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/specialCollection/nwcda5/118/DUPLITZER, EMIL/DUPLITZER, EMIL_0012.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b29993294098d51169c Attachment Size DUPLITZER, EMIL_0012.pdf 9.26 MB ... was the collection of information regarding Russia from the interrogation of travellers and merchant seamen passing ... for any special effort to::be: directed in that direction. Information on the Fax East; including China ... the creation of a special Referat.,VI C 3. to deal, with that territ,ory. The many sub- divisions:in ...
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c25f993294098d50d46c Attachment Size SATURN_0022.pdf 6.52 MB ... not to conduct stay-behind activities in West Germany, other than those involving intel- ligence collection ... and holding" purposes. These contact and holding areas are identical in their locations with "collection ... collection, and is now in charge of ZIPPER ts over- all war planning. WOLLMANN is a courteous, unaffected ...
/specialCollection/nwcda6/139/HOXHA, ENVER/HOXHA, ENVER_0007.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f9a993294098d5133ea Attachment Size HOXHA, ENVER_0007.pdf 2.97 MB ... to Subject returned to Tirana from MOSCOW with two special TS IN-12898 advisors for military and political ... to Sabi. saying that large dt 1a prior 19 00,151 quantities food, clothing and shoes had been collected ... in Tirana on July 22.1 rn the first days of August he begin appearing at agricultural collectives ...
/specialCollection/nwcda8/200/KODAMA, YOSHIO VOL. 1/KODAMA, YOSHIO VOL. 1_0059.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81a993294098d515e2a Attachment Size KODAMA, YOSHIO VOL. 1_0059.pdf 4.31 MB ... Yoshitaro, NOMURA Kichisaburo, and TANAKA Shinichi both individuAny and collectively, an attempt was made ... with "name" special advisors, advisors,- dir-'7. sistant directors, and. corzmittee. men, nor is-its. ...
/specialCollection/nwcda8/200/KODAMA, YOSHIO VOL. 1/KODAMA, YOSHIO VOL. 1_0059.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81f993294098d5167f0 Attachment Size KODAMA, YOSHIO VOL. 1_0059.pdf 4.31 MB ... Yoshitaro, NOMURA Kichisaburo, and TANAKA Shinichi both individuAny and collectively, an attempt was made ... with "name" special advisors, advisors,- dir-'7. sistant directors, and. corzmittee. men, nor is-its. ...
I-18 Soviet Capabilities and Probable Soviet Courses of Action through 1960, NIE 11-3-55, 17 May 1955.
SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f899326091c6a605ae Attachment Size 1955-05-17.pdf 4.88 MB ... COLLECTIONS 17 May 1955 DIVISION HR-70-14 # 032459-18-2012 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE NUMBER 11-3-55 ... Commission. Concurred in by the INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE on 17 May 1955. Concurring were the Special ... departments: a. Special Assistant to the Secretary for Intelligence, for the Department of State b. Assistant ...
Manning Practices and Patterns in Soviet Ground Forces, CIA/DI/SOVA Research Paper, August 1983.
SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f899326091c6a6059e Attachment Size 1983-08-01a.pdf 1.46 MB ... and COLLECTION DIVISIONHR70-14 DATE: 07-18-201Patterns in Soviet Ground Fosce Units A Rsearch Paper c, 203 ... and tank divisions, as well as nondivisional units with special offensive or defensive missions. Not-ready ... formation" divisions are unmanned in peacetime. " The more specialized units, such as multiple rocket ...
SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6a79 Attachment Size polo-10.pdf 11.25 MB ... to the special problems of Chinaas economic development. As o u t l i n e d i n a series of speeches and articles ... l i c y i n Communist China. For the first t i m e, China ' s special cond i t ions (a huge popula t ion, sho ... w i t h special emphasis on deep plowing and close p l a n t i n g as t h e means for achiev ing ...
Main Trends in Soviet Capabilities and Policies 1957-1962, NIE 11-4-57, 12 November 1957.
SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a6091a Attachment Size 1957-11-12.pdf 5.09 MB ... COLLECTIONS DIVISION HR-70-1 4 8-2012 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE NUMBER 11-4-57 (Supersedes NIE 11-4-56) ... be authorized by the following officials within their respective departments: a. Special Assistant ... to the Director, FBI, for the Federal Bureau of Investigation h. Assistant Director for Collection ...
/specialCollection/nwcda5/111/BOVENSIEPEN, GUENTHER/BOVENSIEPEN, GUENTHER_0018.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b28993294098d511384 Attachment Size BOVENSIEPEN, GUENTHER_0018.pdf 5.72 MB ... blonde, no-special m72.E7T: Iriminalassistent TENNSTAEIE (aged abt. 31. abt, 178 Om, ordinary. build, ... 'dark-blonde, no special marks). Kriminalassistent GRUSA (aged abt. 30, 181 cms, Strongly build, ... AbersturMbannfuehrer vs LOEVE,. aged abt.A0, abts 174'9ms,very slimOhick, darkhair, no special marks. The. ...
