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October 10, 1980
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AR 70-14
?Ii IN
MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director of Central Intelligence
10 October 1980
John N. McMahon
Deputy Director for Operations
WARSAW ?PACT JOURNAL: Some Questions of Combined
ktions 0? Allied Navies in Combating the Threat
of Manes
1. The enclosed Intelligence Information Special Report is part of
series now in preparation based on articles from a SECRET Soviet
publication called Information Collection of the Headquarters and the
Technical Committee of the Combined Armed Forces. This article discusses a
number of wide-ranging proposals tor combinea actions by the Warsaw Pact's
various national large units of the Combined Fleet in the Baltic Sea to
counteract NATO's plans to use mines for offensive and defense purposes in
the event of war in that theater. This journal is published by Warsaw Pact
Headquarters in Moscow, and it consists of articles by Warsaw Pact
officers. This article appeared in Issue No. 18, which was published in
2. Because the source of this report is extremely sensitive, this
document should be handled on a strict need-to-know basis within recipient
agencies. For ease of reference, rer,orts1 from this publication have been
assigned the Codeword
ohn N. McMahon
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The Director of Central Intelligence
The Director of Intelligence and Research
Department of State
The Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
Director of Naval Intelligence
Department of the Navy
The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence
U. S. Air Force
Director, National Security Agency
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Director of the National Foreign Assessment Center
Director of Strategic Research
Director of Scientific and Weapons Research
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'1:1114% ClEr
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INFO. 1979
Intelligence Information Special Report
Page 3 of 10 Pages
DATE 10 October 1980
WARSAW PACT JOURNAL: Some Questions of Combined Actions of Allied Navies
in Combating the Threat of Mines
SOURCE Documentary
The following report is a translation from Russian of an article from
a SECRET Soviet publication called Information Collection of the
Headquarters and the Technical Committee of the Combined Armed Forces.
This journal is published by Warsaw Pact Headquarters in Moscow, and it
consists of articles by Warsaw Pact officers. This article was written by
Commander W. Grzadkawski, a senior specialist on the staff of the Polish
Navy. It discusses NATO's plans to employ mines for offensive and
defensive purposes in the Baltic Sea and recommends appropriate responses
in the form of combined actions by Warsaw Pact naval forces in that
theater. One such response would be the creation of a unified Combined
Fleet antimine observation system, which would track NATO mine carriers in
peacetime with the aim of destroying them at the start of war. The author
also deems it advisable to establish multiple-arm large units in order to
accomplish antimine support tasks in naval operations, during the
debarkation of an amphibious landing force, as well as during the clearing
of obstacles from the straits. The article explores the composition,
command structure, and various operating methods of this proposed antimine
force. This article appeared in Issue No. 18, which was published in 1979.
End of Summary
There is no information in available reference materials which can be
firmly identified with the author.
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Some Questions of Combined Actions of Allied Navies
in Combating the Threat of Mines
Senior specialist of the Staff of the Navy
of the Polish People's Republic
Experience in local wars, particularly in the combat actions in. Korea
and Vietnam, shows that the mine remains an effective means of combat at
sea. This is so because of its concealment, independence, stability, and
also capability to destroy various types of ships and vessels without human
participation. The NATO command therefore devotes considerable attention
to this type of weapon: depots in West Germany and Denmark contain up to
30,000 sea mines planned for use in accomplishing offensive Or defensive
tasks. Analysis of exercises and combat training in the Baltic Sea shows
that NATO's naval forces are constantly working out methods of employing
mines against the fleets of Warsaw Pact countries with the object of
hindering their departure from basing areas, disrupting their operational
deployment, and preventing them from seizing the initiative in operations
at sea.
For offensive purposes NATO's naval forces are working out /plans/ to
lay active minefields. Aircraft (operating, as a rule, at low altitudes
mainly in conditions of poor visibility), submarines, small high-speed
surface craft, and merchant vessels are to be used for this.
For purposes of defense, the laying of mines in the approaches to the
straits zone and in the straits is being worked out with a view to
preventing or hindering the maneuvers of the surface and submarine forces
of our allied navies. As a rule plans call for coastal and field
artillery, as well as surface striking forces to provide cover for
defensive minefields. With a view to making warfare against mines more
difficult, provisions are being made for employing different types of mines
with combined actuation devices and anti-sweep explosive floats.
