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Publication Date: 
October 22, 1958
PDF icon SUSPECTED SABOTAGE OF A G[15687173].pdf194.23 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C00193330 -- � E, 1.37C 713 C D IV T 22 October 1958 TO 2 CO, Hq 66th CIO Group, USAREUR ATTN: S3 Section, OE Division FROM s T.C. Hughes, G2 USAREUR Ln Off., OCA, American Embassy, APO 80 SUBJECT: Suspected Sabotagepfta German Freighter in HA4BURG Harbor t314�T COPY AVAILABLE 1. Reference is made to our report of 10 October 1958, SUBJECT as above, which furnished to your :Headquarters and the other recipients of this correspondence a report of the sabotage of the FRG motor ship M. S. ATLAS in HAMBURG harbor on 1 October 1958. 2. With transmittal of the above-referenced report, we also directed to the recipients an SG, BKA reqtxeet;Or information as to whether aPY incidents of sabotage of shipping similar to those means apparently employed on the M. S. ATLAS were known to American security or intelligence agencies. Replies to this query are for the most part still outstanding. Nevertheless, the SG has come to us again with a further request for information and has asked that it be handled as a matter of some urgency. The present request concerns past published reports pertaining to the existence of training schools for marine sabotage in the Soviet Zone of Germany. The specific reports concerned are as follows: a. From an article published in the 5 September 1951 issue of the German weekly newsmagazine "Der Spiegel": "The question remains: How did WILWEBER (notes Ernst WOL/WEBER, the Communist marine sabotage expert ands until recently, Secretary for State Security in the GDR) find qualified replacements for his former colleagues after 1945 in order to build up a new sabotage group which could be trained sufficiently to operate on the former pattern? "Forty kilometers from the slip installation at the Peoples Wharf in STRA1SUND, where a few months previously WOLIWEBER let the first ocean going ship of the east zone republic down the ways, there is located near the LADEB04 air field the former property of a one-time farm owner. At the entrance hangs today ia metal sign: "Technical School s4 the Transport Ministry ("Fachschule des Verkehrsministeriums"), Marine Transport Department ("Abteilung Schiffahrt"). The students: specially chosen FDJ functionaries, but'including foreigners with a northern accent and an active cadre of former non-commissioned officers and sergeants of the BRAMENBURG Division. feir v-r/44_ 90 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C00193330 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C00193330 e0I`IF 1_D E. NT/ AL 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE _ "Department Chiefs Dr. KOENIG, former "Sonderfiehrer (S)" and instructor of the so-called "Kuestenjaeger-Abteilung (Coastal Troops Division)", special troops of the BRANDENBURGr Division. "On behalf of Counter Intelligence Department II ("Abwehrab- teilung II") of the Supreme High Command (01S4) Dr. KOENIG, of Baltic origin, was training an elite group on the grounds of the Chemical- Technical Reich's Institute in BERLIN-Tegel; this group was to undertake essentially the sane thing as WOLIWEBER's people; sabotage and explosion of shipping. "About this a former member of the Coastal Troops ("Kuesten- jaeger"), whose first action consisted of a successful attack against an Allied transport in the Italian port BARI in the summer of 1944, had the following to say: A saboteur must himself bring the explosive charge to the ship. He can hardly smuggle more than four pounds of explosive on board without being detected. He must place this amount so effectively that the blast of the explosion destroys the boilers and the succeoding boiler explosion severely damages the ship. "Because, however, it was exceedingly difficult in hostile areas to smuggle explosives on board without detection, Dr. KOENIG de- veloped, in cooperation withthe Physics-Technical Reich Institute, a particular apparatus: the underwater-ring-attachment charge. It consists of an eighty pound heavy, hollow metal ring filled with explosives. The diameter of the ring was approximately 1,50 meters. "To its underside eight magnets were attached. They held the explosive charge tightly to the outer skin of the ship to be blown up. The