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Publication Date: 
May 22, 1959
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(b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(6) 1 '' `QAL INTELLIGENCE Ai:=WASHINGTON 25. D. C. _ .22 MAY ,959 MEWRAbDUN FORS The Director Federal Bureau of Investigation ATTENTION Mr. Sam. J. Papich Qi j.PAUL ARRIC0, was. SUBJECT ISRLEI P JeRRIp 1 ISRAEL PADZ SH~'IRO ~ made available for review by a representative of your Bureau at your_convenience. of articular interest among the individuals listed by Jarrico p hbors are s n i t c P l Hi t St t f h 1944 which was completed by Jarrico in connection with his appli- cation for OSS employment is attached for your information. Certain field investigation was conducted in 191&11 in regard y he of interest to yon,' Bureau and will be to Jarrico which ms Reference is made to your Bureau report of 31 March 1959, New York, on captioned Subject. Israel Paul Jarrico was an applicant for OSS employment in 19141, and a copy of a Personal History Statement dated 23 March the folloains Oarson ganin, IaaMcLellanHunter, Harold,Buchman, g emen e or e on ersona s a as re eren is ory The 13 Janunvy 1958 *ndum referred to ebb*e alto r ; , c t that the Personal History Statement was witnessed no informallon Israel Paul Jarrico M 00 9 2 MAY ~iq65s The above information is furnished for your use only and should not be disseminated outside your Bureau. Direbor of Security Att. Copy ofPHS r'r ~ 'i al1,.g}iestigns. agmpletely, If question does not apply n v t1 ~ tits artsweM? frt~;t, r;;orai. records. Use a separate sheet for extxit.:de- taile on am question or questions for which you do not have sufficient room* v 1.g2r ttach 2 recent passport'size pictures to this form, date taken written on n She .back of each. Type, print or write carefully; illegible or incomplete forms will not reoeive consideration. s ti , . i . CctN1)T , qQSj. residence Same-,as ab oae~ St. & No, city B. Nickname Paul JarriQo Any.-other name.-tfiat you have used sr e -el _ Pau 1_ pf of Under what o ir. o etaacea have you ever uaid (Known personally and professionally as ,Paul Tprrico sire these nwMes?x,937, r h_rggis a all -AA ;Cjrjagj (other records prior to 1937 under Israel, How long? Spy atone If a legal change, give particult[rirh T'-9PnR Y 1940 *(birth certif. says 1/8/15 - an err.o1 hers. sent address 727 Linda for t..,-Los. Angtlgg. 24, Calif " & No. City Sae o rV Yes No Mis s 11 Zama Mt.w $rael :-gaul rarrico " Telephone-ARisona en~ 4 to_ 1_4_U e e BY w a au hor C. Date of, birth 1 -Z12/15* place of birth Held Ju ween .what dates? got anrjq~ gble Any other nationality? Have you pad a previous nationality?_& What?! , By naturalization certificate ,?Jpt ~g ~ V iot rm 1P.8b1e. court Not ]3e "_'_ At ,ab1 e Ci y - e Coun W major Court, whit ~e .~. D, present- aititenship U.$?A. ,PBirth? ye _'_ _By Marriage-.' , Nq Racial origin. through Mother Through Father ~ty State Country C Occupation AttorneLast e-mrloyerSelf (Firm of Shapiro&Shapiro) S ~?. II o. ty S Q e oun .ry rmployerl s >: cvZ: hus?ness adcir Iss li fnrni , bI ilitary service from Not A ceble Branch of service Not applicable - 1)ato Va s ._roC`E~~~ c,r,16V etails of ot'h , go Port of entry? applicable-On passport of what country?NOt applicable Last U.S. vis(.'. Nn 1~ icab._~ liumbor Ty.: Place 6f' issue Me o issue Have you taken steps tQ ohanae present citizenship! Np Give-particulars - Rllt.. p 1icahlp_..