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October 16, 1985
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE^ DATE: 07-22-2010 is a (b)(1) (b)(3) 6 I Politburo Cban:es Under Gorbachev lwri-:~.~w+o a. .. raa c Rommo- (A W d 6r lrb) moo!, raa seaeary _ ... ? Mfr~`A*I 1aetM VJ. ARM 0 The results of the party Central Committee plenum yesterday ahead forcefully with his economic agenda. According to Soviet media, the Central Committee promoted the newly appointed head of Gosplan, 56-year-old Nikolay Talon, to candidate membership in the Politburo. The plenum also followed up the replacement of Tlkhonov as premier two weeks ago by removing him from the Politburo, while releasing his successor Nikolay Ryzhkov The Central Committee approved the new party program, party statutes, and the release of draft directives of the five-year plan for 1986-90. In his speech, Gorbachev said that it had not been easy to reach agreement on the new plan and complained of problems created by officials still bound by Inertia. He set an ambitious goal for growth In annual national income through the year 2000 of almost 5 percent-a marked Improvement over the 3-percent rate achieved management, worker Incentives. and economic efficiency Comment: Talyzin's elevation to the Politburo is the latest Indication that Gorbachev, who has vowed to emphasize a strategic role for the planning agency, has given It greater authority compared with the ministries. No other nead of Gosplan has enjoyed such status since The long-expected removal of Talyzin's predecessor, Baybakov, and the decision not to replace Ryzhkov as senior economic secretary appear to give the new Premier great latitude in administering the economy. Talyzin's promotion caps a restoration of the government bureaucracy's representation on the Politburo, reducing the likelihood of serious foot -dra ging against Gorbachev's economic initiatives. Gorbachev's criticism of economic cadres and the consolidation of his new economic team suggests that further personnel changes are ahead in the Council of Ministers. With the promotion of Talyzin, 78-year-old Ivan Arkhipov is the only first deputy premier on the Council lacking Is days in the leadership appear to Usl be numbered. Although the plenum appears to be giving Gorbachev a green light for proceeding with his economic agenda. its failure to remove additional Brezhnev holdovers from the Politburo and Secretariat, such as Kazakh party chief Kunayev and Moscow party head Grishin, may be a sign of lingering political resistance. Both reportedly are on the Although Gorbachev gave few details of the party program, party statutes, and five-year plan, he said they would be published shortly for public discussion. These documents will give a clearer Indication of how Gorbachev Intends to achieve his ambitious economic goals and the roles he expects his new economic leadership to assume. 0 a 0 GREECE: Now Austerity Measures The austerity measures announced by Prime Minister Papandreou lots last week probably do not go for enough to reverse Greece's deteriorating balance-o/-payments situation or to deal with problems In the domestic economy. The new measures include a 15-percent devaluation of the drachma, a ti hter oli on wa es, and new restrictions on imports the government also wants to strengthen price controls and to reduce the lay deficit in the public sector by reducing public spending~ Papandreou prepared the way for the measures by warning that Greece can no longer afford to spend more than it produces. In introducing the new measures, he hinted that without the new policies Greece would soon be forced to accept conditions Imposed by the Both the conservative opposition New Democracy party and the Communists have criticized the new policies as harmful to workers. The Communists have threatened to use their disproportionate strength in the labor unions to fight the new policies, clearly a warning Comments: The new measures are aimed at reducing the current account deficit, paving the way for a balance-of-payments loan from the EC, and avoiding the need to request a rescheduling of foreign debt. Total foreign debt will top $16 billion this year, and the current account deficit Is likely to surpass the record of $2.4 billion In 1981. The policies do not address the key question of reducing the large state role in the economy. The program is unlikely to Improve the profits of Greek companies, and private investment is likely to remain depressed. It may, however, help reassure Greece's International creditors, who have nt to lend to Greece as the economy has faltered The timing of Papandreou's decision to take on these difficult issues probably reflects a desire to take advantage of his political strength in that the worsening economy requires prompt action. 