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Document Release Date: 
October 4, 2017
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Publication Date: 
October 6, 1956
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* SEG= Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C06687232 _ B OCT 1956 fl9tyDisturterflutodligeme e d. Solostitic Satellite Prograus 5520 1. The following le in roply to Furr request: for comemarts au 'Ms Anent of Woes. Pewees Report (ctober, )?, 1956) on the ages subject to the National Seewity Conwcii. this Offieeic esrvad prisorily with the staemni objective of the roc action i.e, the prestige and metelogical benefits that would &elm. tia this anmeothei, eat folicring intallipmcce isformatioa en the ftviet proves is sowlied as possible use to you. 2. la April 18t% the Ma exestamed the fernation of the Panama Intiesegency Commissice fer leiterplemtlary Cosoculicatione. There is other evidamm, tecesemso that this: Commlosion Tess aniateace at least es Gov ete the fell of 1954.. The above public anneron.t ropresented the first official indication that the MI was actively engaging In the problems associated with the launching of =Ala satellite veiliale, as cm of the latuta teaks of this Commission use otate4. to be the orgenisation of work for the creation of au wieuttecatiew laboretory for seloctitio mass:rob of eater ewe. Fellmang the tr. 4. lead in snit* potato annotecomaante of spool:la earth satellite patrol inteatlaas, the MIL hues *bee late l955. released to the mew toommus statements amawning their Intentions to lemob sateUttes daring a tine pealed which serraocade to the laf. their etatements have heen interpreted as re. an int. to c vitt al4 farozwei utp4in the L 8.preivem WM respect to both t Mae end weight of the inetrasented nese section. On Use basis of the Soviet estimated &Mod egtebtaith ve belimas the wit poatfesew, the basic technicalcapatellitiee skills and o resoureee required to develops tend and orbit an slessered ealtellIte walla*. The $1030.1112Ata, orbiting of snob a eshiale ravairas solving sew of the ease acientitie and tectrdeal problems as soctmeatered leng-range bdUatisissiles. We beilesm that The wiUhe a major offert to he the first conotry to whit en earth satellits. We farther believe it has the capeibility of orbitimi SIAM vehicle in early 1957, which could amprire edentitic intormation cad data of united mailitary team. satellite posemusing c' Uitteo of militery vane could probably be orbited th the period Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C06687232 Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C06687232 2 Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C06687232 EO 13526 3.5(c) EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs