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APPROVED FOR RELEASE^ DATE: 07-25-2011 (b)(1) (b)(3) National Security Information Dissemination Control AbUreviations Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions PROPIN (tea) _.._. ... ORCON (a'} Not releasable to foreign nationals Caution-proprietary information involved Dissemination and extraction of information controlled by originator This information has been authorized for release ro... Terrorism Review) Highlights Sec et DI TR 95-011 November 1995 The Terrorism Diary for December and Januart{ 17 Thi.r Review is puhlished monthly by the DCl Counterterrorist Center. Comments and queries are welcome and may he directed to Iriforma~inu available as of 17 Novemher 1995 was used i~T tixis Re vie ~1 ~~ I Set yr rR 9s-on November 1995 5 Sec UI TR S-O11 November 1995 Se et 6 9 SeZh~et DI TR 5-011 Novemher 1995 Se et 10 Highlights D/ 7'R 95-01! November 1995 The Terrorism Diary for December and January 3 December 1934 S !)ecember 1982 10 December 1966 13 December 1981 14 December 1983 21 December 1948 21 December 1967 23 December 1933 24 December 1951 26 December 28 December 1 January 1956 1 January 1965 5 ,January 1928 6 January 1963 IS January 1918 IS January 1922 16 January 1979 16 January 1991 Below is a compendium of December and January dates of known or eonc?eivahle significance to terrorists around the world. Our inclusion of a date or event should not by itself be construed to suggest that we expect or anticipate a commemorative terrorist event.) Peru. Birthday of Sendero Luminoso leader Abimael Guzman. Spain. Death of GRAPO leader Martin Luna. Palestinlans. Founding of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine {PEEP). Poland. Imposition of martial law. Chile. Founding of Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR). Ireland. Proclamation of republic. Palestinians. Founding of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Japan. Birthday of Emperor Akihito. Libya. Independence Day. Peru. Birthday of Mao Zedong, usually sparks Sendero Luminoso attacks. Latin America. Equivalent of U5 April Fools' Day-traditionally sees many hoaxes and bomb threats. Sudan. Independence Day, Proclamation of republic. Palestinians. Palestinian revolution; founding of Fatah. Pakistan. Birthday of executed former President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Colombia. Founding of National Liberation Army (ELN). Egypt. Birthday of Jamal `Abd al-Nasir. Ireland. Founding of Irish Free State. Iran. Departure of Shah from Iran. Iraq, Kuwait. Operation Desert Storm begins. 17 Secret UI TR S-Ol November 1495 17 January 1974 Colombia. Nineteenth of April Movement (M-19) steals sword of Simon Bolivar from Bogota museum. Founding dates from this act. 18 January 1974 Egypt, Israel. Disengagement agreement signed. 26 January 1950 India. Republic Day (national day). 30 January 1933 German_y..Accession to power by Nationalist Socialist (Nazi) Party. 30 January 1972 Northern Ireland. Bloody Monday; l3 killed, 16 wounded during demonstration in Derry. Chronology of International Terrc-risrr~ The following incidents were considered by the Intelligence Community's? Incident Review Panel since publication of the previous issue of the Terrorism Review and were determined by the Panel to constitute international terrorism. Such incidents provide the basis for the State Department's Patterns of Global Terrorism, which is publishe as the US Government:s official record of international terrorism a~rz~~ Sec et DI T 95-011 November 1995 7 September India: A woman claiming to be from the militant group Dukhtaran-e-Millat delivered a parcel bomb to the o,~ce of the British Broadcasting Company in Srinagar, Kashmir. The bomb exploded later in the hands of a freelance photogra- pher for Agence France-Presse, who died on 10 September from his injuries. The blast wounded two others and caused extensive damage. Dukhraran-e-Millat denied responsibility for the bombin 13 September Russia: Unidentified assailants fired arocket-propelled grenade at the US Embassy in Moscow, causing minor damage to a sixth-floor office. No injuries were reported. Authorities suspect the attack was in retaliation for US partici anon in NATO airstrikes against Bosnian Serb targets (see Highlight on page 1 l}.~ .S September 20 September Spain: Arsonists in Sebastian doused a car bearing French license plates with gasoline and ignited it. There were no injuries. Authorities believe a su ort group of the Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) is responsible. Germany: Arsonists attacked two Turkish-owned facilities. In Luebeck, arsonists set fire to a bistro. Two persons died and 20 were injured. Arsonists also fire- bombed anightclub in Freital. T no injuries. Authorities suspect the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) claimed responsibility Austria: In Vienna, assailants attempted to firebomb a German pharmaceutical firm, but the molotov cocktails failed to ignite. The German firm was hosting a US delegation and had raised an American flag outside the building, No one ~ 21 September Austria: Also in Vienna, assailants threw lit bottles containing heating oil and paint thinner into two rooms of the American International School. There were no injuries. The Austrian press later received a letter in which the Celf for lnternationalr.'sm claimed responsibility. Authorities believe there may be a connection with the previous day's b mbin of a German pharmaceutical firm while it was hosting a US delegation 5 August -2 September Colombia: National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrillas bombed the Cano Limon-Covenas pipeline four times. Three of the bombings took place in Arauca and the fourth in northern Santander. Two of the bombi~es ruptured the pipeline. There was little or no damage in the other attacks. 