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January 18, 1974
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(b) (3) (b) (6) FITNESS REPORT SECTION A GENERAL INFORMATION 1."EMPLOYEE NUMBER 2. NAME (Last, first, middle) DA T E OF BIRTH SEX tt. GRAD E DD Montrell E. r 1/31/24 M 13 7. OFFICIAL POSITION TITLE- S. OFF/DIV/BR.OF ASSIGNMENT S. CURRENT STATION 10. HO CD Investigator OS Washington, DC 1 11. TYPE OF APPOINTMENT 12. TYPE OF REPORT T ~ IOTHEP. (Spc .. ; ____ CAREER RESERVE ONTRAC TEMPORARY ANNUAL] REASSIGN- (SPECIAL I f I X ~ MENT ~` X L L- - _ 13. REPORTING PERIOD (froris-to-) 14. DATE REPORT DUO IN O.P. 1 January 1973 - 31 December 73 - 31 January 1974 SECTION B QUALIFICATIONS UPDATE - IF QUALIFICATIONS UPDATE FORM IS BEING SUBMITTED WITH CHANGES, AND IS ATTACHED TO THIS REPORT, PLACE THE WORD "YES" IN THE BOX TO THE RIGHT. IF NO CHANGES ARE REQUIRED, PLACE THE WORD "NO" IN THE BOX AT RIGHT. SECTION C PERFORMANCE EVALUATION U-Unsatisfactory Performance is unacceptable. A rating in this category requires immediate and positive remedial action. The nature of the action could range from counseling, to further training, to placing on probation, to reassignment or to se ar ti D ib p a on. escr e action taken or proposed in Section D. M-Marginal Performance is deficient in some aspects. The reasons for assigning this rating should be stated in Section D and remedial actions taken or recommended should be described. P-Proficient Performance Is satisfactory. Desired results are being produced in the manner expected. S-Strong Performance is characterized by exceptional proficiency. O-Outstanding Performance is so exceptional in relation to requirements of the work and in comparison to the performance of others doing similar work as to warrant special recognition. SPECIFIC DUTIES List up to six of the most important specific duties performed during the rating period. Insert rating letter which best describes the manner in which employee performs EACH specific duty. Consider ONLY effectiveness in performance of that dut All l i h y. emp oyees w t supervisory responsibilities MUST be rated on their ability to supervise (indicate number of employees supervised). SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 1 As Action Officer, responds to handle personnel security pro- RATING LETTER blems as a relate to ency personnel and associates. When ecessa- inde- pendently determines the degree of significance and the level ont priorit as y action required. p SPECIFIC DUTY NO.2 As Action Officer, plans and conducts investigations, interviews RATING and interrogations to develop facts in personnel security problem cases. Pre- LETTER pares memoranda and reports pertainingg. to these cases and affords verbal brief- ings to higher authority within the Office of S it d h P ecur y an ot er components of SPECIF/ DU NO. D RATING Handles personnel security liaison with police and security units in the LETTER Washington Metropolitan Area. P SPECIFIC DUTY" NO. 4 quests to de. Review and 1 ze a wide variet of op rational s o-t re- q tie validity of the request slid the best anvest'i`gative RATING LETTER techniques to insure accomplishment. Meets with case officers and other repre- sentatives of operating components regarding more sensitive support matters. 0 SPECIFIC DUTY NO. is Provides direction and guidance to the domestic field offices RATING through letters of assignment and TWX's wherein he sets forth the methods and LETTER means to be used to insure successful completion of support requirements. S SPECIFIC DUTY NO. fi Reviews and analyzes the investigative results from the domestic LERATING TTER field offices to insure compliance with requests and disseminates the finished product to the requestor. S OVERALL PERFORMANCE IN CURRENT POSITION Take into account everything about the employee which influences his effectiveness in his current position such as performance of specific dudes, productivity, conduct on job, cooperativeness ertinent ersonal t it h bit d i l l RATING LETTER , p p ra s or a s, an part cu ar imitations or talents. Based on your knowledge of employee's overall performance during the rating period, place the letter in the rating box corresponding to the statement which most accu- rately reflects his level of performance. S Form 45 OBSOLETE PREVIOUS 8-72 EDITIONS F B lZt SECTION D NARRATIVE COMMENTS tion. He has served as a Security Officer in the since May 1968.. Mr. Mills was pro 13 Mr .. Mills was placed unaeY 'lie supervision of the rater in August 1973 as a result of the Office of Security reor aniza- long DDO association with,the former location and