4 If a 41 9 0 0 I W The Socialist International's special conference on disarmament, opening today in Vienna. will discuss the second draft of a study by Its Advisory Committee on Disarmament and Arms Control, which is considerably less pro-Soviet than Its predecessor. Unlike the previous draft, which had called for a moratorium on INF deployment, the new report urges both superpowers to reduce medium-range nuclear forces in Europe. It also advocates on-the-spot verification of arms control agreements and no longer mentions a Central European nuclear-weapons-free zone. The latest report is still critical of SDI but calls for establishing "unambiguous limits to research" on space weammso the Afar draft demanded a total ban on the US plan. Comment: The greater willingness to consider US arms control concerns probably reflects in part appreciation for the high-level attention a delegation of the Advisory Committee received during its visit to the US last March. It probably also Is the result of pressure from French. Italian, and Portuguese Socialists, who have criticized CHINA: Economy Still Ovarh.ated Official Chinese statistics show that the economy is continuing to grow at a rapid pace, with the growth rate of Industrial output Increasing 21.1 percent faster during the first three quarters of this year than in the corresponding period last year. Energy output rose by almost 11 percent-because of new oil finds and reforms in the coal Industry. The volume of freight carried on the railroads during the first three quarters of 1985, however, increased only by 5.4 percent. Comment: The exceptionally rapid growth of the Chinese economy this year has aggravated longstanding economic bottlenecks. Although the industrial growth rate is down slightly from the January- June level, the decline can be attributed more to the normal third- quarter slowdown than to the success of remedial measures. Despite the rapid growth in energy production, China's serious energy shortage continues, and its failure to expand rail transport has made It difficult for Beijing to utilize its growing stock of coal. The overheated economy has been caused in large measure by a highly Inflationary surge in capital investment spending-45 percent during the first half of 1985-and by a hike in the cost of labor of more than 20 percent. W 91! 0 k 16 October 1985 9 I USSR: Earthquake Damage Some key Soviet Installations may have been damaged by the powerful earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale that struck Soviet Central Asia 140 miles (230 kilometers) north-northeast of the Ta)ik capital of Dushanbe. It caused damage to Industrial and residential buildings and, according to TASS, loss of life. The epicenter was at the village of Kayrakkum located about 9 miles (15 kil t Industrial center of Leninabad, population 150.000. Comment: A uranium concentration plant Is only 6 miles (10 kilometers) from Kayrakkum, while a nearby dam that backs up a 30-mile-long (50-kilometer) reservoir would flood Leninabad if it were to break. Earthquakes of this magnitude can even damage structures designed to withstand such forces Ihas tentatively Identified body washed up now Tartus, Syria, Thursday as Achille Lauro hostage Klinghoffer downward through skull ... official autopsy pending. - Portuguese frigate program may be further delayed .. . Netherlands haggling over extent of Involvement by its industry ... Usbon and West German firm, the grime contractor. will try to proceed regardless of Dutch financing - British court ruled against Prime Minister Thatcher's policy of withholding grants to force local governments to control spending overturn court ... revival of issue embarrassing for Tories. - Finland's Communist Party expelled district organizations dominated by Soviet-backed wing Sunday ... party's chances In 1987 elections further diluted If breakaway partv forms. as ms likely ... Soviet-Finnish relations unaffected. - French-led Arlanespace consortium announced launch insurance with much lower than 20- to 25-percent premiums of commercial insurers ... responding to loss of four satellites last month ... will cover launch phase only, but may increase its share of launch International - Arab countries will call today for UN vote to expel Israel from General Assembly ... Israeli seat secure ... Tunis air raid, however, probably will make vote closer than previous challenges. frigate an route from Red Sea to Al Jubayl naval base on Persian Ill 0 0 - Japanese Government yesterday unveiled $14 billion plan to increase housing, public works spending, consumer credit ... meant to reduce trade surplus, but too small to have much impact. - Indonesia, USSR discussing. Moscow's $240 million offer to help finance hospital construction ... would be first aid project since mid-1960s ... Jakarta unlikely to accept offer without tight 9 a