~ s. _.......___. __ Last U.S. Passport: Vumber. date and place 'of issue Sea Psafinol:t N4._141?, Appl i d_.-for_ ug. 9,']943 at New prk City. N.Y. How many other U.S, pa's'sports have-you had?. N Give approximate dates hive particulars: ~~ , _ Passports of other nations? F. If born outside U.S. iw'r,en did you first arrive in this country? Not applicable Nn _ gp l i e_Ab1 Age 29 Sex ma],e Rac.9gite Height 51 n Weight 158 `Eyes brnwn Hairbljk Complexion Medium ' Scars none Build mpdi lmm Other distinguishing features none 3 . .AT E'R give the same infornatiori `or step.-rat er?ad or guard ian on a separate sheet) 4111 name First Shapiro La st Living or deceased deceased Date of decease S3 Cause Uremia ws+at, or last, address Cumming.6 St., L08 Angeles, Calif -41-S,111h Date of birth_?Zl/83 Place of birth Kremenchug, Poltava Ru88ia t CitizenshipLS.A. When acquiredl? 20 13 11here?Los Angeles,, CCalif.,U.S ~' 1 ~ service U.S. or foreign Give particulars : Noi, Have you taken stepsto,ohange present citizenship?_ Np Give particulars Not pl i fkhl E+ Y .. ,.._. __. Last U.S. passport: yumber, date and place 'ot. issue SaainAn~ a sspor ` Mck.a.146312y annl d~c2TAur- ~~ 144 at ~Ieir "~tnrk CI t_~.;_N_ .Y How many other U.S. passports heave-you had,?- None. Give approximate dates Ne Annl i ggb12-- paxssports of other nat?.ons? NQne If born outside U.S, wren did you first arrive country? Not applicable port of entry? _4Q& .__ &DPlic&b38-On passport of what country,,,?Not applicable Last U.S. visz~ No ~FS~b~ o.f issue a e of issue dumber pp ace Ty; .1 2 IC- Ar-ITE Cn_P' T__, Age 29 . sex male Rac-e wl ite Re ight 51 p Weight 155 Ey89_bM n:Ni12iair b1 aek Complexion Medium scars none Build i : Other diet.irgui shir..g.. features none gI ~G; FAT' ,P, give e same infonnation. A. or step- at der ?and or guEL ian on a t) h t ee e s separa Shapiro ~' 11 name -Aar Qjj__ First a Las 7 iving or deceased ~os~swcari Date of decease 2 31 J 33 Cause Uremia Los A eles, Calif.,U.S, St d i W .l ns ress_ Nn Cumm Xweat, er last, ad V St. 2: No. C1 y ate C Poltava Russia enchug th R , rerr Date of birth/_i L83 Place of bir ncl.-o c .rnir! rV :dot service PPlicable 11 rilitari servloe from.. Not A . Cable ?ranch o 1f' a C:rr ].eyer~ g ,. CV.'1 F)'~;S'rezs :a:.iC.r ?i:- (~r;.l l f~~`..Z11.~.._'..Lcg.. u lln ele L C&1?Uo -~` C i*y Sae oun :ry Last em icy,:;rSelf (Firm of Shapiro&Shapiro) occupation Attorney____._ ----- Citizenship S-A, When acgl:ired*j/2c 13 horP?Los eles Calif.USS r, A I; Sato Countryv -ails of ot" (;ovtt servlc. S' 71.11.5. Citizenship U.5.p."1hen acquired* ereLOe Angeles,` Calif ,. 17.$.A: -2000 (by marriage) City State country EC. nOTHERS A SIST RS Inc uding step-, & Q op brothers. and e s !~?.re w sneeti for former wile or nusoana ana give requirea aaza PR5 5 RAC 1~ Pc,. f?_, ~~.Sor all previous 'marriaeos ) Place & Lbs An 1-p a S'j&j 1-f.... i B. Wife or 1}usband.(if you have been married more-than once use a sdparite'. A. Single NO Married Yes Divorced No Widowed 'NO State date, place and reason for separation or diy-orce -Not ann1i eAhlP- - --i SEG. 6. MARITAL STATUS occupation Housewife Last employer _ oL _pliea le Details of govt servibe; U.S. or foreign-$p .W_ 1Cab1l ~,~, . 1'104, City Sae Country Full name present address U964 '6 7 9ta $~ e"""'~ Coup (` ? St.; ?o CT Firs 112 ale - La ?lame Svlvi G~iRAir~I.Tarrieo Date of marriage i or his) address before marriag _La__VAL lt!j Safi a S f,-. L- No, City State Living; or docaasedUV Dnte of deceise Not a 11e Present, Paula Calif* USA Coup---~- or last uddress 72? [ ( 1,l ~ Dr, QQ a?geleU W USA Employer.+s or - own bus ine's address Not applicable Date "bow b xt .Place of birth .. Y6~C f ate, o ry xac~i rbugh father,h hz Rifer Mif, e}iship,U:8.A. When 'acquired Wt birthhere'_U S A... , ? t. oiic }mar QccupationSoci81 Ps_y hOlo east. employe _ld on ~ " jVo3uneer , . = .. Employar?.s or,:own business &ddress., A.Ati,? gix ~t .. ,.,i-, I Jo City.-. 5t State. .COU?Itry. Military service from La199 ?hl granch. of service pt app1iCab e' PUpD9e CountrySot appaieabg*ils of other govt, service. U.S. or foreign Living or deceased DeCe&sed? . Data of decease ? 1-/.23131 BLtgE ate is, Co unt 5rael 'Gi2'&s A MidMe Last Racial origin white, _~Rirtl Jg? 3hkloy-, Mogo1ey_, Knell a- Bmmamsl~ o+ last, addres Citizenship is ~_When acquired? yq~2 _,~Jh~ro pg Angel06 T3 ?8,'~?(,~'a~R-IN-LAS-A Present, or last, address Racial origin wh lt.p Gu$si eoease Not applicable atus t ti a# f, OFIh " MD Citizenshi,-U_,2_,&_. When acquired?,.,292.2 'tfhprplI;C gel US& (by marriagey State - Country rnc uc ing par is 3-epe n s..:, Name W1lliAm Ani ,~~,~ationshi: B.APPROX. itav,, Ad esss 780 N. Gower, Zelly ood, Calif. B.S.L. ~ duties and specialty; writing asrernplay TOIL DIQl. AND *A*I* From 4/96/40 to 7/20/40 8alaryt $100.00 per week. Beasons for leaving; completed assigunont, production postponed.; Sapleyors Twentieth Cant*" Pox Palms. 'Halo of jobs $eresnri '~ Prazt2/3/40to 2/29/40 8a laryt$050. 00 per week.Reasons for leaving; producer preferred a different apprush, ~1tr, Address; West Los Angeles, Calif. II.8.A.. Your duties and specialty: revising screenplay. Sind of business: Notion Pictures. Name of supervisors Sol Weitsal. Snployers lfenogran pictures Corp. Title of lobs deresXWita. I AAdresst 4396 Sunset Sivd., Los Angeles, Calif. V.8.A. r Teat; duties and specialty; writing tation and screenplay 'c~?~,,:;isap.t Missy[ of businesss~;z..a,s:-t Pictures. Name of rrc 7/a/30 to rJ 7 av f.. . $ $150 b OO c 'duties! and sp e.aa y; writing of origins.l ntory TO# D UQ. ~. a r LOGICAL azno (CCI?'D -3- ) t. of * obt $esal Pictures is rs r.si4 V i'v* rsal City, Calif. U.3.L. "Veep duties aM spssialty s writi" eri ssree g (released as U U' TIM ad of Dwinesss Notion Pictures. Nsia* of supervise t Uasons for leavings soapleted assignim nt. hVloyers Republic Productions. Title of jobs iereesawritel. Addresss 40% ladford Ave., Borth Hollywood, Calil. O.B.A. Tour duties and specialtys writing of original story. of businssss lotion Pietures. lea. of supervisors Sorasat, lessons for leavings completed assignment, ixnd of busineses Notion Pictures, lane of supervisors Nab Elms it Your duties and specialtys collaborating on various treatas*t . #rploysrs Nat Levine. 'title of jobs Sore nwriter. addresss 9334 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, Calif, N.$.4. )rca $10/I$/5e to 11,/19/58 Xal s $180.00 per week. (exeept for brief lay-off) *sasons for leavings completed assi ni ent. Mplayers Columbia Pictures Corp. Title of jobs Swomnwrltdre Adds*as# 140 I. Cower, Sollywood+ Calif. II.i.?. Tow latiss- and specialtys writing 1S eenplay SO VjWlo MWW, arnt of ' i Ml, osrlit.l ? clad of bainesas Notion Pictures. lam of super visors Nat i t, 10/17/58 Salarys 180.00 per we jax"pt for trier layoffs1G/18/3 to 11'l lt.tcd~sepa 'ately bel ) (8~/3/g7 to 1*/i7,~3"f) b oson, for leavings completed oontraet; option not Wt". 