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Publication Date: 
March 12, 1958
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AL~ FBI INFORI~IATIOId CONTAINED PEII~I IS UNCLASSIFIED /DATE 10-05-2010 BF UC6U;i22LP/PLJ/CC I' ~ i . sozcg~ht aga~'n~b~~rcark Z.liora~^ki,. 2bo_or.~ki_is'_a._natura.Z1?zed_cat,~aen_~vTio ~oardr.:an ;Bc.Ir~orib -. - ~3ran~igari - -a ~'oore ,~~ ~ ee , ~ic3s ~urner~=_ L:, u:, Board~:an ,~o'po~vt~. t.,~.c+~ Fwr ~~JS' ~ ~, c'8 ~i: ~3: ~elroia~. ~'t7G'.r~.Slf ? r"'orthco~ing~ ~ncl fcvraent -o.~ ~~ar1r Zbora~ki ~ i~c i c -~ i- cz i ~ ~. vi i .~ u i ~ ~, - 1~e~~esentativEa of ?the- ~Z7., .S. ~ ~ttto~ne~'?sr'Of~ice"~ -iiz 1'lez~ ,Yorl~ ~ . have? adii,i fed 't7uit eu~dence zai:T1, be'-preseiat ed? to Tie` brand ,,jury thi~s- ~oe~1c 'beginn~rtg?.probabZy .,~%22/58? iind that a? ~ierjury ,indictr.~ent maZ~ be , resent~?y- resitZc_s__ zn ~os~dn._ ?lllftTD iri the. 19,~O1s ;~i Fi'arice? abt?iriing; clad concern'~rig the ~'`rotslcyit~8s:~~` .fie denied. that .ham had acrd as. d .Soviet agent in ;~the,~ 17. S'. ~boro~vslsz ~~ tt:stified before ,tfie ~,^snr~:tec.Tnterra~ ;Security ?Subcoir~ti_ttee: in .arch; ~' :1956,',and.fzirnished~.7icisz.cri~.iy the 4sar.~e tnforz7?tort ~hach _he; 7xad given' ~ the Brt~~du.. R~ .obtained? bon~sidercible ,'~.a~ .resul't.of".thzs ~ '. _ _ - '4.. ~ n n ~ n n.n.n ~n.n.n.n ~.~.n.ti.n.n.n.n.~.n.n.n.n..ti~~ n~ ~_ n.n.n r - - 1954,- and aienaed anzl ,cor^?^~urtis~ or~-espionuge. ac~iv~ty. ~or~euer, in ~.?.. subsequent iri'tervi.ervs he ~adraitted?,havng ca~ri,ed" out. ass.tgnnients for? tfae~ ~X'raasr,.uch ias- J'ac7~ ,'"ob~.e "hcsd to~d;~~oris iiorros~ that Sborou~ski r~,, uaas a' Soviet ~?agent, ,Zliarou~ski uxas ?ca.Z.led, ~IiefQre the -F.ederaZ.-Grand Jura ~' cansiderin~; the .~'o~r~~?? case in. February, z957s. at which biz~e. hey denied' ~ ~_ .)snoaaing SobZe and: denied he tiad -ewer" ?furnish'ed inforr;ation to hint. ~_ . .~fter?-TaC1r ~'obYe, pleacZed; gzialty, '4/1%~~'a. Jze. ~~d~iised. ghat he~:laad been ~t? introduced? ~ta ~bar9wsk:i` ~b~ a Sov~i,e~ affz~ial' .tri. 294? an~ :directed . ~ y.~ ' Sbororosltz ~s. rtc t'i v~ t z es ant z,Z ~earZ y X945 -ib7ten . h?e ? turnei# him: nve .. to r another `~;ovie.t? .a,~'ficital.. ,ge o~tcsined- -3nforMdbxoii~~~.concerr_cing i ot3k~i,te'~ activi tjes~,and'.rrade?