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Publication Date: 
November 17, 1960
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: FEMA NSA FCC FBI OSD HOUSE STATE DIA NASA SENATE DOE NAVY TREAS DOJ NSC USAF DSWA NRC USMC NW 28307 -6Y~ CURRENTS INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY 17 November 1960 RG it can continue as a separate. political party. The Communists., with only one seat in the last Diet, are concentrating their efforts in campaigning for five seats representing dis- tricts where they have run well in the past, but Japanese com- mentators consider it unlikely that the Communists will win more than one or two additional An important underlying is- sue may be the public's reaction to the JSP's reliance on mass tactics of violence last spring, although the influence of this will be difficult to determine unless there is a major in- crease in the conservative. vote. The ability of the moder- ate Democratic Socialist party to maintain its present Diet strength may determine whether political, social, and economic I about a flare-up in South Viet- measures on popular resistance nam's already strained relations South Vietnamese President Diem continues-to face serious political problems following suppression of the 10-11 Novem- ber coup attempt by paratroop elements. He may feel an in- creased need to reorganize and liberalize hisgovernmen.t,pos- sibily with some urging from loyal military officers who came to his rescue. These of ficers undoubtedly share the. concern of the coup leaders over the spread of Communist. guerrilla warfare and the ad- verse effect of Diem's harsh An official spokesman has announced that government changes will be made. There remains., . however, considerable. uncertainty over Diem's willingness to carry out. sweeping.ref.orms or to relax his authoritarian rule, which now operates through a clique of family and political favorites in the pervasive Can Lao organi- zation. Diem is reported under, pressure from the latter group to punish the coup instigators severely and to crush all known and potential political opponents. .The formation of a "People's . Committee Against Rebels and Communists" to ferret out traitorous elements, together with reports of civilian ar- rests andthe temporary suspen- sion of newspapers which printed rebel communiquds, may foreshadow a campaign of repression which could lead to further unrest in Saigon. No. retribution is.planned against the paratroop ranks, which are.considered by Diem to have been "duped"; the re- sponsible paratroops., lead- ers have .sought asylem.. in Most of the loyal units sent to Saigon from the First, Fourth, and Fifth Military . Re- gions have returned to antigue.r- villa operations. There has been no significant Vietnamese Communist exploitation.of the. coup incident, either in Saigon or in areas of guerrilla con- centration from` which troops were diverted. Although the Communist regime in North Viet- nam has been urging stepped-up guerrilla terrorism in the South, the attempted revolt apparently took the Communists by surprise. Therevolt,,however, will en- courage Hanoi in its assessment PART II _NW 2 3Q7_._. Box FEMA NSA FCC FBI OSD DIA NASA SENATE DOE NAVY TREAS DOJ NSC USAF DSWA NRC USMC NOTES AND COMMENTS PATTERNS AND-PERSPECTIVES NW 28307 - ,cys Page I of 15 17: Novestzber 19 O' Comrisunist bloc propaganda attritu;tes ailure of the'6ou to the znsur:gehts inability to 'twin Sup port of the peon le' and'to exploit the 5 o-U T x "tremendous ?dissat-i s ?d. M. faction" with :Diem: Iy North Vietnam has E T N A N4 that, unsettled conditions in, South Vietnam are favorable to its strategy of??eventually .top- pling :Diem through a c:omb-inat.ioa of guerrilla 'terrorEsm: and po= litica support to anti-Diem elements.. . depscted the coup as merely a conf I ct be- tween pro-US groups;; Moscow had charged. that Diem was'saved.'. by `'!active US rater- vention," but' sug- gests? that 'during the initial ~stages,? Amer.icancials hoped, to use,' .the insurgents -to force Diem' to liberalize his overnment.; n portraying the Loup as ;pro-US,the Communists may hope to, play:' on '-Presi dent Diem's suspicions and reservations??'abou tull'e`s,. AFRICAN MOVE$ FOR ADDITIONAL SEATS -W UN SODS The African UN members., supported by the rest of the Afro-Asian?bloc; have apparently decided on a major effort to reallocate the ,elective. sets on the UN Security Council and the Economic-and Social Council so as to permit election " ?of: one' . Of 'their number.,.: Resolutions to enlarge these bodies now are before the Speci=al' Political..Committee:; and. the Africans; will., probably seek amendments r:ealloeating.the as the membership of the two councils can be