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July 5, 1984
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At Washington, D.C.: (Georgetown University Law Center) APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 03-Sep-2008 (b)(2) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) (b)(7)(e) On 5 July 1984, Mr. Louis C. FINE, Assistant to the Registrar, was contacted and interviewed at his place of employment, Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Avenue, North West. Informant provided the educational record of the SUBJECT, John William DEBELIUS, Jr., which reflected he has attended the Law Center from January 1983 to May 1983. SUBJECT has completed a total of 22 semester credit hours, earning a grade point average of 5.66. on a 12.00 scale. Informant stated this grade point average is equal to a C- grade. SUBJECT is enrolled in the M aws in Taxation Program. SUBJECT's social secrutiy number was observed to b No negative or derogatory information was contained in the educational fi e o Numerous attempts to interview educational informants met with negative results. EMPLOYMENT At Gaithersburg, Maryland: (Young, Debelius & Clifford Attorneys at Law & Young & Debelius Attorneys at Law) On 6 July 1984, Ms. Gretchen A. REZASH, Officer Manager, was contacted and inter- viewed at her place of employment, 302 East Diamond Avenue. Informant provided the records of the law offices of Young, Debelius & Clifford which SUBJECT has been employed as a part time consultant from 31 December 1982 to the present. Records of Young & Debelius reflected as SUBJECT was first a full time associate then a full time law partner at the firm from October 1977 to 31 December 1982. SUBJECT's son, John Debelius III, is currently the only member of the Debelius family involved directly as a partner in the law firm of Young, Debelius and Clifford. Records in- dicate SUBJECT's performance as a part time consultant is fully satisfactory. and he is eligible for continued employment. Informant has known SUBJECT professionally since October of 1977 and has contact with him at least twice a week at the office. Informant stated that SUBJECT is a stable and reliable legal professional who enjoys an excellent reputation with all those he contacts in the professional environment. She knew nothing detrimental concerning SUBJECT's personal or professional life and thought him to be an honest and loyal individual whom she would recommend for a position of trust and responsi- bility with. the United States Government. Additional comments by this informant will follow in the reference.section. On 6 July 1984, Mr. James R. CLIFFORD, Sr., law partner.of Young, Debelius and Clifford, was contacted and interviewed at his place of employment, 302 East Diamond Avenue. Informant has known SUBJECT professionally thru his membership in the above law firm from approximately May of 1981 to the present and contacts him at least two times a week while at the office. Informant characterized the SUBJECT as a knowledge- able, articulate, proficient, and trusted consultant with the firm of Young, Debelius and Clifford. Informant provided no negative or derogatory information concerning SUBJECT's professional abilities and recommended him for a position of trust ( Thomas L. BEIGHT, Attorney at Law) with the United States On 6 July. 1984, Ms. Amy L. BISHOP, office secretary, was ontacted and inter- viewed-at her place of employment, 594 North Frederick Avenue. Informant verified from memory that SUBJECT was employed as a part time legal consultant at the above captioned law firm from approximatley 1973 to 1976 and currently serves in the same capacity on a more in- frequent basis. SUBJECT's services were characterized as fully satisfactory and he is considered eligible for continued employment. At Rockville, Maryland: On 5 July 1984, Mr. William M. MCGREW, a informant, residing at~ was contacted and interviewed-.--En- ormant has known SUBJECT as a former professional contemporary and personal friend from 1956 to the present. In- formant's contact with SUBJECT had varied over the years. During SUBJECT's career with the government, informant contacted SUBJECT on at least a weekly basis. Sub- sequent to 197.3, informant and SUBJECT had monthly social contact. From 1983 to the present informant declared his contact with SUBJECT was. infrequent, stating the last time he saw SUBJECT was approximatley ten months ago. Informant characterized SUB- JECT as an intelligent, hard working, conscientious; affable and stable man who en- joys an excellent reputation with both his professional and social contemporaries. SUBJECT retired from a distinguished career in the federal government in approx- imately 1973. Since retirement, SUBJECT has continued to successfully pursue his le- gal career in the private sector. Currently SUBJECT is involved in a law firm in Gaithersburg, Maryland as a partner. Informant has had some business transactions with the SUBJECT regarding real estate investments. SUBJECT was a trustworthy and dependable partner in these cooperative ventures with informant. SUBJECT's first wife, Mary died