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  1. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1958/1958-08-19.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5cb6 Attachment Size 1958-08-19.pdf 5.65 MB ... we estimate that the USSR will also probably have operational in 1958 a modification of the 700 n.m. missile, ... all-weather systems with altitude capabilities up to 70,000 feet and horizontal ranges of at least 25 n.m. ... with either nuclear or HE warhead. Static all-weather system with altitude capabilities of up to 90,000 feet ...

  2. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1956/1956-03-06.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c62 Attachment Size 1956-03-06.pdf 10.7 MB ... 7 Other Factors Affecting Soviet Air Operations 9 Navigation Bombing Accuracy 9 Reconnaissance 10 Weather ... CAPABILITIES TO ATTACK THE US 14 Attacks by Aircraft 14 Base Areas 15 Staging 15 Weather 15 Scale of Prestrike ... refueling has gone beyond the experimental stage. Development of a fleet of tanker air- craft, modification ...

  3. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1961/1961-04-25.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee1993247d4d82b5c30 Attachment Size 1961-04-25.pdf 19.39 MB ... as communications, reconnaissance, nav- igation, or collection of weather data. We estimate that such systems ... Air-to-Air Missiles: Conditions for Use AA-1 1955-195G 2-5 30 20 ft * All weather. AA-2 1955-1956 1-4 25 10 ... ft Limited. AA-3 1958 3-6 25 15 ft All weather. Air-to-Surface Missiles: Speed AS-1 1956-1957 55 ...

  4. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1957/1957-01-15.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c94 Attachment Size 1957-01-15.pdf 9.36 MB ... 5 Inflight Refueling 7, Base Areas 8 Other Factors Affecting Soviet Air Operations 9 Reconnaissance 9 Weather ... Areas 14 Staging 14 Weather 14 Scale of Pre-strike Preparations 15 Assumptions Underlying Estimated ... air facilities, weather conditions, and airfield capacities In these base areas. In addition, ...

  5. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1959/1959-11-03.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c6a Attachment Size 1959-11-03.pdf 7.71 MB ... ployment with day and all-weather inter- ceptors. Additional types, with longer ranges and capable ... for Use AA-1 1955-1956 2-5 n.m 40 20 ft All weather AA-2 1955-1956 1-4 n.m 25 10 ft Limited AA-3 1958 ... 2Y6-6 n.m 25 15 ft All weather AA-4 1960 5-20 n.m 150 10-50 ft All weather AA-5 1963 5-20 n.m 150 10-50 ...

  6. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1961/1961-08-24.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee1993247d4d82b5c27 Attachment Size 1961-08-24.pdf 4.82 MB ... C00278406 or GEORET 5 improved somewhat through subsequent fac- tory modifications, including ... have been work- ing to improve the all-weather capability of the force, bringing into service about 400 FLASHLIGHT ... A (YAK-25) all-weather in- terceptors and nearly 500 modified day-fighters (FRESCO D and E and FARMER ...

  7. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1992/1992-04-01.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee1993247d4d82b5c24 Attachment Size 1992-04-01.pdf 41.35 MB ... Modification of U-2s for Aircraft Carrier Deployment 247 249 A New Version of the U-2 251 Replacement ... Pellegrini's unit reviewed Leghorn's design and ordered extensive modifications. According to Leghorn, ... of the new Rolls-Royce Avon-109 engine. These were the modifications that Richard Leghorn had suggested ...

  8. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1957/1957-03-12a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c97 Attachment Size 1957-03-12a.pdf 7.22 MB ... have in operational use a 2-3 n.m. range missile capable of tail-cone attacks in good weather. It is probable ... that the USSR could have a 5 n.m. all-weather missile operational in 1958 and a 15-20 n.m. all- weather missile, ... modifications of the V-2 were made, including light weight structure and pressurized, inte- gral fuel tanks. One ...

  9. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1957/1957-11-12.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c99 Attachment Size 1957-11-12.pdf 9.35 MB ... of improved all-weather fighters, better radar and communications equipment, and widespread employment ... to increase its attractiveness at home and abroad. 46. Accompanying this modification of Sta- lin's rigid ...

  10. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1958/1958-12-23.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5caf Attachment Size 1958-12-23.pdf 13.26 MB ... a higher proportion of all- weather fighters, further incorporation of guided missiles in the defenses ...

  11. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1960/1960-12-01.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c4b Attachment Size 1960-12-01.pdf 14.28 MB ... These problems also reflect the fact that 'the gains attainable through modification of such Stal- inist ...

  12. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1960/1960-04-08.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c4a Attachment Size 1960-04-08.pdf 5.46 MB ... be significant, deviations sometimes occur that are attributable to weather conditions Or airfield closure ... the Soviets have made maximum use of existing rail equip- ment where practical and modification ...

  13. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1960/1960-02-09b.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c57 Attachment Size 1960-02-09b.pdf 9.19 MB ...

  14. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1961/1961-06-07b.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c42 Attachment Size 1961-06-07b.pdf 3.53 MB ... system. C On this basis, the 1961 firings at Tyuratam would represent • esting of modifications ... itself could vary depending on local weather and construction conditions, the distance from existing rail lines ...

  15. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1962/1962-10-01.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5cce Attachment Size 1962-10-01.pdf 19.93 MB ... at several other locations. Two modifications of the basic configuration have also been observed (Figure 1). ... of launch site is but another modification of the Type II site and should be designated as Type II (Mod c).- ... in open areas. On other missions, varying degrees of weather preclude a detailed interpretation. No SA-2 ...

  16. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1995/1995-01-01.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee1993247d4d82b5c25 Attachment Size 1995-01-01.pdf 22.74 MB ... contemplated the use of the THOR IRBM as the first stage booster and, as a second stage, Lockheeds modification ...

  17. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1960/1960-08-01.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c56 Attachment Size 1960-08-01.pdf 5.04 MB ...