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DOCID: 3352426
Directorate of
Terrorism Review
The ~1bu Nidal Terror Network)
,Special Issue:
~y 1 8 9
DOCID: 3352426
Terrorism Revie~
I Highlights
7 Special Issue: The Abu Nidal Terror Networl~
Counterterrorist Center
31 Chronology of Terrorism 1987
Counterterrorist Center
DOCID: 3352426
DOCI~.pt 3352426
~DOCID: 335242.6
DOC~I~_. 3352426
Syrian Crackdown on Abu lYidai
Syria apparently has c{osed the Damascus offices of the Abu Nidal Organization
(ANO) and expelled the group's publicly known members, except those holding
Syrian passports. Palestinian sources told the Jordan Trmes that the crackdown
began on i June when Syrian security forces took over an ANO office in the Yar-
muk refugee camp outside Damascus. Damascus then ordered all ANO members
who do not hold Syrian passports to leave the country and threatened those who do
with deportation or imprisonment if they continue to work for the group. The
sources also claimed that Libya asked Syria to give the expelled ANO members
more time to clear out and find a new location
ret 4
DOCID: 3352426
South/East Asia
Western Europe Antiterrorism Robots in Use
Israel is manufacturing a robot called WASP that reportedly could be useful for
counterterrorism applications such as locating and defusing mines and other
explosive devices. The robot stands over 6 feet tall, has arms and TV cameras, and
moves on treads similar to those on tractors, according to press reports. French and
Spanish police have already put such robots to use, and in Spain a similar robot
was used in an attempt to defuse a bomb planted by the Basque Fatherland and
Liberty group outside a French car showroom on 11 May. Although the robot was
destroyed in the explosion of the bomb, it demonstrated that the use of such
machines-even if they are costly--could save human lives.
DOCID: 3352426
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! 8 June (987
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Chronology of Signifccant
Abu Nidal Group Terrorist
Activities, 1974-86
22 November
United Arab Emirates (UAE): Four terrorists, armed
with machineguns, handgrenades, and pistols, hijack
British Airways plane en route from Dubai to Tunis
.. ,two people wounded during takeover ...plane
took off with approximately 46 hostages, refueled in
Tripoli, Libya, and went on to Tunis ...one passenger
killed on ground; hostages later released. (v)
Location unknown; probably Lebanon: Murder
planned by Sabri al-Hanna against Yasir Arafat,
Salah Khalaf (Abu Iyad), and other prominent
Palestinian leaders uncovered by Fatah intelligence
... al-Banna sentenced to death in absentia in
OCiobe[. (U)
26 September
Syria: Four terrorists, armed with machineguns and
grenades, take over Semiramis Hotel in Damascus,
taking 90 hostages ...Syrian troops storm hotel .. .
one terrorists killed and three captured;. four hostages
killed and 34 wounded. (u)
~ 11 OCtObeT
Pakis4an: Grenade attack on Syrian Embassy and
Syrian Ambassador's residence in Islamabad. (v)
l7 November
Jordan: Four Palestinians attack Intercontinental
Hotel with handguns and grenades, killing two
employees and taking hostages ...Jordanian troops
counterattack, killing three terrorists and wounding
one ...two soldiers, one hotel guest killed; four hotel
guests wounded. (v)
2 December
Syria: Syrian Foreign Minister `Abd al-Halim
Khaddam seriously wounded in assassination attempt
in Damascus. (v)
UAE: Assassination attempt against Syrian Foreign
Minister Khaddam in Abu Dhabi results in death of
UAE Minister of State. (u)
4 January
United Kingdom: PLO representative murdered in
London. (v)
15 February
Cyprus: Two gunmen attack Afro-Asian Peoples'
Solidarity Organization meeting in Nicosia and kilt
its secretary general, Yusuf as-Siba`i, a confidant of
Anwar EI-Sadat ...leave country on aircraft with I I
hostages but refused permission to land in Libya,
Kuwait, Somalia, Ethiopia, or South Yemen .. .
subsequently return to Larnaca Airport ...Egyptian
counterterrorism force conducts airborne assault on
airport ...resulting firelight kills 15 and wounds 16.
