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..IAPPROVED FOR RELEASE^ (b)(1) (b)(3) National Security Unauthorized Disclosure Information Subject to Criminal Sanctions Copyright Contains copyrighted material which cannot be reproduced or disseminated without permission. Dissemination Control NOFOI2N (Ne) Not releasable to foreign nationais Abbreviations ORCON (oc) Dissemination and extraction of information controlled by originator Terrorism Review i Suet D/ TR~7-011 November 1997 Se, et NOF RN-ORLON Highlights The Terrorism Diary for December 1997 and January 1998 15 Chronology of International Terrorismp Summary of Ind, igenous Terrorism-September- 21 This Review is published monthly by the DCI Counterterrorist Center. Comments and queries are welcome and may be directed to Information available as of 20 November 1997 was used in this report. Se et 1 Secret DJ TR 7-011 November 1997 ~ 1 Secs et Se et 2 Se et ~ Se et 5 Suet DI TR 7-011 Nnvember1997 Sec et DI TR 97-011 November 1997 Secket DI TR 7--011 November 1997 The Terrorism Diary for December 1997 and January 1998 3 December 1934 10 December 1966 13 December 1981 14 December 1983 17December 1996 21 December 1948 21 December 1967 23 December 1933 24 December 1951 26 December 28 December 1 January 1956 1 January 1965 S January 1928 6 January 1963 IS January 1918 IS January 1922 16 January 1979 16January 1991 Below is a compendium of December and January dates of known or conceivable significance to terrorists around the world. The inclusion of a date or event does not suggest that we expect or anticipate a commemorative terrorist event. Peru. Birthday of Sendero Luminoso leader Abimail Guzman. Palestinians. Founding of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Poland. Imposition of martial law. Chile. Founding of Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR}. Peru. MRTA takeover of Japanese Ambassador's residence in Lima. Ireland. Proclamation of republic. Palestinians. Founding of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Japan. Birthday of Emperor Akihito. Libya. Independence Day. Peru. Birthday of Mao Zedong, usually sparks Sendero Luminoso attacks. Latin America. Equivalent of US April Fools' Day-traditionally sees many hoaxes and bomb threats. Sudan. Independence Day. Proclamation of republic. Palestinians. Palestinian revolution; founding of Fatah. Pakistan. Birthday of executed former President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Colombia. Founding of National Liberation Army (ELN). Egypt. Birthday of Jamal `Abd al-Nasir. Ireland. Founding of Irish Free State. Iran. Departure of Shah from Iran. Iraq, Kuwait. Operation Desert Storm begins. 15 Suet DI TR~7-DII November 1997 l7 January 1974 18 January 1974 25 January 1993 26 January 1947 30 January 1933 30 January 1972 Colombia. Nineteenth of April Movement (M-19) steals sword of Simon Bolivar from Bogota museum. Founding dates from this act. Egypt, Israel. Disengagement agreement signed. United' States. Mir Aimal Kasi shoots and kills Dr. Lansing Bennett and Frank Darling and wounds three others in front of CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. India. Republic Day (national day). Germany. Accession to power by Nationalist Socialist (Nazi) Party. Northern Ireland. Bloody Monday; 13 ~Cilled, 16 wounded during demonstration in Derry. Chronology of International Terrorism. Sei~ret NO RN-ORLON The following incidents were determined to meet the criteria for international terrrorism by the Intelligence Community s Incident Review Panel since publica- tion of the previous issue of the Terrorism Review These incidents are the basis for the State Department's Patterns of Globa] Terrorism, published annually as the US Suet DI TR~7-011 November 1997 9 September Philippines: Suspected Abu Sayyaf Group members kidnapped a German busi- ness executive in Zamboanga City. Europe 3 September company, ACI Chemicals~~ ; Sri Lanka: The Leopard Brigade of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam claimed responsibility for a rocket propelled grenade attack on a Chinese-owned merchant ship, resulting in several casualties and major damage. Up to 20 per- sons have been reported killed, wounded; or missing, including five Chinese crewmen. The ship was registered in Panama and chartered by a US-based OSCE vehicle in ~tez, causing extensive damage. Bosnia and Herzegovina: An unident~ed assailant threw a grenade under an Greece: Unknown assailants set fire to a Cypriotdiplomat's vehicle, causing extensive damage. The Anti-Sov{ reignty-Struggle organization claimed responsibility. ~~ , 2 September Colombia: Revolutionary Armed Forces,of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas tried to attack the Cano Limon-Covenas oil pipeline but were stopped by the Army. The Army brigade killed three FARC rebels atad arrested another. 4 September Cuba: Three hotels frequented by foreign tourists and business people, the Tri- ton, the Chateau Miramar, and the Copdcabana, were bombed within minutes of each other in lYavana. Flying shards of glass from the blast at the Copacabana killed an Italian tourist, and all three hotels suffered minor damage. On 10 Septem- berthe Interior Ministry announced the arrest of a Salvadoran citizen who con- . fessed to these bombings and two others that occured on 12 Jul 6 September Colombia: Authorities defused explosive char es orind against the Transandino oil pipeline near San Miguel, Putumay IS September Colombia: National Liberation Army (ELN} uerrillas bombed the Cano Limon- Covenas oil pipeline in Arauca Department. Colombia: FARCguerrillas bombed a rail line nuear El Cerrejon-Zona Norte, La Guajira Department. The explosion destroyed 300 meters of rail and 26 rail cars filled with coal from a mine operating under concession by Intercor, a subsidiary of Exxon Corporation 22 September 26 September 28 September I8 September 25 September the Venezuelan Government's unpopular economic refor Venezuela: A leaflet bomb exploded in the lobby of the Hilton Hotel in Caracas, causing minor damage. The leaflets, signed by the Che Guevara Front, objected to Colombia: Suspected ELNguerrillas bombed the Cano Limon-Covenas oil pipe- line in Arauca Department, causing an oil spill that suspended pumping. Colombia: Unidentified uerrillas bombed the Cano Limon-Covenas oil pipeline northwest of Bogota Colombia: Suspected ELNguerrillas bombed a rail line, derailing 18 cars. The cars carried 20 tons of coal from a mine that n erates under concession by Intercor, a subsidiary of Exxon Corporation. Egyptian bus driver, and wounding eight others Egypt: Gunmen attacked a tourist bus in front of the Egyptian National Antiqui- ties Museum in Tahrir Square, Cairo, killing nine German tourists and their Jordan: Two Israeli Secret Service Mossad agents attacked the Islamic Resis-. tance Movement (HAMAS) political director, Khalid Mish'al, in Amman. One of the agents directed a device emitting a ray at Mish'al's head, exposing him to a toxic material that caused head and respiratory injuries. 