10 vbs"# 80 Radio Pictures Inc. title of jobs Sareouifttwe Addroess 7BO 4o rev (X.)# Sollywood, 0alir. v. &.A,. an. 81. CHRONOLOGICAL RISTO8Z (CONTOD ?4- ) dut#-a a specialty#f writing sareilay IMAM 1-is t Notion Pica; `'dims of superVi,lip-t Prom 9/6/x8 to 11/97/38 salarys, ?150.00 per week. (on l.oanlout from Columbia Pictures) Reasons for leavings completed assignment and returned to aol These periods were generally spent writing original stories. Ym eri$leet got ,& job. Ny income at that tsar was derived from my father's Uf* insurance. As the above work history would indicate, I have worked very et.sdily since August of 1937, though there have been periods between pictures ranging from one week to two and a halt months. Boasons for leavings completed assignment and returned to 8olmiia~. sas Wr history of employement does not extend bank ten years. I reseivsd sW college degree in June of 1936 and obtained my first loyast 3a August of 1937s at Columbia Fiotures. During the intervening period I resided at 9338 Sunset Plaza Drive and 8505 1.3rd Street, both in Los Angeles, and spent my. time writing original stories and trying b (on loan-out from Columbia Pictures) Frogs. J/3/38 to 2/12/38 $alarys #180.00 per week. ""-......._._--_-?- ftloyers Samuel Goldwyn Inc. Title of jobs Screenwriter. Address; 1041 Y. Formosa,, Hollywood, Calif. Q.S.A. Your duties and specialtys writing Ytreatment. Mind of businesss Notion Pictures. Sams of supervisov 46"en to those already indicated above, I collaborated on the story 2"!`10 !o LAD!, which was sold to N.4.i in June of 1941 for $18,600.00. U*. 22 ,A 'R$$?D 1C1 FOR T~t3 MT -TIN TEARS (COKT*D) thl . ... ?.:' 'iii ip jan advAwyma-lut tt?, Los Angeles, Cal. USA Front Way to '042 'U 1iis~a+-tie a l was, Berkeley, +daltf, ? USA prep t Jas $46 ' lay t" psiorsata pay, Berkeley, Os it, V" Pr got Dos 184. to Jrs.. is tee e)aantting Kay, Berkeley, 0&1 1 f . , USA P r e . I Aug t 14 to, 1,, I M i,.l$ . Lbt4 St., Los Angeles, Cal. USA Trost 1921, to t 113C. S4. OLOtd SOCIETIZ5 AND O?HRR MAIIZA?IONS. (00 *#V) paitod Victory Coamittee (new, I,defeiot ) DU1yrn.d nsaoeratic committee, lbls Cross Roads of the worts 'Nollywoodt Calif, USA iIst1o,al purittais Union, 346 W. 17th St., Pow 'fork City,, l4.# J~h PUS S M14# tswerly Balls Ledge, 000 1. TA Sr.a AI., Los Aag.1. , e -, f i. A 06atttt*. for Oars of Children in Wsrtium, 314 Be Wuirftcid Los Anelao, 04161'. . *M In addition there are a great essay arganiaations to vb1oh I boll " while. still at school, sueh as the $oy Seo+ats of Amoriea, the Roosevelt Sigh lehool World PriendshLp Club, the U.S.C. CbitPtAr. at Pi SsilSa?lbeta, and the W.0. itvtdenta' Rights AssooAsti.ii, # ve-ib qtly 3 ere .ostributed ay note and financial support to 1 .. orgsni1i. s sonsernsd with civil liberties, sash 69.00 ! to AbOUsh the Poll Tax, and to various groups aiding MW vis$ d y tasoiass Ntoh as the Resew Ship Wiasion,, the sailed WP$$ i0",-44 the joint Anti+Tassist Refuges CosmittOs. l0 8 *00 21- a OIOLOGICAL HIBTOHr (oo39r'D -4- "0 duties e.--,A speoialtys writing scree lay =AUT!' FOR, Sind of ?businese t Notion Pictures. Warns of supervisors 86?.linsasn Front 7/5/38 to 8/87/88 Balaryt *160.00 per week. (on loan-out from Columbia Pictures) Reasons for leaving: completed assignment and returned to 0olm6ta. Raployers Samuel Goldwyn Inc. Title of jobs Screenwriter. Addreass 1041 11. Formosa, Hollywood, Calif. N.B.A. Your duties and speoialtys writing xtreatment. Hind of business Notion Pictures. Name of supervisors(Aarson Zama Proms 3,/3/38 to 8/12/38 8alarys $150.00 per week.'