of cancer sometime between 1981 and. 1982. SUBJECT has since re- married and currently enjoys a stable and loving marital union. SUBJECT's children by his first marriage are all fully grown adults and one of his sons, John W. Debelius III, is also involved in the same law firm as SUBJECT in Gaithersburg, Maryland. . Informant had no reason to question SUBJECT's mental or physical health, emo- tional stability, maturity or financial.reputation. SUBJECT has no had any problem with alcohol, drugs or the police.. He has demonstrated: no apparent excesses in per- sonal habits or conduct. Informant knew nothing detrimental concerning SUBJECT's personal or professional life and thought him to be an honest, moral and ethical individual. Informant was not aware of any foreign travel or contacts.on the part of SUB- JECT. Informant declared SUBJECT was a loyal, upstanding American citizen and in- formant recommended him for a position of trust and responsibility with the United At Gaithersburg, Maryland: On 6.July 1984, Ms. Gretchen A. REZASH, a 'nformant, was contacted and interviewed at her place of employment, 302 East Diamond Avenue. Informant stated that she has known SUBJECT. from approximately 1977 to the present as a pro- fessional associate and a social friend.. Informant contacts SUBJECT professionally on almost a daily basis during the work week and also enjoys.infr.equent social con- tact with SUBJECT and his current wife. Informant characterized the SUBJECT as an intelligent, articulate, easy going, affable, candid.and pleasant individual who en- joys an excellent reputation with both his professional and social contemporaries. Informant knew SUBJECT retired from government services in the early 1970's and first worked in the private sector at the law offices of Thomas L. BEIGHT. Informant considered SUBJECT a knowledgeable and proficient lawyer specializing in tax law. SUBJECT's long term and loving marriage to his first wife, Mary'ended in her cancer death in approximately 1981. SUBJECT's wife suffered from cancer for several years prior to. her death. SUBJECT. remarried in October of 1982 to his second wife, Eliza- beth. SUBJECT's.current marriage was described as a mutually supportive and loving union. SUBJECT has'five children by his first marriage. All of these children are full grown adults each pursuing their respective professional careers. SUBJECT's John'and James are practicing attorneys. Daughter,:Ann is close to completing her law degree at George Washington University. Daughter, Elizabeth is a dentist in the United States'Air Force and daughter, Margaret is an accountant for Price Water House Company. Informant related SUBJECT%xcellent relations with all his children. SUB- JECT's hobbies include gardening, wood working and physical conditioning. SUBJECT is in excellent physical condition for a man of his age. Informant described the SUBJECT as a honest, trustworthy, dependable individual who uses discretion in all his dealings. He is a highly mature, stable man of ex- cellent moral character who lives within his financial means. SUBJECT has never had any problems with alcohol consumption, . drug. usage or the police. He has no apparent access in personal habits or conduct. Informant knew SUBJECT went on a cruise on the Caribbean shortly after the death of his first wife. Other that the Caribbean Cruise, informant knew of no further foreign contacts or travel on the part of SUBJECT. SUBJECT is a loyal, upstanding American and informant highly recommended him for a position of trust and responsi- bility with the United States Government. On 6 July 1984, Mr. James R. CLIFFORD Sr., ainformant, was 'contacted and interviewed at his place of employment, 302 East Diamond Avenue.' Informant stated he as known SUBJECT-as a professional associate and riend from May of 1981 to.the present and contacts him one to-two times a week. Informant characterized the SUBJECT as a quiet, affable, good natured, articualte and intelligent individual who enjoys an excellent professional relationship with all those he contacts in the work environ- ment. Informant knew nothing unfavorable regarding SUBJECT and provided substancially the same information regarding SUBJECT as the preceeding informants. He had no rea- son to question SUBJECT's character, habits, morals, non use-of drugs, sobriety, fi- nancial reputation, integrity and loyalty and recommended him for a position of trust and responsibility with the United States Government. On 5. July 1984, Mrs. Donna M. COSTELL0, a informant, was contacted and interviewed at her place of residence, Informant stated that she has known SUBJECT as a friend and neighbor from approximately 1978 to the present and contacts him on almost a. daily basis. Informant character- ized SUBJECT as a warm, affable, pleasant, helpful, cooperative, and respected neighbor who has an excellent reputation in the neighborhood. Informant revealed she knew SUBJECT was currently attempting to further his legal knowledge in stature by obtaining a master's degree in laws; pertaining to taxation from Georgetown Uni- versity. Informant knew nothing unfavorable