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June 22, 2015
Document Release Date: 
November 20, 2009
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Publication Date: 
February 3, 1978
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(b)(1) 0 (b)(3) APPROVED FOR RELEASE^DATE: 09-Oct-2009 INDONESIA: Situation Report The Indonesian Government is taking further steps to hinder opposition activities, although the atmosphere in Jakarta has been generally calm since the government hut s down major newspapers and temporarily detained a few hundred university students. Indonesian authorities may have released most of the students but continue to hold their leaders. Stu- dent travel is restricted and Z of student coun- cils have been banned. re also pressing university rectors to ose students 10a o were arrested, a move that the rectors have so far resisted. Given the restrictions. students will have s on a nation- wide basis, but scattered local demonstrations are continuing. greater iff culty coordinating their activitie The government apparently c3 -q nnf- i n+,m"A 4-,. 1 : C- zne ban on newspapers soon.1 warned the foreign press th~sw its coverage of opposition groups or face possible closure of local offices. The new, harder line may be due to the influence of Ali Murtopo, President Suharto's political troubleshooter. Murtopo is said to want a longer ban to avoid further damage to the President's reputation that could stem from recently publicized allegations of corruption. support in other quarters for. his anticipated reelectionenexte month. By announcing his intention to refurbish the grave of former President Sukarno, he is wooing old-guard supporters of Sukarno who still wield considerable influence in parts of Java. At the same time, Suharto ^ The Army continues publicly to demonstrate its loyalty M had dismissed but who still have a following within the Army to Suharto. At the installation of the Army's new Chief of Staff this week many major Army leaders appeared in an apparent show of support for the President--including two men whom Suharto TAP Ruck-Ex