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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
September 25, 2020
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
January 2, 1951
Approved for Release: 2020/09724 C00042147 snotoi.1 02/Sety Ira; D1is Jaj Prescott/76027/1OP 02-soD 101 011111111111F 000DITI1OW, ii/liard Preston .JAN 2 lt51 KW P01 110221 (0ent.d) - Ibis moo rest approp Ws states ihst while dray has Inv Styli number Of eivillans involved appears to warrant rot to 711 bet VI $W Doe 110 ro 0000MLOWI lists present assosiates. 'eters te on *lob was twd to PK by Ilkirvey deo, fird SA re 000D1111411. fa I Previous Inv et fOODPIIILOW revealed intimate aims with Adrian. iesept I. and Muni, 1. losenbaun, *4) wen involved ta varying degrees vith espleaap I. Watery that eosin 000DriaaLOW bad beni ineolved la ett�seter tali deals *Ile publisher of the anonym Daily biles that 1000/1111411/104 "1S11/ei " Web Adrian losenbstin vas interested a bid by a eaapetiter en materiul / for Olt 1100DPILLON had diamond hWily elassi material one as / Odd operation In the prisons* et an altiftd shauttour. evallril Soiling direeted set to Wt DOODPILLOW VIM and to diseharp his Sr. essagssgoa, it possible, et tine it *rig rest to for bill sag row. &writs Lt. Col, P. I. 0111)01. les Copp See, 10 470..T1100. Ooneurrost Mittens Intern 04 WI if this rest to Pilo disguise by VW. AVMs U 11004104. 4:.# . ifdI 4111111P11111111111111, 41011600 �vied Mr ROMP Claw 1'8 SEP 1991 � 4 =NOW Approved for Release: 2020/09/24 C00042147