7ordan released the two agents to Israel in exchange for the release of HAMAS founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Sg et - r Se et 20 Summary of Indigenous Terrorism--September-October, 1997 Nigeria The incidents and situations listed below are not a detailed accounting of all domestic terrorist incidents, but rather an overview of selected indigenous A bomb exploded on 25 September at the home in Ondo of the chairman of the National Reconciliation Committee, causing minor damage. No one claimed responsibility for the attack~~ A previously unknown Sikh group, the Shaheed Khalsa Force, claimed responsi- bility for detonating two bombs in a crowded New Delhi market place on 1 October, injuring some 27 persons.~~ responsibility for the attack Armed militants surrounded a house in Akingam, Kashmir, on 11 October, and shot and killed a political leader and his two security guards. No one claimed Two bombs exploded in a crowded market area in New Delhi on 26 October, kill- ing one person and injuring 30 others. No one claimed responsibility.) Japan On 11 October in Saitama Prefecture, suspected Chukaku-Ha members bombed the home of a university professor, causing fire damage~~ Europe Greece An explosive device detonated at the Royal Olympic Hotel in Athens on 19 October, causing minor damage. No one claimed responsibility for the attack. Spain Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) Donosti Command is responsible A car bomb exploded on a busy street in Bilbao on 11 October, injuring three Span- ish civil guards and causing extensive damage. Authorities believe the Basque On 12 October in Bilbao, unknown assailants threw several Molotov cocktails at police forces durin a pro-ETA rally, injuring two policemen and causing minor damage.~~ Sec1~t DI TR~7-011 November 1997 Unidentified gunmen shot and killed a policeman who discovered them unloading concealed grenade launchers near the new Guggenheim museum in Bilbao on . 13 October. The ETA claimed responsibility Turkey Unknown assailants opened fire on a coffee house in Malatya on 11 October, killing a village guard and wounding three others.) Unidentified assailants stopped a mini bus in Sirnak on I6 October, and kidnapped eight persons,~~ A car bomb exploded in Hakkari on 19 October, killing one erson and wounding 19 others. The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) is suspected United Kingdom Authorities defused a parcel bomb on 7 ~Qctober found inside the office of a union- ist member of nar~nt in Hillsborough, Northern Ireland. No one claimed responsibility. On 25 October, a man was killed in Bangor, Northern Ireland, when a bomb deto- nated under the seat of his car. Police believe the bombing is related to a bitter feud ~ involving rival loyalist paramilitary groups Between 26 and 27 October ELN and FARC guerrillas blew up 11 electrical towers in various locations throughout the country. The bombings were intended to send a message against regional and local elect~ons.~~ were trying to prevent them from voting in Sunday's elections I Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARO) guerrillas attacked the town of Tucurinca on 2 October, killing one policeman and wounding three others. Dam- aged in the attack were a police post, public health office, toll booth, and four tractor-trailers.0 ~ On 11 October National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrillas killed a mayoral candi- date in El Barge after he refused to reno~nce his candidacy. ELN rebels kidnapped 40 persons at a roadblock in the eastern part of the country on 22 October. On 26 October the Army rescued the 40 hostages and also recov- ered 27 vehicles that the guerrillas had taken. The freed hostages said the rebels Ecuador A bomb exploded in the Supreme Court building in Guayaquil on 8 October, caus- ing minor damage. No one claimed responsibility for the attack. Venezuela Algeria One hundred Sendero Luminoso (SL) rebels attacked a police station in San Miguel on 12 October, killing one policeman and injuring three others. The rebels destroyed or looted shops, storehouses, and public offices, and took with them a large quantity of foodstuffs, communications equipment, and medicines. After threatening local authorities, the rebels painted graffiti on the walls alluding to the armed struggle they began in May 1980.~~ Authorities in Caracas defused a bomb found on a subway car on 6 October. The bomb was placed inside a briefca a and was discovered after authorities received an anonymous telephone call. Islamic extremists shelled the town of Blida on 3 October, killing 12 persons and injuring 85 others. No one claimed responsibility for the attack An armed group opened fire on a school bus near Bouinan on 5 October, killing 16~hildren and their driver. The Armed Islamic Group (GIA) may be responsible. On 10 October a bomb exploded in a mosque in Bir Zouak in Bouzareah, killing five worshippers and injuring seven others claimed responsibility for the attack, but the GIA may be responsible Militants killed 45 travelers and wounded IS others at a fabricated police road- blo~k inin Sidi Daoud on 12 October. No one claimed responsibility for the attack. Egypt On 13 October 1997 Al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya militants shot and killed 11 policemen at false roadblocks in the villages of Gris, Nuwar, and Rawdah