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 SE   ET (Wh Filled In) FITNESS REPORT (Part I) PERFORMANCE 4D R THE AIY4INISTRATIVE OFFICER: Consult current instructions for completing this report. FOR DIE SUPERVISOR: This report is designed to help you express your evaluation of your subordinate and to transmit this evaluation to your supervisor and senior officials.   Organization policy requires that you inform the subordi- nate where  he  stands with you.   Completion  of  the report can help  you prepare for  a discussion with him of his strengths and weaknesses. It is also or anization policy that you show Part l of this report to the employee except under conditions specified in Regulation             It is recommended that you read the entire form before completing any question. If this  is the initial repot   on     the employee, it must be completed and forwarded to the Office of rersonnel no later than 30 days after the date indicated in item 8, of Section  A  below. I.  NAME (Last)             (First)           (Middle) 5.  OFFICE/DIVISION/BRANCH OF ASSIGNMENT 7: GRADE GS-12   I   28 ?`March 1956 10.  TYPE OF REPORT ,t_~lCheelj{DnA),_ FOR .THE .(LATER:.  THIS REP.ORT.       HAS        H S NO,TT    EN -SHOWN_x0 THE. I              _ R A T E D .                                N. WHY CHECK.-(X);APPROPRIATE STATEMENTS: TH Is'REPORT  REFLECTS   MY-OWN? OPINIONS   OF' TH'IS  INDI- V.IDUAL. 'THIS 'REPORT REFLECTS' THE  COMBINED OPINIONS  OF MYSELF AND  PREVIOUS  SUPERVISORS. I   HAVE  DI SCUSSED WITH - TH 15.  EMPLOYEE HIS STRENGTHS AND  WEAKNESSES  SO  THAT  HE  KNOWS  WHERE HE  STANDS. Q  CONTINUED  ON  ATTACHED  SHEET DIRECTIONS:            Consider  ONLY  the productivity     and  effectiveness with which the individual. being rated has performed his duties during the rating period.  Compare him ONLY with others doing similar work at a similar level of respon- sibility.                               Factors other than productivity will be taken into account later in Section D. INSERT RATING NUMBER I . 2 . DOES NOT PERFORM DUTIES ADEQUATELY:  HE  IS  INCOMPETENT. BARELY ADEQUATE  IN PERFORMANCE:  ALTHOUGH HE HAS HAD SPECIFIC CARRY OUT RESPONSIBILITIES. 3 -  PERFORMS MOST OF HIS DUTIES ACCEPTABLY:  OCCASIONALLY REVEALS 4 .  PERFORMS DUTIES  IN A?COMPETENT.  EFFECTIVE MANNER. 5    A FINE PERFORMANCE:  CARRIES OUT MANY OF HIS RESPONSIBILITIES 8 -  PERFORMS HIS DUTIES  IN  SUCH AN OUTSTANDING MANNER THAT HE  IS THE SUPERVISOR. GUIDANCE OR TRAINING. HE OFTEN -FAILS TO SOME AREA OF. WEAKNESS. EXCEPTIONALLY WELL. EQUALLED  BY  FEW OTHERPER :ZONS KNOWN TO APPROVED  FOR RELEASE DATE:  NOV 2007 FORM  NO.                              REPLACES PREVIOUS  EDITIONS I  NOV  O.:   45 (Part  I )            OF  FORMS 45 AND 45A  WHICH ~i.  OFFICIAL`POSITION  TITLE L        qti PERIOD COVERED BY THIS R PORT (Inclusive dates) REASSIGNMENT- SUPERVISOR                     SPECIAL  (Specify) I F INDIVIDUALIS  RATED "I"IIt  CI  OR  D.  A. WARNING LET. TER WAS  SENT   0' 7 HIM QA_ COPY  ATTACHED, TO  THIS __. REPORT. I  CANNOT'CERTI FY -TH'AT' THE  RATED- YN.DI'VIDUAL KNOWS'?H 0W I  EVALUATE HIS  JOB  PERFORMANCE  BECAUSE  (Specify): Performance 2. RATINGS ON PERFORMANCE 'OF SPECIFIC DUTIES                                                            Fj DIRECTIONS: T a. State in the spaces below up to six of the more important SPECIFIC duties performed during thi~t    Aha                                                                                                                                                        period. I Place the most important first.   