IS dune
Kuwait: PLO official murdered in Kuwait. (u}
3 August
France: ?wo gunmen attack PLO office in Paris and
kill PLO representative to France. (v)
DOCID: 3352426
S August
Pakistan: Four gunmen, armed with submachineguns
and grenades, attack PLO office in Islamabad and kill
radio operator, two Palestinian students, and Paki-
stani police guard. (u)
17 January
France: Manager of Arab bookstore murdered in
ParIS. (U}
3 March
Spain: Gunman mistakenly shoots and kills Spanish
attorney Adolfo Cotelo Villareal :..apparent target
Max Mazin, leader of Spanish Jewish community. (u)
22 April
Yugoslavia: Attempted murder of Fatah official
Salah Khalaf in Belgrade; one bodyguard wounded.
S June
Kuwait: Attempted murder. of PLO representative in
Kuwait. (u)
27 July
Belgium: Attack on Agudat Israel synagogue in
Antwerp; one person killed and 20 injured. (u)
1 May
Austria: Head of Austrian-Israeli Friendship Society
killed in Vienna. {u)
1 June
Belgium: PLO representative murdered in Brussels.
29 August
Austria: Two gunmen, armed with machine pistols
and handgrenades, attack Vienna synagogue ...two
killed, 19 injured. (u)
23 September
Cyprus: Two Arabs attack Israeli shipping firm in
Limassol with handgrenades, injuring five employees.
S October
Malta: Aborted attempt to kill the PLO representa-
tive to Libya in Valletta. (u)
9 October
Italy: Senior PLO official murdered in Rome. (u)
4 February
Austria: Bomb explodes at residence of chief rabbi in
Vienna, causing some property damage but no casual-
ties. (o)
l March
Spain: Nabil Arnaki, a coleader of Arab People's
Liberation Movement (APLM), a splinter group of the
ANO, killed in Madrid. (u)
3 June
United Kingdom: Attempted assassination of Israeli
Ambassador Shlomo Argov in London ...precipitates
Israeli invasion of Lebanon. (u)
S June
India: First Secretary of Kuwaiti Embassy assassinat-
ed in New Delhi. (U)
17 dune
Italy: Deputy director of PLO office in Rome mur-
9 July
Turkey: President of Palestinian Student Union mur-
dered in Ankara. (u)
23 July
Francc: Dcputy director of PLO office murdered in
Paris. (u)
DOC~I~et 3352426
9 August
France: Two gunmen with grenades and automatic
weapons attack Jewish-owned restaurant; six killed,
27 wounded. (u)
23 August
Kuwait: UAE Charge d'Affaires wounded in assassi-
nation attempt. (u)
26 August
India: UAE Consul General in Bombay escapes injury
in assassination attempt. (u)
16 September
Pakistan: Attempted assassination of Kuwaiti Consul
General in Karachi. (u)
18 September
Spain: First secretary of Kuwaiti Embassy assassinat-
ed in Madrid, driver wounded. (u)
9 October
Italy: Grenade and machinegun attack against syna-
gogue in Rome kills a child and wounds 10. (u)
8 December
Greece: Kuwait Airways offices bombed in Athens, no
casualties. (u)
10 April
Portugal: Issam Sartawi, prominent PLO moderate
and close friend of Arafat, killed in Lisbon. (u)
20 August
Greece Murder of aide to high-ranking Fatah official
Khalil al-Wazir. (u)
23 September
UAE: Gulf Air Boeing 73'7 en route from Karachi,
Pakistan, to Abu Dhabi, crashes killing all 111 pas-
sengers and crew ...crash may have been caused by
bomb aboard aircraft. (u)
25 October
India: Jordanian Ambassador wounded in assassina-
tion attempt in New Delhi. (u)
26 October
Italy: Jordanian Ambassador and driver wounded in
assassination attempt in Rome. (u)
3l October
Jordan: Car bomb detonated outside main Jordanian
Army officers' club in Az Zarga', no casualties
reported. (u)
7 November
Greece: Two security guards of Jordanian Embassy in
Athens attacked; one killed, one wounded. (u)
12 November
Jordan: Discovery of car bomb in residential area in
Amman. (u)
l9 December
Turkey: Car bomb discovered midway between
French cultural center and US officers' club in Izmir.