The active preparation of NATO's naval forces for the use of mines
testifies to the fact that should the imperialists succeed in unleashing a
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war, the allied navies would have to conduct their combat actions under
conditions of high risk from mines. Antimine defense will therefore be a
major type of support of their combat actions. It must be organized at all
levels, starting with a single ship or vessel and ending with antimine
support for the combat actions of the various national large units of the
Combined Fleet in the theater. This means that our navies will have to
continuously develop and improve antimine forces and means capable of
detecting and destroying mines in coastal channels and on routes traversed
by detachments of combat vessels and convoys, find ways of circumventing
detected minefields, breach minefields during the debarkation of amphibious
landing forces, and demine and clear the canals and channels in the
In our opinion, the special-purpose surface vessels -- minesweepers of
various types and mine bumpers -- are still the main type of antimine
forces in our fleets. Judging from the experience of operational and
combat training of the allied navies, large units of antimine ships will
play the main role in combating the threat of mines in the theater. In
recent years, therefore, a great deal of attention has been devoted to
developing and equipping them with combined means of searching for and
destroying mines, as well as to increasing the minesweepers' security
against destruction by mines.
At the same time, the complex mine situation which could materialize
at sea in time of war requires that a search be made for new means and
methods of eliminating the threat of mines. At present, the desire is
evident among most navies of various countries to equip their minesweepers
with means of detecting and destroying mines ahead of the ship doing the
search, as well as to employ self-propelled, remote-controlled influence
sweeps. According to the views of West German Navy specialists, for
example one set of sweeps with control means increases the effectiveness
of antimine operations two and one-half times in comparison with
traditional sweeps. Moreover, sweeps so equipped can be used in coastal
and shallow areas, which is of special importance when breaching
antilanding minefields.
The employment of helicopter-towed sweeps greatly increases the
capabilities of navies to combat the threat of mines. They can move out
swiftly to a designated area, have a high sweep capacity, and ensure the
safety of personnel when blowing up the mines.
Effective use is being made of frogmen mine specialists to search for
and neutralize mines in dock basins, entrance channels, and coastal areas.
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The measures aimed at preventing the enemy from laying mines in the
theater represent an important direction of activity pursued by the allied
navies in organizing an antimine defense. In this connection, we believe
it would be advisable to track the mine carriers during the period
preceding war, to destroy them at the start of combat actions, and also to
put mine depots and loading points out of action. This can probably be
accomplished most effectively when a unified Combined Fleet antimine
observation system, including coastal (mobile and fixed) and shipbased
observation posts, is established in the theater in advance, that is, in
peacetime. It would be useful to have this observation system cover
existing primary and alternate channels, anchorages, and possible areas of
ship dispersal. In this case, it would be advisable to provide for the
mutual exchange among the allied navies of information on the situation in
order to effectively and accurately determine the places where mines are
laid, thereby narrowing the scope of measures connected with the
reconnaissance and monitor search for mines and their destruction.
We also consider it advisable to decide on a unified system of
channels and recommended courses as well as procedures for mutual warning
of the threat of mines, and also to establish uniform standards for
sweeping methods during antimine operations.
At the same time, responsibility should rest with the command and
staffs of the national navies, with the naval bases and coastal defense
flotillas, and with the offshore defense large units for maintaining
favorable operational conditions, from the antimine standpoint, in their
zones of responsibility.
From the foregoing, it follows that antimine defense forces and means
can be employed to combat the threat of mines in the operational zones of
the national navies and also for antimine support of the forces of the
Combined Fleet in naval operations, as well as for the destruction of mines
in important areas and in the straits.
The accomplishment of antimine support tasks in naval operations,
during the debarkation of an amphibious landing force, as well as during
the clearing of obstacles from the straits, will require considerable
coalition antimine forces. In such cases, therefore, it would obviously be
advisable to form large-scale multiple-arm large units consisting of
antimine ships as well as special units and subunits of the navies' rear
services that are capable of clearing underwater obstacles from landing
sectors, canals, and channels.
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Judging from the training experience of the allied navies in the
Baltic Sea, one of the most complex types of antimine support is that of
providing antimine defense for an amphibious assault landing. The enemy
may employ mines in the formation areas of the assault landing detachments,
an their sea-passage routes, and in the approaches to the assault landing
Among the most important operating methods employed by antimine forces
and means in support of the debarkation of an amphibious landing force, one
should include the following: monitor sweeping of the formation areas of
assault landing detachments and of the approaches to a landing force's
embarkation points; reconnaissance searching for mines on the assault
landing detachments' sea-passage routes; locating the perimeters of
detected minefields and determining the routes for circumventing them;
carrying out reconnaissance of the landing-force debarkation area; sweeping
the approaches to assault landing points and clearing passages through
antimine barriers; and sweeping the unloading areas of transport vessels
and ships.
Experience gained from the combined exercises of allied navies shows
that the accomplishment of the antimine defense tasks of an amphibious
assault landing (particularly during the sea-passage and debarkation
stages) will require the employment of considerable antimine forces.