regarding SUBJECT and provided essen- tially the same information as the preceeding informants. She had no reason to ques- tion,SUBJECT's habits, morals, non use of drugs, sobriety, financial reputation, in-. tegrity and loyalty and recommended him for a position of trust and responsibility with the United States Government. At Wheaton, Maryland: informant, residing at was contacted and. interviewed. Informant stated she has known SUBJECT from approximately 1960 to the present as a professional associate while both'were employed with the United States Federal Government. Informant stated.she has served with SUBJECT both in the United States and overseas. Since SUBJECT's retirement from government service, in the early 1970's, informant has had infrequent contact with SUBJECT. Informant indicated she has utilized the SUBJECT's legal services on several occasions in the past and thought SUBJECT to be an honest and competent at- torney. Informant knew nothing unfavorable regarding. SUBJECT and provided substan- cially the same information as the preceeding informant. She had no reason to question SUBJECT's character, habits, morals, non use of drugs, sobriety, financial reputation, integrity and loyalty and recommended him for a position of trust and responsibility with the United States Government. NEIGHBORHOOD At Gaithersburg, Maryland: (Vicinity of 19803 Greenside Terrace), On 5 July 1984, Mr. Larr L. LONG, neighbor, was contacted and interviewed at his place of residence, Greenside Terrace. Informant stated that he has known SUBJECT as a friend and.neighbor.from..,apptoximately January 1984 to the present and contacted one to two times a week. Informant characterized SUBJECT as a quiet,friend- ly and responsible neighbor who seems to enjoy an excellent reputation in the neigh- borhood. The informant knew the SUBJECT was a lawyer by profession and lived in his. town- house with his current wife, Elizabeth. Informant was aware.. of the cancer death of his first wife, Mary. SUBJECT has several grown children by his first marriage and his children were known by informant to often visit him on weekends and holidays. Informant attested to SUBJECT's high moral standards, principals and character. SUBJECT has always acted in a stable, mature manner. SUBJECT lives according to his means and has no apparent financial difficulties. He was never known to have any problems with alcohol consumption, drugs or the police. SUBJECT has no bad habits or questionable behavioral patterns. Informant was not aware of any foreign travel or contacts on the part of SUB- JECT. Informant thought SUBJECT to be-a-loyal American citizen and recommended him for a position of trust and responsibility with the United States Government. On 5 July 1984, Mr. James F. COSTELLO, neighbor and husband ofl 0- formant Donna.M. COSTELLO, was. contacted and interviewed separately at his place of residence,reenside.Terrace. Informant provided essentially the same testimony regarding SUBJECT as detailed by his wife. 'Informant first met SUBJECT in calendar year 1978 when SUBJECT and his. first wife, Mary moved into the neigh- borhood. Informant has had almost weekly contact with SUBJECT during SUBJECT's residency in the neighborhood.. Informant knew nothing unfavorable regarding SUB- JECT provided substancially the same information as the preceeding informants. He had no reason to question SUBJECT's..character, habits, morals, non use of drugs, sobriety, financial reputation, integrity, and loyalty and recommended him for a position of trust and responsibility with the United States Government. On 5 July 1984, Mr. Theodore G.. ADAMS, neighbor, was contacted and interviewed at his place of residence, Greenside Terrace. Informant stated that he has known-SUBJECT from. approximately June of 1978 to the present as a casual neighbor and contacts him on a weekly basis while exchanging neighborly. greetings. Infor- mant provided essentially the same information as the neighbors listed above and indicated that he had no reason to question SUBJECT's.character, reputation, habits, morals, sobriety, non use of drugs, financial reputation or loyalty .and knew of no reason why SUBJECT should be procluded from obtaining a position of trust and respon- sibility with the United States Government. Nothing of a derogatory nature was developed regarding the fianancial reputa- tion of SUBJECT. GENERAL At Rockville, Maryland: (Montgomery County.Circuit Court) On 6 Jul 1984, Ms. Head Clerk of the licensing. department, was ___]contacted and interviewed at her requester place of em- ployment, 50 Court House Square. Informant reviewed the records s of the Montgomery County Circuit Court which reflected' Elizabeth Edit..TOTH, born 23 August 1935 in Budapest Hungary, was naturalized on 6 July 1965 under cerificate 41 The above named individual first entered the United States at.New York City, New York on 5 June..1959 and when. naturalized, resided at 7121 Willow Avenue, Takoma Park,.Mary- land. The above named individual's alien re istration number was listed as and her petition.number was be Ms. and witnessed the SUBJECT's naturalization.