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  1. CAT VOL 4

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA's Clandestine Services: Histories of Civil Air Transport 52371fe2993294098d51762a Attachment Size CAT VOL 4.pdf 8.9 MB ... the papers dealing with CDS were perhaps the most valuable and most documented part of the COllection ... with CDS, might be interested in contributing to the collection. Knowing 33 SE RET SE~T that the current ... impressions as to the content of the collection. The writer particularly told him' that he considered ...

  2. CAT VOL 3

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA's Clandestine Services: Histories of Civil Air Transport 52371fe2993294098d51762c Attachment Size CAT VOL 3.pdf 4.34 MB ... into a i special harness that was tightly worn by the individĀ­ ual who was to be picked up. The aircraft, coming ... was not in any way i~volved. Downey and Fecteau were labelled as i "Special agents-of theĀ· Central Intelligence ... that have just come to light I are as follows: a. A special Report- PP, PM to the DCI via the DDP from AC/FE, ...