the long time personal association with the D officers . have tended to make it difficult to wean the DDO from. calling on Mr. Mills. Therefore, until recently Mr. Mills has handle support type cases as opposed to personnel security type cases. Based on the few type cases that Mr. Mills has handled there is elieve that he can not perform in this area with the. same high degree of proficiency that he has maintained in support type cases. into three locations until 'December 1973, together with the The physical separation of the (Continued) Indicate significant strengths or weaknesses demonstrated in current' position keeping 'In prdpet perspective their relationship to overall performance. State suggestions made for improvement of work performance. Give recommendations for training. Comment on foreign language competence, if required for current position. Amplify or explain ratings given in Section C to provide best basis for determining future personnel action. Manner of performance of managerial or supervisory duties and cost consciousness in the use 1f e 5nnel, 'spa a nfe l and funds, must be commented on, if applicable. If extra space is needed to complete Section D, attach a separate sheet a . I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SEEN SECTIONS A, B, C AND D OF THIS REPORT DATFr 7 MONTHS EMPLOYEE HAS BEEN UNDER MY SUPERVISION Con DATE OFFICIAL TITL OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL OFFICIAL TITLE OF SUPERVISOR Chief, The writer has had general supervisory responsibility for Mr. Mills during the entire rating period. The letter ratings and the comments of the rating officer concerning Mr. Mill's work performance are considered to be accurate, and are concurred in. One comment appears to be in order, however, concerning the letter ratings for duties 1, 2 and 3. For a variety of reasons, e.g., vacations, , operational support case workload, Mr. Mills did not have an opportu- nity since the reorganization of the Office to become involved in enough of the personnel security cases to be able to 18 January 1974 Deputy Chief, E CERTIFICATION AND COMMENTS MILLS, Montrell E. SECTION D (Continued) It is felt that Mr. Mills truly typifies the "professional" in the realm in general security support work. He has developed and maintained excellent rapport with the Security Field Offices and the case officers of the DDO. He takes great pride in assuring that his assignments are carried out in a manner which will reflect credit on the Office of Security. This has certainly been attested to by the many genuinely sincere commendations which appear in his file. Chief of the Mr. Mills does not hesitate to offer his views re- garding approaches to an assignment and more often than not his judgment and initiative have contributed greatly to the DDO representatives in reaching solutions involving difficult problems. He has a definite ability to keep a number of cases active and at the same time assure that deadlines are met. He is resourceful and completely dependable. In the absence of the rater he acts as the Perhaps the strongest indication of his character, integrity, and dedication to the office is reflected in his spirit and enthusiasm in achieving a quality product. Another of Mr. Mills exceptionally qualities is his unselfishness--he is always ready to assist other members of the Branch regardless of the time of day in whatever tasks they may have or regardless of the personal incon- venience it may cause him. The only weakness this rater can find in Mr. Mills is occasionally in his written work. He has slight difficulty with his sentence construction; however, this is only an occasional problem, and overall is offset by his ability to identify and report on the problem at hand in a complete and concise manner. Mr. Mills will be leaving the on 21 January 1974 to take an assignment wi a ice ot Working with him has been a is ? p easure. SECTION E (Continued) develop the expertise now required of the generalist officer assigned to the However, the writer believes that Mr. i s wou nave increased his level of performance in these areas quickly from additional exposure, if he had not been transferred to a new assignment. Two strong points, in addition to those previously mentioned, stand out in Mr. Mills overall performance. These are loyalty to his super- visors and the Office of Security and dependability on the job. With regard to the latter, he has always been ready and available after hours to do any job asked of him and without the benefit or thought of overtime. The writer would be pleased to have Mr. Mills work for him at any time in the future.