20 December
Turkey: Car bomb injures one person and causes
extensive damage to apartment building near PLO
office and living quarters in Ankara. (u)
29 December
Spain: Two Jordanian Embassy employees attacked in
Madrid; one killed, one wounded. (u)
8 February
France: UAE Ambassador to France assassinated in
Paris. (u)
24 March
Jordan: Bomb defused outside British Consulate in
Amman. (u)
24 March
Jordan: Bomb defused outside British cultural center
sn Amman. (u)
DOCID: 3352426
24 March
Jordan: Bomb explodes in parking lot of Interconti-
nental Hotel across street from US Embassy, damag-
ing two vehicles and slightly injuring two persons;
second bomb discovered and defused. (u)
28 March
Greece: British Embassy First Secretary assassinated
in Athens. (u)
3 May
Cyprus: Chairman of Arab Writers' Union killed in
Nicosia. (u)
25 October
Italy: UAE vice consul wounded and student accom-
panying him killed in assassination attempt in Rome.
Lebanon: Bomb attack on British Airways office in
Beirut. (u)
12 November
Austria: Bomb partially explodes at Israeli El Al
airlines office; no casualties. (u)
12 November
Austria: Bomb explodes in entrance hallway of British
Consulate. (u)
27 November
India: British Deputy High Commissioner assassinat-
ed in Bombay by ROSM. (u)
29 November
Greece: Attempted assassination of Jordan's Deputy
Chief of Mission in Atherrs. (u)
4 December
Romania: Deputy Chief of Mission of Jordanian
Embassy assassinated in Bucharest. (u)
14 December
Italy: Ismail Darwish, a leading military figure in
Fatah movement, murdered in Rome. (u)
9 March
UAE: ANO member arrested for attempted sabotage
of Royal Jordanian Airlines flight. (u)
21 March
Italy: Grenade attack on Royal Jordanian Airlines
office in Rome,. injuring two. {u)
21 March
Cyprus: Unidentified man throws two grenades into
Royal Jordanian Airlines office in Nicosia. (u)
2l March
Greece: Grenade thrown into Royal Jordanian Air-
lines office in Athens, injuring three. (u)
26 March
Lebanon: British journalist kidnaped in Beirut. (u)
3 April
Italy: Rocket fired at Jordanian Embassy in Rome
...misses Embassy and hits apartment on fourth
floor of the building, but causes no casualties. (u)
4 April
Greece: Rocket fired at Jordanian airliner as it takes
off from Athens airport ...projectile hits plane but
does not explode. (u)
23 April
Kuwait: Moderate newspaper editor wounded in
murder attempt. (u)
15 May
Lebanon: UN Relief and Works Agency official
kidnaped but released the next day. (u)
1 July
Spain: Bomb explodes at British Air ticket office in
Madrid, also damaging TWA office upstairs .. .
Royal Jordanian Airlines ticket office nearby hit by
automatic weapons fire and two grenades that fail to
explode ...one killed, 24 wounded. (u)
DOC~G;t 3352426
11 July
Kuwait: Two bombs explode within minutes of each
other, killing eight and injuring 89 at two cafes about
t0 kilometers apart in Kuwait City ...third bomb
defused at another cafe. (u)
21 July
Lebanon: Bomb explodes outside Kuwaiti Airlines
office in Beirut ... no casualties reported. (u)
24 July
Turkey: First Secretary at Jordanian Embassy, assas-
sinated in Ankara. (u)
$ August
Greece: Bomb explodes in kitchen of London Hotel in
Athens, wounding 13 tourists. (v)
24 August
Turkey: Bomb discovered in PLO office in Ankara.
30 August
Greece: Palestinian arrested in Athens for plotting
assassination of Jordanian Ambassador. (u)
3 September
Greece: Two grenades thrown at swimming pool at
Glyfada Hotel in Athens ... 19 British tourists
16 September
Italy: Grenades thrown at Cafe de Paris in Rome,
injuring 38 tourists. {u)
i8 September
Greece: Palestinian magazine publisher murdered in
Athens. (u)
22 September
United Kingdom: British authorities arrest. an ANO
member found in possession of four handgrenades and
charge him with conspiracy to cause explosions and to
endanger life ...grenades provided by Libyan contact
...target identity unknown. (u)
2S September
Italy: Bomb explodes at British Air office in Rome,
killing one and injuring 14. (u)
23 November
Malta: Three gunmen seize Egypt Air Flight 737 en
route from Athens to Cairo and force it to land in
Valletta, Malta ...when. hijackers' demand for
refueling refused, they begin shooting selected passen-
gers ...ultimately, 56 passengers and two terrorists
killed; 23 passengers and one terrorist wounded ... on
24 November Egyptian military commando unit
storms plane. (u)
24 November
Jordan: Husayn ai-Bitar killed in Amman as a result
of financial dispute over his house which was allegedly
owned by Sabri al-Banna. (u)
27 December
Austria: Three gunmen attack El Al counter at
Vienna's Schwechat Airport with grenades and
AK-47s, killing two and wounding 39 ... one terrorist
also died and two were wounded. (u)
27 December
Italy: Four gunmen attack El Al ticket counter at
Rome's Fiumicino Airport with grenades and
AK-47s, killing 12 and wounding 72 .. ,three terror-
ists also died and one was injured. (u)
5 September
Pakistan: Four men armed with automatic weapons,
handguns, and grenades storm Pan Am Flight 747 in
Karachi, killing 21 and injuring over 100 others. (u)
6 September
Turkey: Two gunmen attack Neve Shalom synagogue
in Istanbul with grenades and machineguns .. .