explosion, which was detonated by a clock-work fuse, blew a round section out of the ship's hull. The "Kuestenjaeger" was equipped with a swim vest in order to permit him to tow three ring-charges at one time. "The magnets were strong enough to hold the charge even when the ship was underway. The detonation usually resulted on the high seas, upon proper adjustment of the fuse, rather than in the harbor. "'Kuestenjaeger' instructor Dr. KOENIG also remained true to his field after the war. As a member of former "Kuestenjaeger" in western Germany are aware, he guided a number of his former comrades to LADEBCW near GREIFSWALD. From there they write recruiting letters to western Germany such as this: "You were also well taken care of with us and Dr. KOENIG. We are living here in a villa. We receive good pay and good food -- on Sundays at least chicken with rice." CPIYFIDZN7-/AI._ tiOg � Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C00193330 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C00193330 Cilif IDEIY7 IAL 3 b. From a pamphlet "From Bomb Mechanic to State Secretary (Vom Hoellenmaschinisten sum Staatssekretaer) published in 1253 BONN by the "Freiheit Action der Jugend": "It was also mentioned that these agents were sometimes brought in as supposed refugees from the GDR after they had been thorou- ghly trained at WCIIWEBER's special schools. These schools train the experts in the intelligence and sabotage agencies. After special courses at the KARI MARX HOCHSCHTIE in KIEINMACHNCV near BERLIN the participants in the course go to LADSWAID. At this former university farm close by the fis6er village MK exists since recently a "Technical School of the Transport Ministry ("Fachschule des Verkehrsminist7M7677- --Marine Transport Department (*Abtelivng Schiffetrto").--"Thtra;:however, one-don not IDIFfi-h&-trabil5Ort services -in-t-he-ODR can be improved but rather how one effectively destroys foreign ships, wharfs and harbor installations, however one 'salts" bunker coal withexplosives and whether explosives with delayed fuzes are suitable for this or for that purpose. Whoever proves himself in LADEBOW as particularly adept may reckon with attendance at a course in GOLDBERG or WARIN where the last refinements for assignments abroad are taught. On the island GOLDBERG in the northern section of the SCHWERINER SEE --- MARIN is about 20 kilometers to the east and serves a similar purpose with similar means - there is a barracks camp for approximately 175 students and numerous full and part time instructors under Ernst BRUNDERT, a former merchant marine officer and member of the KPD since 1923. Hare there are models of different types of ships and harbor installations and at least 100 foreigners - to say nothing of the Germans -- have been trained during the last year as sabotage specialists." 44, 3. Withreference to these articles the Security Group is speci- fically askingt gle a. Is there any information available to U.S. security and 4Itt. 4or intelligence services which would tend to confirm, supplement, or refute the allegations contained therein? b. Is it possible to identitrDr. (fnu) KOENIG, former 4 "Sonderfuehrer" and alleged instructor of sabotage troops at LADEBOW? (See the foregoing for all available information re KOENIG.) c. Is it possible to identify Ernst BRUNDERT, allegedly a sabotage instructor at a sabotage school on the island GOLDBERG? .6k9 es/F11-)41, / 41. (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C00193330 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C00193330 � a IN tz ENT d. /f there is information available to confirm the existence of these alleged sabotage training schools in the GDR, are the identities of any students who may have attended them known to American agencies? 4. The recipients of this correspondence are requested to check their records for any available information pertaining to the foregoing and to furnish such information if available, to this office for delivery to the SG, BKA. Negative replies are also requested. Copies to: 0A0ofS, G2 USAREUR, APO 403 ATTN: CI Branch CINCNELM Representative, Germany APO 757 Legal Attache, Embassy, ATTN: Mr. G.A. Van Noy OSI Liaison Element, OCA, BONN ATTN: Mr. C.L. Martin DAD, liaison Element, OCA, BONN ATTN: Mr. Schmitz S-f te3 cko Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C00193330