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Highlights The Terrorism Diary for October and Novembe r) 19 Chronology of International Terrorism Summary of Indigenous Terrorism-August 1990 27 This review is published monthly by the DCI Counterterrorist Center. Comments and queries are welcome and mhv be directed to I Information available as of 18 September 1996 wa used in this Review. Sec ?et 1 Se et DI T 6-009 September 1996 Se et 5 Se et DI r 6-009 September 1996 7 Se et Se et 8 Se et 9 Se et D! T 96-009 Septe er 1996 Se et Se et 10 Highlights Significant Developments Sec t 13 Se et D! TR -009 September 1996 Se ret 14 15 Se et 17 Sec et The Terrorism Diary for October and Novembe 8 October 1967 10 October 1980 12 October 1965 14 October 1985 23 October 1983 28 October 29 October 1923 29 October 1973 31 October 1984 14 November 1935 Below is a compendium of October and November dates of known or conceivable significance to terrorists around the world. Our inclusion of a date or event should not by itself be construed to suggest that we expect or anticipate a commemorative terrorist event. Tunisia, Israel, Palestinians. Israeli bombing of PLO headquarters in Tunis. Israel, Arab World. Arab-Israeli war begins. Egypt. Armed Forces Day (commemorates war with Israel). Cuba. Heroic Guerrilla Day (death of Che Guevara in Bolivia). El Salvador. Founding of Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN). Chile. Movement of Revolutionary Left (MIR) founded. Germany. Revolutionary Cells bomb economic targets to commemorate suicides in 1977 of Andreas Baader and Gudrun Ensslin. Japan. Beginning of construction of Narita airport (usually marked by 10 days of demonstrations). Lebanon. Bombing of the US Marine barracks in Beirut. Cyprus. Greek National Day (observed by Greek Cypriot community). Turkey. Independence Day (proclamation of republic). Cyprus. Turkish Republic Day (observed by Turkish Cypriot community). India. Assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards, trig- gering anti-Sikh riots throughout northern India. Peru. Founding of Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) and People's Revolutionary Command (CRP). Syria. Hafiz al-Asad assumes power. Saudi Arabia. Bombing in Riyadh of the Office of Personnel Management/Saudi Arabian National Guard (OPM/SANG). Jordan. King Hussein's birthday. 19 Sekret DI 96-009 September 1996 17 November 1973 Greece. Student uprising at Athens Polytechnic University (terrorist group Revolu- tionary Organization 17 November takes its name from this incident). 22 November 1943 Lebanon. Independence Day. 29 November 1945 Yugoslavia. Republic Day. 29 November 1947 Palestinians. International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (anniver- sary of partition). Chronology of International Terrorism The following incidents were considered by the Intelligence Community's Incident Review Panel since publication of the previous issue of the Terrorism Review and were determined by the Panel to constitute international terrorism. Such incidents provide the basis for the State Department's Patterns of Global Terrorism, which is published annually as the US Government's official record of international terrorism 21 Se et DI TR 6-009 Septem r 1996 12 July India: Islamic separatists killed eight Hindu Nepalese t workers near Srinagar. No one claimed responsibility for the attack Japan: An assailant crashed his vehicle into the main gate of the South Korean Embassy in Tokyo, then set fire to the car with gasoline. He claimed to belong to Okoku Kensei-to, an obscure rightwing group.FI 18 July 28 July Europe responsibility for the attack. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Unidentified assailants threw a grenade at an IPTF station in Grbavica, causing anunknown amount of damage. No one claimed claimed responsibility for the attack but Bosnian-Croat extremists are suspected. Bosnia and Herzegovina: In Livno, a bomb exploded under a truck owned by the Muslim humanitarian organization Merhamet, destroying the truck. No one 4 July - 30 July Germany: Arsonists attacked Turkish-owned businesses, cultural centers, travel agencies, religious centers, and a soccer club building, wounding one person and causing varying amounts of damage. The attacks occurred in Berlin, Bremen, Cologne, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Stuttgart. The Kurdistan Workers' Party (P the Turkish Communist Party Marxist/Leninist (TKP/ML) are suspected 12 July Austria: Four Kurdish militants occupied a Reuter news agency office in Vienna and held two employees hostage for several hours be ore surrendering to author- ities. The attackers are suspected PKK sympathizers 16 July 23 July 24 July 24 July after the takeover. PKK involvement is suspected Netherlands: Twenty-five Kurdish activists took over the top floor restaurant in the Euromast tower in Rotterdam. The group surrendered to authorities shortly Spain: A car bomb exploded during morning rush hour in San Sebastian, seri- ously injuring a Portuguese man. ETA claimed responsibility.n Switzerland: Unknown assailants hurled Molotov cocktails at a Turkish-owned travel agency in Basel, causin minor fire damage but no injuries. The PKK or TKP/ML may be responsible Germany: Turkish leftists seized a German Social Democratic Party (SPD) office in Frankfurt, taking four party officials hostage. rI'he activists demanded that the SPD send a delegation to Turkey to investigate prison conditions for political detainees. After several hours of negotiations, police units stormed the office and arrested the Perpetrators. No one claimed responsibility, but authorities suspect TKP/ML. 25 July Switzerland: Unidentified assailants firebombed a Turkish-owned gas station in Basel. No one claimed responsibility for the attack 26 July Germany: Armed assailants briefly occupied a Turkish consulate annex office in Berlin. The attackers tied up four staffers and spray ainted leftist slogans on the walls before fleeing the scene. TKP/ML is suspected 31 July 14 July 18 July 4-5 August Spain: A parcel bomb exploded at a Citroen car dealership in Calatayud, wound- ing two workers and causing minor damage to an office. ETA is suspected. Colombia: Armed men forced an Italian engineer out of his vehicle and took him hostage in Antioquia Province. The engineer is an employee of an Italian firm that is constructing a hydroelectric dam in the area. No ransom demand has been made. Authorities suspect the National Liberation Army (ELN) or the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).F__1 Colombia: Unidentified guerrillas dynamited an oil well in the Cano-Limon Complex in Arauca Colombia: Guerrillas dynamited sections of two oil pipelines, one that carries oil from Ecuador to Colombia and the Transandino pipeline, in a two-day spree. The second incident triggered a fire that burned out of control for several hours. No group claimed responsibility for the bombings.) S ret S'ret 26 Pakistan Europe Spain Summary of Indigenous Terrorism-August 1996 This description of incidents and situations is not meant to be a detailed accounting of all domestic terrorist incidents, but rather to provide an overview of indigenous terrorism worldwide~~ A bomb exploded on 15 August in Barama, Assam, killing a police officer as he attempted to remove a black flag hoisted by United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) separatists. ULFA had threatened to disrupt India's independence day celebrations.) On 18 August unidentified gunmen opened fire on a religious gathering of Shia Muslims in Vihari, killing seven persons and wounding three others. No one claimed responsibility for the attack.) A bomb exploded in a Hindu temple in Batticaloa on 11 August, wounding 33 wor- shippers and four police officers. Members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are suspected.F_~ Police bomb technicians detonated a small explosive device found in a hotel court- yard in Cordoba on 6 August. The Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) claimed responsibility from an ETA commando unit. A bomb exploded in a textile company building in Salvatierra on 15 August, caus- ing minor damage but no injuries. Two journalists from the pro-Basque newspaper Egin admitted their involvement in the attack and claimed they acted on orders Police defused an explosive device found inside a historic church in Santiago de Compostela on 21 August. No one claimed responsibility, but authorities arrested a suspected ETA member in connection with the bombing attempt Authorities deactivated a bomb placed in a garden of a state-owned hotel in Bay- ona on 23 August. In a telephone call to a local police station, ETA warned officials and claimed responsibility for the device pect ETA is responsible for the attack On 16 August unknown assailants launched two grenades at a Navarre civil guard barracks building, damaging an outer wall, but causing no injuries. Authorities sus- Turkey Gunmen opened fire on a police vehicle in the Bahcelievler district of Istanbul on 7 August, wounding a policeman and a civilian. Security forces captured one of the 27 Seket DI T 6-009 September 1996 assailants while the remaining gunmen attempted to steal a vehicle. Failing in their attempt, they shot and wounded the driver before escaping. The Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front (DHKPIC) is suspected, Gunmen opened fire on the armored personnel carrier escorting the Diyarbakir governor's vehicle between Hani and Lice on 9 Au ust. There were no casualties. The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) is suspected Nine suspected PKK militants attacked the Demiriz train station on 12 August in Sivas' Kangal township, killing six employees and two citizens. The assailants appeared to be attempting to set fire to the station, but fled when locals opened fire Guerrillas launched rockets at the agricultural bank's main office and the sub-gov- ernor's office in the Baskale, Van area on 19 August, causing major damage but no injuries. The PKK is suspectedF_ of the PKK, denied responsibilityr~ Militants stopped four vehicles at a roadblock in the Koyulhisar district of Sivas on 19 August, shot three passengers to death, and wounded seven others. The PKK is suspected; however, the People's Liberation Army:of Kurdistan, the military wing Several gunmen opened fire on a Beytussebap district police checkpoint on 20 August, killing two olicemen and wounding a third. No one claimed responsibil- ity for the attack i Colombia Revolutionary Armed Forces o Colombia (FARO); guerrillas killed seven peasants on 10 Augustin Ipiales town infirmary. On 14 August some 80 National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrillas attacked a town in Betania, Antioquia Department, injuring two policemen and two civilians and partially destroying the police headquarters and the Agrarian Fund building On 4 August some 60 armed Sendero Luminoso ($L) guerrillas seized a town in Aucayacu for three hours, killing several._civilians,and wounding three policemen. The terrorists painted SL slogans on homes and public buildings and ransacked the rebels fled into the jungle with the hostages On 21 August in Tingo Maria, about 100 SL guerrillas killed a town official's brother and kidnapped nine persons. The rebels blocked a road and forced travelers to a nearby village where they gave political speeches. After the speeches the S\ee t28 ing five others. The Armed Islamic Group (GIA) may be responsible s\t Algeria A bomb exploded in a Tipazi market on 23 August, killing five persons and wound- A bomb exploded in a coffee shop in the Telemly di ict of Algiers on 8 August, injuring seven persons. The GIA may be responsible ers. No one claimed responsibility for the attack On 7 August unidentified gunmen shot and killed two policemen and a civilian near police headquarters in Abu Qurqas. Al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya is suspected[ A bomb exploded in a government criminal investigation building on 1 August in Ad Dali'ah, killing two civilians and wounding two others and three police offic-