22 killed and six wounded. (u)
~OCID: 3352426
Chronology of Terrorism-1987 (v)
Below are described noteworthyforeign and international events revolving
terrorists, or the use ojterrorist tactics, that have occurred or come to light since
our last issue. In some cases, the perpetrators and their motivations may not be
known. Events and developments that have already been described elsewhere in
this publication are not included. (uJ
29 March West Germany: Unknown perpetrators commit arson attack against construction
site in West Berlin. causing considerable damage but no injuries. A claim letter
signed by the "Autonomous Group, Erna Sielka" was found at the scene. (u)
2I and 28 April
Lebanon: Bomb goes o,Q''in Middle East Airlines o,BFce is Sagiyar al-Jinzir in
West Beirut. The explosion caused extensive material damage, but no injuries were
reported. (u)
Lebanon: Two Finnish UNIFIL sentries are taken hostage when Hizballah
terrorists seize weapons and military radios and loot UNIFIL unit in village of
Aaichiye. The sentries were later freed. There were no injuries reported in the
attack. (v)
22 April Lebanon: Boobytrapped Volvo explodes in village t~i'Tulin, injuring tJkree persons.
No group has claimed responsibility for the car bombing. (u)
Northern Ireland: Provisional IRA member is killed while handling bomb in
BeUast. The terrorist was planning to throw the device at a Royal Ulster
Constabulary (RUC) station. (u)
Off: 3352426
Northern Ireland: Police seize at least 2,700 pounds oJ'homemade explosives
hidden in a horse trailer near Antrim. The Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
believes it prevented a major Provisional IRA. bombing attack against a County
Derry RUC station. (u)
Northern Ireland: Belfast police thwart bomb attack against Royal Ulster
Constabulary (RUC) station. They discovered four loaded mortar tubes aimed at
the police station, presumably planted by the Provisionat IRA. (u)
Bolivia: Grenade explodes in a classroom oJan engineering facility in La Paz, se-
riously injuring a student. (u)
Netherlands: Firebomb thrown into hutch Prime Minister's house in Rotterdam
causes material damage but no injuries. No one claimed responsibility for the
attack. (u)
Northern Ireland: Pollee clash with mourners at Provisional IRA (PIRA) mem-
ber's funeral in Ulster. One policeman and several PIRA supporters were injured.
The deceased was a terrorist who died 2 May when a bomb he was trying to throw
at a police station exploded prematurely. {u)
Northern Ireland: Catholic youth shot to death at his South Belfast home. No one
claimed responsibility for the murder. (u)
Argentina: Explosion at a military factory kills three persons and seriously
wounds another in Buenos Aires. No group has claimed responsibility. (u)
Lebanon: Police bomb-disposal o,8icer injured in northern Lebanon when booby-
trapped car he is trying to defuse explodes. No one has claimed responsibility for
rigging the car. (v)
Northern Ireland: Eight Provisional IRA members killed during attack on Royal
Ulster Constabulary (RUC) station in County Armagh. A passing motorist was
killed in the crossfire, and at least four people were injured. The deaths appear to
have been the result of swell-orchestrated ambush by the security forces. (u}
Yugoslavia: Unident~Jied object explodes at Belgrade,fine arts facility. No one
was injured, and the bomb caused only slight material damage. (u)
DOCID: 3352426
10 May
Lebanon: Six bombs explode in same evening in West Beirut, jour et!'them within
a,rve-minute span. One of the reported targets was the Carmel Saint Joseph
School. There was no report of injuries, and no group has claimed responsibility.
