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pproved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 nnFIK4* SITUATION INFORMATION REPORT Faced again with student unrest the French have adopted a de- cided "get tough" policy. The French Government has just decreed the restoration of severe disciplinary power to university rectors authorizing them to transfer or expel student troublemakers in cas- es where the school is closed down by student riot. The focal point is the French college at Nanterre (Paris suburban sister school of the Sorbonne and part of the University of Paris) where the general French student revolt was ignited last May. University reform laws have been enacted but since France has experienced a sluggish re- turn to full academic life since the May revolt, disciplinary coun- cils (created in the reform act) have not been fully implemented. The decreeing of powers to college administrators is therefore temp- orary and designed to keep the campus peace until the effect of the reform law can be felt. -The French experience tends to personify the continental academ- ic control philosophy. In Spain, the asserting of government auth- ority. quite predictably_ Ivs been swifter and harsher than in France. Germany, though, relatively quiet in recent weeks, faces the con- tinuing delicate problem of advancing the principal of government rule and order of the academic community (as well as in all segments of the political&social life) while seeming and in fact acting "unNAZI". The political pressures of the several European nations tend to com- plex and differentiate the internal problems faced by each. Where France, for example, must deal with the influential political left,* -� the Germans must look left and right. While the order of the day in Europe can be generally (and over- simplified) defined as tough, the manner domestically of dealing with the new-left and racially oriented student upheavals is one of paci- fication and concilliation. Although the recent confrontation at San Francisco State College appears forceful and hardboiled beneath the surface, the College Administration has gone a long way toward bring- ing about campus tran'quility by meeting most of the demands of the Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 pproved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094, - � A dissidents. Those teachers and students who remain at odds with SFSC are for the most part, radical, racial militants and new-left anarcists and nihilists. Demands of the re'asonable and rational have been satisfied. City College of New York, once called "The Little Red School - house" has experienced an optomistic "backlash" phenomenon. The radicals at CCNY have gone too far, believes Bernard WEINRAUB writihg in the New York Times. A month ago, a small radical group on the CCNY campus blocked recruitment of engineers. The Engin- eering Employment Candidates reacted furiously. They held rallies, called for a resumption of interviews, threatened to confront the radicals and engaged in several brief scuffles. Fearing violence. the Administration resumed interviews. The radicals failed to renew demonstrations.. "Stop SDS" buttons are now seen on campus.. A decided step backward for the college new left. An SDS member at CCNY theorized that the demonstration hit the engineers in the wallets, hence the failure of the demonstration to muster wide stu- dent support. The Harvard approaCA has been to stop student unrest before it starts by anticipating and introducing programs to satisfy demands before they are demanded. In September the Harvard Sociology De- partment introduced a "radical" credited subject (both in content and in educational philosophy). The course, Social Relations 148, is attended by over 300 I-laniard students in a number of small. classes. The discussion format encourages student participation and many of the sessions are led by undergraduates. The subject matter runs the gambet from Mao to Dullas. The recommended reading list draws heavily from the literature of the new-left and militant negro; Discussion topics might be "what will be the role of the Government � after the revolution" or will the State wither away, as Marx has written, after the workers control the means of production. Although SR 148 was originally intended for only the fall term, students are now demanding that it be continued in the spring. It seems a rather easy demand to meet., � �% Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 pproved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094,MMIN -miwttorowyptimgart.werair.f,i, . In a six page report the New York NAACP stated more police protection .is necessary for negrons because they are the most fre- quent victims of crime. The NAACP report, prepared by an exec- utive committee, called the store looter a "hood" not a Robin Hood and recommended swifter and sterner measures in criminal prose- cution. Vincent BAKER, Chairman of the New York NAACP anti- crime Committee said that the organization continues to oppose po- lice