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Publication Date:
February 5, 1962
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5 FEB. 1962
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000500300001-8
ED t F-1 r i r-1 r_ -I LED LEA 1ZA
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1. Laos
, a. Efforts to arrange a cease-
fire at Nam Tha have So far been fruit-
leSS. Souvanna and SouphannoUVong are
demanding that Phoumi!S Military
representatives must-come to:them in
the Plaine des Jirres and put An agree-
ment in writing before a ceise.4irel
can take place, the latter a condition:
which Phoumi has so far refused to
b. Despite Souvannas disavowal
of intent to take Nam Tha; rebel forces,
are poised to do just that. A message.
from his headquarters to field forces
on -Saturday said, "You are to join
up with the Pathet Lao in attacking
Nam Tha and surrounding area...We
shall bring military pressure to bear
to precipitate the princely meeting
at Luang Prabang.". Orders have also
gone out for attacks on Phoumi forces
at other points. 50X1
c. Mound has, meanwhile, re-
inforced his garrison at Nam Tha
contrary to, our advice.
d. ThoMpson's representations in
Moscow have not developed any explidit
assurances from.. the Soviets on the use
of their influence in the situation.
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rTIl U I E=1 1E71 I_ A [1 F-1 [1 L A E1 Li EI LO
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2. Indonesia
3. Argentina
a. The Indonesian government has
expressed regret over this morning's
attack on our embassy. in Djakarta by
a rock-throwing mob of about 100, and
has sent .a squad of soldiers to the
spot to control the crowd which is
still milling around the building.
The demonstration, protesting against
our granting of overflight rights for
Dutch troops, was Communist-instigated.
Ambassador Jones believes that the
Communists hope to get us tocancel
the Attorney General's visit.
Although it has been officially
denied in Buenos Aires, there are good
indications that the Argentine military
leaders did, in fact, extract a signed
promise from Frondizi during their
Friday meeting that he would break,
with Cuba by February 10. How they
took his subsequent speech justifying
his stand at Punta del ?Este is not
cettain; they have schednled a meeting
on that subject for today. In any
case, they remain suspicious of Frondizi's
good faith and the episode will stay
open until he carries through.
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r I_ r- --1 r- I r= riii 1-7-7.1 17,1
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4. Left and right squaring
off in Ecuador
The possibility of a preemptive
move by the leftists in anticipation
of Arosemena's overthrow by the military
is growing. The military, still deter-
mined to force Arosemena to move away
from the left or get out, are, however,
delaying action because of indecision
on whether they should try to arrange
a constitutional succession to Arose-
mena, in the person of Vice President
Varea, or set up an interim military
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r?", 1=3 I= Ma3 r"--4 !EM1 EMS1 EMS IM;1
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A. Principal Soviet -commentator on the Berlin crisis writes in
Izvestia that the Tbompson-Gromyko talks are futile and that
Moscow should now dicker directly with Bonn.
B. As Ambassador Merchant sees it, Punta del Este has produced
this reaction in Canada:, support for our policy toward Cuba
has 'dwindled even further; Ottawa is more chary than ever about
association with the OAS.
C. Tshombe has made a new proposal to UN representatives in the
Congo on the mercenary question. He now suggests thatethe UN
and Katanga establish two joint civilian-military commissions
to see that all mercenaries are ousted, again with a one-month
time limit.
D. A fairly important policy conference of some kind is in progress
in Hanoi. A number of North Vietnamese AMbassadors?including,
it appears, those to Moscow and Peiping?have been called home
to take part, and we would expect the Sino-Soviet issue, on
which Hanoi has shaded,towArd Peiping, to figure on the agenda,
along with the situation in Southeast Asia. 50X1
E. Salazar, in a bitterIy anti-American mood, intends toputahigh
price tag on renewal of the Azores base agreement.
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i-----1 1-- r rIffTh
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H. MIG jets seem to be
military agreement
may also get some anti-aircraft missiles
the major item in the new Soviet-Finnish
The Finns 50X1
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