26 August 3 .September 17 September Middle East Colombia: In Saravena, ELN guerrillas kidnapped the supervisor of the Brazilian Petrobras Company camp. No ransom demand has been made. Colombia: In Arauca, government troops deactivated a bomb placed on the Cano Limon-Covenas pipeline by ELN guerrillas mieltinational Servipetrol Company at the Florena I oil welC in La Florena. Colombia: ELN guerrillas assassinated a security guard of the Bolivian Embassy that occurred on 14 September Uruguay: In Montevideo, unknown individuals threw four bottles containing fuel onto the roof of the French stand at the El Prado cattle fair. The Fair was closed at the time of the attack, and firefighters were able to extin uish the fire quickly. Although no group has claimed responsibility he attack muy be linked to a protest against France's nuclear tests outside the French 2 .September Algeria: Suspected Armed Islamic Group (AIG) militants shot and killed an Italian national in Oran 3 .September suspect the AIC of Algiers. One of the victims was French and the other Maltese. Algeria: Unidentified assailants shot and killed two nuns in the Belcourt district Se$ret Summary of Indigenous Terrorism-October 1995 indigenoua? terrorism worldwide This description of incidents and situations is oat meant to be a detailed accaunt- !ng of all domestic terrorist incidents, but rather to provide an overview of ~ Eight suspected members of the Mohajir Quarni Movement (MQM) fired rocket- propelled grenades at the Sindh Provincial Secretariat building in Karachi on 9 October, injuring at least three people and setting the building on fire. The Provincial Health Minister, a former member of the MQM, was the probable target of the attack; he was not in his oftce at the time. No group has claimed re I- ity for the attack but three of the individuals involved have been arrested bombing A homemade bomb hidden in a newspaper exploded in the office of the vice mayor of Cotabato on 16 October, killing three people and seriously wounding nine ethers. The vice mayor, who was among the wounded, is a former leader of the Moro National I iberatian Front. No group has claimed responsibility for the Eight suspected members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) attempted to assassinate a member of Parliament and head o1'the Eelam People's Democratic Party on 9 October in a commando-style attack at his home. Firing machineguns and lobbing grenades, the att~~ck~rs wounded the Tamil leader and a policeman and killed four security guards A bomb detonated outside the doors of a local government building on 2 October in Ajaccio, causin minor damage but no casualties. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack On 23 October a bomb placed underneath an Agricultural Ministry official's car in Nicosia detonated outside his home, destroying the vehicle and damaging another car parked nearb .There were nn injuries. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack A bomb detonated outside a police station in Toulouse on 7 October, causing minor damage but no injuries. Police found bolts strewn about the area that officials believe own after the explosion in an effort to copy recent bombing attacks in Paris Scct'~t DI TR ~-011 November 1995 Secket near Wiesen An Der Luhe, Hitfeld, and Bardowick, causing train delays. An anonymous caller later told the press that the attacks were in response to the transnoration of nuclear waste products earlier this year by Castor Rail Transports. On 24 C)ctaber assailants threw objects onto the overhead wires of railway lines A sanitation worker discovered a molotov cocktail romaining ball bearings and a partially burned wick inside a garbage bin near the Coliseum in Rome. No one has claimed responsibility for the 17 October incident~~ On 6 October, a car bomb exploded outside a military base in Yumbo, wounding nine persons including seven civilians. The Rer~nlutionarv Armed I~'orc?es ~f Cnlaml~ia claimed to have carried out the bombing) [n Cesar Department, suspected National Liberation Army guerrillas armed with machincguns killed the tbrmer governor and wounded his driver on K October was bac(ly damaged. The Armed Islamic Grnuh (A1G} may be responsible A booby-trapped car exploded in the Two Palm Trees Hotel parking lot in Draa Ben Khedcla on 5 October, killing nine people and injuring l9 others. The ho l On 22 October in Relizane, a car bomb exploded killing t 1 persons, including three children, and wounding 82 others. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack. "The A/G may be responsiblen Suspected crl-Gama'at al-lslarniyya militants fired un two police cars in Mallawi on 19 October killin * three policemen and wounding, seven other policemen and two civilians