~r"eguZar ,payr.7ents to =Slioro.r~ski. ? . _ ~ ~'~ ta,~an ~e~-~35~,383'. I1lchol~ Belmont - bfohz' , _ ~.~....._ Parsons ? - - Rosea - _ _ ' 'Tomcr - , -trotter IJeose . Holloman" ' ' 2,386 .~Tac~ abZ.e} ~~ .l D~-3 6 8682 (~.arFr ~Zb? ` zas 5-5 kt )~ rrrr ~ Y C AhT (12?.X~sYr~l~~ (b)(1) (b)(3) ~Ieriorandui~ f6r .~. -Y: Boardrian'- -.xoo:.35'2.385 - ~.~ocaee ,Possibtl hies o.~'' other. Proseet~t'ion,~ ~2'here? ~have~ been no .recent ehanges? ~oith regard ~o Jane arzd , -George- .~.lato~slsi and Alfred ar}d? 1~dr~thd Ste~r~ aZZ o,~`' ~hori are'? under ;t~ictrrent Yn 1're~r??York. ~'he ~Zatov~rkis rer~a~n in France. ar~ci the sterns. were Iact lrribrurt to ke? i?n ~tascora: 3'here ~t~ no a'nd~catioh th?~ ariy ?of ~ther.3?-?wi;~1 ever` return to ~the? 'U: ~S':, -- :admited .furnfsliine .falae~ ~~fothrtdc~~on dur~nd~ b~ jive _adrti,tt~d .~~~~~~-r~d~. ~urna~sh _~u~cY~nt aq~ bo~atiori to? sup~or~.t ,prgsecutzan - - xX X xXXX XX XX XXXX ~i arr_"a~_ -ed~ by.~ :their-.attorne,y;;_ _ ~~~~~~~ .~~ -;s be.I'ieved t~lutt??~ b3 contrary ~o theft` ~vrevious, testtmoizy before th~~ grand jury. ~Z'hYs;- of ~anurse,~ rsa~~?make the?~ r~ub,~act to prosecution. ~'he ~.fntcruie~gs 'are, aonttnuing', hor~e~er~ and -~~n: the event they provide irz~orrsat8a'ri? whicla~ roou:Id~~ass,i3t? in `pro,3eciitio~t a,~'~ other ~sicbjects ?at ~s' considered poss~ib~?e' that U: ~~: A~ttorneyfs D,~fiae and the~Departmeri't'-r~ay:c6naid8r po~t~ o,~' ~'zor,~ :hdtsa been identif`i'ed enoe ?gents: - ~ - I~~~ as:.nQt 'kn~rcn` to~iether-tie. U. ,~'. Attornerj~~ Q.~'.~YQe. ?YVi,I1 ' reset~t'~ev~ _~_n'ce to_ the g'~and_j;ury coricern;znq ..p~r~o~s other ';than. ~gatton ~dncd 'appearance: ~e,~orc~~he ~rartnt jury: a aerr.:an ?c3t?izen ~~aho ~ts present.~y oonnected faith. the ` y ,_o.vernment~ df Y3er.1?in, has ~,b.een' ~d~nt'i~fied. by J'ahan:ia?,B,eker'- as. ,one o,~ tioo` emp~Qye,es of the. .bf~fce~ ~,of .~t;~a-tegf~o' ~'erv~c'es~.~ror~?~r~~i~m~.sFiQ~ abtczirier~ i7afornactio'ri~-c~urina~ ~the.:Z940~s dtnt~ ?iitxsseni tr~? fJr:._ '1?rihi?r' f :S'A R~P_ ~nterncz~ 5'e'curftu?_ tu' ~ h~ .Depa~tiriert~~~fs- pres~nt~'~~ atte~Ft'~n to arrange fa?"~~~~~ - - - .;Jto' eanc' to :th~~'' ' t "i ?ii2tsrro~~': s -be preser~ted~ to ~vhe graizd- .jury ;unit tx .suoh, t,zme as t~i~? ~ matter Chas been? resod pied: - ~ - - - - - - b3 ro a , ~; ere,~are, nat ~ he case czgafnst , ~ ~_' -~na~ - I`, . ~ .,. .. - - . .