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Publication Date:
January 12, 1962
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12 JAN. 1962
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/06 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000500100001-0
A I 1 rJ 17_3 1-="1 r-1 f -1-71-1- F-1
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/06 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000500100001-0
1. Congo
A. Gizenga has reversed himself and
now says be will go to Leopoldville
to face parliamentary charges: This
came after General Lundula called his
hand and threatened to put him under
arrest and after advice from the
Egyptians and Yugoslays to give up.
He may still try to wriggle away--he
seems to have a genuine fear of meeting_
Lumumba's fate if he goes to- Leopold-
ville--but whatever he does, his political
position is now badly crippled.
B. The UN disclaims any intention of
rocking the boat in Katanga by resuming
military operations, but insists that
Tshombe's mercenaries must go and, like
Tshombe, is continuing military prepara-
tions against the possibility of a
breakdown in the reconciliation effort.
C. Tshombe, who has asked Brazzaville
? for information on a plane, is apparent-
ly about to make another trip abroad,
dPstinatinn and purpose as yet unknown.
He is also sending a ? 50X1
special emissary to Washington for
explanations of the Katangan position.
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I _1
r 4 ri rJ FEEl Li r I r 1 Li r f- .71 I I
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2. Initial Bloc reaction Comment so far has been sparse in
on State of the Union volume but the outlines of the re-
action are emerging: emphasis on the
points having greatest propaganda
interest for them, i.e., the prospects
for negotiations on Berlin, US un-
employment,, recession fears, illiteracy
and high US military expenditures.
While the latter came in for criticism
along familiar lines, as did the absence
of specific proposals on Germany, Berlin,
nuclear weapons and disarmament, the
President's expressed hope for ,a nego-
tiated settlement on Berlin was nearly
always noted and cast in a favorable
3. Portugal
A. Lisbon's threat to quit:. the UN will
be tested when the Angolan issue comes
up again in the General Assembly, prob-
ably some time next week. The Afro-
Asians intend to give the Portuguese
the full treatment. Meanwhile, the
Angolan nationalists fortified during
the rainy-season lull in the fighting
by military training provided by the
Algerian rebels and the promise of
Tunisian arms help,are making plans for
the resumption of hostilities. '
B. Portuguese security officials have,
backed off from their claim that the
unsuccessful New Year's Day uprising
was an isolated action.
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4. Albania
5. OAS developments
f I
A. A noticeable thaw in Greek-Albanian
relations has resulted from the talks
which took place between them late last
month on Tirana's initiative. One out-
come has been Albania's agreement to
repatriate the roughly 500 Greek nationals
who ended up on the other side of the
border during the Greek Civil War,
A. The Argentine military are trying
hard to get Frondizi to ;stiffen up on
Cuba, but Embassy Buenos Aires reports
that Frondizi is keeping them off balance
by spreading the notion that he and
President Kennedy have everything worked
B. Chile, after much sounding of senti-
ment in and out of the hemisphere
(including Canada, France, Great Britain,
the Vatican and Yugoslavia), as of now
favors a strongly worded resolution
declaring that Cuba has placed itself
Outside the inter-American system, but
does not intend to back diplomatic and
economic sanctions.
C. Arosomena continues to proclaim
Ecuador's opposition to Sanctions, and
there seems to be little chance of a
shift before the Punta del Este meeting.
However, his position is drawing a hail
of criticism from the center and right
and is shaping up as a key domestic
political issue.
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r-'r r- r ri7-7-71 r ir r
!Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/06 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000500100001-0
6. Indonesia
D. Colombia, dead set against any
modification of its resolution, hopes
to get the necessary 14 votes by?bring-
ing either Uruguay or Bolivia around.
A. Peiping is sending a team of medical
personnel and medical equipment to
Indonesia to back up its offer of
support in the New Guinea issue.
B. Sukarno called off at the last
minute the ceremony he had laid on for
the presentation of the President's
helicopter gift.
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jt1 17-1 F-71 r?A r-7-71 r 1 F=1 17-1 r r7=71
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/06 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000500100001-0
A. Opening of the meeting of the three princes has been set for
next Monday.
their strategy will be to confront the conference with the
argument that it is competent to deal only with the inter-
national aspects of the Laotian problem such as neutraliza-
tion and foreign troop withdrawals not with questions con-
cerning formation of a government.
B, The East Germans are building what could become custom sheds
at 4 of the present Berlin sector crossing points. This may
be a preliminary to the elimination of the remaining 3
crossing points and to the establishment of new procedures
designed to back their claims to sovereignty over East Berlin.
Charges in the Soviet press yesterday of increased traffic
through the checkpoints by subversives looks like further
C. The fact that two Burmese air force pilots have been assigned
to Indonesia for training in Soviet MIG aircraft could be the
ti off that purchase of Bloc equipment is in the mill.
This would be the first Bloc deal of any
impor ance on the part of the Burmese, who have also been
trying to obtain US aircraft.
D. Moscow is staying well ahead of Peiping in the competition
for the loyalty of the Latin American Communist parties.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/06 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000500100001-0
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/06 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000500100001-0