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November 2, 1962
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tg r-T! 1=g F-4 r-41 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 THE PRESIDENT'S INTELLIGENCE CHECKLIST ISSUED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2 NOVEMBER 1962 -1-019-5-EGRU__ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 r- r I iI1 r r r r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 USSR-Cuba LATE ITEM 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease 201-5/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 1. Cuba missile sites a. Yesterday's photography shows the offensive missile sites being closed down and the equipment removed. b. The missiles and basic launch- ing equipment have been removed from all of the MRBM launch areas; C2171011? nage has been taken down, and support vehicles are assembled for movement. c. Construction at the IRBM sites has stopped,and some of the installations at Guanajay have been destroyed. Work on the probable nuclear warhead bunkers has also ceased. d. Further progress was noted, however, in assembly of IL-28 bombers at San Julian airfield. 2. Cuba a. Both Castro and his speech last night were below par. b. Castro was nervous and hesi- tant during the major part of the talk devoted to reading from a transcript of his meetings with U Thant and to rationalizing the removal of the missile bases. (Cont'd) r- - TL- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 cz-zi r r-77-1. r-7-71 r?.71 L-77:1 r-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 c. He acknowledged that the Soviet decision to remove the strategic missiles "gave us some reason for discontent." But, he said, Cuba respected the decision "since these weapons were not under our command." He added, Cuba and the USSR are still friends, and differences would be ironed out "in the light of reason and principle" since the important fact is "we are Marxist-Leninists." d. He emphasized Cuba was not being disarmed inasmuch as all but the strategic weapons would remain. "Some time ago," he said, the USSR had cancelled Cuban arms debts. e. Castro reiterated his five demands for assuring Cuba's security, stressing particularly the need to evacuate Guantanamo. f. Interestingly, the chief of Cuba's Prensa Latina bureau at the UN says that Castro's demand for evacuation of Guantanamo was "for the historical record" only, and the real Cuban need is for normali- zation of economic relations with the US. g. (Cont'd) 50X1 50X1 50X1 For The President Only?Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 -- iE= Ea Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 attest to a continuing decline in Soviet and Cuban prestige among Latin American and pro-Castro groups as a result of the events of the past week0 j. the mood of the Cuban people are agreed that pessimism and depression prevail. 1. Through it all, we have noted only minor, scattered sabotage activity.. 50X1 50X1 QUA] 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved .fOr Release 2015/07/53 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 50X1 t 1 c=1 L=1 c=7.1 ET E 3 EL 4 LLA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 3. Cuba-- a. We think the return of bloc offensive weapo s and support equip.=. shipping ment to the USSR will require some twenty to twenty-five ships. Five to eight of these must have special hatches to accommodate the surface- to-surface missiles. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201E/07/2'3 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 !IL -1r ir-liElilr--it=o-7-71r---=Iforr. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 4. Cuba - Communist China b. Support from the Chinese may turi, out to be more than hot air. Declassified in Part - Sanitized?Copy?lApp?roved for Reneasle 2015/07/23: CIAIRDP79T00936A001100290001-3 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 5. USSR a. Another multiple missile launching involving a nuclear detona- tion/ I zoccurred yesterday. b. This is the third test in the past ten days of what we believe to be nuclear effects on elements of anti-missile systems. d. Two nuclear tests in the atmosphere were carried out yesterday; lat Semipalatinsk, at and the other Novaya Zemlya. e. After three previous failures (one list week and two last year) the Soviets managed to eject a Mars probe Into trajectory yesterday. f. If successful, it will arrive next June in the vicinity of Mars where, Moscow says, it is to take pictures of Mars' surface and relay them to earth. 50X2 50X1 50X2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201-5"/07/53 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 czo tma Ema Co- r?i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 6. USSR ? a. We now have firmer word that the forthcoming Soviet party plenum will examine "all means of improving the performance of industry, including the Liberman proposals." c. Presumably to prepare the way for this meeting, we have noted the publication late in September of a previously unknown draft of Lenin's Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government. d. The thesis of this work is that the USSR must use the experience of capitalist countries and adopt efficient production methods developed in the West. e. These include greater autonomy for factories, piece- work incentives, employment of Western experts as consultants and managers,and the organization of labor on the basis of "scientific management principles." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015707/25 : CIA:RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 50)(1 Isma r---4 ra Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 7. Yemen 8, West Germany c. Reports out of Cairo are that UAR Marshal Amer's trip to Yemen last week was occasioned by grumbling among Egyptian officers there over the mounting number of casualties to UAR troops. d. We have no good information on casualties yet, but fighting is getting hotter in the north. Declassified in Part - Sanitized -Copy?AppiToved-fOr Release 2015707/23: CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 50X1 50X1 50X6 C- I i? r=-1 17 1 L=J E 7:1'71 t r-- - 1 i=m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 9. Cambodia - South Vietnam a. New incidents along the Cambodia-South Vietnam border have brought the two countries to the edge of a break in relations. b. Cambodia charges that two South Vietnamese planes strafed a Cambodian border village last week, killing several people. This incident prompted Cambodia's "second warning"--a reference to Sihanouk's statement in September that he would tolerate only two more South Viet- namese acts of aggression before breaking relations. (Cont d) 50X6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 CZI 1=2 E=1 ra =3 =3 =3 Ema aM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 c. In a subsequent incident, two intruding Cambodian planes were fired on and chased back by South Vietnamese fighters. d. These are the first air encounters in the long history of border trouble between the two countries. e. They will make Sihanouk even more determined to obtain an international commitment to guarantee Cambodia's territorial integrity and neutrality. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201.5/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 r- A r r 3111 1 1-1 I if it IF if Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3 10. Laos e. Phoumi is pretty well convinced now that the Pathet Lao have no interest in the coalition government or a unified Laos. He feels they are only waiting for a pretext to enable them to blame himself or Souvanna for a breakup of the coalition. I-1 50X1 50X1 50X1 .1. I ??? ? I . i . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A001100290001-3