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Document Creation Date: 
September 22, 2017
Document Release Date: 
October 4, 2017
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Publication Date: 
June 19, 1958
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is INFORMATION REPORT rP'PARED AND DISSEMINAT ED 8Y ..r(w.rO.r..wwfDr.. 1.wwM, rr0 1951 Thor ..rut .rrr b" cargos go 111104..t Drrr, .of e. srrr e..r .yaw v ....r.. a. a......r r.w Trm sZ L1G e.d Tn .r M er ._..r..., w V1 ;8 .O.y.W({ I..O. '(acts SOURCEDoeoustrwr7 r tits in CU Ubit L as Dbslaadfiad soviet pablioatian is sosiet firth satelltteor 2,957'. It wr sect to a t1l 'ira_niaa2 seviol: t+ . naalmSr O. DtelembDff 3rd fees.tery of the serlvt il'aelgr erte6~ D.C. is ee Webs f eoplw of a tld technical rasa:iae. The pidb12aatims svaas toe follaeinsf L reverie A+et In the ffisbUR7 of 1rnMad n. The fpainita The ?reblem of La cbing Theis. Feebets. The Take-eff. Dvtrlgs 121. The fpataits' Orbits -1. Now to rind the Orbit. The Proltrtlon of 9putaX1-I'a att. Wtr Most the Rocket cad sputnik Sara up?. Are, There Irpssiselble Orbits for satellitesT Bpwtpik-2`s Orbit. IT. at lakes 6at.Ui'bes fA.eT T. The Weeded Speed. Altitude cad speed. Observations of the ibticn. Tl. Aesesreh $dt$itbe Aid of tb* Sputniks the Doper Atmosphere. Oowic PA7a. The eeereta oS the Iayospb,re.. Thm Iath's Magnetic Field. Weather Focece.'t_ing. f obi es 2atalved in the $tutr of Ardwas T ave? in Outer epasa. Biolcgteal Then om in (Runic Tlights. f TLQ. Ltiti en A ftb@ its fr Rtisut Atmosphere. i The Vise Is sot all Liif. Vhxt to Vml4 YlasosSSt was"* ex-5 the 3islegiaa3 Lialts? TII. !bvarda the Conquest of Outer Space i .1..f ,... .I. N .~w+ ..I 164W w/... EM ...55 mw . i. tlwaIwwt Y