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Document Creation Date: 
June 24, 2015
Document Release Date: 
September 21, 2011
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Publication Date: 
July 11, 1967
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~R AI{~ti, T,r,~c. A~E#P'~ -July 3.7:, 1667. Nai Leong ~o, 12 F'ett~s .lst Avenue Fettes Parr P enar~g, l+~alyeis Dear l~r. Leong z We are writing th~.~ letter ter advise ~rou of aerta3.n infcx^maton concerning y?ur son Prasit Pre>msurvan which infarmativn has bad ob'tain~d. from Mr, Pisidhi Ix-dradat, one of the aircraft crew mett~ere taken.: captive with yvrar son by the Pathet Mr. kzscradat made. his wag to freed+~m early this year when the prisfln in ~ieh he way detained eras cnrerrun by friendly force. According to ~'r. dradat~ oar the day of the accident, shortly e:fter pars- abating from the aircraft which had been crippled by gunfire, he was. captured by the ~'athet ~a.o end taken tc~ a village where Sae met three other cre~r members s ~uger~e ~1~ra~.n, Y. ~. fie, anal yc~ux san. The fallow3,ng day th?y were led to a pri~:on where they found a~avther of their crew - Prasit ~hane.e, the five were detained together in various prison camp.: fry. ~ September 1963... until 30 duly 1966, having all escaped once on 3 dune 19b4 ~nl~ to bs recap- tared oxr 6 June 196. Qn 3o July 1966 the five ~.de a second escape in which they split~i,nt three g~~ "Your son paired with Pras.3.t Tl~an~e and planned tb follovr ~~Sr t * Mekorig Rivar, l~r. Indradat walfsed 'by himself far 3'T days before beirsg recaptured axd impriseoned until his reles.se. He Mated he never again, saw or heard anything. of hie fellow crew members. after their escape 3o duly... 1g66. We did not make this .nform~.tion immediately Inaown, in order r~~it to ~enpardze any of the ether crew mrembers who ~y not ha,~re been reeapttzred azd a~.sd in the... hope of obtaining ~i~are` enerxirag news pri.s~r to relaase of the abo~re. ~. Indradat made the follaw~.ng state~zant sor~cernng your sons phye3aa7. condition while th~q were xi csormr~4n confimc~ents "I~Ir. Prc>ma~uvran ~,~s3.y was troubled with dysentery, hear the, d of our co~ineme~.ta, pr~.or tp the 30 ~3uxy ~.9bb escape, he e~a+drienc:eci dyffientg so acute that he s*ametis~ms had trowel +rement~`?I5 times 3.n ode nht,, During this .tame he passed noth3.z7g but blend and .mucus.,: ge was in sued pain, everytll,e he e~periemced a bowel, movement, ..Ise thought he was .going-. tv die. After this he lcx~t a lat. of weight and berme extremely ,skina~;y.. 13e also last ?two o? his front teeth and hiss gums became very swollen at~d.'i caused him musth peg in. s Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 12-Aug-2011 Additionally ~aneernir~g the general. mental attitude of the g2roup qtr. I~dradat stated s -a~ ~, ?pixsi.on we all m?~i.ntained v~y goad sp,r3ts std oomradshp d~,r~g the .time m f our c~~~'3.nent. ~e tried t~ Make ~ol~es everyday which ; diverted our th3:nk3.ng f'xa~m o~.r plight. ~Q~rever, frequently each of ;ras would drift ixit~ a deprsseed state when ws thc7ught too mush of oux 'loved ones and hamela~c. ~~ mould ust~al],,y end up cr~.ng to ourselves.. Igo one ev8r gave up tie idea.~~ esaape.~ W~ are carry that th3:~ information ~:~ nQt mare encdur~gng but fe~7.t that 3t. should be provided to you, in any ease.- should .further news devalop we shall adv3.se you as it beca~es atrsilable.~ fiery truly yocir~, KicY~r~ A. Colesran Persr~nnel ~araa~~r