brutality "but it is not police brutality that makes people afraid to walk the streets at night". Police brutality is being "supercecied by criminal brutality" said Mr. BAKER. In the report the NAACP recommends specific (and stiff) punishment for specific crimes. Two Washington, D.C. newspapers editorially endorse the report and commend it to their readership. The Washington, D.C. Black United Front has also declared war on crime along with a demand for Statehood for Washington, D.C., a black police chief, and the arrest of Joel T. Broyhill. The Front proposes to address itself to the crime situation in the District as. it effects black people perpetrating crimes against other black neople. The Front will try to stop black people from killing, raping, and sel- ling dope to other black people. No mention of these crimes commit- ted against white people was made by the spokesmen for the Black United Front. Whitney M. YOUNG, Executive Director of the Urban League, has announced a two million dollar program to build economic, soc- ial, and political muscle in 21 black communities across the country. The Washington, D.C. Chapter has been funded with $40, 000.00 and plans to create community-owned commercial and industrial enterprises. Further, Urban League will organize political action teams in Washington, D.C. A full time professional economic'clevel- �per will be employed whose role will be to develop a 10 year "Mar- shall Plan" aimed at creating such things as a consumer co-op, a workers co-op and. a nonprofit housing corporation. Sterling TUCKER, Executive Director of the D.C. Urban League, is in charge of the $2, 000, 000 program. � � - � 15:7144....,67:.".t.'7 2' . �;,-. � � � � Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 ' alitith.2010100***M1F4r Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 Two wives of negro militants have gained attention in recent days. Kathleen CLEAVER, wife of Black Panther Eldridge CLEAVER, who is presently being sought by the FBI as a fligitive may be charged under federal law with harboring a fugitive. Mrs. CL:EAVER report- edly withdrew $33,000.00 from a San Francisco bank for her hus- band's use. CLEAVER disappeared November 25th. 2 days before he was scheduled to return to prison as a parole violator. Miriam MAKEBA, South African folk singer, complains that since her marriage to Stokely CARMICHAEL last April she has been unable to obtain bookings either on television or in prominent night clubs, and theaters. 4 *� Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 pproved for Release: 2019/08/12 CO0018094 Calendar of tentatively scheduled activities "Asterisked" items are either reported for the first time or contain additions or changes to previous- ly reported activities. December 20 December 20-27 at Washington, D. C. , has been in- dicted in connection with the April riots. The indictment included two counts of interfering with a police officer and one count of engaging in a riot. Maximum penalty on all three counts is elev n years in prison and $11.000 fine. 481111000.44 viii be arraigned in U.S. District Court, on or about December 20. There have been 260 indictments in connection with the April riots in Washington. At a recent speech given b414,50Seat George krashiii'gton University, a spectator reports that during an altercation,VgaMalarhirt was torn open revealing a concealed pistol carried in a shoulder holster. - lncluded in the "Declaration of Montreal" (the statement issued by the 1800 delegates and parti- cipants in the three-day Hemispheric Conference to End the War in Vietnam) was an action program including: Organize a week of solidarity with the Vietnamese people in all countries of the Western Hemisphere on 20 December, the anniversary of the founding of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam. 5 4�1 r- � gee 111������ � �� � . ;71'1' ....U.:, .������". � .��� �� , ..x�rx r- � ���.1..; � -MY:" � � I � � -� � Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 ����� no, . � � Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 :1111111NO" December 21-23 *A three-day vigil sponsored by the Peace Action Council and the Dow Action Committee will be held in front of the Dow 'Chemical Building at Los Angeles. The Dow Action Committee has also announced plans to hold a rally in MacAr- thur Park (Los Angeles) on Sunday, December .22, 1968. DeceMber 23 Eldridge CLEAVER, Black Panther Party leader currently a fugitive as a parole violator, fails to appear in Alameda County Superior Court for the setting of a trial date on charges growing out of the shoot out in Oakland in April between Black Panthers and the Oakland police, the $50,000 bail put up for him could be forfeited. The $5, 000 premium fee for his bond was paid for by various donations but six of his supporters signed affidavits promising payment of the $50,000 if he does not appear. - Included are: Godfrey CAMBRIDGE, the Negro Comedian; Edward KEATING, lawyer and former publisher of RAMPARTS mag.azine: and Dr. Phil- ip SHAPIRO, a San Francisco physician and an active supporter of the Black Panther Party. � . Dece-riber 27-29 An organization called the "Peacemakers" has scheduled a conference at Philadelphia. The purpose of the conference is to encourage persons not to register for Selective Service. The con- ference organizer and coordinator, one is reportedly a member of the Young Socialist Alliance. 