-." on loan-out from Columbia Pictures) Reasons for leavings completed assignment and returned to Columbia. ??* My history of employement does not extend back ten years. I received my college degree in June of 1936 and,obtaained my first employment in August of 1937, at Columbia Pictures. During the intervening period I resided at 2388 Sunset Plata Drive and 8505 W.3rd Street, both in .Los Angeles, and spent my time writing original stories and trying to get a job. M income at that time was derived from my father's life insurance. As the above work history would indicate, I have worked very steadily since August of 1937, though there have been periods between pictures ranging from one week to two and a half months. These periods were generally spent writing original stories. In addition to those already ind~ieated above, I collabor..ated on the story TILT V NO LADY', which was sold to N.A.N in June of 1941 for 112,500.00. F SM. 81. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY (CONTID -4- ) Yo ar duties e-. i apecialtys - writing sorer ?lay BUM F0 MV0 WW' . , , Kind of business t Motion Pictures, Name of supervisors B.j.Yins n. Proms 7/5/38 to 8/87/38 Salary, ?160.00 per week. (on loan-out from Columbia Pictures) ? Reasons for leavings completed assignment and returned to Columbia. >ployers Samuel Goldwyn Inc. Title of jobs Screenwriter. Address 1041 M. Formosa, Hollywood, Calif. D.B.A. Your duties and specialtys writing streatment. Sind of business: Notion Pictures. Name of supervisors[ son Kas:in Proms 3/38 to 2/1.2/38 Salary: $150.00 per week. (on loan-out from Columbia Pictures) Reasons for leavings completed assignment and returned to Columbia., r history of employement does not extend back ten years. I received my college degree in June of 1936 and obtained my first employst in August of 1937, at Columbia Pictures. During the intervening period I resided at 2358 Sunset Plata Drive and 8605 M.3rd Street, both in Los Angeles, and spent my time writing original stories and trying to gat a ,obe lift income at that time was derived from my fathers s life insurance. As the above work history would indicate, I have worked very steadily since August of 193?, though there have been per cods between pictures ranging from one week to two-and a half months. These periods were generally spent writing original stories. ~! In addstics to those already indicated above, I collaborates on the story TIAT NA l~ NO LADX, which was cold to M.G.M in June of 1941 for $12;500.00. e~ G; 580? 22. 'RBSID 1C13 FOR THE PAST TZI YEARS (CONT'D) 1180 .:99th. an., Los Angeles, Calif.,UBA rest J%A, 984 '?"LI 618 No Commings St., Los Angeles, Cal. USA Frost Bay '8$ to Jun 133' International Rouse, Berkeley, Calif., USA Frost Jan Dad to May 036 38 lanoramia Way, Berkeley, Calif., USA Front Dso t34 to Jan ts8 9636 Ohanning Way, Berkeley, Calif., USA Proms Aug 134 to Doe 134 618 Cu=sings St., Los Angeles, Cal. USA FrOm 1921 to dug t34 SEC. 24. CLUBS SOCIETIES AND OTBF R (ROANIZATION3 (Co),'T+D) United Citisens Victory Committee (now, I believe,defunot ) Hollywood Democratic Cos ittee, 1818 Cross Roads of the World Hollywood, Calif. USA National Maritime Union, 346 1. 