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 FITNESS REPORT SECTION A                        GENERAL INFORMATION I. EMPLOYEE NUMBER 2. NAME (Last, first, middle) 3. DATE OF BIRTH 4. SEX S. GRAD E S. SD MILLS, Montrell E. 01/31/24 M S-13 7. ITION TITLE ? B.  OFF/DIV/BR OF ASSIGNMENT S.  CURRENT STATION 10.  CODE  c  one) Security Officer DDA OL Washington HQS.      DF It. TYPE OF APPOINTMENT 12. TYPE OF REPORT 16THER (Spec.) X CAREER RESERVE IC ONTR7AC EMPORARY V 1` ANNUAL REASSIGN. M ENT S PECIAL 13. REPORTING PERIOD (from-to-)                  ? 14. DATE REPORT DUE IN O.P. 31 Dec 73 - 31 Dec 74 31 Jan 1975 SECTION B                                                               QUALIFICATIONS UPDATE IF QUALIFICATIONS      UPDATE  FORM IS  BEING    SUBMITTED  WITH          CHANGES, AND  IS ATTACHED  TO  THIS REPORT,  PLACE  THE WORD  "YES"  IN THE BOX TO THE RIGHT. IF NO CHANGES ARE REQUIRED, PLACE  THE WORD "NO"  IN  THE                   BOX AT   RIGHT. SECTION C                                        PERFORMANCE EVALUATION U-Unsatisfactory       Performance is unacceptable. A rating in this category requires immediate and positive remedial action. The nature of the action could range from counseling, to further training, to placing on probation, to reassignment or to separation. Describe action taken or proposed in Section D. M-Marginal             Performance is deficient in some aspects. The reasons for assigning this rating should be stated in Section D and remedial actions taken or recommended should be described. P-Proficient           Performance Is satisfactory. Desired results are being produced in the manner expected. S-Strong               Performance is characterized by exceptional proficiency. O-Outstanding          Performance is so exceptional in relation to requirements of the work and in comparison to the performance of others doing similar work as to warrant special recognition. SPECIFIC DUTIES List up to six of the most important specific duties performed during the rating period. Insert rating letter which best describes the manner in which employee performs EACH specific duty. Consider ONLY effectiveness in performance of that duty. All employees with supervisory responsibilities MUST be rated on their ability to supervise (indicate number of employees supervised). SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 1  Conducts security inspections of various contractor Conducts LETTER facilities in United States and provides advice and guidance relative to the Industrial Security standards of this Agency. S Prepares appropriate rpport-,_ SPECIFIC DUTY N0.2   Provides industrial security guidance, on a continuing LRATING ETTER basis, to contractor personnel, to procurement officers, and to technical representatives of various components of this Agency. P SPECIFIC DUTY NO.3   Performs miscellaneous   duties  -as  -an  Area  Security LpnNG Officer for the Office of Logistics.                     Prepares the necessary report.s pertaining to such activity. S SPECIFIC DUTY NO.4   Performs ' as               Saf6ty Officer,   interfacing with RATING L                                                                                                                                                                                           ETTER Agency Safety.Officer on _a                         matters pertaining to OSHA require- ments, safety suggestions, deficiencies and-training exercise., P SPECIFIC DUTY NO. S          - RATING LETTER SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 6 RATING LETTER OVERALL PERFORMANCE IN CURRENT POSITION RATING Take into account everything about the employee which influences his effectiveness in his current position such as performance of specific duties, LETTER productivity, conduct on job, cooperativeness, pertinent personal traits or habits, and particular limitations or talents. Based on your knowledge of employee's overall performance during the rating period, place the letter in the rating box corresponi      tl~w     ment vhiflplosi,p~Gu ratel reflects his level of erformance U ~~ ,y  yf y S y p . yy , FORM  ,C  OBSOLETE  PREVIOUS 9-73   J  EDITIONS CLASSIFICATION APPROVED FOR RELE  SE DATE:  NOV 2007 SECTION D                         NARRATIVE COMMENTS Indicate significant strengths or weaknesses demonstrated in current position keeping Inl ~rbperperip'elHvd)tfieri ?,,k4lationship to overall performance. State suggestions made for improvement of work performance. Give recommendations for training. Comment on foreign language competence, if required for current position. Amplify or explain ratings given in Section C to provide best basis for determining future personnel action. Manner of performance of managerial or supervisory duties and cost consciousness in the use of personnel, s ace,     ipm  t and         st be commented on, if applicable. If extra space is needed to complete Section D, attach a separate sheet of paper.                               s Mr. Mills has been assigned to this Staff slightly over one year, and this represents the first fitness re;fort prepared for him. He has been under the supervision of the undersigned for approximately seven months.   Although he was initially inexperienced in the Indus- trial Security Program, Mr. Mills has demonstrated his flexibility in quickly adapting to the intricacies of this assignment.   During this period, Mr. Mills attended the Defense Supply Agency training .course which has contributed to . his. overall.effectiveness to this .program.:-Mr. Mills' maturity. and. dependability, makes him a. real asset, and his enthusiasm and thirst .for additional knowledge and techniques to apply to this assignment should aid immeasureably in his future growth frith Mr. Mills does not have any. supervisory responsibilities, however, he is cost conscious and judicious in his travel assignments. SECTION E                    CERTIFICATION AND COMMENTS 1. BY SUPERVISOR MONTHS EMPLOYEE HAS.BEEN IF THIS REPORT HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN TO EMPLOYEE. GIVE EXPLANATION UNDER MY SUPERVISION DATE ?Deputy LChie SUPERVISOR             71- OL BY.EMPLOYEE 2. STATEMENT CONCERNING THIS EVALUATION OF MY PERFORMANCE DATE SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE HAVE ATTACHED             HAVE NOT ATTACHED 3. BY   VIEWING OFFICIAL COMMENTS OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL Mr. Mills' years of experience in the field of domestic investigations made the transition to the industrial security program both quick aid painless. He has grasped the problems and challenges of the program and is quick to suggest areas of improvement. DATE                                           OFFICIAL TITLE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL     TYPED O                         ND SIGNATURE z8 May 75         c j  oL 4. BY EMPLOYEE I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SEEN THE ENTRIES IN ALL SECTIONS OF THIS REPORT, / DATE 816           40FMPL  Y RE CLASSIFICATION