Colombia: Two Coca-Cola facilities in Antioquia and Magdalena Departments
are bombed by suspected members of the National Liberation Army (ELN,I
Coca-Cola interests in Colombia have not been attacked since May 198b, when
M-19 guerrillas bombed the company's Bogota facility
11 May France: Bomb explodes at a Marseilles o,~ice, injuring three persons; another
bomb jails to explode. No one claimed responsibility for the attack. (u)
Italy: Police raid 100 homes in Naples, Rome, and Venice during antiterrorism
operation. Six suspected members of the Red Brigades faction, the Union of
Combatant Communists, were arrested during the raids. Documents and a number
of weapons were also seized. (v)
Lebanon: Suspicious personshrefour shells from hotel in East Beirut. Three of
the shells fell on the Beirut Port compound, and another shell hit a school in the
Al-Ashrifiyah area. A Lebanese Army force found the launching apparatus-
consisting of a battery, a timing mechanism, and wires--in the abandoned Hilton
Hotel in the Al-Zaytunah area. (u)
Chile: Terrorists attack the National Intelligence Center with explosives and
submachinegun.fire in Santiago. No organization has claimed responsibillty
although similar actions have been carried out by Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic
Front. (u)
Lebanon: Ganmen toss packages gi'dynamite oat eN'two passing cars. causing six
explosions within 15 minutes. The targets included a playground, a gasoline
station, a pharmacy, a mosque, and the entrance to the AL-Shaykh Musa Trade.
Shops. There has been no claim of responsibility. (u)
33 ret
DOCIFpf . 3352426
18 May
Peru: Three terrorists assassinate the mayor of the Florencia Mora District of
Trujillo and seriously wound his lieutenant. (u)
Ecuador: The National Police arrest two Ajlaro Vive, Carajo! {AVC) members as
they prepare to assist Colombian forces in the M-19-led America's Battalion.
The Battalion operates in rural areas of Colombia. (u)
Lebanon: Bomb explodes at Beirut's main post o,B"rce, injuring three bomb-
disposal experts as they attempt to defuse it. No one has claimed responsibility. (u)
Ecuador: Police arrest the bead a1'A,Uaro Vive Cargjo!'s (AYC} Second Region,
Antonio Pincay Moran. His capture is another blow to the group's dwindling
Lebanon: Bomb goes g,@''under vehicle parked behind UNRWA building in West
Beirut's Verdun District, causing material damage. No group has claimed
responsibility for the bombing. (u)
Lebanon: Bomb weighing l0 kilograms detonates near Syrian post in Al-Minyah
area c;/'Tripoli. There were no injuries reported. The Lebanese Liberation Front
has claimed responsibility for the explosion. (u)
I9 May France: Paris police arrest three suspected former Red Brigades members. Italy-
has issued warrants for their arrest and will seek the extradition of all three. (u)
Peru: Unknown perpetrators throw three bombs at banks awd leave one outside the
O,~ice gJ'Public Registry in Lima after a genera! strike protesting the economic
policies oJ'President Garcia. Police suspect the Tupac Amaru (MRTA} may be re-
sponsible. (u)
Spain: British and West German Embassies in Madrid receive letters warning of
bomb campaign against tourists. The letters were allegedly sent by the Basquc
Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) organization. Interior Ministry security personnel
reportedly do not believe the letters are genuine. (v)
Austria: Two Palestinians receive life sentences for attack in December 1985 on
El Al airlines o.94ce at Yienna airport. The two men were accused of two murders
and 87 attempted murders. Four persons, including one of the terrorists, were
killed, and 40 others were injured in the attack. (v)
France: Police arrest an Italian national outside his apartment in Paris.. He is
suspected of having links to the Red Brigades. (v)
DOCID: 3352426
Lebanon: Bomb attached toJuel truck explodes in East Beirut, killing a S-i
Lankan national and wounding an Egyptian. A device, made up of 2 kilograms of
TNT and attached to a truck parked at a gas station in the Nahr Al-Mawt area,
set the gas station on fire and caused extensive material damgage. There has been
no claim of responsibility. (u)
Northern Ireland: Part-time Ulster Defense Regiment (UDR) soldier shot dead
near his County Tyronejarmhoase. The Provisional-IRA claimed responsibility for
the attack. (u)
Northern Ireland: Unidentified gunmen seriously injure Sinn Fein city council
member at his Beijast home. No group claimed responsibility but the police
suspect the Ulster Volunteer Force. (u)
Northern Ireland: Two Provisional IRA gunmen murder a Protestant at his
County Down farm. The victim was a former prison official. (u)
Peru: Unknown assailants in Tacna bomb, the home al'the president ai'a regional
development agency, causing serious damage. There had been little terrorist
activity in that area since 1982, when police broke up a Sendero Luminoso (SL)
cell there. (u)
Chile: Government security forces discover a terrorist arsenal in Santiago. The
cache included six bombs, dynamite sticks, plastic explosives, homemade grenades,
and bullets. (u)
Northern Ireland: Catholic man shot and kilted at the wheel ctf'his bread van near
Omagh. The Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF) were responsible for the murder. (u)
Spain: Bomb explodes in French car showroom in Basque town ctJ'Haro, setting
fire to several vehicles only hours before a socialist party rally there. No one was
injured. The ETA is suspected. (u)
2S May _ Brazil: Bomb explodes in Porto Alegre bus station. injuring one individual and
wounding jour others. No one has claimed responsibility. (u)
Spain: Fenwle Basque guerrilla receives 1 S9-year seetence jot three murders.
