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Publication Date: 
August 18, 1967
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2. Be vastta! who via aoseoemit. tsl on the subject of W0 a. a ?t anttst who carved as tramslstor. ? radio astronomer, saphattcslly vtated that be know Of 80 lightifts of 00's to the USSR asd added with a levab that it they ware Only sees to the i3, they must -e of Soviet ?risla. 3. At the es of the satronoeara ntattosed that she had bear of so" sightlagn of unidentified objects Dear the Caucasus. She is, unaware of any study being made of them but wait epes- atnded as the subject. .. The not" visit was to who was very later- toted in the problem. Be nad read wenie+ a book (which ban been trans- toted into Russian) but did not accept bin eoaelustons.knew of come sttbtlags to the northern part of the USSR, but sold that re- ports of Such sightless are net printed Sc Soviet newspaper* because they are not retarded me scientific observations. Co eats this to tntareatins to view of the readtraes of Soviet newspapers to prtu't ra- ther fesesatte reports of hypotheses and observations" suggested by the more tcaslnative members of the scientific coax atty. Apparently sage offteial sanction to needed.) ~-haa bean interested is SJr re- port, of UFO's and readily accepts their reality. I& fact, it Is bte perannal opinloe that the =IS nay oritteate as Veavs. tie to veil aware e: the sesstive eatct of "enlightened" scienttiae opinion on the irterpretatias of caestioaable obeervatiens as he has had personal S. At the lttelo isNrue ta_sb. far serious. reddish object fLdlms tbsauph the ally that they wars, 40"Ineed was neither a astetltta tar a sataortto. foetter, thou Mediate ta- ht have beau a lsagamat at a metal- t mi b hi g jec s o a teas that t terprstatto ,its or roekat roturatep free orbit. berstsp gip is the area phare. thought that M's had boas Gus is the DSSR but he amid mat be opestfis as to locatioaa sod sbarectertstisa. ~. ac the again little Interest was abow a of no isssssessss, tine with the group eta- ttaned by d confirmed ton abserrst s? of ? paatttar Object. to did set discuss the expartasta is detail but dearly had bass struck by the posribtltty that the object sttlh. have bass a "saowt.? 7, at the y these vas eosddmrabla interest. The institute teeltdea - presidd our by novenas, the fat Cal disewm .ace O the probls was with rector at the isstitto. as too had read Maatel'i but considered It M adequate eatraet of the aabjesi which be book , Consequently fall was stored. is indicated that sr a servetioes at t70's bad has. ads by his staff and that Choy bad received w repasts of such obaarvattocs. 8avmvor, whom rho roomed" to tadtnate the results of itetmeaald'a critical at y e pnblss,_tedtly cas- caded that there tight to sate to It and estluded by status that it was "elaarly still NO apse queettas." 8. Another astronomer w now that is the northern part of.Trsabbatas there had has. t pt.scd siMhtit=a of ball lipbtstap. INAIMPIMA east. r. t." c,K to totes pets and disxvers e d wOat ee,; wing seta wens rsf*c ola of antodbile headlights fret an isversiss f. Later, s discussion was held with lls Cos not very Impressed with !teasel's book, but mss also sot reseed vtth the sipottteasee of the phenomenon. It is possible Chat moos tatsreat vss hailed td-t sight lead to additional tavaatipsttoas. 10. 1 stellar speotasseopta via also istarested to this van so osactsYld with *aaal'a book and felt that there Was deftaltely mew "asity far additional Wes.. 11. Us general faaltap one sots to that to Official troatesnt of the Dp0 problem has been Sivas to the IM. lmstsad people rotor to the tS work, priacipsll 1lceasl's book, to demonstrate the absence of net scientific proble..a. At the *me time, then to as almost satvareal swareaeoe of the history mad ebataetardattee of the pbee+.wotoom Often as. saciatd with ssnsidarmble interest. The result is that a yasiestratias of the tsadagwey of = Official oxplassttasa soughed with some proof Of.. the reality of the sbsarvatteas sight exette osthvsioso aRs rapidly .aging Soviet sstrewsers tLa Sam their hii onotegarts who we onto atrortli tnflwsesd by the official ridicule associated with 17O'a to 00015273'