Capabilities of Soviet General Purpose Forces1964-1970, NIE 11-14-64, 10 December 1964.
SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f899326091c6a60665 Attachment Size 1964-12-10a.pdf 2.76 MB ... APPROVED FOR RELEASE- HISTORICAL NIE 11-14-64 COLLECTION 10 December 1964 DIVISION DATE: 06-1 ... special em- phasis. However, there are some deficiencies in the nature of Soviet training, evidently ...
SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee1993247d4d82b5c27 Attachment Size 1961-08-24.pdf 4.82 MB ... Special Operations; the Director Of the National Security Agency, and the Atomic Energy Commission ... for the Federal Bureau of Investigation h. Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Special Operations, ... Against Carrier Task Forces 18 ASW Capabilities 18 SPECIAL WEAPON DEVELOPMENTS 19 Nuclear Weapons 19 Chemical ...
SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c6a Attachment Size 1959-11-03.pdf 7.71 MB ... to the Secretary of Defense, Special Operations; and the Director of the National Security Agency. The Assistant ... of Investigation h. Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Special Operations, for the Department of Defense ... As these Soviet programs and our own intelligence collection and analysis have ad- vanced, we have acquired ...
/specialCollection/DCI/Smith FOIA/1951/1951-April to June/1951-04-01.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Intelligence, Policy, and Politics: The DCI, the White House, and Congress 5166d49299326091c6a601c2 Attachment Size 1951-04-01.pdf 5.85 MB ... MacArthur would receive CIA intelligence: 1)--raw information collected in the FE command and available ... Telephone conversation with RAdm. Sidney W. Souers, Special Consultant to the President, who reported ... because he would have to attend NSC Senior Staff Meeting. Telephone conversation with RAdm. Sidney Souers, USNR, Special ...
/specialCollection/DCI/Intell & Miscellaneous Papers FOIA/1947-07-26.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Intelligence, Policy, and Politics: The DCI, the White House, and Congress 5166d49399326091c6a6050a Attachment Size 1947-07-26.pdf 161.36 KB ... FURTHER, That the departments and other agencies of the Government shall continue to collect, evaluate, ... from civilian life not to exceed three special assistants to advise and assist him in the performance ... of his duties. Each such special assistant shall receive compensation at the rate of $10,000 a year. (b) ...
/specialCollection/DCI/Hillenkoetter FOIA/1949/1949-01-01.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Intelligence, Policy, and Politics: The DCI, the White House, and Congress 5166d49399326091c6a604cd Attachment Size 1949-01-01.pdf 2.42 MB ... will be delivered by special messenger to~~-co~ to be provided DD. Mr. Carey, 00, would like to see IAC ... 2 Discussed draft of revised Special Funds Regulations with Executive; later with DCI. General Chas. Y. ... in collection overseas in accordance with NSC directive. State had issued directive to field based on the NSC ...
Trends in Soviet Military Manpower, CIA/DI/OSR Intelligence Report, October 1972.
SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a60873 Attachment Size 1972-10-01b.pdf 1.65 MB ... APPROVED FOR RELEASE- HISTORICAL COLLECTION ret DIVISION DATE: 06-18-2012 HR70-14 RELEASE ... most of whom are border guards. These troops--mainly conscripts--maintain border security and perform special guard ... do not reduce the gap by much. Even though the USSR encourages reenlistment by offering special pay ...
/specialCollection/nwcda1/16/HUSSEINI, AMIN EL VOL.4/HUSSEINI, AMIN EL VOL.4_0160.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 51966ec8993294098d50a510 Attachment Size HUSSEINI, AMIN EL VOL.4_0160.pdf 2.52 MB ... of the Gun)- a suburb of Cairo. There the ex-Marti is protected by special Egyptian police in sentry boxes ... and Gaylen', both treated as guests of the Fehrer, wore put under the special guardianship of Dr. Fritz Orobba, ... the Mufti, "if the Jewish Agency is permitted to spread propaganda, collect funds, prepare armies, ...
/specialCollection/nwcda4/94/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 25 (OPERATIONS)/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 25 (OPERATIONS)_0023.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b7a993294098d50feb9 Attachment Size AERODYNAMIC VOL. 25 (OPERATIONS)_0023.pdf 3.23 MB ... ting with him in the collection of information for A/29 which they believe ds for his activity. ... gatherings for special occasions and Russian like he anniversary of the revolution. The Ukrainian/women ... is very active among the Russian women and at one time was publishing a special bulletin for them. The NTS ...
/specialCollection/nwcda5/111/BROMBERGS, ARTURS VOL. 1/BROMBERGS, ARTURS VOL. 1_0005.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b28993294098d5113b5 Attachment Size BROMBERGS, ARTURS VOL. 1_0005.pdf 3.49 MB ... were given special assignments under Capt. OSINS which consisted of surrounding and immobilizing the Latvian ... during the day. • After order was restored, the following days were spent in investigations by a special ... and iquickly dressing) walked out before the;patrol /1.41:eitto 144 could collect its wits. He lived in various ...