Mercedes Galdos, a Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) commando leader,
confessed to the bombing in 1978 of a civil guard convoy and the murder in 1981
of a retired police chief. (u)
17 May Spain: Small bomb explodes at Mieres mining region town hall, injuring two
elderly persons. Na one claimed responsibility for the attack. (u)
DOCK: 3352426
Argentina: Bomb explodes in an undergound parking garage l00 meters from the
capitol, injuring jour persons and damaging SO cars. (~)
France: French police hand over two sr~spected Basque separatists to Spanish
authorities. This brings to 62 the number of Basques ezpelied since last 3uly. (v}
Northern Ireland: Two armed terrorists ambush sehoolbus in Strabane, injuring
the driver, apart-time Ulster Defense Regiment (UDR) o,~cer. The four children
on board the bus were not harmed. No one claimed responsibility for the attack,
but police suspect the Provisional IRA. (u)
now be singling out and attacking only whites
Zimbabwe: Two West German tourists are murdered near Victoria Falls in
Matabeleland Province. The tourists had pulled ofI' the road to a rest stop when
the terrorists emerged from the bush and started shooting. Seven whites have been
killed in Matebeleland in the last three months, suggesting that dissidents may
damaging the concrete p1atJorm and shattering windows
Ireland: D,~ duty Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) police officer shot dead by
two gunmen outside County Donegal village. The slaying of the 40-year-old
policeman, who was visiting his elderly parents, was the second such death in the
Republic of Ireland this year. The Provisional IRA claimed responsibility for the
murder. (u)
Spain: Basque political parties halt election campaigning and demand release of
kidnap victim.. The parties called on the Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)
organization to free the elderly businessman who was kidnaped from his home on
19 May. Spanish voters will vote on 10 June to elect local councils, regional
assemblies, and representatives to the European Parliament. (u)
Northern Ireland. Soldier killed while on paaol in West Belfast. The viciim was
a member of the 1st Queen's Lancashire regiment and was the first member of a
British-based regiment to be shot in Northern Ireland in nearly two years. No one
claimed responsibility. (u)
ret 3ti
Z)OCID: 3352426
b June
10 June
Spain: Police seize 220 pounds ctf'explosives near Barcelona, foiling what may
have been a preelection bomb plot by Basque extremists. The explosives, timers,
and remote-control detonators were found in seven cardboard boxes in a parking
lot. ETA has used similar explosives recently in a series of car bombings in
Barcelona. {u)
West Germany: Censas forms destroyed in frre at Filderstadt City Hall. Two
molotov cocktails were thrown into an office where the completed forms were
stored. No group claimed responsibility. {v)
West Germany: Extremists attempt to derail a US military train entering West
Berlin. The train's driver stopped before hitting the steel chain and burning tires
that had been laid across the tracks. A leaflet found at the scene read "Fire and
flames for the US President." President Reagan visited West Berlin on 12 June.
Greece: Bomb destroys car belonging to nephew oJ'the Minister ct!'Pubtic Order.
Several cars and businesses were damaged by the blast in Athens, but no one was
injured. No group has claimed responsibility. {u)
Spain: A Bilbao court convicted Juan Carlos Yoldi to 25 years imprisonment for
terrorist activity as a member ct/'the outlawed ETA. Yoldi was a candidate for pre-
mier of the Basque regional government. (u)
DOCK: et 352426