solution. Among
the points quoted in support of this conclusion are
1) small changes (of the order of 1 or 0 at*) in the
concentration of the second component give rise to large
changes In (S) (20 to 30%) MA.111ina, V.K.Ki-itskaya, Ref.5).,
such a change In cannot be due only to a 6hanglb in the
interatomic forcesi 2) the characteristic temperature 9 ~is
irx-eversibly dependent on the heat treatment to' which the alloysi
haire been subjected and is not uniquely determined by the
shoxt-range order parameter on the first coordination sphere';
3) V.A.Illina et al (Ref.7) pointed out an analogy bet-een ED
and YounglB modulus E in their dependence on heat~treatment.
Analysis of numerical data for 6(E)/49 and 4%E/B shows
that the observed correspondence is only apparei-st. I The debya
theory predicts that (E? - -/T so that &9/9 %x 1/2(AE/E) -
Experimental data,, on the other hand, show that 0-*11 changes by
Card. 2/
Determination of the Characteristic (Debye) Temperature by
X-Ray Methods
20 to 30% while the corresponding change in E, is less than
3 or 4%; 4) finally, V.I.Iveronova et al (Ref.8).and
S.A.Nemnonov and Finkel'shteyn, L.D. (Ref.9) have shown that~
the measured values of (D are smaller in the:ordered than in
the unordered state (in the case of Cu3Au, N'3Fe, Fe3Al).
The present authors argue that the characteristic temperature
as measured by X-ray methods, depends not only on the interatomic
forces but also on other factors such as the spectrum of thermal
lattice vibrations, the relation between the dynamic and
static displacements, variation of the mean square static
-nt 2
displaceme u,t with temperature etc. It is concluded-that~
no definite conclusions can be made about changes in the
interatomic forces in the lattice on the basis,of the X-ray,
measurements of alone, There.are I figure and
15 references: 9 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet.
Card 3/4
Determination of the Characteristic (Debye) Temperature by
X-Ray Methods
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosuniversitet imeni ~%V.Lohtonosov
(Moscow State University imeni. MbY.Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: July 11, 1960
Card 4/4
Characteristic temperature and spectr= atIherml.lattice
Tan 160. (KM 14-.9)
vibrations, Fiz,, tvor. tola 2 nb,.l*.ll8-:L21,
1. Moskovski-y gosudarstvennyy univ6roitet,~
(Crystal lattices)
Thermal oscillation spectrwa and characterio-b,ic temperature
of a CaC1 type crystal lattice, Izv. AN SSSR. Ser;, fiz. 26
no.3:340-344 Mr 16R. ONIIRA 15:2)~
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyv universitat im..M.V,, Lomonosova'.
(Crystal lattices)
AUTHORS: Zvyagina, A. P., and Iveronovat V. 1.
TITLE: Spectrum of thermal vibrations and the characteristic
temperature cf a CsCl-type lattice
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26,
.no. 3, 1962, 340-344
TEXT: The mean square displacement of the atoms from equilibrium, is
given by Vin
U2 (V)9(V) dj~ 6N3V kT 9 (v) d
0 0
where g(V)dV is+ the number of frequencies in the interval between V:and.
V+dV, g(V) is the distribution function of the frequencies, i.e. the;
.spectrum of thermal vibrations, 2N3 is the number,of:atoms ~n the crystal$
Vm is the maximum frequency. According to Debye, g(V) - oV , but the real
spectrum shows considerable deviations from Debyete.parabolic law,
Card 11A~
9/04 62/026/003/002/015
Spectrum of thermal vibrations B101YB102
.fy.t especially for diatomic crystals. The spectrum of thermal v-ibrations was
calculated for a CsCl-type body-centered cubic lattice by~Montrollls
method (Refs.. 2, 3, see below). Central forces were assumed and interac-
tion of atoma with the nearest and next nearest neighbors was taken into
consideration. The spectrum is represented by expansion into Legendre
g (vx) = ac,+a2p2(X)+OIP4(x)+,...+a',.,P,,(x),
where x - V /Vm' O< x < 1 The coef f icients a2k are expressed in term ;a of
-the even moments of the distribution function
I'2k g(V)dV. Themoment 92k is calculated as, the trace ofthe
6N 0
characteristic matrix raised to the k-th power. The matrix elements
depend on the ratio of the four parameters
4 UJI 2al* Oil -d 0111
3,nllnlvl 3AIMSV2
where m and"m are the masses of the two types of atoms, a and 0 are
1 2 ij ij
Card 2/5
Spectrum of thermal vibrations ... B107jBIO2
the coefficients of quasielastic interaction of'theA-th and J-th types
of atoms in the first and second sphere.of coordination, respectively.
The even moments of the distribution function are given explicitely.: For
equal atomic masses (a - b), but different coefficients of quasielastic
interaction, the shape of the spectrum is given by th~o parameters
a 2als a .2als.
which are within -0.2 and +0.2. Fig. 1 shows the spectra for y 0.2 and
various 6 values. Breaking off the series had a great effect an; -did not
permit the spectra to be calculated for different atomic masses. The V--".