Therefore, it will take the efforts of all the allied navies to accomplish
these tasks.
In this case, we believe it would be advisable to establish a large
unit (grouping) for sweeping made up of different national forces and
means, which is best placed under the connand of the commander of the
national large unit of forces constituting its main component. This will
ensure the most favorable conditions for coordinating the operations of the
shipbased sweeping groups and maintaining close cooperation among them.
In preparing combined operations, regardless of the composition and
number of forces assigned to conduct them, there will obviously have to be
agreement on the following matters: the priorities /to be observed/ in
performing the tasks of antimine forces and the sequence of their
operations; the operating procedures of the sweeps; the organization of
cover for antimine forces against strikes by the enemy's aviation and
surface ships; the operations of forces in the event minefields are
detected during the sea passage of an assault landing force; the action
procedures during a penetration (breakthrough) of the antilanding obstacles
at the approaches to a landing area; the organization of limning,
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communications, and identification; materiel-technical support; and also
the actions of the rescue service if ships are blown up by mines.
Operations of the sweep forces will also assume a complex character
when the straits are being cleared of mines since it is relatively easy
for the enemy to organize a rather strong defense system for them /the
straits/ in which mines are accorded an important place. Mbreover, Western
military specialists hold the view that part of the defensive minefields
can be laid out even prior to the start of combat actions.
In general, it can be assumed that the enemy will lay his minefields
in two stages. In the fj.rst stage CD-1 /D minus 1/ or D), the enemy will
mainly reinforce the minefields of the antilanding defense of the islands.
The second stamwill most probably begin under conditions in which the
enemy has lost the operational initiative and is threatened with loss of
the straits zone. His naval forces will therefore be forced to make an
effort to lay out the maximum number of mines in the straits zone* in order
to prevent the forces of the Combined Fleet from moving out to the North
These circumstances predetermine the need to conduct sweeps and clear
the channels of mines so that the main forces of the allied navies can move
into the contiguous sea following the seizure of the_islands_and coastal
area of the straits zone_ky. the front troops. In this case, the choice of
i-Mit-6fia to clear the mines and obstacles from the straits either
simultaneously or successively will depend on the overall operational
situation in the straits zone, the density of minefields and engineer
obstacles laid out by the enemy, and also on the combat capabilities of the
available antimine forces. We believe it would be advisable, however, to
seek to establish a powerful grouping of sweep forces and to concentrate
its efforts on one of the straits in order to clear the main channel in the
shortest possible time so that the naval strike forces can move into the
contiguous sea.
* The shallow depths of the straits favor the
mines, while their comparatively DEMTOW width
for laying minefields of great16epsnitzeri the
employment of all types of
creates favorable conditions
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The antimine forces we are considering could be composed as follows:
a group of forces for marking channels and hunting mines (helicopters,
minesweepers, hydrographic and rescue vessels, frogmen mine specialists);
forces for sweeping and clearing channels of obstacles; a navigation
support, observation, and communications detachment (radio navigation
stations, shore visual and technical observation points, shipbased
/floating/ mine observation posts); a detachment of materiel-technical
support forces (tankers, supply ships, tugs, rescue vessels, and hospital
Experience gained from exercises we have conducted shows that it takes
about two to five days to clear a passage to the entire depth of a strait
up to 300 meters wide (it takes three days to demine and clear a channel
through a strait 65 miles long). This time period is determined by /the
need/ to conduct the following measures: the reconnaissance search by
helicopters for nines and submerged objects in the channels, the sweeping
of anchored mines and search for underwater objects by minesweepers
employing contact sweeps and sonars, the examination by frogmen mine
specialists of cleared areas ami detected underwater objects, the marking
or destroying of detected mines, the marking of detected underwater
obstacles (up to a depth of seven meters) and of channels for circumventing
them, the sweeping of an area of detected influence bottom mines by
minesweepers equipped udth electromagnetic and acoustic sweeps (based on
the experience of local urns, the timers on mines have been set for six
temporal units or less).
Calculations show that the probability of ships being blown up in the
channels cleared in such a manner through defensive minefields is decreased
to 0.1-0.2.
In summing up the foregoing, it would be appropriate to stress that
combat against the threat of mines represents a complex system of measures
and is one of the directions of combined activity which the allied navies
are urgently pursuing. In order to effectively combat the threat of mines,
therefore it is of particular importance to coordinate the efforts of the
allied navies in developing antimine forces and TIMMS and improving the
antimine defense systems in the theater, as well as to prepare antimine
forces in advance for combined actions as part of the Combined Fleet in the
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