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Publication Date: 
February 23, 1961
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/24 C00132755 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY REVIEW NR CIA HISTORICAL REVIEW PROGRAM RELEASE AS SANITIZED 1997 CUBA High Cuban officials have on severalreeentl:occasions pub- licly expressed willingness to resume "normal" relations with the United Stated, although these statements clearly imply prior acceptance by the United States of Cuba's ties with the bloc. The controlled press and radio contrast Cuba's "concilia- tory gestures" with what they interpret as increasing signs of US intransigence. The Castro regime is, court- ing the newly inaugurated Quadros administration in Brazil, but there are indications that Quadros thus far prefers a neu- tral position and that the Bra- zilian military would strongly oppose close ties with Cuba. Cuban media have lauded Quadros for his "indppendence" of the US, and Fidel Castro on 16 Feb- ruary spent several hours with the departing Brazilian ambas- sador, Vasco Leitao da Cunha-- "23 Feb 61 the first time in over a year he is known to have talked alone with a Western diplomat. The ambassador, who left later the same day to assume :the second most influential post in Brazil's Foreign Ministry, told the Brazilian press on his return home that "Fidel Castro empha- sized to me that Cuba cannot withdraw from the American com- munity" and that Castro expects President Quadros to visit Cuba shortly. Leitao da Chnha was one of the more knowledgeable diplo- mats during his nearly three years in Havana, and it is doubt- ful that he succumbed to Castro's ! blandishments: his private re- port to high Brazilian officials will probably be pessimistic concerning Cuban developments. Quadros, who visited Cuba last year as a presidential candidate, is not known to have expressed an intention to return. WEEKLY REVIEW 23 Feb 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 12 of 26 Page 1 of 10 Approved for Release: 2017/01/24 C00132755 Approved for Release: 2017/01/24 C00132755 :13)(1) (b)(1) (b)(1) CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY REVIEW Other Brazilian offiCials are known to be pessimistic on the prospects of mediating US- Cuban differences. The first secretary of the Brazilian Em- bassv in Havana ] expressea Ine pellet txiaC Lhe Guevara's 22 January speech had implied that Cuba no longer belongs to the Western world and, in effect, linked any settlement of US- � Cuban differences East-West A Ecuador's attempts to pro- mote an inter-American effort to "conciliate US-Cuban differ- ences" appear to have met with little favorable response. The Castro's.regithe!s,;enthusiastic endorsement: 60 .E.uador4v:effort7 was apparently urisIgneo to encourage any Latin American move that could be used to demonstrate "US intrans- igence." Castro's recent threat to support antigovernment groups in other Latin American coun- tries--in retaliation for US aid to Cuban refugees--has led to bitter anti-Castro reactions 23 Feb 61 23 Feb 61 elsewhere in the hemisphere and serves to undercut Cuban efforts to appear desirous of maintaining normal relations with other hem- isphere countries. Cuba's recognitionof the Gizenga regime in the Congo on 16 February was accompanied by propaganda blasts at the United States, as well as at the UN and Belgium, equaled in virul- ence only by Communist China's. Inside Cuba, government forces continue to. try to liquidate anti-Castro guerrilla forces in the Escambray Moun- tains of Las Villas Province, but there is still no indication that the operations are nearing success. It has been over six months since the government initiated this effort and nearly two months since it. announced the launching of a J'malor of- fensive."_ the Castro forces have succeeded during the past week in capturing several air- drops of arms and supplies in- tended for the guerrillas. . 'ATthough-large'-scale land- ing. in Oriente-Rrovince':bYr anti-Castro'groups-have been-re-'t ported in the US Dress'. no reference_to them. -- con- *----- tinuing ac.s or sabotage in Oriente as well as other prov- inces. WEEKLY REVIEW SPECIAL ARTICLES Approved for Release: 2017/01/24 C00132755 (b)(1) (b)(1) (b)(3) Page 13 of 26 PaaA 1 of 10 NR