
Search results

  1. A-12 OXCART Reconnaissance Aircraft Documentation

    (August 2007) This release, containing approximately 1,500 pages of material, consisting of about 350 documents, maps, diagrams, and photographs dealing with the A-12 reconnaissance aircraft is occasioned by CIA's acquisition on loan from the Air For ...

  2. Guatemala

    This collection-- 5,120 documents (over 14,000 pages)-- chronicles CIA involvement in the 1954 coup in Guatemala. These records encompass the events and circumstances causing U.S. policymakers to plan the overthrow of the Guatemalan Government in June 195 ...

  3. The China Collection

    (May 2004) This collection of over seventy National Intelligence Estimates on China is the most extensive single selection of intelligence analyses the United States Government ever has released. This recently declassified collection represents the most a ...

  4. The Berlin Wall Collection: A City Torn Apart: Building of the Berlin Wall

    (October 27, 2011) Erected literally overnight, the building of the Berlin Wall was the culmination of over a decade of escalating confrontations and contentious blockades contrived to encourage the west to abandon Berlin to the Communist Bloc. The wall w ...

  5. What was the Missile Gap?

    (September 26, 2011) The Missile Gap was in essence a growing perception in the West, especially in the USA, that the Soviet Union was quickly developing an intercontinental range ballistic missile (ICBM) capability earlier, in greater numbers, and with f ...

  6. Reagan Collection

    (November 2, 2011) In the 1980s, the Cold War was going strong and was made worse by events such as the death of three Soviet leaders in a span of three years, the Soviet shootdown of a Korean airliner, and the USSR's support for Communist government ...

  7. Air America: Upholding the Airmen's Bond

    (April 18, 2009) A fascinating assembly of documents revealing the role that Air America, the Agency's proprietary airline, played in the search and rescue of pilots and personnel during the Vietnam War. The collection has personal accounts by the re ...

  8. The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers

    (June 2007) This collection of declassified analytic monographs and reference aids, designated within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Directorate of Intelligence (DI) as the CAESAR, ESAU, and POLO series, highlights the CIA's efforts from the 1 ...

  9. The Berlin Wall Collection: A City Torn Apart: Building of the Berlin Wall

    (October 27, 2011) Erected literally overnight, the building of the Berlin Wall was the culmination of over a decade of escalating confrontations and contentious blockades contrived to encourage the west to abandon Berlin to the Communist Bloc. The wall w ...

  10. UFOs: Fact or Fiction?

    This collection catalogues CIA information on this subject from the 1940s through the early 1990s. Most of the documents concern CIA cables reporting unsubstantiated UFO sightings in the foreign press and intra-Agency memos about how the Agency handled pu ...

  11. National Intelligence Council (NIC) Collection

    (January 2007) This collection contains hundreds of intelligence reports, including many National Intelligence Estimates and other publications produced by the National Intelligence Council or its predecessor organizations, the Office of National Estimate ...

  12. Strategic Warning and the Role of Intelligence: Lessons Learned From The 1968 Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    (April 16, 2010) The Czechoslovak crisis began in January 1968. The Czech communist leadership embarked on a program of dramatic liberalization of the political, economic, and social orders. These reforms triggered increasing Soviet concerns culminating i ...