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Document Release Date: 
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February 22, 2010
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x'05507107 82/22/2010 12:15 UNCLAS Febr~t 2Z, 2Qla Dalares hL ~ Iafa ~ Privacy t Crattral Inteltigenix Agcnt}' Washington, D.C. 2505 APPROVED FOR RELEASE^ DATE: 08-19-2010 Ttris is $ tec~oat under the Free~m of Info Act as amtaded {5 U.S.C. 522). l request a copy of T~ elfas~er i~r lie CIA Cater as Ctliwute C6sn~c s'd N Saaritg. The F4IA ptovid,es that if anIy portions of a record are e~cempted fiom mlease, s?~e rema moat tae raleeaod I therefore request that I be provided with aII n porters. rea9onab re~onrablYesegregabl o f grti ~ iY r'e4~st t~~ kept ~ tF~ these material tae considered far man. To peamit an intejligeat, i~ decisiaa sa oa der ar not to file an administrative appeal. of any dea3al decision, I also request drat you describe is de the vrit~td racaaatds {vr postica~ thaeeo#} and explain tht lagicat aacl fs~$I bases far cta~. See ~ y. Denartmeat o th Air Forre X66 F.2d 242, 2S l {I3.C. Cir. 2977j. I else request a fee waiver. The fee waiver ~aroviaiona under aactian 352 (a} (~} {A} of ttte FOIA, as ammdtxi on April 25, I987, rewrote secston SSZ (a) (4} (A} to cn~te c~tegcaries of mqu ~ t4 fen waivers. Under those provisioas~ I qualify fc~r e~tio~ fiom fees in the "news median caseg~y. The tT.S. Court of Appeals fir the D.C_ c.~it has u~ held shat far pOIA fee waavrx tints of the news m~a" includes soy it~dividuats wh+o regularly P~ 03 ~ on to the public. ('See Netioaal 3ect~ity A.v< a Na, 88-S217, D.C. Circuit, ~uiy28,I~8~, ss,~ell as $iYBeY ~l~a3iQa Cermer v I3 S ~ of DeEen~e 1~Io. Et2-1233, IJeified States i~riCk Court for the District of Columbia, l'aauaup 1 b, 2fl43}. I easily meet this criteria as s result of my books and articles, w}ricbi hm+e appeared in a wide varie~- ~ public~tioaos. [A vita is available upon request). My books inchxle D~efresi~rg ~4rarcrge~r: Inside N1~; A~ruricaa's Secrer;~ttrrtem~ &~eL~ 5gaant {W W Na~an, 201)9}; of lice Bw~rb: Americ:ars Nteckar lMelligrnce frrnn Nazi G?rmuny to frm: ~ 11~orth Korea Norton, Z{)06}; Elie Wizards aff.~ey: ~~ride the CL4's Dian afSc+tex~ce er+~d Fec~i~ru~lags- (ViTestview, 2001}; Ame-ica's S~ce Se~uirsels: D~SP Satellirea and Nationaol Secr+rety (University Pzess of Y-acsaas,1999); Ttx U.S. bmelJige>ce (;afty (Westview, 4th etl.1999); ar~d Ax~e-zrQ's Scrrei Eyes to Space {I~arper ~ iiawt, I990}. (b)(6) UNCLASSIFIED X05 ;07107 ez~2z~z~~.a iz:is I I ~ UNCLAS Iufy ~ and dies have za Sefeatj~ic A~nericar~ ~ Furce Vie, ~rrlletin of the Ate~rtft Scieatist~ .&:ta `s htte~l~eview, Irrt~.3a~at of Intel]!ige~ue and C~ounteriittelligenc~ ISR Jom~vl, Armed Fau~eet .Tor~nal I~raatio~ D~e~se Wee1~, The National Interest, ~ire',i~aski~rgtar~ Posr, the I.alr.~~tg~eIes mess, the .8ostaa (slobe, ennd Newsday. 'may tie ufrhe,ma~ria~ ~ e-bov+e, is Y't~ ofmy e~si~re p~4ic tt~e FCNA ~ a ~repseaee of the mom. As such a I am entnle~ ~ ~stire search aid sevi+e~r f~ waived_ Ami given tht ecmtn~ioe- of a-y ~ ref the gcxt ~ I reQucsc tlSat you also wsiv+e ~ . I ioark fotsi tar }mot nsp~o~e witl~u tie y time peri ctuesEia~ aba~s this reed flr am ot>t~ , p~esse tt~:t a~ a mc~, UNCLASSIFIED