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Document Release Date: 
December 31, 2008
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Publication Date: 
July 19, 1984
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 10-Nov-2008 SUBJECT: (Optional FROM: Qa p 3 $? ffudsczI Co.ipl:nSatioil Di RooM1 711.0 Ke"y Bldg TO: (Officer-designation, room number,; and: building) FORM 61 0 USE PREVIOUS -74 EDITIONS OFFICERS C4tr MENTS (slam dc 0cbmmen W ME -t- Main M 17 $51V B C' . C~ 3ef . 013 /-si- MEMORANDUM FOR: 55-75 M 101 EDITk)NSVIOUS ares,o 5~ ROUTING AND RECORDS SU JEC.T ' (C7ptiona3} i?' John C. Carancs. FROM. Hugh D. McClaffertyE~~t~ II tee. Chief, Retirement Operations Branch l PATE Room 906, Arms Bldg- 2850 19 July 1984 V?ur (O?Frer designation, `rocrn number, and building) DATE OfFICER`5 COhAM tlT5 vNum6ef each cartenent to Shtrat fxcm v+9saM r~ INITIALS to wham, aw a .ine dross column lifter each, eomment.l RECEIVED (Ft~ReVC~DED t. OP/SAS I Ken: Regarding the ATTN: Ken Lowden l attached Carnwlm~ent,.. documents, the John C.Cara c ment-ioned thereon is not our; t (disability retiree John -C Caranci., Sr. thorn 2/7/22) who retired in Ap_r i 19 ~0 and died in July 1970. His SSN - is NOT what ep. document: . s: - - However, his son, John C. Caranci, Jr. (born 21 January 11945) may be the individual -- ---- !listed on the court documents !The PT has confirmed that ' John C. Caranci, Jr. was a - - - Suns er-Only employee from 121 June to 31 August 192, - with no -other periods .of - - - I, Agency er:lloYma--nt. They have 1 no record of his SSN -- 1 We suggest the documents be returned to the court.with !an appropriate explanation. O. Thank you, -- /~ HT~Oh Y3. McCI~A?~.}., ii. 11 a Hugh D. NcClafferty 3 12. ( 3. 15. FORM USE PREVIOUS i -79 EDITIONS 1121? -Summons in Garnis M -ut District Court-OrigizW County of Douglas , GREETING: 822 222 THE STATE OF NEBRASKA This isex~x~xca to notify Office of CIA, Office Finance, Washington, DC 20505 Garnishee, to answer the interrogatories attached to and made a part of this writ, and file the same in this court on or before/tiah XXxy days a t msreXlXi7XXXX of GarnYyh S",TnHo hold the property of every description and the credits of John C. Caranci SS# 041-36-7144 the debtor in your possession or under your control at the time of service of the summons and interrogatories until the further order of the court, provided, however, the Garnishee shall not hold until further order of this Court nor withhold from the debtor those earnings of debtor not subject to garnishment under 15 U. S. C. A. 1671-1677 (Restrictions on Garnishment. Consumer Credit Protection Act) which earnings are described in the Employers Instruction Sheet which accompanies this Garnishment Summons and Interrogatories. that upon failure to answer as above required, said Garnishee shall be presumed to be indebted to the debtor-in the full amount of the ciaim of the creditor and upon notice to said Garnishee given within such time and in such manner as the Court shall direct, judgment may be entered for such amount as the Court may find due from said Garnishee. is due return of this Summons/within 5 days of this date. WITNESS my signature and Seal of said Court, this 20th day of June ,19 $4 NOTE TO GARNISHEE: The above Summons in Garnishment (is, i based upon an Order of any Court for the support of any person. By Deputy Douglas D. Grieser Amount due on judgment: $550.00 Attorney for Creditor. Interest: Telephone Number 444-6438 Costs: } ss. RUDY J. TESAR Clerk of the D trict Court. The Creditor propounds the following INTERROGATORIES TO BE ANSWERED BY GARNISHEE; INTERROGATORIES 1. Were you at the time of service of the summons and these interrogatories, indebted, either in property or money, whether due or not, to the debtor, and, if so, how, and in what amount? State fully all particulars. Answer: If the answer to Number t is yes, do you have any "earnings" due the debtor for personal services? ("Earnings" means compensation paid or payable for personal services, whether denominated as wages, salary, commission, bonus, or otherwise, and includes periodic payments pursuant to a pension or retirement program.) Answer: 3. If you have "earnings" dzie the debtor for personal services, what is the amount of debtor's disposable earnings" at the time of service of the summons and these interrogatories? ("Disposable earnings" means that part of the earnings of any individual remaining after the deduction from those earnings of any amounts required by law to be withheld. These withholdings may be such things as Federal Income Tax withholding, State Income Tax withholding, and Federal Social Security Tax withholdings). Answer: 4. What is the pay period? (State whether it is weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, etc.) Answer: .5. If you were at the time of the service of this summons and these interrogatories indebted to the debtor in a sum not yet due, when is the same to become due? State fully all particulars. A nswer: 6. If you had at the time of the service of this summons and these interrogatories any property of any description or credits of the debtor in your possession or under your control, state the value of the same. State fully all particulars. .4 nswer: If you are a corporation, was there any stock therein held by or for the benefit of the debtor at the time of service of the summons and these interrogatories? If so, describe the same; state in what amount, the value thereof and full parti- culars. A nswer: 8. State whether or not the debtor is the head of a family, or if there is any other fact touching on his exemptions. A nswer: (This space for additional interrogatories) ER4'LOYLKS 1INS1KUL.,1l31N C3,r t"i NOTE TO GARNISHEE: If the statement on the face of this Summons in Garnishment indicates that the Garnishment IS based on one of the matters indicated such as CHILD SUPPORT OR ALIMONY, see instructions below. If this garnishment 'is not" based on Child support or Alimony, and debtor is head of a family, only 15% of the disposable earnings can be held pursuant to Sec. 25-1558, R.S. Nebr. 1943, (1972 Supp.) Garnishee shall only hold the credits of the debtor in hjs possession or under his control at the time of the service of the Garnishee Summons to the extent of the amount of the judgment, interest, and costs set forth on the face of this summons, until further order of the court. (For definitions of "earnings" and "disposable earnings" see Interrogatories Nos. 2 and 3 supra) Thble for Computing Garnishment 1. If the defendant-employee's disposable earnings are less than: $100.50 for a weekly pay period $201.00 for a bi-weekly pay period $217.77 for a semi-monthly period $435.54 for a monthly pay period Pay the employee as if his pay check were not garnished. 2. If the defendant-employee's disposable earnings are: Pay him $100.50 $100.50 to $134.00 for a weekly pay period .......... ... ... ........... . $201.00 to$268.00 forabi-weeklY pay period ...??.??????? ?.' " '......?.??I ? Pay him $201.00 ?him$217.77 $217.77 to $290.36 for a semi-monthly period .................................. Pay ay him $435.54 $435.54 to 5580.72 for a monthly pay period ................................. . Any disposable earnings remaining after payment of the above amounts may be withheld. 3. If the defendant-employee's disposable earnings are more than $134.00 for a weekly pay period ..........................Pay him 75% of his disposable earnings $268.00 for a bi-weekly pay period ........................Pay him 75% of his disposable earnings $290.36 for a semi-monthly pay period .....................Pay him 75% of his disposable earnings $580.72 for a monthly pay period .........................Pay him 75% of his disposable earnings Any disposable earnings remaining after payment of the above amounts may be withheld. The above table is based on the minimum hourly wage of $3.35. Garnishment to Enforce Orders of Support 1. Subject to the exception in paragraph 2 below, if the garnishment is to enforce any order for the support of any person: (a) Pay the defendant-employee 50% of his disposable earnings for any workweek which is subject to the garnishment if such employee is supporting his spouse or dependent child (other than a spouse or child with respect to whose support such order is used); (b) Pay the defendant-employee 40% of his disposable earnings for any workweek which is subject to the garnishment if such employee is not supporting a spouse or dependent child described in (a) above. Any disposable earnings remaining after payment of the above amounts may be withheld. 2. If and to the extent that defendant-employee's disposable earnings for any workweek are subject to garnishment to enforce a support order with respect to a period which is prior to the twelve-week period which ends with the beginning of the workweek subject to the garnishment: (a) Pay the defendant-employee 45% of his disposable earnings for any workweek which is subject to the garnishment if such employee is supporting his spouse or dependent child (other thin n a spouse or child with respect to whose support such order is used); (b) Pay the defendant-employee 35% of his disposable earnings for any workweek which is subject to the garnishment if such employee is not supporting a spouse or dependent child described in (a) above. Any disposable earnings remaining after payment of the above amounts may be withheld. PLEASE MAIL ANSWER TO CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT, ROOM 300, COURT HOUSE, OMAHA, A'EBRASKA. 68183 missiga `E E U1O `asnog lano3 zq