6 Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 pproved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 December 27-29 'Chicago, Illinois - The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is sponsoring an anti-war conference calling it a "GI-Civilian Conferbnce." At the Conference a date will be set for a massive spring demonstra- tion led by "thousands of GI's in many cities." December 27,1968 to January 1, 1969 *The National Council meeting of the SIDS will be held at Ann Arbor, Michigan during theChristmas-- New Years Holidays. 1000 SDS chapter delegates. members and affiliates are expected to be in attend- ance. January 1969 Guerrilla, an underground publication, recent- ly proposed that in January 1969, independent revolutionaries hold a "Congress for Cultural R evolution. " "The Congress should be organized to include the independent revolutionary media. various repre- sentatives of the underground communities, and other independent revolutionary organizations and individuals who are inteFestecl in total cul- tural revolution whether they be activists, anarch- ists, poets and artists, or socialists. (1) The red and black should attempt to formu-1.4te a broad program of cultural revolution which in- cludes an analysis of the tasks facing cultural revolutionaries from the point of view of the ec- ology,. morphology and cybernetics as well as from the more traditional revolutionary informations. (2) Polarize the underground. The C1A and other intelligence agencies have begun to consciously infiltrate the curtural revolution via grants, fake poetry projects, magazines and the usual fronts. � � 'a p. bao� Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 r*, � � - 'Approved for Release727.9j/e0MOrtanagM GUERRILLA belie-ves it is necessary to name and define the counter-cultural revolution so that a conscious federation of cultural revolution may be built. ( 3) The Congress should attempt to formulate its own 4-year plan of cultural revolution. Social revolution as a weapon of cultural revolution. Those interested in helping to organize a national CONGRESS FOR CULTURAL REVOLUTION may write GUERRILLA." January 2-10 January 6 January 7 '*At a meeting in Kalamazoo, Michigan on 15-17 November the National Interim Committe of the SDS proclaimed 2-10 January to he SDS Days of Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution. SDS is planning to send a .;mall official delegation to Cuba at that time. Additionally, during Solidarity week. SDS plans other activities including the presentation of filMe, educational programs and possibly demonstrations 'D. C. - Oral arguments will be heard by the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of anti- draft conspiracy convicted Dr. Benjamin Spock and the three other convicted defendants. Written appeal briefs have been filed. \741Los 'Angeles, California - The trial of Sirhan B. Sirhan for the murder of Sen. R. F. Kennedy has been postponed until 7 January. The delay from 9 December was granted to permit a new member of the defense team, Attorney Grant B. Cooper. to study the ease. The trial will _be held in a steel- plated coiii-t room with closed circuit tolevision for reporters. There will not be any public television. Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 � 16; - Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094 �.; Ag. � January 9 January 18 . January 21 *Evanston, Illinois - SDS at Northwestern University plans to demonstrate to protest CIA recruiting on the campus. An SDS leader has stated that he feels the demonstration will be "obstructive in nature." Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - The Black Liberation Alliance, formed October 18-20 at Columbus, Ohio, by 50 dissatisfied members of CORE from five states will hold its first convention. Temporary officers were elected at Columbus. It was decided that the organization will strive for basic social , economic, and political change in the U.S.A. rather than reform. It will seek racial separation, black nationalism, and the formation of a separate black nation within the boundaries of the U.S. � *New Orleans, Louisiana - Clay L. Shaw is to go on trial in the Orleans Parish Criminal District Court on charges of conspiring to assassinate President John F. KENNEDY, This case has. been in an "on and off" status for a long time but does appear to actually be going to trial this time. Controversial District Attorney Jim GARRISON was quoted as saying, "The moment of truth has arrived in this case. Even if I am killed, the Clay 'Shaw case will go to trial." SOURCES: Government and news media reports RELIABILITY: Probably true � �* Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00018094