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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Document Creation Date:
June 22, 2015
Document Release Date:
December 8, 2008
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Publication Date:
July 29, 2007
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The 9/11 Working Group
The Caldwell enter
323 S. Walnut Street
Bloomington, IN 47401
812-323-7274 (office/fax)
Date: July 29, 2007
Central Intelligence Agency
Scott A. Koch
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Washington, D.C. 20505
telephone number: (703) 613-1287
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. ? 552, as amended, the
undersigned hereby request access to (or a copy of) all documents and records of all types
pertaining to or referencing, by name or otherwise, the items in the numbered list below. To the
extent your office or agency is not subject to the requirements of the FOIA, please consider this a
petition pursuant to the United States Constitution to redress grievances including the failure to
date of the federal government to make available to the public the full truth regarding the events
of September 11, 2001. We request all documents and records pertaining to or referencing:
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1) The "Israeli art student spy ring" also called the "Israeli DEA groups".
2) Itay Simon, Marina Glickman, Dilka Borenstein, Zeev Miller, Ofir Navron, Aran
Ofek. Dominick Suter. Salvador?Gersson Smike, Sar Ben Zui, Moshe Elmakias, Ron
Katar, Lior Baram, Tomer Ben Dor, Michael Calmanovic, Hanan Serfaty, Peer
Segalovitz, Michal Gal, Ophir Baer, Legum Yochai, Akyuz Sagiv. Yoni Engel,
Yotam Dagai, Or Alroei, Eli Rabinovitz,
3) Any warnings or other communications from the Mossad or any other Israeli
government agency or official regarding the alleged 9/11 hijackers or the events of
4) Any Israeli citizen arrested on 9/11/01 including but not limited to: Sivan Kurzberg.
Paul Kurzberg, Oded Ellner, Omer Marmari, and Yaron Shmue.
5) Any Israeli citizen detained, arrested. or questioned during the year 2001.
6) The Zim-American Israeli Shipping Company.
7) Odigo, Incorporated.
8) Urban Moving Systems.
9) Nice Systems, Incorporated.
10) Amdocs, Ltd.
11) Daniel Lewin.
This request includes all documents and records in any form or format that are or have ever been
within your custody or control, whether the documents and records exist in agency "working,"
investigative, retired, electronic mail, digital, other electronic, audio, video, paper/hard copy, or
other files. The terms "document" and "record" are broadly defined to mean any written,
printed, typed, or other graphic matter of any kind or nature, and all mechanical, electrical,
electronic, and magnetic recordings, whether an original or a non-identical copy, however
reproduced or altered, including, but not limited to, papers, letters, correspondence, E-mail,
telegrams, interoffice communications, memoranda, notes, notations, notebooks, reports, records,
accounting books or records, minutes of meetings, contracts, invoices, purchase orders,
instructions, specifications, schedules, tables, charts, transcripts, publications, scrap books,
diaries, computer files, files on disk or CD or DVD, backup files, and any drafts, revisions, or
amendments of the same or of like material.
For any documents or records or portions thereof that you fail to release, or block the release of
based on the asserted applicability of a FOIA exemption from the requirement to release
government documents and records, please provide an index itemizing and describing the
documents or portions of documents withheld. The index should, pursuant to the holding of
Vaughn v. Rosen, 484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974), provide a
detailed justification for claiming a particular exemption explaining why each such exemption
applies to each document or portion of a document withheld.
We request a waiver of fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to us is.in
the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the
operations or activities of the government and is not primarily in our commercial interest.
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We are requesting these records as representatives of the Bloomington, Indiana 9/11 Working
Group (9/11 Working Group) for non-commercial, educational and scholarly purposes including
public education and citizen oversight of government activities related to the tragic events of.
September 11, 2001. The information requested, once obtained, will be made available to the
public via release to the media, delivery to the Congress of the United States, release to citizen
groups and scholars nationwide who are engaged in 9/11 related oversight and investigative
activities, delivery to appropriate law enforcement agencies, and delivery to interested public
libraries; and via analytical reports prepared by the 9/11 Working Group which will be released
to all of the aforementioned agencies and parties. The 9/11 Working Group is currently an
unincorporated association of citizens, in the process of incorporating as a not-for-profit
organization, concerned about 1) the failure of officials of the United States Government to fully
and accurately disclose the truth regarding the tragic events of September 11, 2001, and 2)
potential official misconduct and violations of law by government officials related to the events
that occurred on 9/11/01, and related to the prelude and aftermath of 9/11/01.
If any expenses in excess of $20.00 are incurred in connection with this request, please obtain
our approval before any such charges are incurred.
We will expect a response within 20 working days as provided by law. As noted above, if our
request is denied in whole or in part; we expect a detailed justification for withholding the
records. We also request any segregable portions that are not exempt to be disclosed.
We request that the information we seek be provided if possible in electronic format, and we
would like to receive it on CD-ROM or DVD.
We may be contacted during business hours at the number for attorney indicated
below, if necessary, to discuss any aspect of our request. Thank you for your prompt attention to
this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
The Caldwell Center
323 S. Walnut Street
Bloomington, IN 47401
The Caldwell enter
323 S. Walnut Street
Bloomington, IN 47401
The Caldwell Cent
323 S. Walnut Street
Bloomington, IN 47401
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