17th St., Now York City, 1.!.t USA Aflat BMW, Beverly Hills Lodge, 700 S. Lin Brea Ave, LOs Angeles,0a1JU Los Angeles Civilian Defense (Air Rant Warden), Outpost Dr., Los Angeles Cel if, USA Comalttie for Care of Children in Wartime, 314 S. Huirfield Los Angeles, Calif., USA In addition there are a great many, organizations to which I belong.! .chile. still at school, such as the Boy Scouts of America, the Roosevelt Sigh School World Friendship Club, the U.S.C. Chapter of Pi Bpstlon Yheta, and the O.G. 8tudentsn Rights Association. More recently I've contributed my name and financial support to various organisations concerned with civil liberties, such as the Committee to Abolish the Poll Tax, and to various groups aiding the victims of fascism, such as the Rescue Ship Mission, the Iziled Writers' Committee, and the Joint Anti.Fasoist Refugee Committee. B. Have you any special knowledge or training with respect to: Soo. 26. Geaeral qualifications (oont'd)_. Motor vehicles? :. ro - Airplanes? No Radio? No Give particulars None t iva _exce't _peerh~s that I am a competent driver. As a professional writer. of many years-experience I am --- Swimming-_ good Seams r_.~hi p-fair Tennis--fair a, result of training or expo2-ienoe, which might fit yon} for* a particular position? Pool--fair History--excellent~~ Classical miisic anpreciation--good Curf'ent Ever:ts --excellent Literature-:excellent Bowlinfair psychology--excellent D. Have you any qualifications, as confident Z can hat;dle any medium of communication, and handle it well. I an, familiar with research techniques and generally can learn what I want to know. I like people C. List all sports and hobbies which interest you; indicate degree of pro- fioienoy in each. Badminton-- 003 Jazz records cod and work with them well. SEC. 27.?Perscn to be.notified in case.of emerency: Narie Sylvia Jarrico Relationship wife Address 727 Linda Flora Dr., -roe Angal,,s~" 4Ca:.if.. U.~>.k . P o. Ci .} ;lute Cent (or c/o Rose Kraus, 929 Lf; Vuelta, Tanta Paula. 011E . , t s e a ,1 4 V 4 1 (oont'd)-? Have yva 'e -ppeoial knowledge or training with respeot to: Motor vehicles? No Airplanes? No Radio? No .Give particulars to give"-except jerhaps that I aIR C. List all 8pbrts and hobbies which interest you; indicate degree of pro-. fieienoy in each. Badminto--good Cards--fair Jazz records --good Pool--fair History--excellent Classical r:nsi r opreciation _. p Current Events--excellent Swimming-mood Literature-.excellent Seaman-ship--fair Bowlin fair Tennis--fair Psyeholop-y -excellent Cinema arts and sciences-exe nt.- gave you o y qualifications, as a result of training or, whim Might fit- rot} for` a particular position? As a' professional writer of many years -experience I am. confident y can nazidle any medium of communication, and r-+-- 77 handle it well. I am femilier with research techniques a generally cF-n lei rn what I want to know. I like 2eo 1- and work with the, well. Relationship 'life Addra 7 7 L mdse Flora Dr. Los Angeles '24 Calif. II $' A. d?'~ir7~ ?: City fi n .a MAIM. (or c'o Rose Kraus, 929 Lq Vuelta, Santa Paula, O&!t., U.S.A. i ," surd you are i*ft .your rat" a that you r 4q 1 ma . &T unfavorable i.noid4nte in your life nbt TWO t ,6R0 eQ in 5uvav%gvsi,~ sg.o~..,6....._.., . _,. - .. _ .._~., ' od` +bii' !lot, which it require explanutioz? If eo, 00r not, answer, "Noy" y I Vw?..Wz the. ereg1P-W ar # _.. kft &nd belief, and I agree that array mieatato;ent If oealsa 4a ~s aro true end correct to the beet -ot.