Do not include minor or unimportant duties. P e of this specific duty. b. Rate performance on each specific duty considering ONLY effectiveness in per , l ifi d M i h l d as a spec sors t c uty              o    t r e as superv ose ways be rate c. For supervisors, ability to supervise will a who supervise a secretary only).  .                                                                ti/ 3       R   - & 1 W le duty at a d. Compare  in       your  mind,: when possible,  the    individual  being  rated with others performint similar level of responsibility. e. Two  individuals with  the same  job title may be performing different duties.                 f/ so, rate them on different _'"'++ duties, L ROOM f. Be specific.      Examples,of--the- kind of duties that might be rated are: ORAL BRIEFING                       HAS AND USES AREA KNOWLEDGE          CONDUCTS INTERROGATIONS GIVING LECTURES                     DEVELOPS NEW PROGRAMS                PREPARES SUMMARIES CONDUCTING SEMINARS                 ANALYZES INDUSTRIAL REPORTS          TRANSLATES GERMAN WRITING TECHNICAL REPORTS           MANAGES FILES                        DEBRIEFING SOURCES CONDUCTING EXTERNAL LIAISON         OPERATES RADIO                       KEEPS BOOKS TYPING                              COORDINATES WITH OTHER OFFICES       DRIVES TRUCK TAKING DICTATION                    WRITES REGULATIONS                   MAINTAINS AIR CONDITIONING SUPERVISING                         PREPARES CORRESPONDENCE              EVALUATES SIGNIFICANCE OF DATA g., For some jobs, duties may be broken down even further if supervisor considers it advisable, e.g.. combined key and phone operation, in the case of a radio operator. I INCOMPETENT  IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS DUTY         6    PERFORMS THIS DUTY IN AN OUTSTANDING MANNER 2 BARELY ADEQUATE  IN  THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS              FOUND  IN VERY FEW INDIVIDUALS HOLDING SIMI- DESCRIPTIVE                                        DUTY                                                         LAR JOBS         - RATING                        3 - PERFORMS THIS DUTY ACCEPTABLY                      7 ?  EXCELS  ANYONE  I  KNOW IN THE PERFORMANCE OF NUMBER                        4 - PERFORMS THIS DUTY  IN A COMPETENT MANNER               THIS DUTY 5 ? PERFORMS THIS DUTY IN  SUCH  A  FINE MANNER THAT HE  IS A DISTINCT ASSET ON HIS JOB SPECIFIC  DUTY  NO.          I   Plans      and arranges RATING SPECIFIC  DUTY  NO.  4  Plans and organizes wo ]BATING assignment instructions to effect in- NUMBER to achieve expeditious and economical NUMBER vesti gtive coverage of persons and. completion of investigative assi   en . 1. - SPECIFIC  DUTY  NO.          2   vaai.aa thin s? RATING NUMBER SPECIFIC   DUTY  NO.  5 a orts on    ormation a hr i i -RATING NUMBER Applies                 to conduct of obta ned t own t ive Proces nves ~ g Investigations and-- co etes investi- sing, and prepares correspondence in SPECIFIC  DUTY  NO.          3   gations consistent the eu tOii N  ?              *          '  - RATING Performs specialized -and delicate NUMBER NUMBER service requiring tact, poise, and 9                ?DESCRIPTION?OF MANNER OF JOB PERFORMANCE                                            - DIRECTIONS:   Stress strengths and weaknesses, particularly those which affect development on present job. Mr. Mills, who has been a Resident Investigator for over three years, has shown a high degree of alertness, productivity, tact and judgment.  He normally has a good sense of responsibility and plans and iiompletes his assignments in an effective manner, requirin only a.minimm of supervision.  However, there have been a few lapses in'his attention to minor details, which, when called to his attention, were immediately corrected and _ have` not; been repeated.  These lapses ,were probably due, to. the extreme pressure _of. a she yy -workload. Hi s report`writing- 3s,.;consistently good.  He is very personable, coupe "tide; neat appearing and"'his attitude is fu71y that of a `career employee 1-10 7           . SECTION D.'                  ".,''SUITABILITY FOR'CURRENT'.` JOB` IN 'ORGANIZATION DIRECTIONS:' Take  into  account  here everything you know about'the individual.... productivity. conduct in the job, pertinent personal characteristics or habits. special defects or talents.... and how he fits in with your team. Com-, pare him with others doing similar work of about the same level. I     -        DEFINITELY UNSUITABLE  -  HE SHOULD BE SEPARATED 2 ?  OF DOUBTFUL SUITAOILITY...WOULD NOT-HAVE ACCEPTED HIM. IF  I,. HAD KNOWN  WHAT.I KNOW.NOW 3              A BARELY ACCEPTABLE  EMPLOYEE..  BELOW AVERAGE.BUT WITH NO WEAKNESSES SUFFICIENTLY OUTSTANDING TO WAR- RANT HIS SEPARATION 4 ?  OF THE SAME SUITABILITY AS MOST PEOPLE  I KNOW  IN THE ORGANIZATION RATING    5 -  A FINE EMPLOYEE - HAS SOME OUTSTANDING STRENGTHS NUMBER    6 -  AN UNUSUALLY STRONG PERSON  IN TERMS OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ORGANIZATION 7        -     EXCELLED BY ONLY A FEW IN SUITABILITY FOR WORK  IN  THE ORGANIZATION IS THIS  INDIVIDUAL BETTER SUITED FOR WORK IN  SOME OTHER POSITION IN THE ORGANIZATION?      Q YES  ?  NO.     IF YES. EXPLAIN  FULLY: when  l.lted In FITNESS REPORT (Part II) POTENTIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Consult current instructions for completing this report. FOR THE SUPERVISOR: This report is a privileged communication to your supervisor, and to appropriate career manage- ment  and personnel officials concerning  the potential of the employee being rated.   It is  NOT to be shown to the rated employee.   It is recommended that you read the entire report before completing any question.   This report is to be completed only after the employee has been under your supervision. FOR AT LEAST 90 DAYS.   If less than 90 days, hold and complete after the 90 days has elapsed.   If this is the INITIAL REPORT on the employee, however,  it MUST be completed and forwarded to the OP no later than 30 days after the due date indicated in item 8 of Section "Ell b4l w o . SECTION E.                                            GENERAL 1.  NAME            (Last)             (First)             (Middle) 2.  DATE OF BIRTH 3? SEX 4?  SERVICE DESIGNATION ~;i  'f T~4j      ~~ 'i -tea' 1. =:r   ~ ?_ 5.  OFFICE/DIVISION/BRANCH OF ASSIGNMENT                                 6.  OFFICIAL POSITION TITLE Tnypstj - 7.                                                                       VERED BY THIS-REPORT (Inclusive dates) K                                        15 Y           _ 10:?TYPE'OF  REPORT . . h  k ' ~ INITIAL [ I REASSIGNMENT-SUPERVISOR SPECIAL  (Specify) - on (,C ANNUAL REASSIGNMENT-EMPLOYEE ??                 ~r  .>?.? SECTION F.                ;  CERTIFICATION . 1.r'FOR THE RATERS'-  I  CERTIFY THAT-THIS REPORT REPRESENTS MY BEST JUDGEMENT OF THE  INDIVIDUAL'BEING RATED' A. :THIS.DATE                 B.  TYPED OR PRINTED NAM           GNAT                 VISOR C.  SUPERVISOR'S OFFICIAL-:TITLE- i Ma 1  6  .                                             SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE 2.  FOR THE REVIEWING OFFICIAL:   I  HAVE REVI                   0       D N             DIFFERENCE OF OPINION IN ATTACHED MEMO. A.  THIS      E               B.  TYPED OR PRI                                                ING C. 0   ICI          E OF REVIEW       FFICIAL SE TI    G. C:TPOTENTIAL TO ASSUME GREATER RESPONSIBILITIES DIRECTIONS: Considering others of his grade and ty          s'    ant   rate the employee's potential        sume greater responsibilities.   Think  in  terms of  the  kind o       responsibility encountered various els i his kind of work. BY DATE I.-  ALREADY ABOVE THE LEVEL AT WHICH SA ISFACTORY PERFORMANCE CAN           CTED     37 MAY 1956 ._          ' 2 -  HAS REACHED THE HIGHEST L L A EVE T WHI  H SARTISFYR} ORY ERFO?MAN         E EXPECTS 3 -  MAKING PROGRESS B T UMStall i . U NEEDS MORE TIM  BEF n rnI                                 ESPONS BILITIES 4 -  READY FOR TRAINING IN ASSUMING GREA   R RESPONSIBILITIES LE DIU B 1$I,1fITHO NI  G E gg TH /40m O J O / ~ " 6 -  ALREADY ASSUMING id MORE RESPONSIBIL TI  S TRI~ RATING NT -              AN EXCEPTIONAL PERSON WHO  IS NUMBER                                                      ONE OF ON OF HIGHER _ LEVEL RESPONSIBILITIES  . 2.  SUPERVISORY POTENTIAL DIRECTIONS:  Answer this question:  Has this person the ability to be a supervisor?   Co Yes Q No   If your answer is YES, indicate below your opinion or guess.of the level of supervisory ability this person will reach AFTER _ SUITABLE- TRAINING.   Indicate your opinion by placing the number of the descriptive rating below which comes closest .to expressing your opinion in the appropriate column. If your rating is based on observing him supervise, note your rating in the "actual" column.   If based on opinion of his potential, note the rating in the "potential" column. DESCRIPTIVE 0 ? HAVE NO OPINION ON HIS SUPERVISORY POTENTIAL  IN THIS SITUATION RATING      1  - BELIEVE INDIVIDUAL WOULD BE A WEAK SUPERVISOR IN THIS KIND OF SITUATION NUMBER      2 .  BELIEVE  INDIVIDUAL WOULD BE AN AVERAGE SUPERVISOR                         IN THIS KIND OF SITUATION. 3 ?  BELIEVE  INDIVIDUAL WOULD BE A STRONG SUPERVISOR  IN THIS SITUATION ACTUAL POTENTIAL DESCRIPTIVE SITUATION A  GROUP   DOING THE   BASIC   J-OB  (truck drivers,  stenographers,  technicians or professional  spe- cialists of various  kinds)-.WHERE                                                                     CONTACT WITH  IMMEDIATE  SUBORDINATES  IS  FREQUENT  (First line supervisor) A  GROUP  OF, SUPERVISORS  WHO  DIRECT  THE  BASIC JOB  (Second line  supervisors) A  GROUP. WHO  MAY OR MAY  NOT  BE SUPERVISORS. WHICH  IS  RESPONSIBLE  FOR  MAJOR  PLANS,. ORGANIZAT ION ANQ POLICY  (Executive  level) 2 WHEN  CONTACT  WITH  IMMEDIATE  SUBORDINATES  IS  NOT  FREQUENT 2 WHEN  IMMEDIATE  SUBORDJNATES'  ACTIVITIES   ARE  DIVERSE   AND  NEED CAREFUL  COORDINATION 2 WHEN  IMMEDIATE  SUBORDINATES   INCLUDE  MEMBERS  OF  THE  OPPOSITE S.EX OTHER  (Specify) 0                                                                                        __j FORM N0.                                        ^          .euu   A  WHICH SEC KYJCJ T SECT Potential 3?  INDICATE THE APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF MONTHS THE RATED   MPLOYEE HAS BEEN UNDER YOUR SUPERVI       ' pe ?SC' 4.  COMMENTS CONCERNING POTENTIAL       Mr. Mills has good native intelligel  ,  d, although having worked more or less on his own for over three years, could make tt%i aAf ,stie~nts ~" 4 H/ necessary for supervisory work. AfQ/,L R 4oA SECTION H.                                                          FUTURE PLANS 1.  TRAINING OR OTHER DEVELOPMENTAL EXPERIENCE PLANNED FOR THE  INDIVIDUAL His present assignment presents challenges, the acceptance of which practically assurfes continuous professional development. 2?  NOTE OTHER FACTORS,           INCLUDING PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES.  TO BE TAKEN  INTO ACCOUNT IN .INOIVIDUAL?S FUTURE ASSIGNMENT none                                I  -                    is            A       m  n     ?.: _ SECTION 1.                                  DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL: DIRECTIONS:   This section  is provided as an aid to describing, the individual as you see him on the job.   Interpret the words  literally.             On the page below are a series  of  statements that apply in some degree to most people. To - .box the the left  of  each statement is a box under the heading '"category."              Redd each statement and insert in the category number which best tells how much the statement applies to the person covered by this report. X - HAVE NOT OBSERVED THISI'HENCE CAN GIVE NO OPINION AS TO HOW THE  DESCRIPTION  APPLIES  TO  THE INDI.VI,DUAL.. APPLIES TO THE INDIVIDUAL TO THE LEAST POSSIBLE DEGREE 1 ? CATEGORY NUMBER          2 ?   APPLIES , TOINDIVIDUAL TO A LIMITED DEGREE 3 -'APPLIES TO  INDIVIDUAL TO AN AVERAGE DEGREE. 4 ? APPLIES TO  INDIVIDUAL TO AN ABOVE AVERAGE DEGREE 5 ? 'APPLIES TO INDIVIDUAL TO AN OUTSTANDING DEGREE CATEGORY STATEMENT CATEGORY STATEMENT          - CATEGORY STATEMENT' . 1;~-ABLE        TO  SEE  ANOTHER?S II.  NAS? NIGN-* STANDARDS' OF 21.  IS  EFFECTIVE  IN  DISCUS- 4'. POINT OF                                            VIEW 4 ACCOMPLISHMENT X SIGNS ^1 TN  ASSOCIATES 2.. CAN  MAKE  DECISIONS ON-HIS 12:SHOW3  ORIGINALITY 12.- 22.  IMPLEMENTS   DECISIONS  ME- Y WHEN  NEED  ARISES OWN 3 ' 4. GARDLESS  OF  OWN  FEELINGS 3.  HAS  INITIATIVE 13.  ACCEPTS  RESPONSI?BILI? TIES 23.  IS  THOUGHTFUL  OF  OTHERS 777 4. !IS 'ANALYTIC  IN  HIS  THINK- 14.  ADMITS  HIS  ERRORS 24.  WORKS  WELL  UNDER  PRESSURE ING 5.  STRIVES  CONSTANTLY    FOR ~~....rrr 15.  RESPONDS  WELL  TO  SUPER- VISION rr 25.  DISPLAYS  JUDGEMENT it ?+ NEW  KNOWLEDGE  AND  IDEAS ?~ / 6.  KNOWS  WHEN  TO SEEK I 16.  DOES  HIS' JOS  WITHOUT STRONG  SUPPORT 26?  IS  SECURITY  CONSCIOUS ASSISTANCE . I?~ 7.  CAN  GET ALONG  WITH   PEOPLE ?. ,.. 17:  COMES  UP WITH  SOLUTIONS TO  P RO BL EM S 27?  LS  VERSATILE     ..    .; 5 4 4 28.  HIS  CRITICISM    IS  CON- 4 S.  HAS  MEMORY  FOR  FACTS 3 18. 15 OBSERVANT 4 STRUCTIVE .  FACILITATES  SMOOTH  OPERA- 29. 4 GETS  THINGS  DONE 4 19?  THINKS  CLEARLY 4 TION  OF  HIS OFFICE 20.  COMPLETES  ASSIGNMENTS 30.  DOES  NOT  REQUIRE  STRONG 10.        CAN  COPE  WITN  EMERGENCIES WITHIN  ALLOWABLE TIME AND  CONTINUOUS   SUPERVI? 3 L IMITS 5 SIGN SEC$E T