2 2 2
quantity Au - u R - 'N which can be determined expe'rimentally was
calculated from the spectra; u Ran u N are the mean square displacement:
of the atoms at room temperature and atliquid-nitrogen temperature,.
reg2ectively. Pig. 2 shows the dependence of,
6U on 6 at various I values. The lower families of.curves hold for
Card 3/5
Spectrum of thermal vibrations ... B107/BI02.
equal ratios of the binding parameters, but for an absolute value increased
to 4/3 and 2, respectively. The authors thank B. Yu. Aynbinder for
assistance. There are 2 figures. The two most important English-language
references are: Ref. 2- E. W. Montroll, J. Chem. Phys., LIL, 481 (1943),-'
Ref- 3: E. 17. Montroll, D. C. Peaslee, J. Chem. Phys., 12, 98 (1944),.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gos. universitet.im. M. V.L6nionoadva(MOSCOW
State University imeni M. V.-Lomonos6ir) Ile
Fig. 1: Spectra of thermal vibrations for CsCl-type lattices with the
binding parameter 7 -0.2.
Pig. 2: Dependence of A u on and 6.
Card 4/5
ACC NR1. AP7005-321-( SOURCE CODE: U-4/ol,3i/66/ooa/ol2/.-,,459/346~ 1
AUTHOR: Iveronova, V. I.; Tikhonav, A. V.; Zaikin, P. N.;.Zvy&Z1na, A. P.
ORGt Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gonudarstvennyy univer-
TITIZ: Determination of the phonon spectrum of crystals from the specific heat
SOURCE: Fizika t-verdogo tela, v. 1), no. 12, 1966, 3459-3462~
iTOPIC TAGS: phonon spectrum, distribution function, specific heato' crystal property,
thermodynamic function, aluminum
ABSTRACT: By using an opproximate relation between the frequency distribution f~nc-
tion and the specific heat, the authors demonstrate that in~the harmonic approxima-
tion it Is possible to calculate the phonon spectrum of crystalsI'from the specific
heat and from other thermodynamic functions. The approximate frequency distribution
function is obtained directly from the experimental data on the specific heat. The
determination of the approximate distribution function is facilitated by the factIthat..
in the approximation considered, the phonon spectrum is a continuous and piecewise
smooth function with a derivative haveing a finite number of discontinuities-~ The
resultant approximation is a smooth function which carries a minimum of cbaracterIrtid;
information (line structure) and satisfies the equation with a specified accuracy:.
By way of an example, the frequency distribution function of. aluminum, obtained from i
the integral equation using experimental information on the specific heat of aluminum..'
MechAnism of the nctivation of lipolysis by phosphntes. Yophmed.khim.
3:73-81 151. (MIRA n:4)
1. Otdaleniye obmena veshchestv Leningradskolo nauchno-issladd7atell-
skogo institute fizicheakoy kulltury.
Varioliform dermatitis following synthoeVoin treatuent. Vast. irsu.A.
dem. no.5:53-54 S-0 155. (KIIU 911)
Radiotelemetric determination of gastric and duodenal temperature.o
under normal and patholIogical ;,,aditions. Vest. AHN SSSR 19 no.6v
75-81 164. (MIRA 18:4)
1. TSentrallrxyy institut usovershenstvomi.1ya vrachey, Moskvap
1,ACCiSSION NRS AP404'1351 9/0248/16:4/000/006/0075/00817
iAUT11ORt V)tchslg B Yes; Belousov, A o So; Zvyagina, Le No I Brayawa 9, V.
.:TITLEi R&dLotelemetrLe study of temperatures in the humall stomach and
lincestine in normal and pathological conditions
i .7
'iSOURCE: AHH SSSR. Vestnik, no@ 69 19640 75-81
ITOPIC TAGS: radiotelemetry, temperature radiatelemetry, stomachy
iradiocapsule, gastrointestinal tract
:JABSTRAXT: Data derived from investigations of tho'huma In digestive
,:Itract with the aid of a temperature-measuring radi6caps .ule are Pr
sented. Temperature readings were obtained in 30 healthy person ndl
157 patients suffering from various disorders of the digestive trsa:to:
,including inflammatory and noninflammatory-conditions. The radio-
.;capsule method permitted the authors to detect two,types of digestivel,i,~~:
itract temperature curves in healthy subjects - one relatively high,~.
ion the order of 36.8 to 38.6C and the other relattvaly lowo on the
'order of 36.8 to 37..8C; that.is, hyperthermal and hypothermal casest,
Repeated attempts to associate changes in temperature in the di as-'
tive tract with the-presence of acute cholecystitis or cancqrous~ ul-
Since the temperature in different parts of
cers were unsuccessful
the digestive tracts of healthy persons varied as much,as 1.5C, ~thei
presence of acute or chronic inflammation processes was indicated by
the shape of the curve rathe'r than by absolute temperature ialue:89 'A
The circulation of the blood in the stomachs of healthy.and sick peo-
ple was studied by having the subjects drink hot or cold water,~ then
noting the change in internal temperature and its restoration to
vious levels. In addition, hot or cold water was injected directly,
into the stomach in order to determine circulation in the stomach
wall. The role of thi temperature factor in -the evacuant fun.ciion f
the stomachs of healthy and diseased subjects was found to be very im-7.
portantg along with the pH value of the.contents of the stomachei Thu
the use of radiocapsules is a promising method for investigating, the,
function of the digestive tract* Orige art, hast 5 figuresc
-ASSOCIATIONt Teentrallay*y institut usovershenstvoy&niya vrachey"
Moscow (Central Institute for Upgrading PhysLcians)
Car~ 2
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