Document Type: 
Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Release Date: 
March 21, 2008
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
November 2, 1989
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 NOV 02 '89 11:22 ABC WASH WNT (b) (2) (b) (6) American Broadcasting Company 1717 DeSa+es Street, N.W. Washington. DC. 20036  Telephone 202 887.7777 ............ Freedom of Information Act Officer Central Intelligence Agency Washington DC 20505 To Whom. It May Concern: 11/02/89 'dui 6 APPROVED  FOR RELEASE, DATE:  MAR 2008 Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. 5 U,2;c.. 5552, requesting access to 1. All documents concerning warnings, tips. alerts, and other communications as to plane or threatened or suspected plans. by any person to place a bomb, make an assault or commit another form of terrorist attack at Frankfurt Airport, Frankfurt. West Germany4 during the months of November and December 1908, a) against any United States flog airline carrier; b) against Pan Am; c) threatened to take place during the period December 17-23 1988 d) threatened to take place in the form of placement of a bomb on a flight; e) warning(s) from MO88AD during December 1988; f) warning(s) from the BKA in December 1988; Q) threatened to take place against Pan As Flight 103i h) warning(a) from MO88AD within the 24-36 hours before December 21, 1988. that Pan As Flight 103 on December 216 1968 was the target of a terrorist attack; i) warning(s) from the BKA within the 90 minutes before the scheduled departure from Frankfurt of Pan As 103 on December 21, 1988, to the effect that euepiciove activities appeared to be taking place in the area where the baggage for Pan Am Flight 103 wee being loaded. 2. All documents concerning plane made. orders or requests given and/or all actions taken; ?  a) to warn any airlines and /or law enforcement agencies of plans, or threatened or suspected plans, by any person to place f bomb, make an assault or commit, another form of terrorism at Frankfurt Airport. Frankfurt. West aormany; b)' to increase the probability of observing and/or detecting same; and/or c) to deter and/or prevent same; including specifically, but without limitation, concerning the warning(s) described in paragraph 1(i) above and any request(s) by the 9KA for instructions as to taking. any action to interrupt or otherwise interfere with the suspected activities so reported and any reply thereto. 3. With respect to the placement of the bomb which exploded and destroyed Pan Am lrltght; 101 cn D#a.smber 21. 19RA, e1I rfn~,~m~n~.w n~~.~rni~r! C a) who planned the bombing; b) how the bomb was placed on board the aircraft; c)when the bomb was placed on board the aircraft; d) where the bomb wee placed on board the aircraft; e) why the bomb was placed on board the aircraft: and -f) who knew, prior to its explosion, that the bomb had been the aircraft,                                                        placed on board 4. All documents, created at any time, concerning shipments of contraband, including without limitation narcotics and controlled substances. via the baggage loading areas at Frankfurt Airport, Frankfurt, West Germany, specifically including, but without limitation. Pan Ams's baggage loading area. 6. All documents concerning personal, audio, photographic and/or video surveillance, and/or recording(s) thereof, by the BKA of the activities at Pan Am's.ba Gage loading area at Frankfurt Airport, Frankfurt, West Germany, including specifically. but without limitation. those activities occurring on December 21, 1980, 6. All documents concerning the activities of Menmer AL-Kasear with respect to the matters described in Paragraphs 1-4 above, inclusive, 7. All documents concerning communications on the CCREA line or lines end/or concerning the operations or operations designated with the code name CQREA, including but not limited to the items listed in Paragraphs 1-6, above, inclusive, As YOU know the Act permits YOU to waive the fees when the release of the information is considered 'primarily benefittina' the public. I believe that this request fits that category and I therefore ask that you waive all fees. It any part of this request is denied, please cite the specific exemptions which you think justifies your refusal to release the information and inform me of Your aaenoy's administrative appeal procedures available to me under the law. I would appreciate Your handlin; this request as quickly as possible, and I look forward to hearing from you within 1Q working days as the law stipulates, Sincerely.