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Publication Date: 
June 28, 1968
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--,-**arorswearatogrativaimoistom - � Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C000180V--� SITUATION INFORMATION REPORT A r. � / No- --- It has recently been ascertained that Kathleen (nee NEAL) CLEAVER, wife of Eldridge CLEAVER, Minister of Information of the militant black nationalist BLACK PANTHER PARTY, is the daughter of Dr. Ernest NEAL, Deputy Director of AID Mission to the Republic of the Philippines. Ernest E. NEAL born 21 June 1911 in Tennessee, is an FSS-1 appointed as Deputy Director for AID, Manila, Philippine Islands on 13 September 1964. His daughter, Juette Kathleen (NEAL) CLEAVER, AKA J. Kathleen CLEAVER and Kathleen CLEAVER, address 850 Oak Street, San Francisco, California (1968), resigned from the Peace Corps on 20 March 1965 to accept employment with the Department of Commerce. Department of Commerce records do not reflect this contemplated employment. Kathleen CLEAVER is, herself, a black nationalist revolutionary and is the National Captain of Women and the Communications Secretary in the hierarchy of the Black Panther Party (BPP). The Black Panther Party for Self Defense, now known merely as the Black Panther Party, originated by Bobby SEALE (Chairman) and Huey NEWTON (Minister of Defense) in October 1966 with headquarters in Oakland, California, is believed by some to be a front for the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and to be nearly synonymous with the Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM). There are, in fact, a number of BPP organizations, loosely knit as a group but each formed at a different time by a different organization and each operating somewhat independently with divergent activities reflecting views of the immediate leadership of each. All are militant, non-white parties or branches based on principles of "black power" and "black nationalism." Whereas the BPP of Alabama (BPPA), an outgrowth of the Lowndes Country Freedom. Organization (LCFO), seems (May 1967) to continue to be primarily concerned with Negro political unity, the New York City and California groups have shown strong dispositions toward revolutionary activity. The Oakland headquarters seems to be the naVonal headquarters and base for the so-called National Central Committee. The BPP has been actively supported by other Negro nationalist groups and nominally supported by diverse organizations which appear to use BBP's revolutionary aims to further their own causes. A number -1- .........rommill1111111111111110.01111111111.1111111111.1111V Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018056 of the leading activists appear to be members of several of the organizations much in the nature of interlocking corporation directorates. The following organizations have supported BPP in varying degrees: The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); The Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM); The Nation of Islam (NOI); The Muslim Mosque, Incorporated; Yoruba Temple; The 'Organization of Afro-American Unity; Afro-Americans Against the War in Vietnam; The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE); The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS); The Progressive Labor Party (FL?); The W. E. B. DuBois Clubs; The Young Socialist Alliance (Y5A); and The Socialist Workers Party (SW?). In February 1968, the BPP effected an overt merger of sorts with SNCC and at that time announced the election of the following SNCC leaders to posts in the BPP: Stokely CARMICHAEL as Prime Minister; James FORMAN as Minister of Foreign Affairs, since also cited as Minister of Black Religion; and H. Rap BROWN as Minister of Black Justice. Many members of the BPP hierarchy, as well as the rank and file, have police records for an assortment of violations. Huey P. NEWTON is presently incarcerated in a California jail on charges of murder, assault with a deadly weapon and kidnapping in connection with the killing of an Oakland policeman and the wounding of another. Trial is now set for 8 July 1968. Eldridge CLEAVER, paroled in 1966 after serving eight years on a 5 count 1958 conviction (two for assault with intent to commit murder and three for ADW), was arrested on 6 April 1967 along with seven other BPP members and charged with assault with intent to commit murder after an altercation with Oakland police during which CLEAVER was wounded and BPP member, Bobby HUTTON, was killed. During his year and a half of freedom on parole, CLEAVER has been an author and a staff writer for RAMPARTS magazine. -2- Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018056 Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018056 A MCA i.11JVX -amp. vn Ice", a collection of letters and essays on a variety of subjects including sex and the civil rights movement, was written in prison and has reached near best seller status. After this April incident, CLEAVER's parole was revoked. While back in prison and facing trial on this newest charge, he was presented as a candidate for the President of the U.S.A. nomination on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket whose national convention is in August. After much agitation in his behalf by all sorts of black militant and leftist organizations and individuals, CLEAVER was released on bail and is currently active in making speeches and personal appearances. His wife, Kathleen, has been Very active and very vocal in her efforts to secure "justice" for Huey P. NEWTON and for CLEAVER, and has made many appearances and speeches in their behalf as well as in support of other black militant activities. She has been in the company of Stokely CARMICHAEL and other revolutionaries on a number of occasions. SOURCE: Government reports and assorted news media publications AUTHENTICATION: Believed reliable